Showing 482 results for Sadeghi
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
As a trigger to communication, motivation still includes undiscovered aspects which require further investigation. Hence, considering the newly proposed dual continuum model of motivation, this study investigated the relationships among willingness to communicate (WTC), active/passive motivation, and foreign language achievement (FLA) among 216 high school English as a foreign language (EFL) learners. The modified version of the active/passive motivation scale (APMS) was revalidated using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Structural equation modeling (SEM) revealed significant relationships among active/passive motivation, L2WTC, and FLA. Additionally, six models were proposed for the prediction of learners’ L2WTC and FLA. The findings indicated that socio-cultural and sensory-perceptual active motivation as well as cognitive and sensory-perceptual passive motivation significantly predict learners’ L2WTC, while only cognitive active motivation predicts FLA. Furthermore, passive motivation predicts FLA in all sub-constructs. Finally, active motivation is a negative predictor of FLA if mediated by L2WTC. Overall, the study highlights the importance of passive as well as active motivation in promoting WTC and improving FLA among EFL learners.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
One of the outstanding language features in free Nima's poems is his characteristic and distinctive syntax. Nima named this linguistic characteristic as "morphological and syntactic combinations". Examining Nima's syntactic combinations shows that these combinations have functions in Nima's poetry, and one of these functions is its role in creating the music of the poem. Since the syntactic combinations releted to adjectives have a high frequency in Nima's poetry , this article after explaining the types of syntactic combinations of Nima in adjectives; such as the expansion of the adjective, putting a distance between the adjective and the adjective, the use of the adjective as a substitute for the adjective, etc., it expresses its function in creating the music of Nima's poetry and concludes that through his syntactic combinations, especially about the adjective, Nima tried to make the natural music that the words It matches the feeling and theme of the poem.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The phonetic layer is a linguistic concept that creates music in speech. Such musicality can be both external and internal and can be examined at the phonetic level of discourse. By analyzing rhythm, rhyme, and refrain, external music can be identified, while internal music can be discerned through the analysis of rhetorical devices such as assonance, punning, repetition. Furthermore, the musicality speech can be understood by investigating various processes such as metathesis, vowel shifting, syllable quantity, onomatopoeia, and archaic pronunciations, thereby taking the form of speech out of its ordinary and standard language form.
The importance of examining the phonetic layer lies in the fact that these linguistic components, in addition their aesthetic influence on speech sounds, enhance the prominence the text and contribute its stylistic distinctiveness.
Those Years is the title of a book written by Jafar Yahaghi, a researcher and professor of Persian language and literature, wherein he recounts his childhood, adolescence, and youth.
This research employs a descriptive layered stylistic approach to investigate the frequency of phonetic elements within the target text. By analyzing textual evidence explaining the recurrence of phonetic patterns, the study aims identify the stylistic characteristics of the work under study. components such as onomatopoeia, assonance
Due to the author’s dedication, interest, commitment to using local dialect to convey his message, he skillfully incorporates phonetic elements without sacrificing meaning for form. Statistical analysis indicates suggests that phonetic and repetition are more prevalent than other linguistic features, making them defining characteristics of the text’s style.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (ARTICLES IN PRESS 2024)
This study aimed to determine the effects of energy levels and sources on growth performance, antibody titers, and the gene expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines in broilers exposed to heat stress. 450 one-day-old Ross chickens were assigned to six dietary treatments and five replicates in a completely randomized design. Chickens have received diets differentiated by main energy source (corn grain and soybean oil) and energy level (equal, 3 or 6% lower or higher than Ross 308 recommendation). Treatments were as follows: corn grain and equal as control (CON), corn grain, 3% lower (T1), corn grain, 6% lower (T2), corn grain and soybean oil, equal (T3), corn grain and soybean oil, 3% higher (T4), corn grain and soybean oil, 6% higher (T5). The room temperature was increased to 34 °C (6-h daily) from day 12 to 42 of age to induce heat stress. The highest corticosterone level was observed in the T1, T2, and T5 groups. The lowest antibody titers were observed in the T2 group and the highest expression levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines genes were in chickens receiving T5 diet. The highest feed conversion ratio (FCR) during the grower and finisher periods was observed in T2, and the lowest FCR was observed in T3 and T4 groups. It was recommended to feed Ross broiler chickens with a diet containing oil instead of a part of grain based on energy recommended by the strain recommendation.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (9-2025)
During a laboratory biological study of a midge, Feltiella acarisuga (Vallot, 1827) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), acarivorous on two-spotted spider mites, some ceraphronid specimens were reared from the midge cocoons. A detailed morphological study and comparison with previously known species revealed that the ceraphronid is a new species of Aphanogmus Thomson, 1858 (Hymenoptera: Ceraphronidae). The new species is described as A. feltiellophagus Lotfalizadeh, sp. nov. and compared with closely related species. An identification key for all Aphanogmus species associated with predatory cecidomyiids is provided. As a parasitoid of the pupal stage of Feltiella acarisuga, the potential negative impact of A. feltiellophagus on the biological control of tetranychid mites is discussed.
