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Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2016)

  Background: Today a large number of bacterial amylases are available commercially in industry. The goal of the present study was purification and biochemical characterization of an extracellular thermostable alkaline α-amylase from the novel moderately halophilic, Bacillus persicus from the Aran-Bidgol, Iran.   Methods : Purification of enzyme, was carried out by acetone precipitation, ultrafiltration and Q-Sepharose cation exchange chromatography. Results : The purified native enzyme showed a molecular mass of 53 kDa composed of a monomer by SDS–PAGE. The optimum pH, temperature and NaCl concentration were 10, 45 C and 0.85 M respectively. It retained 50% of activity at 1.25 M NaCl and about 73% of activity at highly alkaline pH of 10.5, therefore it was a moderately halophilic and also can activate by divalent metal ions especially Ca2+ and Mg2+. The apparent values of Km and Vmax were obtained 1.053 mg/ml and 356μ/min respectively. Conclusion : In the present study we report the purification and characterization of a moderately halophilic α-amylase from a newly isolated Bacillus persicus. The purified enzyme shows interesting properties useful for industrial and biotechnological applications. The molecular cloning and structural studies of this α-amylase are in progress in our laboratory.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (Summer 2018)

In this study, three different size (100-300-500 µm) of the rubber powder (waste tire) were used in the formulation of epoxy- phenolic adhesive. Rubber powder was modified with grafting method by acrylamide monomer. In order to prevent any loss in properties such as modulus and strength of the adhesive, which is due to the addition of rubber powder to the adhesive, the micro particles of silica were used in formulation of epoxy- phenolic adhesive.  The experiment was designed by Taguchi method, and in the experiment, the effect of the composition of rubber powder, size of rubber powder, composition of silica filler and phenolic resin on mechanical and thermal properties of epoxy adhesives were investigated. To study the mechanical properties of adhesives and adhesion properties, dumbbell-shaped specimens and single edge lap bonds that have been made of metal (stainless steel) to composite (epoxy resin / carbon fiber) were prepared and subjected to tensile test. Thermal stability and interfacial interaction between epoxy and filler in adhesive formulation were explored by thermogravimetric analysis and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analyses, respectively.  Tensile test results showed that for lap- joint bonding with the addition of each factor in its optimal level into epoxy adhesive, strength, modulus and toughness increase by 7.5%, 27.56% and 114% respectively in comparison with  the samples bonded with the neat  epoxy adhesive. A significant increase was obtained in thermal stability for formulated adhesive samples compared with neat epoxy adhesive.

Volume 2, Issue 5 (Spring 2021)

This study aimed to classify sport managers according to communication skills on cultural intelligence, managerial skills. A descriptive study was conducted through a survey. The study population consisted of Isfahan’s Sport Managers. In this research 600, sport managers as a Statistical society were considered. 207 as the statistical sample was selected from Statistical society. Measuring instruments consisted of demographic questions, Barton G. The reliability of communication skills, cultural intelligence questionnaire, and classifying sport managers questioner was. Statistical methods included analysis of both descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS and LISREL, and structural equation modeling was performed to assess the relationships between variables. The results show that the communication skills and cultural intelligence and class of sport managers, there is a significant relationship, the output shows the application of structural equation model is appropriate. Hence the required proper planning to improve their communication skills and cultural intelligence organizations for sports managers in these organizations is effective. Because of the significant aims of the athletic directors, managers tend to imitate and ambassadors. Therefore, the authorities have the right people in the suitable management strategy because it seems intuitive managers and analysts can better brighter prospects for the exercise of the imagination.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (5-2017)

Background: Rapid test and conventional ELISA are common immunological assays used for the detection of HIV infection. In this study, we evaluated the prevalence rate of   HIV infection by rapid test used for screening HIV infection and then confirmed the positive cases with ELISA and western blot tests.
Materials and Methods: In this analytical descriptive study, 1964 out of 6923 patients who were referred to the Consult Center of Behavior Diseases, West Health Center (Valfajr Clinic), Iran University of Medical Sciences were subjected to rapid test for screening HIV infection from July 2012 to September 2014.
Results: Thirty seven out of 1964(1.88%) cases were confirmed as positive by rapid HIV test. All of the positive cases confirmed by rapid test were also confirmed as positive by ELISA and western blot tests. According to the data analysis of this study, among people diagnosed as HIV positive using rapid test, 12(32.4%) cases had unsafe heterosexual contact, followed by 10 (27%) cases of IDUs with a history of prison, shared injection, and unsafe heterosexual contact.
Conclusion:  The use of rapid test as a screening test for diagnosing HIV infection and the confirmation of all the positive and suspected negative cases by the ELISA test or western blot is recommended. 

