Showing 36 results for Shirzad
Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)
Salt stress is a serious environmental threat reducing crop yield. Hence, developing any breeding plan requires an understanding of the basic physiology and cell molecular genetic regulation under salinity stress. In this study, we evaluated the effectiveness of gene expression changes on ion homeostasis comprising salt overly sensitive (SOS1) and vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporter (NHX1) along with ion content measurement and proline content in the rice mutants at Rice Research Institute of Iran in 2018-2019. To survey these realities, tolerant mutant genotypes (em4hs290 and em4hs84) along with Hashemi parent cultivar, IR28 (sensitive), and FL478 (tolerant) seedlings were treated with 100 mM NaCl. Based on the results of growth indices, the seedling length of Hashemi cultivar and IR28 decreased considerably about 44.7%, and 44.2% reduction to that of the control, and the leaves progressively yellowed. Results showed that proline content and K+ and K+/Na+ ratio increased about ~2–3-fold higher in the tolerant genotypes than in the susceptible ones. Also, the overall amount of the OsNHX1 and SOS1 expression increased in tolerant genotypes compared to the susceptible ones. Accordingly, the compatible solute accumulation significantly advanced resulting in improvement of ionic homeostasis and probably suppresses the stress. Moreover, the variable pattern of gene expression in the two salt-tolerant mutants (em4hs290 and em4hs84) and Hashemi parent showed that the induced mutation could increase the salt-tolerant in mutant genotypes through ionic and osmotic homeostasis. Generally, these tolerant mutant genotypes could be applied to develop salt-tolerant varieties in rice breeding programs which can bring on production sustainability.
Volume 3, Issue 5 (Spring & Summer 2016)
The Holy Quran has been translated to very diverse languages from the distant past and through this, has found opportunities to transfer its sublime teachings to people with different languages and distinctive cultures. In addition to translating the Holy Quran in and of itself, these efforts have caused various works on theoretical and practical issues of the translation of the Holy Quran, and its principles and methodology have been discussed. In continuation of the same effort, this study would like to introduce "the etymology of roots" as an effective method in finding equivalents, and to apply it in a matter of the root "LBS". Muslim scholars have mentioned different analyses, and occasionally incoherent ones about this Arabic root in their exegetical and linguistic works, which is also manifested in translations of the Holy Quran. Applying "the etymology of roots", this study tried for the first time to investigate the root "LBS" in all branches of Semitic languages, and understand its original meaning, and then probe its semantic changes up to the age of the revelation of the Holy Quran. Moreover this study discussed strong and weak points of the equivalents proposed in Persian and English translations of the Holy Quran.
Volume 4, Issue 1 (3-2018)
The present study is based on the material collected from Alborz and Guilan provinces of Iran during March to November 2010 and 2011. Three species of the genus Platylabus Wesmael were collected and identified, of which Platylabus orbitalis (Gravenhorst, 1829) (Hym.: Ichneumonidae: Ichneumoninae, Platylabini) is newly recorded from Iran and the Middle East region. This study increases the number of known Iranian species of the tribe Platylabini and genus Platylabus to 12 and 5 species, respectively. An identification key to Iranian Platylabus, as well as a brief description and diagnostic characters of the new record species is provided.
Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2018)
In this survey the tribe Heresiarchini (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae, Ichneumoninae) of Alborz and Guilan provinces (Iran) was taxonomically studied. The specimens were collected using Malaise traps during March to November 2010. Three species including: Coelichneumon comitator (Linnaeus, 1758), Coelichneumon probator Horstmann, 2000 and Syspasis carinator (Fabricius, 1798) were identified of which C. probator is recorded for the first time from the Middle East and Iran. An updated checklist of Heresiarchini in Iran, as well as diagnostic characters of the new recorded species is presented.
Volume 4, Issue 2 (Spring 2019)
Aims: Postural abnormalities cause dysfunction. In this regard, lower extremity disorders such as flat- foot play a major role in creating lower extremity disorders. The present study evaluates the effect of a course of selected corrective exercise on the balance and performance of adolescent girls with a flat foot.
Instruments & Methods:Subjects in this study included 30 students within the age range of 9-10 years old with flat -foot deformities who were randomly selected and divided into two groups of corrective exercise (age: 11.60 ± 1.02 years, height: 148.46±10.29 m, weight: 47.40±11.69 kg and body mass index: 21.42±11.92) and control (age: 11.40±0.95 years, height: 148.46±12.67 m, weight: 47.46±12.28 kg and body mass index: 21.37±4.28).
