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Showing 59 results for Peyman

Volume 2, Issue 3 (9-2014)

Determining landslide size could be a difficult and expensive task. In this research, size parameters of 142 landslides recognized in Tajan River Basin, northern Iran, have been assessed. The dataset was prepared through the extensive field surveys and using the satellite imagery available via Google Earth. Dependence between landslides area (A-m2), volume (V-m3), and depth (D-m) was appointed by the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) at 0.05 and 0.01 levels. Then, the relation between the area and volume variables has been investigated using 10 curve estimation (CE) models. Coefficient of determination (R2), F statistic, and RMSE were calculated to compare the models with each other. Results showed that the power law fit the data better than other CE models. Although, the quadratic and cubic relationships have represented high R2 and low RMSE, they have resulted negative estimated volumes, and also their F statistic is less than its value in power law. To achieve a better result, the estimated volumes were compared with the observed ones using paired test. Results indicated that the estimated volumes were in conformity with the observed ones and there was no statistically significant difference between them (R2=0.801, sig=0.633). Although, the estimated depths were significantly different from the observed ones. The mean depth was estimated 5.5 m which was close to mean of the actual depths (5.53 m).

Volume 4, Issue 1 (1-2016)

Aim: Decades named preventing injuries decade. The most sensitive and vulnerable persons against diseases and accident, especially accidental falls are children. This study aimed to determine the application of the Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) in predicting preventive behaviors from children's accidental falls (AFs) in mothers with children less than 3 years old referred to the health centers of Mashhad City.
Methods: This cross-sectional study included 140 mothers who were selected from the health centers of Mashhad City according to the inclusion criteria of the study and by cluster and systematic sampling. The instruments for data collection were valid and reliable questionnaires of demographic information, a self-administered questionnaire that is assumed to examine the structures of PMT and preventive behaviors from CAFs and were analyzed with SPSS 20. Pearson & Spearman, one way ANOVA correlation coefficient and linear regression were applied together to analyze the data.
Findings: The mean age of the subjects was 27.42+5.07 years. The results also showed that there were statistically significant relationships between the perceived susceptibility and protection motivation and preventive behaviors from CAFs (P<0.001). Based on regression analysis, preventive behaviors from CAFs using the structures of protection motivation was generally 66%.
Conclusion: The results showed that the mother‟s sensitivity and knowledge about preventive behaviors from CAFs were low. The findings of this study can be useful for designing educational interventions for prevention of CAFs by health authorities.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (summer 2023)

Aims: In Tehran, which is a city born in the modern era and is always open to immigration, establishing a meaningful relationship between the urban space/architectural bodies and citizens has been one of the most important design and planning challenges. The demographic structure and buildings undergo dramatic changes at a high speed, and citizens find fewer points of support to recreate themselves and their memories with them.
Methods: Research paradigm is interpretive and the approach is quantitative. The collected data through a survey study is analyzed with statistical tests. Data analysis is done through descriptive-analytical research design and the validity of the research model has been measured thorough exploratory factor analysis.
Findings: In the dimension of “spatial practice”, “physics and the structure of space” followed by “the structure of signs”, have gained the most points. The respondents are able to understand the relationships of the components and the language that conveys the meanings in experienced spaces. In the dimension of “representation of space”, “ideology and mental preconceptions” has the highest score, which means that the respondents interfere their mentalities in judging the qualitative values of the space. In the “representational space”, the “social perception” has the highest average which means that people have given importance to their psychological needs in the experience of the public space alongside other citizens.
Conclusion: The phenomenological dimensions of space in the realm of cultural uses can be counted and evaluated in a way that is concreted in people's lived experience of space. This can significantly affect the planning of urban spaces and the design of architectural bodies.

Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2016)

Aim: One of the most significant outcomes of health education is health literacy (HL) so that it must be widely applied for achieving health promotion. The aim of this study was assessing HL and its relationship with using cell phone in adolescents in Mashhad City.
Methods: In this analytic-descriptive research, 445 high school adolescents selected with cluster sampling were assessed. For assessing HL, the Newest Vital Sign (NVS) was used. Cell phone use assessment tool was used for assessing the use of using cell phone. Data were analyzed by SPSS version 16.
Findings: Based on the obtained results, 82.1% and 86.2% of the female and male adolescents had not adequate HL, respectively. There was a negative correlation between the adolescents’ HL and using cell phone (p<0.0001).
Conclusion: Most of the adolescents had limited HL, and the adolescents with higher rate of using cell phone had worse HL score. In fact, adequate HL has a significant role for promoting health in the society. Therefore, policy makers are suggested to design useful educational programs for adolescents, especially in non-medical settings such as schools, was most of the day, adolescents spend their time over there.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (6-2017)

Aim: Pediculosis is a common serious infection and one of the public health problems in different countries. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of education on the preventive behaviors of pediculosis based on the Health Belief Model (HBM) in female students in Mashhad.
Methods: This quasi-experimental study was conducted on 60 seventh grade female students in Mashhad, in two groups. Cluster sampling was performed using the HBM in 2016. For gathering data, the questionnaire consisting of demographic variables and the HBM, which was implemented to both groups before, immediately after, and two months after the education. SPSS19 software and t-test, Freedman, MannWittny, Chi-square and Pierson’s correlation tests were used to analyze the data.
Findings: Before the intervention, there was a significant difference between the two groups in terms of all the structures (p>0/05), but after the intervention, a significant difference was observed only in terms of knowledge, perceived susceptibility and severity, perceived benefits and obstacles, efficacy and behavior (p<0/05). The correlation coefficient between the preventive behaviors of pediculosis and obstacles was found to be significant (p<0/001, r=0/499).
Conclusion: Health education program based on HBM can prevent pediculosis and be effective in female students.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (winter 2018)

Aims: Health literacy becomes increasingly important in understanding the prenatal perception of risk by pregnant women. Maternal understanding of and perception of risk may have an impact on mothers’ willingness to follow antenatal recommendations. This study aimed at investigating correlation between maternal health literacy and dietary self-efficacy in pregnant mothers.
Instruments & Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive-analytical study, 120 pregnant mothers were selected from health centers in Mashhad city, Iran in 2016. The subjects were selected through multi-stage cluster random sampling method. Data were collected using Maternal Health Literacy and Pregnancy outcomes Questionnaire and Perceived Dietary Self-efficacy Questionnaire. The obtained data were analyzed by SPSS 15 software and using descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, and frequency) and analytical statistical tests (independent t-test, ANOVA, Turkey’s Post hoc test and Pearson correlation test).
Findings: There was a positive and significant correlation between maternal health literacy and dietary self-efficacy (r=0.29; p=0.001). Significant relationships were found between maternal health literacy and educational level, incomes, and living place (p<0.05). But dietary self-efficacy had only a significant relationship with incomes (p<0.05). 
Conclusion: There are the significant correlation between maternal health literacy and self-efficacy in pregnant mothers.

Volume 6, Issue 22 (Summer 2013)

After the published of the symphony of the dead (1989), many of critics pointed to influence the Abbas Maroufi's novel of The Sound and the Fury William Faulkner. Twenty three years after the publication of this novel, today, some of critics repeat the influence to various forms. Perhaps with publish of the eternity to eternity (Analysis novel " symphony of the dead "), especially the essay "Is the symphony of the dead influence of Sound and the Fury? " by Elham Yekta and of the Sound and the Fury to symphony of the dead by Javad Eshaghian and other essays that describe comparative study of these two novels, does not need to study again. Furthermore, Nader Ebrahimi (1936-2008), in an interview as " Soak in the story" (1997), without any reference to the symphony of the dead, author of the novel imputed to "plagiarism", it's not about the Sound and the Fury, but Another time, i was loving the city (1966). In this paper, with attention to the principle of "angoisse de l'influence", as the conscience of writers, with emphasis on polyvalent, we answer to imputation the of Nader Ebrahimi about symphony of the dead and why and how the Abbas Maroufi influence of Another time, i was loving the city.