Volume 3, Issue 3 (Fall 2019)

The aim of this project is the design and optimization of the formulation of epoxy adhesives for bonding metal to composite parts . This joints are most widely used in the aerospace industry to reduce stress concentration at a point. Joints for single edge joining include stainless steel metal with commercial code 316L and composite epoxy resin / carbon fiber. In this study, the effect of three types of additives: filler (alumina micro-particles), nylon 6.6 and phenolic resin (type of resin) on the mechanical and thermal properties of epoxy adhesive have been investigated. Tensile test results showed that increasing alumina fillers increases the tensile strength and overlap shear adhesive samples, respectively, in single lap joint dumbbells and elderly. The test showed that increasing the amount of nylon 6.6 When is slightly higher due to a sharp drop in tensile strength and overlap shear, respectively, in both cases is dog bone and single lap joint adhesives. This limit depends on the capacity epoxy ring to absorb amide hydrogens. The test for thermal properties (TGA) showed that increasing the amount of phenolic thermal stability is improved. High-temperature tensile test of appropriateness is also increasing impact of phenolic resin. Finally, the adhesive properties built with the similar adhesive (UHU) were compared. Results showed superiority in single lap joint metal to composite adhesive is made in the study.

Volume 6, Issue 4 (2-2017)

In cyberspace, Social networks have been born as a new type of websites and have gained an enormous range of users and fans. Social networks are one type of social media and are places for forming virtual communities of interested users. Internet users have been classified in different ways based on their type of using social networks. This study seeks to provide a mechanism to predict patterns of behavior in social networks. Due to the expansion of social networks, the selected network requires a model based on the new strategic decisions or policies for better serve users. This study uses data mining techniques for classification and analysis of social network users for better understanding of their behavior and improving services and developing appropriate strategies. Understanding behavioral patterns of users of social networks lead to better adaptation to user needs. The user population applied for analysis includes 31033 users that use a specific Iranian Social Network regularly. A method for clustering and orientation analysis based on past users behavior using CRISP-DM and data mining software is deeply analyzed and described. A full perception of users’ behavior will result in a better match of social network features with users’ needs as well as a high value added for users and profitability for social network owners.

Volume 10, Issue 3 (1-2021)

Prospective sales policies are one of the essential components of short- and medium-term planning in any business. The correct and accurate formulation of sales policies can play an effective role in managing cash flows and allocating resources. In general, the above statement indicates the fact that in today's competitive world, customer satisfaction and increased market share is vital, estimating the issues about customer buying behavior and decision making is the main theme of any organization that this can be improved by using advanced prospective analysis in the field of sales policy. The purpose of this study is to provide a model for customer clustering, extract the product portfolio of each cluster and allocate the appropriate sales policies for them. Finally, the results were confirmed by experts. Apart from current customers and with the entrance of new customers, using clustering algorithms, the appropriate policies for different categories of these customers are provided to improve their loyalties.

Volume 10, Issue 3 (Summer 2022)

Aims: Orthodontic pain is the most common reason why patients request for ceasing treatment. This study was intended to assess the psychometric properties of the Persian version of the SF-MPQ (P-SF-MPQ) after a translation and back-translation process.
Instrument & Methods: The items of the questionnaire were translated from English to Persian by an orthodontist and retranslated to English by another orthodontist. To determine the face validity and content validity, a questionnaire was prepared. The reliability of the research tool was evaluated by Cronbach’s alpha and intraclass correlation coefficient. In order to assess the construct validity, 200 patients were asked to fill out the P-SF-MPQ.
Findings: Two items of SF-MPQ were omitted from the final version according to their low CVR. The mean of the CVI, CVR, and Impact Coefficient was obtained as 0.798, 0.53, and 3.29, respectively. To evaluate internal consistency Cronbach’s alpha was calculated as 0.851. To evaluate the stability of the results The ICC for the whole questionnaire was 0.848, which was statistically significant (p<0.001). The KMO value was calculated as 0.90, which indicates the appropriate sample size for exploratory factor analysis (KMO>0.6). The value of Chi-square was calculated as 108.52 which indicates the desirability of the model (p<0.001). Factor analysis showed that items of the P-SF-MPQ can be organized into three factors: chronic pain, beating pain, and sharp pain.
Conclusion: The results showed that the Persian version of the revised McGill Pain Scale in orthodontic patients is valid and can be used to evaluate orthodontic pain in Iranian patients.

