Showing 15 results for Sahraiyan
Volume 12, Issue 47 (7-2015)
Reduction of bread loss and wheat consumption have particular importance in the national economy, has attracted many researcher’s mind. Thus in this study sorghum flour was used as a substitution for the part of wheat flour in bread making. On the other hand, the purposes of this study were investigation on the effects of steaming time (three levels of 0, 90 and 180 second) and baking time (three levels of 10, 15 and 20 minute), on moisture content, water activity, crust color, firmness and overall acceptability of composite bread (wheat- sorghum). Based on the result, the steaming and baking time were effective on staling rate and bread shelf life at P
Volume 13, Issue 61 (3-2016)
Volume 14, Issue 62 (4-2017)
Volume 16, Issue 94 (December 2019)
In this project, low-fat composite (wheat-millet) cup cake was produced. Fenugreek seed gum (0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and 1%) was used as a fat replacer in levels of 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 %. specific gravity and consistency of batter and moisture, specific volume, porosity, firmness (2 hours and 1 week after baking), crust color and sensory properties of chiffon cake were measured. The sample containing 0.25% Fenugreek seed gum had the lowest specific gravity and firmness and the highest specific volume, porosity, L* value and overall acceptability score. Also, the result showed the technological and sensory properties of sample containing 0.25% Fenugreek seed gum was similar to control. Moisture and a* value were increased and b* value was decreased by increasing Fenugreek seed gum. Finally, the removal of 50% of oil in chiffon cake formulation was performed successfully.
Volume 18, Issue 110 (April 2021)
Medicinal plants have been used for its medicinal attributes from several thousand years ago. Eucalyptus is one of these plants which the antimicrobial effects has long been used to treat a cold and influenza in most parts of the world. The aim of this experimental study was to evaluate the antibacterial activity of Eucalyptus globulus essential oil (EGEO) in 4 ways: disc diffusion agar, well diffusion agar, microdilution broth and minimum bactericidal concentration on a number of strains pathogens and the cause of food spoilage in vitro. The sensitivity profile of microorganisms against the EGEO (disc diffusion agar) is as follows form the most resistant to the most sensitive: Salmonella typhi > Escherichia coli > Pseudomonas aeruginosa > Bacillus subtilis > Streptococcus pyogenes > Staphylococcus aureus. The mean inhibition zone in well diffusion agar was equal to 18.62 mm against Gram-positive bacteria. The mean inhibition zone in well diffusion agar was equal to 11.93 mm against Gram-negative bacteria. The results showed that the minimum inhibitory concentration of EGEO for Salmonella typhi, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Streptococcus pyogenes and Staphylococcus aureus was 128, 64, 64, 32, 16 and 8 mg/ml respectively. The minimum bactericidal concentration for microorganisms was 512, 256, 128, 128, 32 and 16 mg/ml respectively. It is recommended that additional tests be performed to use EGEO for use as a natural preservative in the food and pharmaceutical industry.
Volume 18, Issue 119 (january 2021)
Millet is a rich source of essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Also, Malva extract has phenolic compounds, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. The purpose of the first part of this study was to investigate the effect of replacing part of wheat flour (0, 15, 30, 45 and 60%) with millet flour in cookies. In this section, technological characteristics (moisture, specific volume, porosity and texture) were evaluated. In the second part, in order to produce functional cookies, antioxidant and microbial activity and sensory properties of the selected sample in the first part were affected by 0, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 ppm of Malva extract. The results showed that the sample containing 15% of millet flour was the best cookie of the first part with the highest specific volume (1.73 cm3 / g), porosity (22.1%) and moisture (10.15%) and favorable texture (3.28 N) during two months of storage. The results of the second part showed the total phenol content increased from 1.6 to 53.5 mg / g by increasing Malva extract in the cookie formulation. However, the antioxidant activity of the sample containing 500 ppm of Malva extract increased from 12.1% to 61.2% compared to the control. The samples containing more than 200 ppm of Malva extract didn’t have mold and yeast during two months of storage. Also, the samples containing 100 to 300 ppm Malva extract obtained the highest color, texture, odor and taste score in the sensory evaluation. Therefore, samples containing 85% wheat flour, 15% millet flour and 300 ppm of Malva extract can be offered to the bakery industry as a functional cookie.