Findings:Demographic data were collected through a questionnaire and Navicular drop method was used to assess flat- foot deformity. Descriptive statistics were used to determine the frequencies, central indices, and dispersion in the form of tables and graphs, and multivariate analysis of covariance was used to investigate the intergroup differences in research variables. The results showed that corrective program had a significant effect on functional tests and static balance with open and closed eyes (p<0.01).
Conclusion: This study showed that corrective exercises were effective in improving balance and function of the studied-participants. Hence, it is suggested that therapists use different exercises related to the trunk and lower extremities in the form of corrective program to improve female adolescents’ deformities.
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2017)
The tribe Platylabini (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae, Ichneumoninae) of Alborz, Guilan and Tehran provinces (North central Iran) was taxonomically studied. The specimens were collected using Malaise traps during March to November 2010–2011. Four species were identified including: Apaeleticus bellicosus Wesmael, 1845, Platylabus iridipennis Gravenhorst, 1829, Apaeleticus inimicus (Gravenhorst, 1820) and Linycus exhortator (Fabricius, 1787) of which A. inimicus and L. exhortator are recorded for the first time from Iran. An updated checklist of Platylabini in Iran, as well as diagnostic characters of the newly recorded species is presented.
Volume 7, Issue 3 (9-2021)
A survey was conducted on the fauna of Ichneumonini Latreille, 1802 (Ichneumonidae: Ichneumoninae) in North-central area of Iran. The specimens were collected using Malaise traps from March to November in 2010–2011. A total of 28 species were identified, of which three species and one subspecies are recorded for the first time from Iran: Eutanyacra ruficornis Berthoumieu, 1894; Ichneumon quadrialbatus Gravenhorst, 1820; Ichneumon sarcitorius turkestanicus Heinrich, 1929; Stenobarichneumon basalis Perkins, 1960. As well 17 species are new provincial records. A new species, Anisopygus persicus Shirzadegan, Talebi & Riedel sp. nov. from Guilan province in northern Iran is described and illustrated. The known number of Ichneumonini species in Iran is now raised to 143. Detailed morphological characters of the newly recorded species and Virgichneumon albilineatus (Gravenhorst, 1820), as well as an updated list of the tribe Ichneumonini from Iran, are provided.
Volume 8, Issue 16 (Fall & Winter 2022)
The most important duty of scholars in the process of translating the Holy Qur'an is to understand the meaning of the Qur'anic words accurately and to choose the best equivalents for them, especially when the Qur'anic word has some special semantic components which have been neglected in the period of Classical Arabic. For example, the word "khuṭwah" is used in the Holy Qur'an only in the form of "khuṭuwāt al-shayṭān" (the footprints of Satan) due to having some unknown semantic components. Adopting the etymological approach, the present research is an attempt to (A) find the root "Kh-Ṭ-W" in various Semitic languages, (B) find out its oldest meaning, (C) study the semantic changes of this word towards the Qur'anic Arabic, and finally (D) reexamine its semantic components in the Holy Qur'an. Moreover, this study evaluates the success of Persian translators in providing equivalents for the Qur'anic word "khuṭwah". This study shows that one of the most significant semantic components of the word "khuṭwah", which has been neglected in the lexical and interpretive studies, is going astray and becoming lost. Therefore, "khuṭwah" at the time of the revelation of the Holy Qur'an referred to the footprints that cause the travelers to go astray.
Volume 9, Issue 0 (تابستان 85- 2010)
Current investigations indicate different in vitro infection patterns for Oka and Dumas strains. Infection of cells in culture with Dumas strain produces lower number of infectious particles while the Oka strain is highly infectious in vitro. It is postulated that weak expression of the replication genes in Dumas strain may be the reason for the attenuated phenotype.
The objective of this study was to analyze the sequences of the promoter region in two of the VZV replication genes, 16 and 52 by studying the level of expression of a reporter gene.
For this purpose, primers were designed from VZV published sequences to amplify the promoter regions of both genes using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique. The amplicons were cloned in a lacZ reporter vector. Cotransfaction of 52-Oka reporter plasmid with virus major trans-activator (IE62) in Huh7 cells showed that the presence of 52-Oka promoter was up regulated by the IE 62 trans-activator in a dose dependent manner resulting in ß-gal levels approximately 4-fold higher than those observed with 52-Dumas promoter and 10-fold higher than basal levels. In addition cotransfection of 16-Oka reporter plasmid did not show any significant change in activity in comparison with 16-Domus-reporter plasmid.