Volume 10, Issue 20 (Supplementary Issue (Tome 46)- 2006)

Among flows in every supply chain (finance, information, and material), material flow according to its part in product cost is very important. Many studies in the field of material flow showed that material flows are often single level. This study offers a comprehensive model for appropriate order assignment in different levels of supply chain according to minimizing related cost to with genetic algorithm method. Results based on genetic algorithm is compared to other common pattern search methods such as Latin Hypercub and Mead-Nelder. The evidence shows that genetic algorithm method is the best method among other methods.

Volume 11, Issue 3 (fall 2023)

The present article deals with the comparative study of literary Fiction and music in the short story "Marsh al-Ghroub" by Youssef Idris, based on comparative literature criticism studies and with a Semiotics of discourse approach. In this story, in addition to the musical title; A kind of folk music related to the profession. A kind of folk music related to the profession, in the overall structure of its plot, advances the narrative sequence. In this discourse three types of active, tensif and aesthetic presence are formed and the main core of the process of meaning is aesthetic presence. At this stage, the music becomes the essence of music. Therefore, the issue that arises is what the aesthetic presence is based on. How the dialogue between literature and music guarantees the transformation of the world. This research examines three types of presence in this story with a descriptive-analytical method, and at the same time, they refer to the role of title, place and time. This study shows that the subject, passing through two relations of action and tension due to the phenomenological view, reaches one of presence and aesthetic moment, and its manifestation is shown in his improvisation and his ecstatic and transcendental relationship with existence. At this stage, due to the disturbance in the action and tension relationship, the literary narrative suffers a deficiency in its progress, from here, literature and music enter a dialogue, and the reflection of the voice of the narrative is entrusted to music.

Volume 11, Issue 4 (Fall 2023)

Aims: Individuals are consistently influenced by maladaptive core beliefs known as incompatible schemas, which are formed in childhood and can contribute to the development of psychological disorders. Therefore, there is a need for effective interventions to address these schemas. The present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of contextual schema therapy on body image and psychosomatic symptoms in individuals with perfectionism disorder.
Materials & Methods: This research used a quasi-experimental design with pre-test, mid-test, and post-test phases. In this regard, 12 participants diagnosed with perfectionism disorder were purposefully selected from individuals seeking psychological services in Tehran in 2022. Participants engaged in 40 sessions of 60 minutes each of contextual schema therapy, during which they responded to the Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire and Psychosomatic Complaints Scale in all three phases. Data were analyzed using repeated measures analysis of variance.
Findings: The effectiveness of contextual schema therapy on body image and psychosomatic symptoms in individuals diagnosed with perfectionism disorder was found to be significant, and this difference was observed across all test phases (p<0.001).
Conclusion: Contextual schema therapy led to improvements in body image and psychosomatic symptoms. The application of this therapeutic approach is recommended for the enhancement of the mentioned disorders in individuals with perfectionism disorder.

Volume 11, Issue 20 (Supplementary Issue (Tome 55)- 2007)

In recent decades, organizations have increasingly focused on developing ICTs and introducing new e-services to their customers, so they have largely invested in web development and promotional activities.Therefore, it is essential for them to evaluate their websites and identify how well they are structured.and how web pages are organized. Evaluating web structure requires proper methods and measures.This paper intends to model a website as a graph and introduce new measures to evaluate website link structure.The model is based on the analysis of online behavior of the website's visitors. Thus, a real problem of the website of an Iranian university was described and, its structure was evaluated using this model between September-05 to November 2005.

Volume 12, Issue 1 (Winter 2024)

Aims: This study aimed to evaluate the impact of virtual Doughnut educational rounds on learning levels and satisfaction among nursing students in the operating room setting.
Materials & Methods: This quasi-experimental study with a pre-test-post-test design involved 70 undergraduate nursing students specializing in operating room practices, selected through a census approach. Participants were randomly allocated into two groups: one receiving instruction via online lectures and the other through virtual Doughnut educational rounds. The educational material was delivered to the first group using the virtual Doughnut round method and to the second group through online lectures. Data were gathered and analyzed using SPSS software version 19, employing descriptive statistics, t-tests, analysis of covariance, and the Mann-Whitney test.
Findings: The pre-test scores did not show a statistically significant difference between students taught by online lectures and those taught by virtual Doughnut educational rounds (p-value=0.538). However, t-test analysis indicated that the Doughnut round method was more effective than traditional lectures, with students showing significantly greater satisfaction with the Doughnut round approach (p<0.0001).
Conclusion: The virtual Doughnut round method is more effective than traditional lectures for teaching operating room nursing students, particularly those in their senior year.

