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Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The aim of the upcoming research is to study aspects of the problem of implicit meaning that show that the language indexes this meaning to express it. Therefore, the issues that have been reviewed here should be considered, in the first place, as a means to develop sensitivity to the extraordinary subtleties of language to process this meaning that, in our hypothesis, can only be properly understood if we return to it its inherent dynamism and follow the path of its evolution for each utterance exclusively. After that, the obtained results gave us the opportunity to improve some of the past opinions and help advance the discussions in this field. Our reading of the topic and the results of the analyzes strengthened our belief that commenting on implied meaning, regardless of the process of its production, will be mixed with a kind of dogmatism, the abolition of which depends on acknowledging the role that has the explicit meaning in this, because in our opinion, the explicit and implicit meanings are not separate and independent from each other. So, during the discussion, we have tried to include in the analysis the variables that change from one utterance to another and from one context to another and may be ignored, so that we can remain relativistic despite our orientations that are manifested in a set of new definitions.The results of the analyzes indicated this fact that language condenses meaning ...
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The present study aimed to evaluate pragmatic skill of adult right and left hemispheres damaged Persian speaking patients using the Persian version of the Montreal Protocol for the Evaluation of Communication (M.E.C.). The statistical populations of the study were 10 adults, right and left hemispheres damaged Persian speaking patients due to cerebrovascular accident (CVA). Two sets of tests were used in the present study. The first ones were screening tests included Lateral Preference Inventory (Corn test), Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Persian Diagnostic Aphasia Battery (EQ1). The Performance of patients in protocol subtests were evaluated and compared with each other individually, intragroup and intergroup. Data were analyzed using inferential statistical methods and no meaningful relations were found between them. These findings indicated that damage to the right and left hemispheres of the brain leads to pragmatic impairments. However, damages to the right hemisphere increases the severity of pragmatic impairments more than damages to the left hemisphere.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The present study was conducted with the aim of identifying the basic sentence structures of textbooks written for Iranian students in Persian language. The theoretical principles of the research are based on Tesniere's (1959) Dependency Grammar, which describes syntactic structures in different languages by examining the dependency relationships between head and dependent elements in syntactic groups. The basic sentence structures presented by Tabibzadeh (2001, 2006, 2011) have been used in this research for comparison. The data was extracted from the review of 211 texts belonging to textbooks. In order to collect data, 633 sentences were selected from all the textbooks and their basic structure was extracted using the purposeful sampling method. The findings indicate that in addition to the 24 basic sentence structures provided for Persian language, other basic structures have been used in textbook, which are: || sub., pro. Comp., pre.||, || sub., pro. Comp., pro. Comp., pre. ||. The most used basic structures in the sentences of textbooks of all levels were bi-valency constructions. The study of the complements showed that, the nominal subject 96.4%, the prepositional complement 41.9%, the direct complement 31.4%, the predicate 17.2% and the complement 15.3% are the most used. The findings of the present research show the profile of the language development of 10-12 year old children by identifying the level of syntactic complexity of the sentences in the textbooks. The results of this research show the readability of educational texts written for Iranian students and can be useful for textbook authors.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
This research examines the lexical processing of head-first endocentric compounds in Persian based on semantic transparency. This study shows whether the processing is related to the morpheme-based, whole-word, or dual-root models. Moreover, this research concludes whether the processing is associated with sublexical or supralexical models. Two separate masked priming tasks are conducted. In the first experiment, the compound word is the primed word and the modifier is the target. In the second experiment, the prime is the compound word and the target is the head. Three conditions are considered: transparent, opaque, and orthographic-overlap. In order to analyze the result, mixed models are used. The results show significant priming effects for transparent and opaque conditions. While no priming effect is shown for the orthographic-overlap condition. It can be concluded that the lexical processing of head-first endocentric compounds is independent of semantic transparency. The processing is morpheme-based and it is on the basis of the sublexical model. Furthermore, the semantic processing of these words is supralexical. Moreover, the lack of priming effect for the orthographic conditions is seemingly associated with orthographic complexity in the Persian writing system.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