Sequence determination of the promoter region in gene 52 indicated differences in 3 nucleotides in Dumas strain compared to Oka strain while no change was observed in the promoter sequences of gene 16 of the two strains.
It is hence postulated a relationship between mutations in the Dumas promoter of replication genes, and the lower infectivity of the Dumas strain.
Volume 10, Issue 1 (Winter 2019)
Aims: The accumulation of free radicals in the body leads to damages to cellular biopolymers through oxidative stress. Due to the increasing proliferation of heavy metals in soil and water environments, finding efficient methods for diagnostic detection and measurement of heavy metals in contaminated environments is very important. Cell-based biosensors can produce a measurable signal in response to specific chemical or physical agent in their environment. In this study, stable hepatoma Huh7 ARE-reporter cell line was developed containing luciferase gene with the aim of monitoring lead toxicity. This biosensor is reported to be able to detect lead by expressed signal which is measurable. The luciferase assay and Real time-PCR were performed.
Materials and Methods: In this experimental research, the Huh7-1x-ARE-luc was stably transferred in to the Huh7 cells and transfected cells were selected. After 5 passages, stable clones were isolated to confirm plasmid entrance. Luciferase activity of the Huh7-1x-ARE-luc cell line was performed with 0-80μM lead concentration to induce oxidative stress response. Cell viability was assessed by MTT. With Real time PCR, AREKEAP1 pathway gene expression were detected. Statistical analysis was performed by ΔCt method, using graphpad prism 6 software.
Findings: The gene expression of the reporter gene increased with increasing oxidative stress. Reducing the expression of the reporter gene was observed after 30 μM. 35 μM lead inhibited 50% cell metabolism. Expression of antioxidant pathway genes was significantly increased in 30 μM leaded cells compared to control gene.
Conclusion: The biosensor prepared from Huh7-1x-ARE-luc cell line of the reporter gene can be a convenient and efficient means for measuring oxidative compounds such as heavy metals such as lead.
Mohammad. Reza. Shirzadi, Ali Behbahani-Nia, Majid. Ghasemi,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (9-2010)
Numerical solution for mixed convection combined with surface radiation in an inclined channel containing three protruding heat sourcesis investigated in this article. This combinationre present printed circuit boards in electrical equipments. Air is assumed to be the working fluid which is laminar, steady, incompressible and thermally and hydrodynamicaly developing. Governing equations are discretized using the F.V. method in an staggered domain and simple algorithm is used to couple velocity and a pressure. Numerical results presented for temperature and velocity contribution and maximum temperature that occur in chips for different valuesof fan velocity as Reynolds number 150
Volume 10, Issue 2 (Spring 2022)
Aims: Maternal health and pregnancy outcomes are vitally important areas of each country's healthcare system. This study aimed to investigate the acceptability of a mobile app-based intervention program for choosing the mode of delivery among pregnant women.
Materials & Method: Thirty pregnant women participated in this study. The Mobile App-Based Program focused on facilitating choosing mode of delivery based on information, motivation, and behavior model among pregnant women in Tehran, Iran. A retrospective post-intervention study was carried out. We used quantitative and qualitative semi-structured interviews to explore the experiences of women participating in the Mobile app-based program and investigate the intervention's acceptability.
Finding: Quantitative result has shown that 76.6% of the users assessed the application as usable. In the qualitative section of the study, three main themes were emerged: 1- specific features of the App (images, text, colors, and etc.); 2- advantages (distance learning method, reliability, and credibility, being user-friendly and comfortability, time-saving, and being interactive); and 3- disadvantages (fear of mobile radiation on fetus, poor internet connection, and limited audience) regarding using of the intervention.
Conclusion: This mobile application eased women's knowledge and behavior and satisfied them, specifically during the new-emerged pandemic. It also helped women to clarify their thoughts regarding their choice on mode of delivery. Participants suggested some shortages using the application that should be noticed.
