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Showing 60 results for Tabatabaei

Volume 0, Issue 0 (in press 2024)

The effective design of structures resistant to seismic vibrations is one of the main concerns of structural engineers to deal with damages caused by earthquakes, which can withstand more earthquake forces with methods such as energy dissipation. Recent earthquake records show that the earthquake record characteristic of the near area differs from the earthquake records of the far area. Among these characteristics, it can be mentioned that the pulse-type state of these records, as well as the high maximum speed and ground displacements. For this reason, these types of records increase the seismic requirements of the structure compared to normal earthquakes. The map of faults and seismic zoning of Iran shows that important urban points such as Tehran, Tabriz, etc. have high seismicity and are located near the fault. Therefore, it is necessary to design and build structures that can properly withstand the features of near-fault earthquakes, this issue reveals the understanding and recognition of the behavior of structural systems and the structure's response to the special features of near-fault earthquakes. This article first investigated the seismic evaluation of three existing 4, 8, and 12-story steel structures with lateral load-resisting systems. Then the desired structure was strengthened using a friction damper, and finally, the acceleration recorder was applied to the structure in the near- and far-fault earthquake zone case study. The seismic demand of the retrofitted structure was investigated in ANSYS Workbench finite element software, which was done in the form of modal analysis, floor drift displacement, structure acceleration response, and von Mises stress. For seismic validation, a two-story, single-span steel frame has been used. The dynamic load used was 0.5g based on the north-south component of the El Centro earthquake (1940) with a maximum acceleration scaled to 50 cm/s. To validate the numerical results, the horizontal displacement of two points on the first and second floor was compared with experimental data, and an acceptable accuracy was obtained. The results of the maximum acceleration at the highest point of the building showed that in a far-fault earthquake zone, the best effect of dampers was on 8-story buildings with a 77% decrease, and in a near-fault earthquake zone, it was related to a 4-story building with a 66.4% decrease in acceleration. Stress in near- and far-fault earthquake zones, the best effect of dampers was on 4-story buildings with 83% and 84% reduction, respectively. In a far-fault earthquake zone, the best effect of dampers was on 8-story buildings with a 44% reduction in maximum displacement, and in a near-fault earthquake zone, it was related to a 4-story building with a 61% reduction in acceleration.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2014)

Satveh village, one of the desert villages in Semnan province, according to the administrative divisions belongs to Shahrood city. The occupation of most people in this village has been agriculture and ranching from years ago. Dialect of this village, with more similarities to the ancient Khorāsān dialects, has remained largely intact for various reasons including the inaccessibility to the city. Study of words, phrases and terms in this dialect, except anthropological and linguistic benefits, may be effective in solving some problems about the Persian language and meaning of the ancient texts. In present research, the words and phrases of ranching in Satveh were collected with thematic order. In addition, sometimes, other issues such as words derivation and some neology rules and techniques used in this dialect are discussed

Volume 3, Issue 5 (9-2015)

One of the most beautiful aspects of Iranian oral literature is traditional melodies and songs that speakers of different regions and ethnic groups intone at work or at ceremonies or special occasions. These songs, from the very old eras till now, have been applied by human in aggregations and  ceremonies. Some of these songs have arised from Iranian ancient culture, and have retained  heir old roots. Sarkavir region, located in the southern border of Semnan province and adjacent to the northern edge of the central desert, has some neglected songs. Dialect of this region, with more similarities to the ancient Khorāsān dialects, has remained largely intact for various reasons, including the inaccessibility to the city. These poems, related with mourning and rejoicing customs, and songs by women in ceremonies. have maintained their strength and power in funerals and wedding ceremonies until now.  In this article, we have tried to introduce "Soru" and "Ongâre" as two special wedding and funeral songs, analyze their literary and anthropological aspects, and through it, explain some features of their speakers.