Over the past decades, empirical studies regarding the application of data-driven learning (DDL) and its’ role in second and foreign language learning have increased. At the same time, several studies have investigated the association between working memory (WM) and different aspects of L2 and found that WM plays a significant role in the language performance of L2 learners, as SLA processes rely on cognitive resources. Nevertheless, the findings of such research are inconclusive. The role of WM in the relationship between DDL and second/foreign language learning is also a neglected area. Drawing on data from 84 Iranian female EFL learners, aged between 20 to 24, on three different measures of WM capacity (digit span, number-letter, and flanker), the findings of the present study showed that first, DDL was a significant predictor of English academic lecture comprehension. Second, regardless of which WM measure to use, WM was not a significant predictor of English academic lecture comprehension; and the interaction effect between DDL and WM was not a significant predictor of the students’ English academic lecture comprehension. That is, WM did not moderate the effect of DDL on the students’ comprehension of English academic lectures. Altogether, the results suggested that learning L2 at high levels of English academic lecture comprehension was mostly contingent upon automatic processing. The findings of this study may have implications for research and practice in second/foreign language teaching and learning, and more specifically in the application of DDL for L2 learners.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
Narrative discourse and the arrangement of its components that reflect the narrative world provide the accessibility terms to the ideology and hidden values in the text; hence, it is important in the multilateral understanding of literary texts. Because the experiences and comprehension of the authors in interaction with the surrounding world do not have a similar effect on their perception, the narrative discourse changes from one narrative type to another.In “Biroon Az Gozashteh” by “Mehri Bahrami”various worlds coexist, there is no border between reality and fantasy, and the multiverse idea helps to understand the narrative discourse of the story. The main objective of this article is to show the selection of elements of the discourse through which the author constructs the story and the dominant ideology of the text, by investigating the narrative discourse of the novel. This research is text-oriented and has been done using text analyzing method. The main focus of this article is to investigate criteria such as the narration type’ various kinds of narratorsand their relation with the characters’ embodied experiences the narrator and characters and in line with it the formation of aesthetic and symbolic objects and hidden location in the narration. In this novel, the narrator’s subjective functions and her connection to other constructive elements of the text have an identity function and reflect the ideology of a text that tries to depict a woman who wants to pass behind her cultural-historical past and create a new self of herself.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The use of statistical methods based on corpora in humanities and literature researches is expanding. These methods can be used in studies of stylistics, literary criticism and comparative literature. Finding the pattern of language changes in different language varieties and investigating the existence of similarities and differences of language in different linguistic contexts is very important from the point of view of linguistic knowledge. Our main problem in this research is that what are the lexical and syntactic differences between the four registers of the contemporary Persian language and how can they be analyzed and explained. For this purpose, four corpora of literary, news, scientific and legal languages were created and labeled. Counting and statistics were done with the help of software programs and quantitative results were obtained. finally, these results were examined and analyzed based on situational context. The findings of this research showed that some linguistic features have significant differences in different registers. For example, the frequency of occurrence of verbs, pronouns and adverbs in the literary register and the frequency of occurrence of adjectives in the scientific register are clearly higher than other registers. Putting these characteristic features together can be a criterion for differentiating linguistic varieties.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
Explaining the nature of metaphor and its role in language has always been a controversial topic in the fields of linguistics, philosophy of language, rhetoric, and so forth. In metaphor analysis, these fields often converge in an inseparable manner. Donald Davidson, a 20th-century philosopher, is one of the influential theorists in the Philosophy of Language and the Theory of Meaning. His views on the essence and role of metaphor in language bear significant similarities to the ideas of al-Jurjani, a prominent 5th-century Hijri literary scholar. This research aims, through a descriptive-analytical method and a comparative approach, to examine the intersection points of Davidson’s and al-Jurjani’s theories, with one addressing metaphor from a philosophical and linguistic perspective and the other from a rhetorical standpoint. For this purpose, Davidson’s essay "What Metaphors Mean?" is used as the basis for reviewing his theories on metaphor. Al-Jurjani’s views are analyzed with a focus on "Dala'il al-I'jaz." This study yields results in three areas. The first, identifies similar aspects in the two theories, indicating that both theorists reject the idea of metaphor being merely a shortened simile. They also critique the notion of "metaphorical meaning," emphasizing that the meaning of a metaphor cannot be reproduced in any form other than the metaphorical one itself. The second area involves finding complementary aspects in the two theories, considering Davidson's philosophical stance and al-Jurjani's rhetorical position. The third area elaborates on the connection between al-Jurjani's direct views on metaphor and the ideas indirectly inferred from theory of Construction.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