Volume 7, Issue 3 (Summer 2021)

Backgrounds: Due to the emergence of multidrug-resistant Candida species, the discovery of new antifungal agents with minimum side effects is essential. The aim of this study was to investigate the antifungal activity of caprylic acid and nano-encapsulated caprylic acid against C. albicans as well as their effect on the expression of EFG1 gene.
Materials & Methods: In this laboratory trial study, the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of caprylic acid and nano-encapsulated caprylic acid against C. albicans was evaluated at various concentrations (400-625 and 1.3-50 μL/mL, respectively). Real time-PCR was performed to assess the expression level of EFG1 gene. Cytotoxicity effect of caprylic acid and nano-encapsulated caprylic acid was evaluated on SW480 cell line using MTT test.
Findings: Antifungal activity findings displayed that MIC90 and MIC50 values of caprylic acid were 500 and 450 μg/mL, respectively, whereas MIC90 and MIC50 values of nano-encapsulated caprylic acid were 6.2 and 3.1 μg/mL, respectively. The expression of EFG1 gene significantly decreased in the groups treated with caprylic acid and nano-encapsulated caprylic acid compared to the control group. According to the cytotoxicity evaluation findings, the viability of cells treated with caprylic acid was significantly higher than that of cells exposed to nano-encapsulated caprylic acid.
Conclusions: According to the obtained results, nano-encapsulated caprylic acid successfully inhibited C. albicans growth at a lower concentration compared to caprylic acid. Overall, it was found that nano-encapsulated caprylic acid is a promising antifungal agent against Candida species; however, further studies are needed to be performed about nano-encapsulation of caprylic acid.

Volume 7, Issue 27 (Fall 2014)

One of the texts that has played an important role in the conception of Maroufi’s Symphony of the Dead (1989) is Ardabil dar Gozargah-e Tarikh[1] by Baba Safari (1920-2003). The two texts are so much interwoven that at times it becomes impossible to distinguish Safari’s voice from Maroufi’s. Although Marouf’s novel is not a historical one, it depicts the events occurring in Ardabil between 1934 and 1976.  At first look, Ardabil seems to be whatconnects the two works. But beyond this, Maroufi not only reconstructs some of the historical events narrated in this book, but also creates some of his fictional characters borrowing from the descriptions of the historical figures that Safari has brought into life in his book. This article studies the influence of Safari’s historical work on Maroufi’s novel.  
[1]. Ardabil in the Passageway of History

Volume 8, Issue 32 (Winter 2015)

The Iranian TV series, Gohar-e Kamāl (1998), is written and directed by Abbas Ranjbar and was shown on IRIB. Parts of this TV series resemble Abbas Maroufi’s novel Sāl-e Balvā (1992); nevertheless, there are no references to this novel in the credits of the show. This article studies Maroufi’s novel and Gohar-e Kamāl and points out some possible influences of Maroufi’s novel on Ranjbar’s series. As the screenwriter, Ranjbar borrows certain phrases and dialogues from the novel. Furthermore, some of his characters, such as “Raziye Nobakht,” “Hatam Khanpour,” and “Ghobad” are modeled after characters such as “Noushafarin Niloufari,” “Hosseina Kouzeh-gar” and “Dr. Masoum” from the novel. However, certain themes and motifs of the novel have been modified so that they comply with the cultural norms of society.

Volume 9, Issue 1 (Winter 2023)

Backgrounds: This study was conducted with the aim of isolation and molecular identification of Streptomyces spp. producing antibacterial compounds from Iranian soil.
Materials & Methods: In this study, 50 soil samples were collected from different areas of Sanandaj city. Soil samples were cultured on starch casein media. Streptomyces species were characterized using morphological and biochemical assays. Molecular identification was performed by 16S rRNA sequencing. Antimicrobial activity was evaluated using perpendicular streak and agar well diffusion methods.
Findings: To identify active Streptomyces strains in terms of producing antibacterial agents, screening was performed in two stages. Among 20 Streptomyces strains isolated from soil samples, six isolates were selected in the primary screening stage based on their ability to limit the growth of pathogens. Of the two solvents used in the secondary screening stage, ethyl acetate was the most suitable solvent for extracting effective metabolites of Streptomyces. Among the six isolates selected based on their antimicrobial activity, two isolates with the highest antibacterial activity were selected for the sequencing process. By analyzing the dendrogram and the data obtained from the NCBI database, it was found that one isolate (Yellow 4A) was 98% similar to S. fradiae, and the other isolate (Green 4A)  was 98% similar to S. coelicolor.
Conclusion: The use of proper strategies to identify potential new Streptomyces species with antibacterial properties may bring a bright future in the treatment of resistant pathogens. However, more studies are required to detect active metabolites of the mentioned isolates.