Volume 3, Issue 7 (12-2015)

One of the most beautiful aspects of Iranian oral literature is traditional melodies and songs that speakers of different regions and ethnic groups intone at work or in ceremonies or special occasions. These songs up to mow now have been applied by human in manifestations and ceremonies. Some of these songs have risen from Iranian ancient culture and have retained their old origins. Despite the attractiveness of words and meaning, some of the melodies for various reasons, including the inaccessibility to the city has remained largely intact. These poems are related to rejoicing customs. Poems, based on ancient traditions, have maintained their strength and power in wedding ceremonies till now. Ollāh is one of these fantastic songs which residents of southern villages of Shahrud and Damghan (Torud and Sarkavir area) from the far past use in their wedding. This ancient tradition has retained its effervescence and reliability yet. In this article we have tried to firstly introduce Ollāh and review the features and specifications of its literary aspects. Furthermore, we have analyzed some features of the popular culture of its speakers.

Volume 4, Issue 1 (spring 2023)

Aims: The studies on measuring the quality of public space in Iran and the world literature show a kind of standardization in the use of quality measurement criteria.While the concept of the quality of public space could be perceived differently,concerning space type and the political-economic-social background of the formation and evolution of public space can provide a different understanding.It seems that in assessing the quality of public space,the focus is mostly on quantitative and statistical methods,and understanding the nature of space has not played a significant role in measuring quality.This research provides a new path to measuring the quality of public space based on a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods.
Methods: Haft-Hoz square has been selected as the research study to validate the proposed process. The combination of content analysis, historical-interpretative method, in-depth interviews and compilation of oral memories, behavioral analysis, and correlation analysis have been used in this research.
Findings: This research presents a new methodology based on seven steps, including:identifying quality criteria based on international literature,identifying quality criteria tested Iranian literature on public spaces,combining the criteria of the first and second steps, and validating the possibility of evaluating the selected criteria based on field study,a historical-interpretative study of the transformation of the form of public space in different historical periods,conducting behavioral studies based on Jan Gol's method,conducting in-depth interviews with users who have a long history of using the space to extract oral memories and identify the most critical space quality measures over time and quantitative analysis reveals the correlations of quality measures.
Conclusion: Providing a comprehensive methodology in evaluating the quality of urban public spaces is the most important result of this research.

Volume 4, Issue 3 (9-2016)

The performance of the SWAT2012 model for estimation of hydrological budget in Gharasou watershed, west of Iran, during 1995 to 2005 was assessed. Digital Elevation Model, hydro-climatological data, soil and land use maps with their properties relevant to the watershed were considered to fulfill the model. A branch program in SWAT-CUP software (SUFI2) program implemented to simulate and validate the model. Both coefficients of determination (R2) and Nash- Sutcliffe coefficient exploited reliable analysis for simulation of the model from 0.37 to 0.87 and 0.39 to 0.73, respectively. Results showed that evapotranspiration was the main source of waste water (49.3%) in the study area. Surface runoff, subsurface flow, groundwater flow, and variation of soil moisture are 14.8, 0.8, 29.9 and 5.2 percent during the study period, respectively. The monthly proportions of different water pathways of input to the river flow take place from intense storms and snow melt during April to the end of May. This study has produced a technique with reliable data base for water budget in Gharasou catchment, which could be successfully developed to manage water resources by many government agencies.

Volume 4, Issue 4 (Winter 2021)

Optical properties of graphene oxide and poly methyl methacrylate nanocomposite was investigated in this paper. Initially, graphene oxide was prepared from the oxidation of graphite powder by a strong acid by Hummers-Offemane method. Then identification, purity determination and particle size were obtained by using infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The average size of graphene oxide nano particles was estimated about 38.4 nm using the XRD technique. So nano composites of graphene oxide based on poly methyl methacrylate were prepared by the co-precipitation method as an optical sensor element. Nano  composites were identified and characterized by FE SEM, EDX, XRD and FT IR analyzes. To investigate the optical properties of the specimens, UV-vis spectro photometry and reflective spectrometer were used. For three samples of the poly methyl methacrylate nano composite containing nano -graphene oxide, the values ​​of the color parameters b *, a * and L * were obtained that were prepared in the same conditions. Then the black index of the Westlanchr('39')s ratio was calculated. The average blackness index calculated was 3.7 for this nano composite. The study of UV-vis spectra in the region of 400-1100 nm for this nano composite showed that in the 400 - 700 nm regions the light transmission of UV light is approximately zero. Therefore, the results showed that the use of graphene oxide in the PMMA matrix improves the nano composite coating properties against UV waves and nano oxide graphene gives better shades of black color compared to other fillers and pigments.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2017)