In corpus stylistics, computational tools are used to conduct qualitative and quantitative analyses of the electronic corpora of literary works, through which the stylistic components of the texts are identified. This study aimed to determine the stylistic features of the works of Simin Daneshvar and Ebrahim Golestan using a corpus-based approach. For this purpose, the works of these two writers were examined using corpus analysis tools, including keyword and concordance analysis in the AntConc software. After extracting the positive keywords in these works, each keyword was examined in its real context in the concordance menu, and a semantic classification was performed based on their semantic domains. The examination and comparison of the positive keywords showed that the semantic domains of "social behavior, work and profession, state and grammar" are common in the works of both writers. This commonality from a stylistic perspective can be related to similar social norms and behaviors, as well as the similar time and place of life and growth of the two writers. Golestan's works are writer-centered, while Daneshvar's works are reader-oriented. Daneshvar's story characters are much more numerous (14 names with a frequency of 504) compared to Golestan, who used only 3 names with a frequency of 107. In Golestan's stories, there is no reference to religion semantic domain, while in Daneshvar's stories, this domain is addressed. Daneshvar establishes a greater connection with the characters in her stories by mentioning specific individuals.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
Considering the main role of listening comprehension in second language learning, it seems that providing listening strategies to language learners is necessary. New technologies are used to facilitate learning and podcast is one of the new tools used in language teaching today. The purpose of this descriptive-analytical study is to investigate whether metacognitive training with the help of podcasts can be used as an effective tool in enhancing listening comprehension. The research problem is caused by the lack of sufficient knowledge of language learners about metacognitive strategies, and in this regard, the role of the teacher in teaching these strategies is very important. This study can help French language teachers to include metacognitive strategies in improving listening skills and conventional methods. Revise yourself. For this purpose, 30 language learners were divided into two experimental and control groups based on the pre-test results. The experimental group received the podcasts through Vandergrift's metacognitive training, while the control group was taught the podcasts without any additional instructions or strategies. The results with the help of note taking, self-assessment questionnaire, direct observation and using spss software (t-test) showed that the metacognitive strategy has a positive effect on students' listening comprehension.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (ARTICLES IN PRESS 2024)
The growing global consumption of non-alcoholic drinks has brought attention to the characterization and quality control of popular beverages such as malt beverages. Organic acids remarkably impact on the microbial control, stability and organoleptic characteristics (flavor, color and aroma) of beverages. This study focuses on the determination of organic acids, including oxalic, citric, tartaric, malic, succinic, lactic, fumaric, acetic, propionic, and gallic acid, in 100 commercial malt beverages from different brands (five Iranian and five various imported brands) and flavored variants (classic, pomegranate, peach, tropical and lemon). In addition, the contents of total phenols, total flavonoids, ascorbic acid, and free amino acids were measured to assess the overall composition. Liquid chromatography (LC) was employed to develop a method for analyzing the organic acids, while spectrophotometric techniques were used for quantifying other bioactive compounds. The results revealed significant variations in the organic acid profiles, with succinic acid being the most abundant, while tartaric acid was absent in all samples. For better data analysis, chemometrics technique (PCA method) was applied to classify achieved results. The results show that PCA can classify the malt drinks based on the additive values with a very high precision. In order to improve the quality control of malt beverages, it is recommended that some extra assessments like organic acids and free amino nitrogen determination tests would better to be considered at Iranian national standard.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (ARTICLES IN PRESS 2024)