Volume 12, Issue 1 (Winter 2024)

Aims: The prevalent academic procrastination among medical students, who will assume significant responsibilities in the future, can have irreversible consequences. One of the underlying factors is the weakness of cognitive and metacognitive strategies, which can be taught and learned by professors and students. The present research was conducted to investigate the effect of teaching cognitive and metacognitive strategies virtually on the academic procrastination of medical students at Iran University of Medical Sciences.
Materials & Methods: This quasi-experimental research employed a two-group before-and-after design and was conducted at the Iran University of Medical Sciences in 2023. The study included 70 medical students from Iran University of Medical Sciences, who were divided into control and intervention groups. Cognitive and metacognitive skills were presented virtually in four one-hour sessions. Data were collected using Solomon and Rothblum's Academic Procrastination Questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS 16 software.
Findings: Initially, no significant difference was found between the scores of the participants in the two groups before the cognitive and metacognitive strategies course (p>0.05). However, a significant difference was observed between the scores of the two groups after the intervention (p<0.05).
Conclusion: The implementation of cognitive and metacognitive strategies training has a positive and significant influence on reducing academic procrastination among students

Volume 12, Issue 2 (Spring 2024)

Aims: This research aimed to clarify knowledge sharing in texts related to the healthcare system.
Information & Methods: This systematized review was conducted across six databases, including MEDLINE (via PubMed), WOS, Scopus, Embase, ERIC, and ProQuest, without time limitations until 2023. After removing duplicates and screening articles, 36 were included for qualitative content analysis using conventional methods.
Findings: After merging and categorizing the codes, the analysis identified five main categories: 'Nature of Shared Knowledge', 'Ways of Knowledge Sharing', 'Factors Involved in Organizational and Inter-Organizational Knowledge Sharing Events', 'Consequences of Knowledge Sharing', and 'Barriers to Knowledge Sharing'.
Conclusion: Various healthcare system knowledge types are shared through formal and informal channels, either in person or virtually. Organizational and technological components contribute to knowledge sharing at both organizational and inter-organizational levels, resulting in positive individual, organizational, and therapeutic outcomes.

Volume 12, Issue 48 (9-2015)

In this research, the modeling with Artificial neural network and Multilayer – Perceptron were used in order to evaluate the zeolite and citric acid's usage in reducing of Aflatoxin's production in stale dry breads across the Mashhad. Since, the stale breads are the main sources of the livestocks's feeding, and because of the availability of proper environmental conditions for growing molds, these breads are severely contaminated by mycotoxin and especially Aflatoxin, and this make some anxieties about the human being and animal's life. So, the foodstuff's contamination by mycotoxin, should be controlled accurately through the food chain. The results have shown that modelling with ANN is a suitable method especially in food industries, and also the addition of zeolite as compared with Citric Acid, cause the َAflatoxin to reduce more. In this manner, the interaction of zeolite and citric acid caused the Aflatoxin to decrease more, than when zeolite or citric acid are being used alone. Based on these results, Artificial neural network model for zeolite with one hidden layer, hyperbolic tangent function as the transfer function, Levenberg-Marquardt method as the learning rule, 3 hidden neurons, %60 for training subset and %20 for each of validation and test subsets with the correlation coefficient 0/973 had the best overfiting. The modeling results indicate that there is an excellent compatibility between the experimental and predicted values of Aflatoxins.  

Volume 14, Issue 1 (2-2007)

In this paper, we investigate a decision support system (DSS) for the resolution of real-life vehicle routing and scheduling problem (VRSP). Scheduling the deliveries from a regional distribution centre (RDC) to large stores of a major fmcg retailer includes every possible vehicle routing complexity. Usual constraints that are seen are: size of the vehicle and the length of the driving day, loading feasibility of products in different parts of the vehicle, and also with various time windows. More importantly, in this scheduling decision-making is customer oriented, in which, Customer's value for the company is considered as one of the most important factors. The algorithms for the resolution of the distribution problems constitute a very important part of DSS. Therefore, a simulated annealing based algorithm has been developed to speed up the process by circumventing the need for the skeletal schedule.