Volume 9, Issue 2 (Spring 2021)

Aims: The COVID-19 pandemic could be considered a significant public health crisis. This study aimed to assess the rate of depressive symptoms and its related risk factors among older adults during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Instrument & Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 400 older adults aged 60 and over in 2020 in Mashhad City, Iran. A random cluster sampling was done for selecting the older adults from 5 urban health care centers. The Persian version of the WHO-5 index was used. Data were analyzed by SPSS 20 using descriptive statistics, chi-square, and logistic regression tests.
Findings: The prevalence of moderate depressive symptoms was (33%). Although most of the participants had mild depressive symptoms (38.2%); Moreover, There was a significant relationship between depression with family structure (p<0.001) and underlying disease (p<0.001).
Conclusion: The rate of depressive symptoms among older adults is high. The policy-makers and health professionals need to provide psychological interventions to decrease the psychological damages caused by the outbreak crisis.

Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2020)

This study analyzed the theoretical innovation strategies and their impact on success of knowledge-based entrepreneurial businesses intermediator's absorption capacity. In fact, this paper explores how knowledge-based firms use their innovation strategies, which have the greatest impact on their entrepreneurial success,based on their absorption capacity. The study population was companies based in Isfahan research centersandby simple random sampling of 196 companies were selected as research sample fordistribution of questionnaire. For data analysis and hypothesis of structural equation modeling,Smart PLS 2 partial least squares software was used. The results of this study shows that the impact of innovation strategy on absorption capacity is7.51%, and the impact on the absorption capacity of entrepreneurial success on knowledge-based firms is 7.46 %.

Volume 11, Issue 1 (Winter 2023)

Aim: Landslide classification using a fractal model at the Tajan river basin in northern Iran is the study intended as a new approach based on 142 landslide information data set.
Materials & Methods: The obtained results were interpreted using the Depth–Number (Dp–N) fractal model and a fairly wide set of information available for each landslide class, consisting of Digital Elevation Model (DEM), rainfall, landuse, geology (lithology and fault) and drainage network data.
Findings: The log–log plot shows five classes for depth (weakly, moderately, highly, strongly, and extremely magnitude) which shows that the extremely magnitude landslides have depths higher than 19.95 m in the NE, middle, western, and SE parts of the Tajan basin. The strong (5-19.95 m) and high (2.4-5 m) magnitude landslides happened in the northern, NE, western and NW parts. The results, which were matched up to landuse, drainage network, DEM, and fault allocation patterns revealed an affirmative correlation between landslide classes and the particulars in the area. In addition, the coefficient of determination, R2, for each population shows that the classification has been done correctly using the Dp-N fractal model. Amounts of P-value obtained from paired samples t-test and ANOVA showed that the separated categories are in incongruity with each other and are significantly different (sig=0.000).
Conclusion: Results show that separating the populations of landslides based on a parameter as magnitude and the difference between the populations’ magnitude of landslides should be considered in landslide susceptibility zonation.

Volume 12, Issue 2 (June & July 2021 (Articles in Persian) 2021)