Entomopathogenic fungi, Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae are important and effective biocontrol agents against arthropod pests. Compared to chemical insecticides, insect pests do not easily develop resistance against these fungi. In this study, the mortality and phenol-oxidase activity of the Helicoverpa armigera 3rd instar larvae were evaluated after exposure to the B. bassiana and M. anisopliae. The LC50 values for B. bassiana and M. anisopliae were 0.795 ×106, and 5.972 ×107 spore ml-1, respectively. LC30 and LC10 of either entomopathogenic fungi were injected into body of larves, then, 24 and 48 hours after injection, their hemolymph was extracted. After 24 h the highest and lowest phenol-oxidase activity was observed in LC30 of M. anisopliae, and LC10 of B. bassiana, respectively. After 48 h of infection, phenol-oxidase activity increased in all treatments. At the LC30 of M. anisopliae, the highest phenol-oxidase activity was recorded, and other treatments also showed a significant difference compared to the control. Five types of hemocytes including prohemocytes, plasmatocytes, granulocytes, onocytoids, and spherulocytes were identified in the hemolymph of larvae. The highest total hemocytes count (THC) was recorded in LC30 M. anisopliae at 9 h after initial infection. Our results showed that both fungi have the ability to affect phenol-oxidase enzyme activity. These microbial insecticides exhibited high potential for controlling the pest.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (ARTICLES IN PRESS 2024)
Drastically concerned about no longer continuation of instructors to use the computerized learning management system (CLMS) in the post COVID-19, the ministerial and academic authorities in Iran are inclined to figure out about the determinants of instructors’ continuation of making use of the CLMS and how to incorporate the CLMS into the face-to-face education. Therefore, the research aimed to analyze drivers of agricultural instructors’ continuation of Using CLMS. Called instructors’ learning patterns as a knowledge gap, the present causal study surveyed 102 faculty members of two universities in Northwest Iran. To establish a theoretical framework, theory of planned behavior (TPB), technology acceptance model (TAM), and the Vermunt’s theory of learning model (VTLS) were used, the items of the questionnaire were designed accordingly. The results make known that the model has a good fit with the data set, the perceived usefulness (PU) of the CLMS has an impact on the attitude towards the CLMS and intention to continue using the CLMS (BI). The application-oriented learning pattern (AOLP) affects PBC positively. Other predictor variables that directly impinge upon instructors’ behavioral intention (BI) to continue applying the CLMS include attitude, PU, AOLP, and perceived student readiness (PSR). The estimated multiple correlation coefficients for the PBC, attitude, and BI were 0.17, 0.51, and 0.46, respectively. The results of the research can be useful and effective for agricultural higher education decision makers in using and replacing CLMS in specific situations instead of face-to-face education.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (ARTICLES IN PRESS 2024)
The Ministry of Agriculture Jihad in Iran implemented contract farming (CF) for wheat in 2021 to address marketing issues. This study compares agricultural sustainability for farmers participating in and not participating in CF. Agricultural sustainability was assessed by applying a combined index approach that considers economic, social, and environmental dimensions. The required data came from 620 wheat farmers in Golestan province, sampled using the multi-stage randomization technique. The data were evaluated using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and clustering methods. The findings indicated a significant difference in the performance of economic and environmental sustainability dimensions between two groups of wheat farmers. For the participants, 14.2% were deemed unsustainable, 47.7% were considered partially sustainable, and 38.1% were classified as sustainable. For non-participants, the figures were 38.7%, 47.7%, and 13.5%, respectively. Therefore, it is suggested to provide more opportunities for participation in this program and expand it to other key crops. Additionally, authorities should provide more information about the benefits of the CF plan.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (ARTICLES IN PRESS 2024)
The sugar beet moth, Scrobipalpa ocellatella (Boyd) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) is one of the most serious threats to sugar beet cultivation worldwide causing economically significant yield loss. The life table parameters of S. ocellatella were determined on eight sugar beet cultivars (Dorothea, Ekbatan, Merak, Palma, Rozier, SBSI 007, Sharif and Shokoofa) under laboratory conditions at 25±1oC, 60±5% RH and 16:8 h (L:D) photoperiod. The longest (15.29 days) and shortest (7.61 days) female longevity was recorded on Shokoofa, and Merak cultivars, respectively. At the same time, Shokoofa and Merak cultivars had the highest and lowest total fecundity (85.26 eggs/female) and (32.39 eggs/female), respectively. The net reproductive rate (R0) varied from 9.31 eggs/individual to 39.44 eggs/individual on eight sugar beet cultivars; the lowest value was on Merak and the highest value was on Shokoofa. The highest intrinsic rate of increase (r) (0.102 d-1) and finite rate of increase (λ) (1.107 d-1) were on the Shokoofa cultivar. The results showed that all life table parameters of S. ocellatella were significantly different on the sugar beet cultivars tested. According to the conducted laboratory experiments, Merak was the most resistant cultivar to S. ocellatella compared with the other cultivars tested.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (ARTICLES IN PRESS 2024)