Pedological criterion affecting desertification in alluvial fans was investigated, for which the map of units was prepared by crossing maps of land use, geology, slope classes and grid layer created by the extension of ET Geo-Wizards in ArcGIS 10.3. Three indices of salinity, erodibility, and permeability of soil were considered and classified. Weights of criteria and consistency ratio were calculated by the AHP method and ELECTRE I method was used to prioritize the options. After creating the weighted super matrix and calculating the concordance and discordance matrix, the difference between dominance and defeat values were calculated. The results showed that the difference in values obtained from AHP-ELECTRE I technique varied from -15 to 16. The alluvial fans were classified into three classes of I, III, and IV from the viewpoint of pedological criterion affecting desertification by using AHP-ELECTRE I technique. Results showed that 71.99% of the area was in the low desertification potential, while 2.19% and 25.82% were in the high and very high desertification potential, respectively.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (8-2015)

Knowledge-based firms are driver of knowledge-based economy that play a key role in development of it. These firms cause synergy in science and wealth, development of knowledge-based economy, achieving scientific and economic goals and commercialization of research and development in the field of high technologies .In literature, terms such as knowledge society, intelligence, learning or knowledge-based organizations are used more often. Related to these concepts, organizations should act intelligently by learning. But theoretical knowledge and review of the literature show that concept of knowledge-based firms are related with the concept of SMEs, start-ups, high-tech industries, new technology based firms and Spin-Offs firms. In this paper we try to identify the main approaches in definitions and provide proper classification of them according to the definitions provided in the literature and using content analysis method. Based on content analysis of the definitions proposed by various researchers and the features offered in several studies, Following Criteria are main characteristics of knowledge based firms: be technologically new, emergence of new industries in the form of definition of sector and medium or high technology, young firms, size of firms, independence of firms, subject of firms –that implies exploitation from new know-how or new technology and a focus on R&D, and founder characteristic.  

Volume 5, Issue 2 (Summer 2021)

Research subject: Expandable Poly Styrene (EPS) has many applications. This polymer prepared by the radical polymerization. This material has many uses in packaging and insulation industries Some of the properties of this polymer like low mechanical strength caused its applications to be limited. By adding some materials, these properties can be improved. Styrene Butadiene Styrene (SBS) is from the materials that which by adding it to the EPS it can improve its quality.
Research approach: In this research, EPS having different percentages of SBS (0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03) in different conversion percentages (0.6, 0.63, 0.66, 0.69) has been prepared. Different tests like Impact Test, Modular Melt Flow test, Vicat Softening Temperature test, Tensile at Break test, K-value test, Rochwell Hardness test and Elongation at Break test are done on the prepared polymer. Laboratory gained data has been simulated by Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) method of artificial neural networks (ANN) and the simulated data covers the laboratory data perfectly.
Main Results: Investigating the tests show that in constant percentages of SBS in EPS with increase in conversion percentage of EPS, the numerical amount of the tests increases except MFI test (low MFI number means better quality). Increase in SBS percentage in the EPS, increases the properties of polymer. In addition, the results of simulation show that the laboratory data covers the the simulated data perfectly. The data obtained from the results of this reasearch can be used for predicting the data for the points which has not been tested. Adding SBS in different weight percentages of poly styrene in different conversion percentages in order to increase the properties of poly styrene has been used for the first time in this research and the laboratory data results in points which has not been tested has been acquired by applications of ANN.