Volume 18, Issue 120 (February 2021)
Triticale is a successful crop of wheat and rye. Ginger has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to produce functional cookies containing triticale flour and ginger powder and essential oil. In the first part of this study, wheat flour (0-50 %) in cookie formula was replaced with triticale. Moisture, firmness, specific volume, porosity, color, and microstructure of cookies were evaluated. In the second part, ginger powder (0-5%) and essential oil (0-150 ppm) were used in the formula and antioxidant, microbial and sensory properties of the cookies were evaluated. In the first part, the sample containing 15% triticale flour had more moisture (14.29%) compared to other samples during one month of storage. The sample containing 15% triticale flour and control had the same specific volume (1.90 cm3 /g), porosity (18.5%) and firmness (4.1 N) and no significant differences were observed between properties of these samples (P<0.05). Antioxidant activity of sample containing 15% triticale flour (control of the second part), sample containing 15% triticale flour and 5% ginger powder and sample containing 15% triticale flour and 150 ppm ginger essential oil was 4.6, 29.8 and 69.2% respectively. Also, the growth results of mold and yeast showed ginger can be used as an antimicrobial agent and inhibit positive growth in all concentrations of essential oil consumption and at the level of 5% powder. Finally, the highest score of sensory properties was given to the control sample, the sample containing 1 and 3% ginger powder and the sample containing 50 ppm ginger essential oil. Finally, Cookies containing 15% triticale flour in the presence of 3% ginger powder or 50 ppm ginger essential oil can be introduced as the best examples of this research.
Volume 19, Issue 127 (September 2022)
The aim of this study was to enrich and improve nutritional and technological properties of sponge cake. Wheat flour was replaced with okra flour at levels of 0, 15 and 30%, and okra gum was used at levels of 0, 2.5 and 5% to improve texture and sensory sensory properties of the final product. The results showed that replacing wheat flour with okra flour and increasing its consumption level led to an increase in ash (from 0.54 to 1.35%), protein (from 7.56 to 93.9%) and antioxidant activity (from 79 4.5 to 49.2%) of samples. Okra flour and gum, especially at 30 and 5% level, were effective in moisture of the cakes during the baking and shelf life. The lowest moisture loss was observed in the sample containing 5% okra gum (without okra flour) and moisture of this sample decreased from 21.7% to 18.5% during two weeks. The highest specific volume (5.2 cm3 / g), porosity (31.8) and texture softness during 2 hours and one and two weeks after baking ( 1.4, 4.9 and 7.1 N) were showed in samle containing 15 % okara flour and 2.5 % okara gum. Also, in the sensory evaluation, the highest score of sensory properties and finally overall acceptance were showed in to the sample containing 15% okra flour and 2.5% okra gum and 30% okra flour without the presence of okra gum.
Volume 19, Issue 131 (January 2022)
Today various sweeteners are competing with sucrose in food market. They are creating acceptable sweetness and preserving technological and sensory properties of the product. In this study enzymatic sorghum malt use as sucrose replacer in gluten-free rice cake production. For this purpose, moisture, specific volume, porosity, crust color values, firmness and sensory properties were evaluated. The results showed that with increasing substitution of sucrose by enzymatic sorghum malt, moisture content and a* increased. However, falling the moisture content in sample containing malt flour were lower than control during the storage (1week) was with the lapse of time a week after bake a cake, malt flour contains less moisture loss in samples from the control samples. The results also showed enzymatic sorghum malt increased the softness of texture and able to prevent hardening of the texture during storage. In addition, the results indicated that the sample that 40% sucrose had been replaced with malt flour had the highest porosity, specific volume and L* value. Also this sample was equal in sweetness to control and the judges taste the sample was superior in other features. Thus, according to the results we can say that an enzymatic sorghum malt can be used as a natural sweetener, especially in celiac disease is needed products.