Volume 15, Issue 6 (January & February 2024)

In this study, the aesthetic system of discourse in Nima Yoshij's poem "Naquos" has been studied. According to the semiotics view, the aesthetic system of discourse is a subordinated intuitive-perceptual and occurring process that is formed due to the presence of the enunciator state in the discourse. The poem "Naquos" is one of the symbolic poems of Nima that the two central signs of "Naquos resonance" and "daybreak and light" in interaction with each other and also in opposition to the symbol of "night" have influenced the semantic action and have led to the formation of an aesthetic order in it. The question here is how is this discourse system formed in the structure of this poem and what are its mechanisms. In this study, first, the discourse action and the categorization in the discourse of this poem have been specified. Then, the main constituents of the formation of the aesthetic process, including semiotics-semantics conditions and state, linguistic indexes, discontinuity and time are studied. The results show that the discourse of this poem has state and occurring features and the narrator has been able to create a discourse with aesthetic features with symbolic methods by selective (Naquos) and serial (light and daybreak) categorizations and by breaking the continuum of language through rhetorical devices and effective verbs, and the use of narrative time in a massive and ultimate form, and passing through solid and fixed signs to flowing signs.

1. Introduction
From the semiotics point of view, discourse systems are divided into three general categories: program-oriented, emotional, and event-oriented. Among the different discourse systems, the aesthetic system is a system based on emotional-perceptual, event, spiritual, and tense characteristics. This aspect of literary discourse is formed as a result of the presence and interaction of sensory-perceptual, phenomenal and intuitive aesthetic curiosity with the world. The poem "Naquos" by Nima Yoshij is one of the poems whose theme is full of hope for change and improvement of the situation. Three prominent and influential factors, namely "Naquos ringing", "morning and light", and "night" play a role in the discourse of this poem in its meaning making process. These three also have symbolic aspects. In symbolism, the fields of meaning are very wide, and this causes the text to accept multiple and fluid meanings. Examining these factors shows that the production of meaning in this poem follows an eventful process and the sensory-perceptual factor is effective in it. Based on this, the aim of the present research is to investigate and analyze the formation process of the aesthetic discourse system of Nima Yoshij's "Naquos" poem by descriptive and analytical method and relying on the semiotics theory of literary discourse. In this research, in order to obtain a more accurate analysis, first the discourse action in this poem was examined and its most important categorizations were identified. Then, the main elements and components that are effective in the production and formation of the aesthetic process, including the sensory-perceptual and emotional conditions, linguistic profiles, discursive discontinuity and aesthetic time in the discourse of poetry, have been investigated. The issue that is raised is what factors and with what semiotics characteristics and functions are involved in the production of the aesthetic system of Nima's "Naquos" poem.

Research Question(s)
1) How does the discourse action of this poem determine the grounds for the formation of the aesthetic flow? 
2) What elements and based on what mechanisms create the aesthetic process and how can they be explained?

2. Literature Review
2. 1. Researches related to the aesthetic dimension of discourse
Books and articles have been written in the field of the aesthetic dimension of discourse. Investigating the aesthetic dimension of the discourse is related to the post-constructionist studies of semiotics. Grams (1987) in the book "De l’imperfection, c" passes classical and action-oriented semiotics and turns to aesthetic or sensory-perceptual semiotics. Shairi (2015) in his book on the semantics analysis of discourse, has extensively studied and analyzed various dimensions of discourse, including the aesthetic dimension. Shairi (2009) in his article "Study of the aesthetic process from the point of view of the semiotics of the discourse", has studied and analyzed this aspect of the discourse.
 In addition to theoretical studies, articles have also investigated this aspect of discourse in different literary texts in a practical way, including: Ayati (2012) in the article "Examining the Semantics of Discourse in Nima Yoshij's Poem "Pay Daro Choopan", sensory dimensions- perceptual, emotional and aesthetic as well as how to produce the fluid flow of meaning and the main elements involved in it. Rajabi et al. (2019) in the article "The Applied Rhetoric of Signs in the Aesthetic Process of the novel Kowli kenare atash with the Semantics Approach of Discourse", the semantic systems of discourse, aesthetic and effective elements in the relationship between the symbolic system and the semantic system that is influenced by the rhetoric of signs have checked. Kanani (2016) in the article "The aesthetic system of discourse in the interaction of sound and light based on the story of Halimah asking for help from Bothan", has analyzed the aesthetic dimension of discourse in this story from Masnavi and has shown that the interaction of two The perceptual-sensory factor of "sound" and "light" plays a role in the background of this story and is the basis for the formation of meaning in it.