Given the significant role of conceptual metaphors in understanding abstract concepts in the children’s development, the present study was conducted for designing and standardization a test of embodied conceptual metaphors in the Persian language. The test administrations will allow us to investigate the process of understanding abstract concepts in normal five-to-seven-year-old children. In the present study, 171 embodied conceptual metaphors were extracted from the Persian dictionaries. The metaphors were related to four sensory-motor organs i.e. ears, eyes, hands, and legs. The researchers attempted to investigate the understanding of abstract concepts by using conceptual metaphors in 30 five-to-seven-year-old children having a normal development. 39 metaphors having more than 30% of correct answers were selected. In the next phase, a test was designed that was composed of two parts (audio and visual) based on these 39 metaphors; the understanding of abstract concepts were investigated in 200 five-to-seven Persian speakers. Based on the mean score acquired from both age groups, given the development process of abstract concepts, it was indicated that in comparison to five-to-six-year-old children, six-to-seven-year-old children showed a better performance for understanding abstract concepts; the difference was significant. Moreover, the findings of the present study indicated that in comparison to the visual test, children had a better performance in responding to the audio test. Moreover, the boys and girls were not significantly different regarding understanding abstract concepts. The findings of the present study can be applied in rehabilitating and treating the disorders related to the understanding of abstract concepts.
  1.  Introduction
Metaphor is the understanding of a conceptual domain in the form of another conceptual domain. The conceptual domain from which we derive metaphorical expressions to understand another conceptual domain is called the source domain, and the conceptual domain that is understood in this way is called the target domain.
The main purpose of this study is to design and standardize a test of embodied conceptual metaphors in Persian to examine the process of understanding the embodied abstract concepts of the four sensory-motor organs, eyes, ears, hands and feet in healthy children aged 5 to 7 years. Providing such a test is essential in diagnosing any impairments in the process of understanding metaphorical concepts in a variety of developmental speech and language disorders, including autism and hearing loss, as well as cognitive rehabilitation.
  1.  Research Hypotheses
Children aged 6 to 7 have a better understanding of embodied metaphors than Persian-speaking children aged 5 to 6.
There is no significant difference between 5 to 7 years old boys and girls in understanding the embodied metaphors.
Children perform better on the visual test than on the auditory test.
  1.  Literature Review
Christopher Johnson (1999) in his doctoral dissertation has studied metaphor learning in children. He suggested 3 steps for learning metaphor in children. In the first stage, the child learns only the source domain. In the second stage, the child is confronted with experiences in which both the source and target domains are simultaneously activated. In this stage, the child learns to apply the source domain in accordance with the meaning of the target domain. In the third stage, the child uses the words metaphorically, while there is no trace of the source domain.
In her dissertation, Georgiona (2007) examines the understanding of metaphor in preschool children and concludes that 5-year-olds have a better understanding of metaphors than 3-year-olds.
Bialika-Pikal (2003) examined the understanding of embodied metaphors in preschool children based on five indicators including color, shape, movement, size and touch and concluded that motor metaphors in children are learned faster. Color metaphors are learned in the second place, however, size metaphors are the most difficult metaphors for children. In another study on 120 children aged 3.3 to 5.9, he reported that children's ability to perceive and understand metaphors changes with age. 5-year-olds understood more metaphors in this study.
Ranginkaman (2007) in his doctoral dissertation studied metaphor understanding in 10 Persian children, aged 4, 5 and 6 years old and concluded that children's ability to understand metaphors increases with age. He also reported that children first learn simpler and more tangible metaphors and then more abstract and complex metaphors.
In their research, Shoja Razavi et al. (2016) examined 60 Persian-speaking children aged 2 to 5 years. They used the Bialka-Pikal test in their research. The findings of this study show that children at the age of 2 years have some understanding of embodied metaphors.