Volume 19, Issue 132 ( February 2023)
The purpose of this research is to investigate the replacement of different levels of chickpea flour (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%) with quinoa flour and the addition of monoglyceride emulsifier at levels of 0, 0.5 and 1% to the formulation of gluten-free cookies. In this research, the amount of ash, protein, moisture, specific volume, firmness and sensory properties (form and shape, surface, texture, cheweness, odor and taste, and overall acceptance) of the samples were evaluated. The results showed that the moisture, ash and fat content of quinoa flour was higher and its protein content was lower than chickpea flour. By increasing the level of replacing chickpea with quinoa flour in the formulation of gluten-free cookies, the amount of moisture and ash was increased and the amount of protein was decreased. The sample containing 25% quinoa flour and 0.5% monoglyceride emulsifier had the highest specific volume (0.98 ml/g) and the lowest firmness (31.37 N). The presence of quinoa flour and the increase of its level in the formulation showed L* value decreased and a* value increased. The sensory evaluation showed the sample containing 25% quinoa flour (without emulsifier) and the sample containing 25% quinoa flour and 0.5% monoglyceride emulsifier had better than other samples. It should be noted that the samples containing 50% quinoa flour in the presence of 0.5% monoglyceride emulsifier were of high quality and quantity, and the overall acceptance score and physicochemical characteristics of these samples were favorable. Therefore, samples containing 25 quinoa flour and 0.5% monoglyceride emulsifier are introduced as the best samples of gluten-free cookies in this research.
N. Sahraiyan, S.m.h. Mohammadi, E. Jahanshahi Javaran,
Volume 20, Issue 2 (February 2020)
The application of solar energy for space cooling has been increasingly considered in Iran and other countries in the last two decades. In this study, two different configurations of a solar assisted refrigeration system have been studied. The first system is the combination of a lithium bromide vapor absorption refrigeration system and flat plate collectors. The other system is consisted of a compression refrigeration system and thermal photovoltaic panels. For this purpose, 32% of the roof area of the building has been covered with 105 flat plate collectors, each with a total area of 1.591 m2, or 288 photovoltaic panels each with an area of 0.556 m2. Both systems have been compared in terms of energy, exergy, and economic viewpoints. This comparison has been conducted for providing the 70 kW cooling capacity system required for an office building with an area of 500 m2. The results of this study showed that at an evaporator temperature of 5°C and the ambient temperature of 27°C, the coefficient of performance of the compression chiller is 3.5 and the absorption chiller is 0.71. Also, the total energy efficiency and the total exergy efficiency in the compression chiller system combined with thermal photovoltaic panels are 7.43% and 8.25% respectively. Those two parameters for the absorption chiller combined with flat plate collectors are 9.16% and 6.66%, respectively. In the economic analysis, the annual life cycle cost for the compression chiller system combined with thermal photovoltaic collectors is 9710 $ and this cost for the absorption chiller system combined with flat plate collectors is estimated 7649 $.
Volume 20, Issue 138 (August 2023)
Quinoa is a valuable food source that has attracted many people attention today. For this purpose, in this research, the effect of types of quinoa flour (raw, roasted and flaked) and its partial replacement with roasted rice flour (zero, 15 and 30%) were investigated on physicochemical (protein, ash, water activity, texture and color) and sensory characteristics of compact food bars. The results showed that the flaking and roasting applied on quinoa while improving the quality of the product led to a decrease in water activity and color components L* and b* and an increase in ash, texture firmness and color component a*. This was while the process of roasting and flaking led to a decrease and an increase in the protein of the produced samples, respectively, compared to the samples containing raw quinoa flour. On the other hand, by increasing the rice flour percentage in the formulation, the amount of protein, ash and color component a* decreased and the values of texture firmness and color components L* and b* increased. The results of the sensory evaluation also showed that the processing done on quinoa and the presence of rice flour in the formulation led to an increase in the score of sensory characteristics and finally the overall acceptance of the final product. Finally, the sample produced with quinoa flaked flour and containing 30% of rice flour (5.74% protein, 0.781% ash and overall acceptance score of 4.52) was introduced as the best sample.