Volume 0, Issue 1 (5-2011)
Ground skidding on skid trails affects the physical properties of soil. The objective of this study was to evaluate changes in soil physical properties on skid trails formed due to traffic of metal-tracked skidders with regard to soil bulk density, total porosity, water content and penetration resistance. The studies were implemented on two levels of slope – <20% (SC1) and >20% (SC2) – and three levels of traffic (one, five and nine traffic cycles). The treatment plots with three replications, consequently, were 6 m long and 4 m wide. The measurement of soil penetration resistance was carried out using a cone penetrometer. The samples were taken from 10 cm of top soil at six points in each plot. The results indicated that the skidder traffic did not significantly affect the soil physical properties measured in three levels of traffic at SC1, whereas it was significant between one and five traffic cycles in SC2. Most of the changes in the measured properties in the skid trails occurred after the first loaded skidder traffic. Within all traffic of SC2, differences in the mean values of water content and soil porosity were greater compared with the mean values at the same traffic of SC1, although these differences were not significant. The bulk density and penetration resistance at five and nine traffics of SC2 were significantly different from the same traffic of SC1.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (12-2010)
We present a method to predict the flexible and rigid regions based on sequence. We use the free energy of two consequent amino acids to define a factor for distinguishing flexible regions from the rigid ones. Using statistical analysis of this free energy, we assign a normalized number between zero to one hundred which we call it flexibility number. Taking the effects of up to four neighbors of an amino acid, into account, resulted in an efficient prediction of flexible and rigid regions of a protein.
Volume 1, Issue 2 ((Articles in Persian) 2010)
Volume 1, Issue 2 (7-2014)
Background: Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP) is an lgA mediated small vessel systemic vasculitis disease in children. The etiology and pathogenesis of HSP disease remain unknown. However, environmental and genetic risk factors could play important roles in susceptibility to HSP disease. In this study we investigated the association of 5՛-untranslated region polymorphism (-634G/C) of VEGF gene with HSP among Iranian Azeri Turkish population. Methods: Thirty unrelated Iranian Azeri Turkish children with HSP and fifty healthy unrelated subjects without HSP and other inflammatory diseases were enrolled in this population. -634G/C polymorphism of VEGF gene was genotyped by polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR–RFLP) technique. Results: The distribution of CC genotype in VEGF -634G/C polymorphism statistically showed a significant difference in HSP patients in compare to that of control group (P= 0.009). Conclusions: The CC genotype of VEGF -634G/C polymorphism could be associated with susceptibility to HSP disease in Iranian Azeri Turkish ethnic group.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2015)
From 2009 to 2012, 16 species of Curculionidae (Coleoptera) from the subfamily Lixinae were collected on 17 species of food plants in Iranian rangelands. Identified species belong to seven genera in the tribes Lixini and Cleonini. The host plants from which they were collected were in the families Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Apiaceae, Campanulaceae, Brassicaceae and Zygophyllaceae. Of the 16 species that we captured, two (Lixus subfarinosus Desbrochers, 1893 and Larinus remissus Faust, 1889) represent the first records from Iran. These new data also extend the known ranges of several species (Larinus fucatus Faust, 1894, Larinus grisescens Gyllenhal, 1835, Microlarinus rhinocylloides Hochhuth, 1847 and Bangasternus planifrons (Brulle, 1832) in Iran. The distribution of beetles and their associated host plants are presented and ecological notes on each species are provided.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (Fall & Winter 2025)
The discourse of the resistance of the Islamic Revolution, in addition to having a great impact on the political, social and cultural system of Iran, has been very influential beyond its borders and has been an inspiration for Muslim movements in different countries, including Nigeria. In the last few decades, Nigeria, as one of the important countries in Africa, has been the platform for the formation of the Islamic movement and the expansion of Shiism, and now the population of several million Shiites in Nigeria has turned this country into one of the centers of Shiism.Based on this, the present research has analyzed the impact of the discourse of Islamic revolution resistance on the Islamic movement in Nigeria by using the discourse theory of Lakla and Mofe and using explanatory-analytical method.The findings of the research showed that the discourse of resistance after the victory of the revolution, with the systematization of the Islamic discourse, from a discourse marginalized by the discourse of domination, has become an active discourse in the text of domestic and international policies, and with negation. The hegemony of the domination system and the lack of compromise with it has created a new articulation, which at the end of this articulation has defined a model of resistance against the domination system. This model of resistance, with an emphasis on political Islam, anti-arrogance and anti-Westernism,in addition to reviving the identity of Shiites in Nigeria, has also influenced the formation and expansion of the Islamic movement in this country.