Volume 6, Issue 3 (Summer 2018)

Aims: Osteoporosis is a major public health problem in the world, which can be prevented or its onset can be delayed through some lifestyle changes. The aim of this study was to assess the application of the precede-proceed model in promoting physical activity for prevention of osteoporosis among women.
Materials and Methods: The present quasi-experimental study examined the application of precede-proceed model on the physical activity of 120 women with the age range of 15 to 49 years old, who were selected by multistage random sampling in Kerman in 2014. The participants were divided to the control (n=60) and intervention (n=60) groups. Among the preventive behaviors of osteoporosis, physical activity was selected for the educational intervention. The educational intervention lasted for 2 months. An international standard questionnaire was used to measure physical activity, and a researcher-made questionnaire, according to the constructs of precede model was used to collect data before and after the intervention. The data were analyzed by SPSS 20, using Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon, and Chi-square tests as well as descriptive statistics.
Findings: After educational interventions, the mean scores of predisposing, reinforcing and empowering factors, as well as osteoporosis preventive behaviors (physical activity) significantly increased only in the intervention group (p<0.001).
Conclusion: Health education and health promotion interventions based on precede-proceed model can lead to increased physical activity and eventually prevent osteoporosis in women.

Volume 6, Issue 3 (Summer 2018)

Aims: Considering the evolution of schools and the growth of smart schools, the aim of the present study was to compare the self-efficacy and academic performance of students in conventional and smart schools.
Instruments and Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive-analytic study was conducted in Kerman, Iran, in 2015. 300 students of 8th grade studying in Kerman (145 smart school student and 155 conventional school students) were selected by multi-stage sampling method. Data were collected by a standardized academic self-efficacy questionnaire of Jinks-Morgan and analyzed using independent t-test, linear regression, Pearson correlation test and SPSS 20 software.
Findings: Academic achievement in conventional and smart schools was statistically different. So that students of smart schools had better academic achievement than ordinary schools (p=0.0001). While the self-efficacy of the two groups did not differ significantly. There was a significant direct correlation between students' academic achievement and their self-efficacy score (r=0.159, p=0.006). Also, there was a significant statistical difference, according to the type of school, occupation, and education level of parents (p<0.0001).
Conclusion: The academic self-efficacy of students in the two groups do not differ, students of smart schools have the higher academic achievement. School smartness and high self-efficacy will improve students' academic achievement.

Volume 7, Issue 1 (Winter 2021)

Background: In Iran, the first cases of SARS-CoV-2 disease were detected with the death of 2 people in Qom city. Then other cases were reported in Markazi, Tehran, and Gilan provinces, and after that the disease spread to all 31 provinces of the country.
Materials and Methods: All data used in this study were collected from the reports of the National Committee on COVID-19 Epidemiology in the Ministry of Health and Medical Education in Iran. To investigate the effect of traveling between neighboring provinces, a spatial rate smoothing method was used, showing the impact of neighborhood on the disease prevalence. Also, to investigate the relationship between population density and disease prevalence, spatial regression was used at a significance level of 5%.
Findings: Based on the estimated spatial rates, the disease prevalence rates changed in many provinces compared to the raw prevalence rates. Population density was also found to be directly related to the disease prevalence, so that with increasing population density, the disease prevalence rate increased (p <.001).
Conclusion: It seems that case finding process should be done actively in all provinces of Iran regardless of administrative borders. Provinces should also be classified in terms of the disease transmission risk according to population density of patients, which may indicate the probability of contact between individuals.

Volume 7, Issue 3 (Summer 2022)

Aims: The purpose of this study was to examine the inter- and intra-rater reliability of corrective exercise specialist raters assessing movement and postural impairments of transient Low Back Pain (LBP) developers during Prolonged Standing Protocol (PSP) which called Pain Developers (PDs).
Method and Materials: Twenty-four subjects developing transient LBP during prolonged standing (9males, 15females) between 17-85 years of age, were examined by 2 corrective exercise specialists. In order to control the effect of repeated testing on intra-rater reliability, both raters assessed the subjects at the same time. To assess inter-rater reliability, one of the raters assessed the subjects one week later. Examination findings were recorded independently, without discussion. Inter- and intra-rater reliability were indexed by the percent of agreement and kappa coefficient.
Findings: Overall, the kappa values for intra- and inter-rater reliability of the items ranged from 0.12 - 0.86 and 62.5 - 1.00, respectively.
Conclusion: The results of the present study indicate these clinical test items as a reliable tool for corrective exercise specialists. They can reliably utilize these test items for identification of movement and alignment impairments that need to be modified in order to prevent the onset of LBP in in healthy-back PDs.