Trissolcus vassilievi (Mayr) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) is one of the most important egg parasitoids of the common sunn pest (CSP), Eurygaster integriceps Puton (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) in Iran. In this study, the fitness of two populations of T. vassilievi was studied on two populations of hosts in terms of life history parameters. Two populations of T. vassilievi were selected: 1/ Tabriz (as a temperate area), and 2/ Varamin (as a subtropical area), as well as for CSP. Moreover, regarding that outcrossing between populations can produce progeny with superior characteristics, the progeny of reciprocal crosses between original populations also were examined on a single host. The crosses between the two populations caused 13.9-18.5% higher net fecundity than maternal populations which suggests fecundity to be a function of maternal phenotype. The intrinsic rate of increase showed minor differences among treatments which varied between 0.291±0.003 to 0.305±0.003. The partial advantage of the Varamin wasps over the Tabriz ones and the crosses over the original populations was obvious. Such differences may be used to obtain more efficient parasitoids in augmentation programs.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (ARTICLES IN PRESS 2024)
The agricultural ecosystem provides various functions and services for humans. So, investigating their role and importance in the agricultural land programming and management is one of the goals research. In this research used Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services (CICES) for the identification of the Agricultural Ecosystem Functions and Services (AEFS). Also, Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) models used for weighting and prioritizing of the AEFS like Step wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA) for calculating of their weight, and Simple Additive Weighting (SAW), Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS), and Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) used for prioritization them. The research data extracted with field survey, random sampling and completing the Delphi questionnaire of the 40 agricultural specialist experts in the north of Iran. Also, the R2 coefficient was used to compare the AEFS prioritization models. The SWARA technique findings showed that provisioning, regulation, and cultural functions with weights of 0.0298, 0.0286 and 0.0250 have the highest weight, respectively. Also, the results indicated that the SAW model with the R2=0.90 was chosen as the prioritization appropriate model. Provisioning, regulation, and cultural functions with marginal weights of 0.6319, 0.5448, and 0.5092 were ranked the first to third priority respectively. Also, food supply, employment, genetic material supply, and educational and research services were important positive services of the agricultural ecosystem compared to other services. it is suggested that more appropriate programming and more research be done by relevant organizations for the sustainable management of agricultural ecosystems in northern Iran.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (ARTICLES IN PRESS 2024)
The present study was conducted to identify the empowerment dimensions of female-headed households in rural areas and their effects on food security in Iran country. Statistical population was including 495 women based on the data collected from Statistical Center of Iran. 216 women were selected by using Cochran’s formula. A questionnaire was designed by researchers and its validity and reliability was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach method, respectively. Structural equation modeling was used to compare associations. The results confirmed that grouping work and communication skills, creativity and solving problem, commitment and responsibility, information and specific knowledge, technical skills and operational work, psychological factors, social factors, political factors, economic factors, managerial factors and educational factors had significant effects on food security. Commitment and responsibility, economic factors and grouping work had highest effects on food security, respectively. Job empowerment predicted 75.00% of variance of food security and it is suggested considering job empowerment of female-headed households in rural areas for decreasing food insecurity.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (in press 2024)
Understanding the impact of masonry infill walls on the behavior of moment frames is of paramount importance in the field of structural engineering. A thorough investigation is essential to gain insights into the complex interplay between various parameters and their effects on the flexural frames surrounding masonry infills. Unfortunately, the current state of knowledge is hindered by the absence of comprehensive exploration, partly attributed to constraints in existing numerical models and the prohibitively high costs associated with experimental studies. There is an urgent need to delineate the influence of diverse parameters on the dynamic interaction between frames and masonry infill walls. This understanding is critical for optimizing the accuracy of structural and component designs, ultimately leading to a reduction in project costs and an enhancement of resident safety. Although numerical models have been employed in the past, these models have limitations, and experimental studies, on the other hand, are costly, creating a need for a fast, accurate, and comprehensive method to evaluate masonry infill walls under in-plane loading. To address these limitations, there is a pressing demand for a swift, precise, and comprehensive evaluation method specifically tailored to assess the performance of masonry infill walls under in-plane loading conditions. Such a method would not only overcome the drawbacks of