Volume 1, Issue 4 (Fall 2019)
The spatial boundaries are not just important in the macro and international levels, but also are significant at the local, regional and national levels. They are significant in areas such as Mamasani County in which the social structure has the tribal nature. The spatial-identity boundaries are appeared due to the dominant tribal atmosphere. On this basis, the areas of culture, society and politics are overshadowed. Tribalism and socio-political boundaries in these areas consolidate each other through factors such as identity, geographic space; the creation of symbols and values; the emphasis on the notions of one's self and others; friendship, hostility and competition and the elections in local level (city council and village or parliament). This kind of solidarity plays an important role in stabilizing local- tribal and traditional political behavior on the one hand and perceptual and spatial boundaries on the other. This situation has consequences such as tribal divergence, cultural introspection and border demarcation. The current research is based on the question of what is the relationship between tribalism and socio-political boundaries in Mamasani. In explaining the research hypothesis, it seems that tribalism and socio-political boundaries mutually reinforce each other. The research is conducted using the descriptive-analytical method and the required data have been collected through library, documentary and field (observation) methods. The findings show that tribalism and socio-political boundaries had mutual effects on each other so that tribes were socialized and politicized during the reign of the Khans and after the fall of the Khans, tribal boundaries have also been influential in intensifying clannish attitudes.
Volume 2, Issue 1 (6-2013)
Cell concentrations and growth rate of Dunaliella salina Teodoresco in light intensities e. g. 50 and 150 µmol. photons.m-2.s-1 and temperatures 25 ± 0.5 and 31 ± 0.5 oC (Mean ± SD) were studied. The algae was isolated from the Urumieh Lake and cultured in various treatments (n=12). Algae cells were counted regularly using Thoma counting chamber in 3 replicates on daily basis. The curve of changes in population was plotted. The specific growth rate (SGR; d-1) was calculated and compared within treatments by means of two ways ANOVA Analysis. The highest cell concentration (Mean ± SD) 4.8 ± 0.6 × 10 6 was observed in light intensity of 150 µmol. photons.m-2.s-1 and temperature 25 ± 0.5 oC. The minimum cell concentration (2.8 ± 0.3 × 10 6 was observed in light intensity of 50 µmol. photons.m-2.s-1 and temperature 31 ± 0.5 oC. Specific growth rate showed significant differences in various treatments (P
Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2002)
A time-domain approach is presented to calculate electromagnetic fields inside a large Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) simulator. This type of EMP simulator is used for studying the effect of electromagnetic pulses on electrical apparatus in various structures such as vehicles, a reoplanes, etc. The simulator consists of three planar transmission lines. To solve the problem, we first model the metallic structure of the simulator as a grid of conducting wires. The numerical solution of the governing electric field integral equation is then obtained using the method of moments in time domain. To demonstrate the accuracy of the model, we consider a typical EMP simulator. The comparison of our results with those obtained experimentally in the literature validates the model introduced in this paper.
Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2014)
This study we tries to introduce Nikolai Gumiliov-Acmeism Father of Russia– and also to study how he became familiar with the East and be influenced of east works. Gumiliov created unique works by pattern of Easter elements in his poems. In this study, we try to analyze some of them to make clear their inspiration sources. The most important and interesting of his poems are “Drank Dervish”, “Imitation of Persian”, “Persian Miniature”, “Pilgrim” and verse play “The Child of God”, the influence of the East is clearly seen in all of them. Gumiliov in his friendly correspondence signed pen name of Hafiz. He always looked for ways to enrich his land culture and spiritual elements closer to East. It is because that East with poetical forms and icons has been reflected in his works and influenced his ideology, so that one can easily distinguish him from other Russian silver era writers. In this article, also we show how elements of Easter religion, Mysticism, and Islamic mysticism are reflected in his works.
Volume 2, Issue 2 (6-2014)
Different types of soil erosion including gully erosion occur in many parts of Iran. The west of Iran is further threatened by gully erosion due to its specific physical and climatic conditions. However, few studies have been carried out to study the sediment production of gully erosion in Iran. This research was therefore conducted to measure storm-wise sediment production of gully erosion in the west of Iran. To achieve the study objectives, 48 gullies located in three small watersheds viz. Darreh-Shahr, Abbas-Abad and Hollowsh in Ilam and Lorestan Provinces were monitored. The volumes of gullies were measured before and after 5 rainstorms for Darreh-Shahr and Abbas Abad watersheds and 6 rainstorms for Hollowsh watershed from 2005 to 2007. Sediment production was calculated on storm basis for each gully. The results revealed that the minimum and maximum volumes of gully erosion were 0.002 and 1.010 m3, respectively, for one millimeter of rainfall. The results indicated that soil moisture, percentage of silt and clay, amount and intensity of rainfall and drainage area were the most important factors on formation and sediment production of gully erosion.