Volume 21, Issue 149 (July 2024)
This study aims to investigate the effect of substituting different levels of chickpea flour (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%) with quinoa flour on the relationship and dependence between the amount of protein, ash, moisture, specific volume, texture, color changes and sensory characteristics. Gluten-free cookies were analyzed using principal component analysis (PCA). The obtained results showed the dependence and relationship between the evaluated parameters to the change in the level of substitution of chickpea flour with quinoa in the formulation of gluten-free cookies. By replacing 25%, the relationship between the parameters changed significantly. With the increase of substitution level change from 25 to 50%, with the predominance of smell and taste and change in texture, the relationships between the evaluated parameters in the space of principal component analysis were rearranged relative to each other. By increasing the substitution level from 50 to 75%, the influence of the presence of quinoa flour on the textural characteristics of the manufactured product and its relationship with other parameters showed the variation of the examined traits. This indicated the critical level of relationship change towards the predominance of quinoa properties in the formulation. At the replacement level of 100%, based on the position of the special volume parameter with the parameters related to tissue characteristics, an opposite relationship was observed between them. Based on the results, it shows the applicability of principal component analysis as a useful tool in identifying the substrate of relationships between quantitative and qualitative parameters in the direction of designing and developing food formulations, and finally, the maximum replacement of 50% of chickpea flour with quinoa flour in Chickpea sweet formulation is recommended.
Volume 21, Issue 153 (November 2024)
Compact food bars have become consumers' first choice as an alternative to unhealthy snacks, meal replacements, or quick energy sources before exercise. Considering the increasing need of society for such products, this research aims to investigate the effect of using quinoa flour in raw and processed form (flaked and roasted) and different levels of rice flour (zero, 15 and 30%) on the physicochemical (moisture, fat, protein, ash, carbohydrates, calories, specific volume, color, water activity, and texture) and sensory characteristics of compact food bars. The results showed that the processing applied on quinoa, while improving the quality of the product, led to a decrease in moisture, fat, and water activity, and an increase in ash and texture hardness, and the samples containing quinoa flour showed the highest amount of protein. In addition, the flaking process decreased carbohydrate and specific volume and roasting increased them and significantly affected the color changes of the samples. The sensory analysis of the samples also showed that the processing done on quinoa and increasing the amount of rice flour in the formulation increased the overall acceptance of the product. Finally, the sample produced with quinoa flaked flour and containing 30% of rice flour (8.10% moisture, 5.90% fat, 5.74% protein, 0.78% ash, 79.47% carbohydrates, and 393.97 Kcal/100g calories) was chosen as the optimal formula.
Volume 22, Issue 158 (April 2025)
Bug-damage wheat is one of the agricultural wastes, which by entering the human cycle will significantly contribute to the industry of baking products. Therefore, in the present study, bug-damage wheat flour at levels of 10, 20 and 30% was replaced by healthy wheat flour in the formulation of traditional Zaboli cookies and ascorbic acid at levels of 30 and 60 pp was used to compensate. The results showed that the moisture, ash, fat, protein, Falling's number and Zeleny's number of healthy and bug-damage wheat flour could not be a suitable indicator to detect wheat. This was despite the fact that the amount of wet gluten and gluten index were effective parameters for distinguishing between healthy and healthy and bug-damage wheat, and the amount of gluten and gluten index was higher in the flour sample obtained from healthy wheat. Also, the results showed that by replacing healthy and bug-damage wheat flour, the moisture level of cookies decreased. Ascorbic acid was successful in maintaining the moisture of the cookies during the baking process and after. In addition, based on the results, it was indicated that the sample containing 10% bug-damage wheat flour and 30 ppm of ascorbic acid had the highest volume and the lowest firmness. The presence of bug-damage wheat flour and ascorbic acid in the formulation led to the darker and lighter color of the samples, respectively. Based on the overall acceptance score, it was determined that the sample containing 10% bug-damage wheat flour and 30 ppm ascorbic acid, the control sample and the sample containing 20% of bug-damage wheat flour and 60 ppm of ascorbic acid were the three best samples. But since the purpose of using bug-damage wheat flour, the samples containing bug-damage wheat flour are introduced as the best samples in terms of technological and sensory properties.