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Showing 3 results for Sabzalipour


Volume 5, Issue 14 (6-2017)


Volume 10, Issue 48 (February and March 2022)

The Folk literature of the Iranian people is a heritage of the people which is mostly oral and is very different from the traditional Persian literature in terms of structure and content. Folk tone, simple language, and common thoughts from illiterate people are visible in this literature. What is known as folk literature is not created by a special person and It is not known who that particular person was in the beginning. There are songs in Shahroud of Khalkhal, that have been common in this region since ancient times. These songs are being forgotten today. The topics used in these songs show the concerns of the people who create them. The main question of this article is how the thematic analysis of Tati folk literature leads us to social, political, economical, and cultural points in this region. These songs were collected in the field. The result of the research shows that folk literature is a factor in recognizing rituals, people's spirits, political-social events, and economic concerns of the people of each region.
Mohsen Sabzalipour, Ali Mohammad Rashidi,
Volume 24, Issue 8 (August 2024)

The main goal of present work is to identify the appropriate austenitising category to achieve the austempered ductile irons with dual matrix structure having the best possible machinability. In this regard, specimens of low-alloyed ferritic spheroidal graphite cast iron were prepared by casting process. In order to obtain a mixed ferrite-austenite structures having different volume fraction of austenite phase, samples were subjected to one of two processes: a) partial austenitising at 870 oC for various times (5 to 60 min) or b) intercritical austenitising at various temperatures (750, 765, 780 and 800 oC) for 60 minutes. After that they were austempered in molten salt at a temperature of 350 oC for one hour. During turning with a lathe equipped with a force dynamometer, the cutting forces of the workpieces were measured as a general adopted criterion for machinability investigation. According to the obtained results, with the increase of partial austenitising time or intercritical austenitising temperature, the volume fraction of the ausferrite phase increased, but the cutting force decreased initialy and then increased. For a certain percentage of the ausferrite phase, the turning of samples prepared with partial austenitising process was associated with lower cutting force, compared to the samples obtained by the intercritical austenitising process. In general, it can be concluded that the maximum machinability of dual matrix ductile iron austempered at 350 oC is achieved when the selected austenitising temperature and time results to creation dual matrix structure containing 39 ±  3 Vol% ausferrite phase

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