Volume 10, Issue 4 (Fall 2019)
Aims: Hematopoietic stem cells are responsible for the production of blood cells in the bone marrow. During the process of differentiation, these cells commitment to two precursor cell lines include myeloid and lymphoid cells. Various blood cells, excluded lymphocytes, generates from myeloid cells. Some patients with severe anemia or thrombocytopenia receive hematopoietic stem cell through transplantation. Finding a potential component for inducing differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells before transplantation, could be an appropriate strategy for the acceleration of blood cells production in recipient persons. Various studies indicate the ability of Curcumin for inducing of cell differentiation. This component can alter many of cellular mechanisms.
Material and methods: The aim of this project was to evaluate the effects of Nanocurcumin on mRNA expression levels of GATA1, GATA2, c-Myb and Hhex genes and alteration of cellular ROS in umbilical cord blood-derived hematopoietic stem cells. Nanocurcumin was synthesized from Curcumin, Oleic acid, and PEG400. The rate of Nanocurcumin delivery into the cells was also evaluated.
Findings: Our results show that intracellular ROS and expression levels of GATA1, c-Myb, and Hhex transcription factors were significantly increased after treatment with Nanocurcumin (p<0.05). These transcription factors involve in myeloid differentiation.
Conclusion: Enhancement of these transcription factors expression making Nanocurcumin a potential candidate for applying in myeloid differentiation media and basic and clinical studies.
Volume 10, Issue 4 (11-2021)
Mosses have proved to have antifungal properties due to their specific chemical compounds. In this study, the different extracts of some mosses collected from Khuzestan province were tested on a phytopathogenic fungus Fusarium solani, an important pathogen of crops, especially wheat, and compared to the commercial fungicide Benomyl. For this purpose, the dried mosses samples of ethanol, methanol, and acetone were extracted. The antifungal activity was tested by the disc diffusion method, and the growth inhibition zone was measured. Wheat seeds of the “Chamran” cultivar were implanted into moss extract and then transferred into pots containing 1: 10 mixture of soil and soil contaminated with F. solani. After 35 days, the root and crown of wheat plants were examined based on the Wallwork scale. Ethanolic and methanolic extracts caused an inhibitory of 90% and 81% relative to Benomyl, while acetonic extract had fewer effects (76%) in the in vitro tests. In vivo observations had also indicated that ethanolic extracts can significantly control root and crown rot 63.8%.
Volume 11, Issue 0 (بهار و تابستان 87- 2008)
Objective: Molecular epidemiology of Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) is currently used widely for different objectives such as vector incrimination studies.
Materials and Methods: In this study three different loci including kinetoplast DNA (kDNA), ribosomal DNA (rDNA), and Cystein protease B (CPB) of Leishmania parasite genome were used for detection and identification of natural infection of sand flies of Germi district of Ardebil province, the most important VL or Kala-azar foci in Iran.
Results: The results showed that the three loci of kDNA, rDNA and CPBs are respectively more appropriate for leptomonad infection/initial screening, identification of the L.donovani complex, and discrimination of the species complex. It was also verified that both members of the complex,
L. donovani and L. infantum, are present in the study area and are transmitted to the hosts by
Volume 11, Issue 2 (Summer 2023)
Pastoral literature has not been introduced in Iranian academic research as it should be. The history of this type of literature goes back to the 3rd century BC and the poems of Theocritus, and its main theme is the praise of the peace and clean rural life in which nature is also central. Of course, it is limited by other components that have not been paid much attention to in academic studies in Iran. Most of the researchers,while repeating the works of fiction writers, have not been able to take a step towards better introduction of this literary genre and have summarized it in stories and novels; However, the pastoral poetry also h:as char:acteristics that, although it is largely shared with the pastoral story,but due to the special language of the poem,it deserves separate reviews. In this descriptive-analytical research, we have tried to introduce the most important components of the pastoral literary genre by using the sources that have dealt with this literary genre in the West, along with the pathology of the research conducted in Iran on rural literature, and suggestions. In the field of assimilation of these components, we should present according to the native and cultural characteristics of Iran. Also, according to Iran's cultural, social and indigenous characteristics,we have determined and redefined the boundaries and gaps for indigenous, climatic,rural and pastoral literature,and We have analyzed the fundamental contrasts that are involved in creating the themes of pastoral literature are appropriate to the culture and climate of Iran.
Volume 11, Issue 3 (Summer 2023)
Aims: Health-promoting behaviors are the main way to have a healthy lifestyle. women’s unhealthy lifestyle during postmenopausal is the origin of very serious complications of this period. This study aimed to assess the status of health-promoting behaviors and their determinants among postmenopausal women.