Volume 7, Issue 4 (Fall 2022)

Aims: Tightness of the hamstrings and hip flexors are two well-known disorders in people with Low Back Pain (LBP). According to the kinesiopathological model, these two disorders may have occurred before the onset of pain and may be predisposing factors for LBP. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of the tightness of these two muscles in men who were identified as prone to LBP through the Prolonged Standing Protocol (PSP).
Methods and Materials: This study was a descriptive comparative cross-sectional study in which the statistical population included men prone to LBP aged between 18 to 75 years. The criterion for identifying men prone to LBP was reporting at least 10 mm of pain on a 100 mm Visual Analog Scale (VAS). Thomas test was used to assess hip flexors muscles length. Straight Leg Raise (SLR) test was used to assess hamstring length.
Findings: The results of this study showed that hamstring tightness rate among men prone to LBP was 63% and hip flexor muscle tightness in this group was 35%. According to these results, hamstring tightness can be considered as a common disorder in men prone to LBP, and its identification as well as its correction in men can be one of the ways to LBP improvement.
Conclusion: Based on these results, it can be explained that hamstring tightness is one of the most common disorders in men prone to LBP, and its identifying and correcting in time, can prevent and improve LBP.

Volume 7, Issue 28 (11-2019)

One Thousand and One Nights”, has continued to grow until the end of the twelfth Hijri. There are therefore several historical layers in this stories, including the historic layer of Baghdād which represents the history of the Abbasid caliphs and the court that accompanies it. Satan’s companionship history with Abū Isḥāq Ibrāhīm al-Mawṣilī and the history of Ishāq al-Mawsili with Satan – two expert minstrels of their time, fit into this same layer. Although these two stories were made and discussed in Baghdad, the themes used in their infrastructure are not anchored in Baghdad in Abbāssid dynasty but rather in pre-Islamic Saudi Arabia because they are based on two ancient Arab myths. The first is the long-standing link between jinn and music, and the other is the recognition of jinn as an inspirer who emerges in the belief of "obedience to Cohen" and "the devil -the poet". An upcoming exploration of ancient Arab sources shows how the storyteller, influenced by these myths, describes Iblis as a masterful minstrel who teaches musician Abū Isḥāq Ibrāhīm al-Mawṣilī.

Volume 8, Issue 36 (12-2020)