As observed in the previous studies, there is no an standardized test to examine the understanding of embodied metaphors in Persian, and previous researchers have inevitably used tests in other languages. The present study attempts to fill the gap.
  1.  Methodology
The research was conducted in two phases: The first part involves creating the metaphors that are best understood by children ages 5 to 7. The second part involved conducting a test for understanding metaphors and examining its validity and reliability.
4-1 Part One
First, 171 embodied metaphors related to 4 body  morgans (hands, feet, ears, eyes) were extracted from various texts such as: Folk Persian Culture (Najafi, 1999), other Persian books, and 30 children aged 5 to 7 Persian language were asked to express his / her interpretation of each metaphor. Finally, 39 embodied conceptual metaphors, with a frequency above 30%, were selected to be used in the construction of the test.
Part II
In the second part of the research, the 39 selected metaphors were used to construct a test for understanding metaphors. The test consisted of two parts: auditory and visual. In each section, 20 metaphors (5 metaphors related to each body organ) were used and 10 questions were added as fillers to prevent the subject from guessing the test process.
In the visual section, for each metaphor, 3 binary sets were depicted. One image represented the abstract concept of metaphor, one image was related to the literal understanding of metaphor, and one image was unrelated to metaphor.
In the auditory section, a short story was designed in which the metaphors were used. The participant was then presented three options. The subject had to choose the most appropriate option. Of the three options in each question, one option expressed the abstract meaning of the metaphor, one option expressed the literal meaning of the metaphor, and one option was completely unrelated to the metaphor.
The designed test was finally performed on 200 Persian-speaking children aged 5 to 7 years, and the subject's responses were recorded.
  1.  Results
Findings from the present study show that age range has an effect on participants’ performance and subjects aged 6 to 7 years had significantly higher scores than subjects aged 5 to 6 years. Also, gender had no any significant effects on the test score.
However, the modularity of test has an effect on test scores and due to the higher average and total scores of the auditory test, it can be stated that participants outperformed in the auditory test compared to the visual test. This is true about participants in both age groups.
  1. Discussion
We compared the performances of the two age groups of participants in the test, and after the elimination of the filler questions, the average score of the age group 5 to 6 years was 22.68. However, in the age group of 6 to 7 years, the average score was 26.34. The results indicates that the subjects of 6 to 7 years outperformed in the test. The results confirm the first hypothesis of the study that Persian-speaking 6- to 7-year-old children have a better understanding of embodied metaphors than 5- to 6-year-old children. Moreover, we did not find significant differences between boys and girls. In other words, female subjects did not perform better than male subjects. Accordingly, the second hypothesis of the research is confirmed.
The results also revealed that subjects obtained better scores in the auditory test than the visual test, which is in contradiction with the third hypothesis of the research, and accordingly, the third hypothesis of the research is rejected. What can be deduced from this research finding is that children understand metaphorical concepts much better when it is presented auditory. The reason for this difference seems to be that because abstract concepts are not visible on their own, people understand abstract concepts by hearing and communicating between the source domain of the metaphor and its target domain.
  1.  Conclusion
The results of the present study show that children gain a better understanding of metaphorical concepts with age. Consistent with Johnson's theory, we found that children’s literal interpretations of the metaphorical concepts are decreased with age and abstract perceptions of the metaphorical concepts increases, instead.
In the present study, in addition to constructing a test for understanding metaphors, the mean score in the two age groups was determined so that it can be used in rehabilitation and diagnosis of the disorder. Based on the average score, the impaired perception of abstract concepts can be diagnosed in people with obvious disorders such as hearing loss, autism, or even in children with suspected language and metalinguistic disorders.