2. 2. Researches related to Nima's " Naquos" poem
No separate article has been written about the poem "Naqous" by Nima Yoshij; But Hamidian (1381) in the book The story of metamorphosis: the process of transformations in Nima Yoshj's poetry has analyzed and examined this poem under the title "The scope of the message" and explained the various aspects of symbolism, rhetorical features, themes and images used in it. Also, Pournamdarian (1377) in his book Khanam Abri: Nima's poem from tradition to modernity, under the topic of hope and optimism, briefly explained the twelve stanzas of the poem "Naqous", and he has highlighted the issue of hope and improving the political and social situation in this poem by referring to common symbols in Nima's social poems. The present research examines and analyzes the effective factors in the production of the aesthetic flow of discourse in this poem with the semantics approach of literary discourse.

3. Methodology
The method of this research is descriptive-analytical and based on the semiotics study method. The semiotics point of view is a discourse and process point of view, and it examines the types of discourse systems, the presence of discourse factors, and the process of meaning generation. 

4. Results
In this article, the aesthetic process of the discourse in Nima Yoshij's poem "Naqous" was investigated and analyzed based on the semantics approach. First, as a prelude to the discussion of discourse aesthetics, the discussion of discourse action was briefly examined with an emphasis on categorization in language in the context of poetry discourse. Therefore, the narrator calls three important signs of the poem, which play an effective role in the meaning-making process, from the pre-discourse world, and creates different and original meanings in the discourse in a sensory-perceptual relationship and in a semantic system. Categorization of Naqous ringing is of selective type and categorization of morning and light is of serial type. In this discourse, in addition to the sensory-perceptual presence of the speaker and his encounter with the world, the ringing of the Naqous in the role of an actor and agitator places the discourse in an eventful process. Because the ringing of the Naqous walks in every ups and downs and between the sleeping and the dead and affects them and brings the tired hearts together and breathes life into the people's organization with the strength of its sound.
Examining the sensory-perceptual and emotional process of poetry discourse showed that this discourse does not follow a logical, program-oriented, and action-oriented system, but has an emotional-oriented system, in which semantic sensitivity and the type of presence of Naqous ringing and the aesthetics of absence are effective in the poetry discourse. As a result of the discursive act of becoming the axis, the material, objective, and realistic aspects of linguistic categories are negated, which causes the emergence of differences and the production of new meanings in the discourse of the "Naqous" poem. In this sensory-perceptual process, the three factors of linguistic profiles, discursive interruption and time are effective in creating the aesthetic process of poetry. Linguistic profiles or manifestations of meaning in the poem "Naqous" are formed as a result of fragility and doubt in belief and creation of new values in discourse. The ongoing and waiting presence of the narrator gradually turns into an actual and comprehensive presence with the certainty of the news of the smiling morning Naqous. Also, discursive interruption due to factors such as rhetorical devices (simile, contrast, etc.) and effective verbs are involved in the production of the aesthetic system of discourse. Another factor of discursive discontinuity is time, whose two macro and final aspects with the ability to be transferred in the poem "Naqous" with the compression and enveloping characteristic of the reverberation of the Naqous and its interaction and connection with morning and light cause the formation of an aesthetic process in the discourse of this poem.

Alireza Naddaf Oskouei, Hossein Khodarahmi, Moslem Sohrabi,
Volume 15, Issue 7 (9-2015)

A numerical and experimental study of the collapse and energy absorption behavior of thin-walled end capped conical shells under dynamic loading is presented in this paper. Among the structural components, the truncated conical shells whose energy absorption characteristics are better than others are used. In order to carry out the designed tests, a drop hammer machine has been used. Also in numerical part, Abaqus software capabilities have been applied. In this article, the effect of the velocity and mass of the hammer on the collapse behavior of these samples has been investigated. Moreover, by placing the cone reversely, the force effect on the collapse behavior evaluated and analyzed. Also, the multiple sets of cones as energy absorbing system are analyzed numerically. For the samples, mode of collapse of diamond with quadrilateral pattern was obtained and a very good agreement with experimental results was recorded. The results shows that the change of wall thickness has the most influence on the collapse behavior of these shells. So that with a 20% reduction of shell thickness, maximum force had 34.5% and the average force collapse 39.3% reduction.

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