In the history of Persian literature, foods are among the categories that have entered from popular culture into literary language; in addition to writing independent books on the subject or composing specific poems about them, they have been mentioned in various literary texts. "Ode on Totmajiyye" by Shamsoddin Ahmad Ibn Manouchehr Shast Kolah, an Iraqi poet and a courtier of the Toghrol Seljuk (573-590), is one of the few poems that specifically describes how to cook a meal, which has a very high frequency of use in Persian poetry and prose. However, without understanding all its aspects, it will be difficult to understand the meaning of some verses and phrases of the Persian texts. This research investigates Totmaj and its related issues in a descriptive-analytical way, using library-based and content-analysis methods of Persian literature texts. The main finding, besides clarifying the subject, is to obtain the correct meaning of terms and combinations that have found their way into the Persian literature based on how to cook or eat Totmaj. Moreover, due to the passage of time and the changes occurring in this food, it has become difficult for the literati to understand their meaning.
Research Background
The background for the topic of this research in the Persian literature is the studies that have been done about the Ode on Totmajiyye and its poet. Therefore, the information provided about the Totmaj mostly came with the description of the poem.
This discussion started by Bahar in an article in Mehr Journal (Bahar, 1938) and completed by Qazvini in the article " Unknown Poets: Ahmad ebn Manouchehr Shastkolah" (Qazvini, 1944).
This trend continued in other studies as well, among which we can refer to the article "Ode on Totmaj by Ahmad Ibn Manouchehr Shastkolah in the battle of Molla Sadra" (Chatraei, 2011). Tajbakhsh (2010) has explained this term in this study. The commentators on Nezami’s "Haft Peykar" have also provided some explanations about the Totmaj, which will be discussed in the final section of the study.
Goals, questions, and assumptions
The scope of popular literature includes categories such as traditions, beliefs, habits, legends, anecdotes, proverbs, songs and folk poems, and the behaviors like cooking and eating, sewing and dressing, funeral rites, weddings, etc.
The purpose of this study is to determine the method of cooking and eating Totmaj focusing on one of the sub-branches of popular literature. Also, it is aimed to draw the entry path of this food from popular culture to Persian literature.
Main discussion
The oldest and most well-documented information about this food can be seen in the Ode on Totmajiyye, composed by Shamsoddin Ahmad Ibn Manouchehr Shastkolah, an Iraqi poet and a courtier of the Toghrol Seljuk (590-573 AH). In this ode, the method of cooking Totmaj is expressed in a poetic language.
The whole story is that the lover comes to the beloved's house and asks for food, and the cooking method is described as follows:
1. Using a stick, spread the dough on the back of a dish.
2. Cut the Totmaj with a dagger, in the shape of an arrow.
3. Place the Totmaj strings on a clean tablecloth until the moisture of the dough is absorbed.
4. Prepare the butteroil and buttermilk from milk.
5. After pouring water into the pot and lighting the fire underneath it, add garlic and Tezleq.
6. After adding the Totmaj dough to the pot, sprinkle the tail oil and pour buttermilk on it.
7. Finally, put the Totmaj on the table in a large container.
Bread was not used in eating Totmaj; also, leeks and salts were among the substances that were poured into the pot along with Totmaj. Therefore, they were not needed while eating.
It should be noted that in Persian literature, "water of Totmaj" is a symbol of low value. Besides, sharp sticks, called "Totmaj skewer", are mentioned for eating Totmaj, which are not seen in popular literature. On the other hand, Bahar explains this based on "filling the dough with leeks and garlic, and folding it layer by layer" (Bahar, 1938, p. 349), while it has not been mentioned in the ode on Totmajiye, and it seems that Bahar has referred to it as a mental symmetry due to its familiarity with the method of cooking Lakhshak soup.
It should also be mentioned that by changing the shape of Totmaj, and the different variations that come with this food for the people, its application in the Persian literature decreases. Hence, it is difficult to understand the concept of verses written with the approach of how to cook or eat this food.
Every nation and culture has its own customs and traditions that are passed down from generation to generation besides language and race, and form a part of the people's cultural identity making it differ from others. Poets and writers also contribute to this process by reflecting these issues in their works.
The relationship between popular culture and literary language has long been established in Persian literature in such a way that popular culture has always helped to enrich the literary language, and has been the basis for the discovery of new horizons in literature. This connection can be found in the entry of Totmaj from popular culture into literary language, and the entry of simple and unpretentious terms and combinations, which were formed only to convey meaning in the popular language.
Interestingly, the poets of Persian literature have both referred directly to Totmaj and its related issues, and tried to use it in other themes through ironic and metaphorical devices.
In the meantime, modernization and changes that naturally happen in people's lives may cause difficulties in understanding the meaning of categories derived from popular culture in literary language. Occasionally, a completely general and tangible issue which has been used in an allegorical form in a period of Persian literature history to clarify a particular concept, becomes one of the ambiguities of literature and the changes that occur therein.
Another point is the low effort of lexicographers to record the vocabulary and compositions of popular culture, which has resulted in its abandonment. Nevertheless, one should not easily overlook the usefulness of Persian literature resources and texts in resolving the ambiguities of a subject, and as it is shown in this study, a wide range of information related to a topic can be obtained by comprehensive studies and reference to different sources.
Bahar, M. T. (1938). Shams al-Din Ahmad Ibn Manuchehr ShastKolah. Mehr Literary Journal, 5, 347-353.
Chatraii, M. (2011). The ode of Ahmad Ibn Manuchehre ShastKolah in Mulla Sadra's corpus. Heritage Report, 49, 27 29.
Ghazvini, M. (1944). Unknown poets: Ahmad Ibn Manouchehr ShastKolah. Yadegar, 2, 54 70.
Tajbakhsh, A. (2010). A research on the Turkish words of Shams articles. History of Literature, 3(66), 55 70.

