Showing 46 results for Tahmasebi
Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2014)
The present study was conducted to assess the effect of dung beetles on sheep dung removal and seed dispersal in semi steppe rangelands of Shahrekord province with poor condition located in Iran. Therefore, the large (1 cm2) and small size (1 mm2) meshes were used and filled by sheep dung in six treatments. To evaluate the role of the insects in seeds translocation, three sizes of plastic beads used as seed mimic. The results illustrated that the maximum function of the insect was observed in the possible treatment of the presence of dwellers, absent of large tuneller and large roller beetles and present of small tuneller and small roller beetles. The least dung removal was calculated in the control treatment and possible treatment of dwellers, large and small tunneler and also absent of large rollers and presence of small rollers respectively. Seed removal decreased in the order of small size (29) > medium size (5) > large size (2). In general, dung beetles play an important role in dung removal and secondary seed dispersal, but their function relates depended on habitat condition. In a degraded ecosystem, this insect will disappear. Considering the various factors affecting the function of these insects, further studies would be needed for investigating deeply different seasons and dung of different livestock feeding on the rangelands.
Volume 3, Issue 1 (8-2011)
This paper tries to assess the strata structure of Iran urban society by using We berian approach in Islamic republic of Iran during the two decades of 1970s-1980s. Based on this approach, the strata structure is assessed in three dimensions: economic activity instrument, expert and capacity, and life opportunities. The historical methodology was used and data sources were 1986 and 1996 by Iran Statistics Centre.
Investigation results showed, in spite of implementing the development programs after the revolution, traditional rapport has been dominated between the employers, and the independent personnel of this traditional rapport has been increased after the revolution. Medial strata has been increased as a result of medial expansion politics of the government, especially in the governmental section. But in the private section has come down because of underling staff and employee activities.
Volume 3, Issue 1 (6-2013)
This research is conducted on the basis of the relational view of competitive advantage. In this view, competitive advantages are created by not only corporate-level resources but by inimitable capacities and mixed into dynamic relations. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze and quantify the impact of external social capital dimensions on organizational competitive advantage. For this purpose, after an extensive study of literature, the initial conceptual model was designed. The questionnaires were distributed among senior executives and board members of Color and Resin Company and 64 questionnaires were returned and the data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, inferential analysis and Structural Equation Modeling. Results show that the size of a firm impacts innovation and external social capital significantly affects the organizational competitive advantage. Also, structural dimension of external social capital is the most effective among the dimensions of competitive advantage, and strategic flexibility dimension is the most impressible dimension of external social capita. Additionally, the cognitive dimension of external social capital has the minimal impact on competitive advantage. It seems that the warm personal relationships, business relationships and working closely with many diverse groups and work teams in complex industrial organization are the most important tools for achieving the desired organizational results.
Volume 5, Issue 5 (No.5 (Tome 21), (Articles in Persian) 2014)
In recent years, extensive efforts have been done in developing new educational methods for teaching foreign language in order to increase the language learners' proficiency. This study aims to assess the role of the combined approach of the notional functional syllabus approach and the task-based approach for the purpose of "Arabic for the general aims" and "Arabic for the general academic aims". This assessment has been applied by investigating the required capabilities in learning two skills of speaking and listening in Arabic language by using the descriptive-analytical method. The most important result obtained from this study is that for having an effective communication with the speakers of foreign languages, the issue of linguistic knowledge and even full language input are not so much effective. The factors, which play a significant role in mastering the second languages, include: providing a conversational environment similar to the culture and community of its native speakers, making the process of learning functional and applicable, planning for the creative usage of language ability, and lastly, practical and continuous reproducing of language by the learners.
Volume 6, Issue 1 (No.1 (Tome 22), (Articles in Persian) 2015)
Since the advent of amendatory or revolution in the grammar-translation method in late 19th century, the processes dominating the second language have changed considerably in the western world. In teaching Arabic language to Persian speakers, however, it is often focused on the grammar-translation method: generally, reading and comprehension and, in fact, lingual ability of the students.
In this study, we try to represent an appropriate model named ATN-D in the three areas of language learner, teacher, and style to develop communication ability in terms of needs and challenges using descriptive-analytic method. ATN-D is acronym of four methods: Audio-Lingual Method; Task-based Approach, Notional Functional Syllabus, and Desuggestopedia. We study repetition subject in order to stabilize lingual structures and vocabularies in the Audio-Lingual Method. We investigate forming a natural conversational environment and communication and action aspects in Task-based Approach, and Notional Functional Syllabus, respectively. Finally, suggestion-desuggestion is studied in Desuggestopedia method. The most significant result obtained of applying this theory is that appropriate dialogue-directed way, correct use of grammatical structures, strengthening and suggestion for ability in applying proper expression in special social situations, ability in starting, entering, cooperating and ending a conversation, as well as ability in developing a contact with correcting the conversational process and so on play a considerable role in learning two oral skills (speaking and listening) in Arabic language in order to strength and stabilize the communication ability.
Volume 7, Issue 25 (5-2019)
Chehel-soroud is one of the most popular and current types of omen among Lorestan people which they perform collectively. In every presage, forty couplets are attributed to interpret the intended 40th couplet. In the present research and based on library resources, the aesthetic function of the 500 chehel-soroud couplets collected by the field method was analyzed in two parts of "Phones , Vocabulary, Musics and figures of speech " and the surface structure including Emotion, Thought and Meaning. The research findings showed that at surface structure of phones movement with music is sometimes created with serenity and sometimes with violence. The association of vocabulary plays a role in the association of emotions and the meaning of poetry. The association of vocabulary plays a role in the association of emotions and the meaning of poetry. In some parts of the verses, meter and rhyme are unacceptable, which is to some extent negligible. Internal music is due to figures like phonotactics , morphophonemics and pun. Spiritual musics in its turn is as a result of figures like Mora’at al nazir, Hossn-e- Ta’lil and hyperbole. Metonymy and assimilation play a key role in the creation of figures of speech. Emotionally, at deep structure level, good omens are accompanied by enthusiasm while sinister ones lead to despair. In terms of meaning and regarding the frequency , themes of love and friendship, natural resources such as mountains and trees, religious beliefs and interests such as hunting, breeding, agriculture etc. are evident in the couplets.