Volume 12, Issue 47 (7-2015)

Mango is a tropical crop that has been originated from south east areas of Asia. Mango has high decayed nature because it climacteric property. In order to investigate the effect of Putrescine and cold water treatments on post-harvest quality  of mango, an experiment was done as factorial design in 2012. So local mango fruit was prepared at maturity stage, were treated with treatment combinations of Putrescine solution (0, 0.01, 0.1 mM) and cold distilled water (non-soaking and soaking for 30 and or 60 minutes). Quantitative and qualitative traits of fruit (like fresh and dry weight, length and width, firmness, total soluble solid, acidity, pH, taste and aroma, skin and pulp color) and also observation of rot symptoms have been measured. Results showed Putrescine and cold water treatments were affected fruit taste, acidity, and TSS/acidity ratio, also rot symptoms were reduced. Both concentrations of Putrescine affected the firmness and total soluble solids significantly. In all treatments combination of cold water and Putrescine fresh and dry weight was higher than control. The results indicated a positive and significant impact of mixed fruit dipping treatments in cold water and Putrescine in keeping appearance quality and improving storage life of mango fruit. Therefore the greatest concentration of Putrescine (0.1 mM) with immersion in cold water is recommended.  

Volume 13, Issue 1 (4-2013)

Abstract In this experimental study, behavior of rock-like specimens with smooth and rough cracks has been investigated in closed and open condition under uniaxial loading. To study the behavior, physical models made up cement, gypsum and water with 10 20 5 cm of dimensions were used. Open and closed joints with smooth and rough surfaces were located at the center of specimens. The length and inclination angle of cracks are selected 6, 5and 4 cm and 30, 45 and 60 degree, respectively. Results shows depend on crack length and crack inclination angle two types of cracks (wing and secondary) propagation from the pre-existing cracks tips. Inclination angle, length and closed or open condition of cracks effects on crack initiation stress. Crack initiation stress for specimens with rough joints is higher than smooth ones. The criterion is presented for diagnosis of secondary crack propagation for samples with one crack.

Volume 13, Issue 2 (Issue 2 (Tome 61)- 2009)

This research was designed to identify the critical success factors of business process reengineering in an Iranian defense industries case study based on multivariate data analysis. Through developing a business process reengineering model and implementing it on the case study, the business processes were be managed and then its success was be analyzed, by a questionnaire. This analysis initially, represents the success of applied changes, and then follows the critical success factors of process reengineering in three main factors. Subsequently, by multiple regression tool, the business process reengineering success as dependent variable was estimated by the above three factors. The results, showed goodness and validity of the regression model. Accordingly, belief to change, change of infrastructures, participation of people in changing programs and decreasing of the resistance against the changes are the critical success factors of business process reengineering in the respective organization.

Volume 13, Issue 3 (12-2024)

Tetranychus urticae Koch is one of the most important vegetable pests in greenhouses. Due to the high reproduction rate and rapid development, T. urticae has a propensity for developing resistance to many classes of pesticides. One method for delaying the occurrence of pest resistance is the application of pesticides with different modes of action. The present research was performed to compare the efficacy of some acaricides against this notorious worldwide pest. The treatments were bifenazite (Kanecide 24% SC at 200 and 300 ppm), spirodiclofen + abamectin (Envidorspeed® 24% SC, 500 ppm), spiromesifen (Oberon® 24% SC, 500 ppm), bromopropylate (Neoron® 25% EC, 1500 ppm), and control (water spraying) based on randomized complete block design with three replications during the summer of 2018 in three provinces of Iran. To determine the spraying time, 30 leaves were collected randomly from each treatment, and if there were an average of 5 active mites under leaves, spraying was done. After spraying, sampling was performed in 3, 7, 14, and 21-day intervals by collecting 30 leaves from each experimental unit. In the laboratory, different developmental stages were recorded using a stereomicroscope. Results showed that the highest efficiency was on the 7 and 14 days after spraying with Envidorspeed® 500 ppm in all provinces. However, this difference wasn't significant in Tehran. In Kerman, Kanecide® 200 ppm, with an efficiency of 94.3% after 21 days, and Envidorspeed® 500 ppm, with an efficiency of 96.19% after 14 days, were the most effective chemicals. Results of these three provinces demonstrated that the efficiency of all five treatments after 14 days was more than 72%. The main purpose of this experiment is to compare the efficiency of these acaricides. All of them provided significant control in the greenhouse, and it could be recommended for population management of T. urticae. However, Envirospeed® in Tehran and Qazvin, as well as Envidorspeed® and Kanecide® in Kerman, are more suggestible based on mortality.


Volume 13, Issue 55 (9-2015)

In this study egg and saturated fat were eliminated from cake formulation and microcrystalline cellulose (MCC), hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC), xanthan, whey protein isolate (WPI), glycerol monostearate (GMS) and sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate (SSL) were used as replacement. Effect of mentioned ingredient  on the batter viscosity, density, cake volume and sensory scores was studied. Addition of hydrocolloids to wheat flour in the presence of SSL and GMS increased cake batter viscosity and density and xanthan showed the highest value followed by MCC and HPMC. Batter with hydrocolloids was heavier and lacks the proper aeration. Sensory evaluation of cakes with different hydrocolloids showed that the use of xanthan decrease quality scores and samples with HPMC received the highest quality scores. Use of HPMC improved crumb color and MCC improved cake texture. Results of this study indicated that some of hydrocolloids in combination with emulsifiers and WPI can be a good substitution for egg and saturated fat in cake formulation.

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