Volume 9, Issue 3 (Summer 2018)

Aims: The innovation ecosystem states that innovation through interactive networks occurs at different levels. The network has a wide range of stakeholders that are complex in the innovation process as part of the innovation ecosystem. Considering the importance of the issue of prevention in the health sector and the importance of the role of biotechnology in this field, the aim of this study was to examine the innovation ecosystem of human vaccines in Iran.
Participants and Methods: In this qualitative, exploratory, and descriptive research, while investigating the dimensions of the ecosystem of innovation in literature and its main characteristics, the status of the innovation ecosystem of human vaccines was investigated in Iran. This study was carried out through content analysis of the current documents and deep and semi-structured interviews with experts in this field. Subsequently, a description of the current state of the vaccine innovation ecosystem was presented.
Findings: Most of the graduates did not have enough familiarity with the techniques needed to attend the industry. The existence of two major vaccine manufacturers, the Pasteur and Razi Institutes, were of important properties of ecosystems. The small number of service providers and existing service companies with knowledge-based organizations were of shortcomings. Shortcomings in the characteristics of stable and dynamic interaction in the innovation ecosystem of human vaccines in Iran were evident and the making policies to create or strengthen these characteristics was one of the important issues of Iran in this area.
Conclusion: Despite the abundance of elements and actors in this field, the innovation ecosystem of vaccines in Iran has not yet been formulated in a structured way, and its creation and development requires the characteristics of the innovation ecosystem and the resolution of its challenges.

Volume 9, Issue 4 (winter 2020)

Aims: Lighting cultural-historical areas is one of the factors enhancing nightlife identity and sense of place in cities. However, it should be noted that in any lighting scheme, the use of optimum light sources and the use of appropriate optical techniques can lead to higher quality, energy efficiency, tourist attraction and economic savings for the city. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the impact of modern technologies on the quality of lighting in historical and cultural areas. To achieve this goal, it is very helpful to achieve an optimal pattern of lighting using modern equipment.
Instruments & Methods: Firstly, using descriptive-analytical methods and library studies, lighting documents and successful internal and external experiences, important criteria for lighting cultural-historical areas have been extracted. These criteria are then prioritized and scored by experts. In addition, Dialux 4.13 software has been used to model the street lighting of Si-e Tir Street in Tehran, in order to measure the variables of light intensity and color temperature in different states. Finally, each of these modes was evaluated by Delphi method and in-depth interviews with experts.
Findings: The mode of use of LED lights with a color temperature of 4000K was chosen, so that the optimum brightness was higher than the background.
Conclusion: The software output also uses 250-watt mercury vapor lamps to illuminate the sidewalks and sidewalks of the street, mounted on 7-meter bases at a distance of 26 meters from each other and illuminated at a 5-degree angle to the street surface.

Hamidreza Tabatabaei, Masoud Boroomand, ,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (9-2011)

Abstract- Possibilities and limitations of 1D and 3D flow simulations in the vaneless turbocharger turbine of a 1.7 liter SI engine are presented experimentally and numerically. A test setup of the turbocharged engine on dynamometer is prepared to validate the results of numerical modeling. Various performance parameters are measured at 12 different engine speeds and the results of measurement in 3 different engine speeds are presented in this report. The complete form of the volute and rotor vanes is modeled. An extensive study on the number of meshes has been undertaken to ensure the independency to meshes. The modeling of rotating wheel is considered by Multiple Rotating Frames (MRF) technique. Finally, the variations of turbine performance parameters are studied under different pulse frequencies of the engine. The results show that at high engine speeds a 3D unsteady flow simulation is required to get reasonably accurate results. The results presented in current report will be used in simulating three dimensional steady and unsteady compressible flow within the turbine of the turbocharger.

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