Instrument & Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 300 postmenopausal women referred to Neyshabur health centers in 2022 using stratified random sampling. Data collection was carried out using demographic characteristics and health-promoting behaviors questionnaires. A multivariate regression test was employed in SPSS 22 software.
Findings: The mean of the health-promoting behaviors whole score was 151.5±18.6, and its dimensions were interpersonal relationships (31.9±4.4), nutrition (28.3±3.9), spiritual growth (25.6±3.9), health responsibility (25.0±5.0), stress management (23.9±3.7), and physical activity (16.8±4.9). There were significant differences in the whole score of HPBs by level of education (p=0.002), economic status (p<0.001), and spouse's education level (p=0.002).
Conclusion: Postmenopausal women's health-promoting behaviors status in Neyshabur City is moderate. It is necessary to promote health-promoting behaviors, with a particular focus on physical activity.
Volume 12, Issue 1 (Spring & Summer 2008)
Urmia lake is located in the north-west of Iran and is recognized in the world as a largest habitat for Artemia. The last decade drought episodes and recent dam construction programs have simultaneously caused more evaporation of the lake water and thus considerable variations of water surface levels. The main aim of the present study was to map of Urmia lake water surface changes on a seasonal, periodical and over long-term scales.
For this purpose, some different types of multi-scanner, spectral and temporal images (MSS, TM, ETM+, IRS-1C, MODIS and TOPEX/Jason data observing from 1976 to 2005) were processed to generate most of the thematic models in spatial and temporal contexts. First, to choose a number of referred images captured, some ground-based observation data and the obtained information from TOPEX/Jason satellites were analyzed. Then based on the available archived imageries, all the multi-date satellite data were chosen and progressively geo-referenced and then geo-rectified by ERDAS Imagine software package based on the reference ground control points. Subsequently, all the time series images were analyzed to derive some pre-defined segmented Classes such as water surface categories and shorelines changes.
The revealed models demonstrated several seasonal persuaded fluctuations and considerable periodical change on the Urmia Lake coastlines particulaarly during the last decade. These great variations have occurred as the result of 3.5 meters decrease in the height of water in the lake and about 23 percent decreasing of water surface during the past 30 years. This has successively
caused a diminishing of shorelines particularly on the southeast and east coasts of the Urmia Lake, changing landcover and landuse types by depletion of significant wetlands. Implementation of such significant changes illustrated that the majority of local biotic and biotic components all over the surrounding areas and inner islands, would be in crucial threat in the near future.
Volume 12, Issue 4 (winter 2025)
Since ancient times, pain and suffering have been one of the prominent manifestations of human life. These two concepts have always had numerous meanings and instances in human life, sometimes destructive and sometimes constructive, and have always had a wide reflection in literature during different periods. By examining the works of writers and poets, one can achieve different and specific types of pain and suffering in these works. In the present study, the typology of pain and suffering in the works of two contemporary Iranian and Arab poets, namely "Nima Youshij" and "Nizar Qabbani", has been comparatively studied using an analytical-descriptive method. Studies show that common types of various areas of pain and suffering, such as the suffering caused by love, being a poet, the suffering of oppression and tyranny, and social pain, can be found in the works of both poets. The first two types of pain and suffering mentioned above are more personal and individual in nature, and the other two types are more concerned with general and human suffering. This important fact indicates that pain and suffering in the intellectual system of these two poets has multiple dimensions and is not one-dimensional. Nima Yushij and Nizar Qabbani’s concern and depiction of social issues have caused the poems of both poets to reflect a lot of pain and suffering. Of course, this pain and suffering does not originate from despair and malice, nor does it lead to nihilism; rather,it is often rooted in the hope of creating change
Volume 12, Issue 57 (August and September 2024)
Asli and Karam are among the Turkish oral love stories that have been popular among the people of Iran, Caucasus, Central Asia and Asia Minor. The action of discourse, space creation, characterization, which are interconnected with the plot of this oral story shows its coherent narrative structure. Today, narratology is one of the most influential and successful fields under structuralism. In this research, we have analyzed the narrative chains, action pattern and semantic square in the main story of Asli and Karam throug qualitative and quantitative analysis using library and documentary methods and based on Grimas's theory of narratology. Our findings show that this story has a consistent plot, and six components of Grimas' narratological action model have a meaningful match with the narrative components in it.