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Showing 1 results for Rostami Hosseinkhani1
Mehdi Rostami Hosseinkhani1, Pourya Omidvar, Sara Allahyaribeik, Masoud Torabi Azad,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (5-2018)
Dispersion of oil pollutants is one of the important topics of great concern which should be modeled for a wide range of hydrodynamic systems such as seas and oceans. In this paper, the effects of using booms on the oil plume are simulated using the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Method. The open-source SPHysics2D code is developed into two phase by adding the effects of surface tension and an added pressure term to the momentum equation. Several problems of plume dynamics are shown, and the performance of the developed code is evaluated. Firstly, the rising pattern of an oil plume with the density ratio of 0.8 is simulated where the results are compared with the analytical solution. Then, the rising pattern of a plume with density ratio of 0.1 is simulated and the time evolutions of the rising velocity and center of mass are shown. The simulation of the cnoidal wave on beaches is conducted and compared with an available experimental result. Finally, the effects of a boom with different angles on the oil plume dispersion are investigated. It will be shown that the SPH method could be an optimized method for the numerical simulation of the complex problems such as water wave dynamics and two-phase flows.