Volume 2, Issue 2 (Special for Virtual Conference of Health Education & Promotion - 2014)
Aim: Injury from needle is one of the main ways of transmitting blood diseases in the medical staff. Prevention and reduction of such diseases' side effects have been emphasized by the Health Ministry. This study aimed to investigate factors influencing the behavior of the Elam city medical staff when working with sharps instruments. Methods: In a cross-sectional study, using a census method, all healthcare staff working in the health centers of Abdanan Dehloran city (total n=66) after providing written informed consent were enrolled. Data were gathered by a questionnaire. After verifying the validity and reliability, the data were collected, and analyzed using SPSS19 and descriptive statistics, Chi-square and t-test. Findings: 59% of the participants were male; 80% were married; 62% had academic educations, and 47% worked in the nursing and injection sections. The mean scores of knowledge and attitude of the participants were 3.1±1.38 and 1.7±4.1, respectively, and just 13.4% of the subjects had not reported control tests and injury events. Conclusion: Knowledge, attitudes and practices of the medical staff of injuries from sharp objects are not desirable. it seems that empowering the staff through theoretical and practical training is proper solution in this regard.
Volume 2, Issue 2 (4-2016)
Background: Helicobacter pylori is the most common cause of chronic infection in the human stomach. The infection has universe prevalence in all age groups. Probably, this bacterium is the cause of most common chronic bacterial infection in human beings and infects approximately half of the world population. H. pylori produces urease, an enzyme that degrades the urea in the stomach’s mucous to ammonia resulting in biochemical reaction that leads to increase in pH of the stomach lumen. This allows pathogenic intestinal protozoa to take the opportunity to cross through stomach’s increased pH and cause disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between H. pylori infection and prevalence of parasitic infection in patients in Ilam. Materials and Methods: Following stool samples collection during 2013 in patients with abdominal pain in Ilam, Iran. H. pylori infection was investigated based on stool antigen analysis (HPSA) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method in patients who had recurrent abdominal pain. Stool specimens were examined using the direct examination and the spontaneous sedimentation method for detecting the trophozoite and cyst of parasites. Results: In this study, we found 65 patients with H. pylori infection. Out of these 65 patients, the percentage of patients with positive results for Giardia lamblia was 30.7% and for Entamoebahistolytica/dispar was 12.3%. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that H. pylori infection may provide favorable conditions for giardiasis infection; however, this presumption needs further studies with larger sample size.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (Number 3 - 2000)
ELISA values (O.D.s) of extracts of separately roots and individual leaves of barley and wheat plants infected by a French BYDV-PAV isolate (PAV-4), were assessed for five dif-ferent virus incubation periods in controlled conditions (5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 days after in-oculation). In most cases, virus contents of individual roots or leaves were not statistically different for barley and wheat. For both plant species, ELISA values peaked sooner in roots than in leaves and in most harvesting dates were higher in roots. The old leaf had a significantly lower virus titre than other leaves. Upper leaves exhibited the highest ELISA values. These results indicate that the upper part of infected plants is the most suitable for virus acquisition by aphids. A scheme for BYDV-PAV spread in young plants is proposed, and compared to the distribution of vectors on the plants.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2013)
To evaluate the effects of presence of insect pollinators on quantity and quality of seeds of two common cultivars of onion (Allium cepa L.), namely Red Azar Shahr and Yellow Sweet Spanish, an experiment in a factorial randomized complete block design was carried out at two sites. Bulbs of equal size were planted with plant to plant 35 cm and row to row 50 cm spacing. At each site, experimental groups differed only in pollination method. About a week before flowering start, at each site 3 groups of 10 individual inflorescences as block replications of each treatment combination (pollination × cultivar) were selected randomly and marked. For each onion cultivar, half of the plants were left uncovered (free pollination), whereas the other ones were isolated from insect pollinators by using wooden cages covered with cloth net. When about 10 percent of black seeds were visibly exposed in the umbels, harvest was done. After drying, the number and weight of seeds produced per inflorescence as well as 1000 seed weight was measured for each treatment combination. Four weeks after the harvesting date the germination test of seeds produced in each treatment combination was evaluated. Non availability of insect pollinators during the flowering period of onion caused substantial reduction on seed number and seed weight per umbel. Also, seeds from free pollination flowers showed higher germination capacity than those isolated from insect visitors. However, varieties as well as experimental sites did not show significant influences on seed setting of onion.