existing numerical models but also provide a cost-effective alternative to traditional experimental studies, allowing for a more expansive exploration of the multifaceted interactions between moment frames and masonry infills. The development of such a methodology holds the key to advancing our understanding of structural dynamics and ensuring the resilience and safety of built environments. The current research aims to develop a model that explores the nonlinear behavior of masonry infill walls and their interaction with the surrounding frame. The proposed model utilizes truss elements and material homogenization, allowing for modeling and analysis in commercially available software. The idea of this method is to simplify the typically 2D problem of masonry infilled frames under in-plane loading and reducing the infill and the surrounding frame to assemblages of braces and axial members, which is called piers, both exhibiting a mono-dimensional non-linear behavior with softening. Despite its simplicity and minimal input requirements, this method delivers comprehensive results on the structure's state in the nonlinear stage, including load-displacement curves and failure mechanisms. The method's ability to determine responses of masonry infill walls with ease and high accuracy is an innovative aspect of this research. Moreover, the proposed method can be readily implemented in widely used commercial software, displaying remarkable robustness in handling non-linear behavior and demonstrating swift convergence, even when significant global softening occurs. In the proposed method, the masonry infill is modeled as a regular set of vertical and inclined bracing members. Vertical members are referred to as "piers" and inclined members are known as "braces". The outcomes of this research have the potential to enhance the engineering community's understanding of masonry infill walls and their interaction with structural frames, shedding light on influencing factors. Furthermore, these results may contribute to the future development of regulations and standards for masonry structures, offering improved insights into the behavior of masonry intermediate frames.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (in press 2024)
In order to facilitate the release of floods from the dams and to prevent their damage or collapse, a structure called a spillway is used. Due to the natural and variable flow of the input to the reservoirs of the dams, there are times when the river inflow exceeds the consumption amount in the downstream agricultural lands. In these cases, excess water is discharged over the crest of the weir and flows towards the spillway, which causes high velocities. This high velocity creates low pressure areas on the spillway concrete surface, which can cause major damage to the spillway or even endanger the integrity of the dam structure. Therefore, the dam spillway must safely dissipate the kinetic energy. One of the types of weirs is the stepped spillway to facilitate the passage of the flow over the dams. One of the most obvious practical features of stepped spillways compared to other spillways is the considerable energy dissipation along the spillway. Care should be taken in designing and selecting the type of spillway to prevent potential erosion and reduce kinetic energy as the water flow passes over the spillway. One possible solution is to use a stepped spillway instead of a smooth spillway. In this study, a numeral model of a stepped spillway with different steps and slopes is used. For this purpose, ANSYS software is used for modeling free surface with application of k-ε turbulence model. In the present study, numerical simulation using the Volume of Fluid (VOF) model was used to investigate the mixing phenomenon of two phases of air and water of the free surface flow. The flow field was continued until the residuals reached 10-7. Compared to simpler models such as Mixture, which operates solely on the basis of averaging the properties of two phases, the VOF model, is separating the phases and considering the effects of the interface. The VOF model, is capable of more accurate simulation of phenomena such as fluid mixing, turbulent flows, and heat transfer in multiphase flows. A number of hydraulic specifications which are considered in designing the stepped spillways are the pressure on the surface of the steps, velocity distribution and energy dissipation. The results from the numerical models were compared with experimental studies. They showed acceptable agreement with physical simulations. Results show that discharge and spillway slope increment reduces the amount of energy loss. In the spillway with 5 steps, for a discharge of 0.063 m3/s, the amount of energy dissipation at a slope of 26.6 degrees changes from 85 to 82% at a slope of 45 degrees, which shows a decrease of 3%. With the increase in discharge, the flow depth increases and reduces the effect of the roughness of the steps on the upper layers of the flow. Increasing the height of the steps increases the rate of energy dissipation and also increases the occurrence of negative pressures in stepped spillway. In this case, the contact surface between the main flow and the eddy currents increases. With the increase in the height of the steps, the dimensions of the rotating vortices also increase and cause a larger radius of rotation on the steps. The presence of these large rotating vortices separates the flow from the bottom of the steps and reduces the pressure on the surfaces. The number and dimensions of steps can alter the energy dissipation rate. Increase in the number of steps in a spillway with constant height, reduces the energy loss as the result of steps dimensions being shrunk