Volume 9, Issue 2 (Spring 2021)
Aims: This study aimed to assess the water quality of Ardak River and analyze its suitability for drinking and agricultural purposes.
Materials & Methods: In this research, water samples were collected during dry and wet seasons in 2018 from previously selected 5 sampling stations. Then, the water quality index (WQI) and irrigation-related indices were calculated.
Findings: The calculated WQI values are between 156.77 and 379.59 in the study area, which shows the water quality of Ardak River is in the “poor” to “unsuitable for drinking” range both periods. The effects of water quality parameters on the WQI were evaluated, and the obtained outcomes indicate that the highest mean effective weight value belongs to the fecal coliform and phosphate parameters compared to the other parameters. Furthermore, various indices such as sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), residual sodium carbonate (RSC), magnesium hazard (MH), Kelly’s index (KI), and Permeability index (PI) were used to assess river water quality for irrigation purposes. The results indicate that the river water quality is generally moderately suitable to safe with exceptions at a few sampling stations in the dry season, which are unsuitable for irrigation purposes.
Conclusion: Due to the negative effects of anthropogenic pollutants such as animal husbandry, intensive agricultural activities, and rural wastewater discharging, the water quality of the Ardak River is deteriorating. Therefore, necessary protection steps should be taken in the Ardak Watershed.
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2020)
Social innovation has attracted the attention of many researchers in recent years; as it offers new answers to social challenges and whole community use its advantages. The main objective of this research is to design a social innovation success model in the Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation as a social organization.This research is fundamental-applied in term of purpose and its method is grounded theory.Participants of this research are experienced staffand experts in the processes of Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation that by combining the methods of purposive sampling, snowball and theoretical sampling, 16 wer selected to perform semi-structured interviews.Data analysed with more than 200 primary codes in Atlas.ti 8. Factors of mission and Strategy, Organizational Culture,Servant Leadership Style,Organizational Agility, Extensive and favorable interactions with Enviroment and Facilitating Financial Conditions recognized as factors for facilitator level.Innovators' motivation,effective Content and implementation and acceptance of innovation were complementary levelfactors. And brandingsocial innovation, collaborating with international institutions, networking of innovation roles and develop a people-dependent structurewere growth levelfactors of social innovation success model.
Volume 10, Issue 2 (Fall & Winter 2006)
Soil erosion is one of the most important factors causing decline of soil fertility, siltation of different kinds of waterways, reduction of reservoir capacity, increase in destructive risk of flooding and other environmental degradations. In order to mitigate the negative effects of soil erosion and sediment production in watersheds, determining amount and source of sediment is imperative. Since most of Iran’s watersheds are ungauged, use of erosion and sediment estimation models are needed. But for selection of applicable model the models first have to be tested and/or evaluated. In order to achieve to this goal, a research study was carried out to evaluate MPSIAC model in GIS environment based on the observed data of sediment of the Nojian sub-watershed located in southeast of Khorram Abad city in the Lorestan province-Iran. In so doing, to run the selected model after introducing the information layers into the GIS program and combining the layers in MPSIAC model, the given catchments were divided into 527 homogenous units. Then, erosion rate and sediment yield were estimated in these homogenous units. The amount of estimated sediment yield by using MPSIAC model was 489372.2 T/y. For comparison of the model results, the amount of measured sediment in hydrometric station was considered as the control level, which was 812410 T/y. The outcome of the research showed that estimating sediment by using MPSIAC model in comparison to measured sediment was 0.602. The results of the assessment on observed differences show that calibration of the empirical models is needed first to resolve the limitation of the models in correspondence to the existing condition of the watersheds. It can be concluded that in order to accept or reject the result of the sediment yield estimation using the MPSIAC model with high confidence, the model first should be calibrated based on the existing condition of the Iran’s watershed.
Volume 10, Issue 4 (3-2021)
Employees are the most important assets of the organization and the performance of the organization depends on their performance. Achieving high performance of the workforce requires the identification of employee communication mechanisms, which is pursued in the framework of the concept of employee relationship management (ERM). Employee relationship management is a strategic tool and a kind of human resource management process that focuses on the continuity and strengthening of relationships between organizations and employees by relying on improving relationships and creating shared perspectives. This study aims to develop a practical framework for employee relationship management in the organization and is analytical-descriptive. Data collection was based on interviews with 14 senior and middle managers of Tondgooyan Oil Refining Company. Based on the data analysis, the obtained codes were classified into six main activity groups including Knowledge Management, Relationship Management, Employee Assistance Program Management, Employee Development Program Management, Employee Cognitive Program Management and Employee Involvement and finally each subgroup of activities is assigned to key and non-ley employees.
Volume 10, Issue 4 (Fall 2022)
Aims: The success of COVID-19 vaccination depends on public acceptance of the vaccine. It is necessary to evaluate the factors affecting vaccine acceptance to increase the acceptance of vaccination. The current study aimed to determine the relationships between the three components of the COM-B (capability, motivation, and opportunity) model and the explanatory domains of each component.
Instrument & Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 1102 adults aged 18 years and older were selected through multi-stage sampling and received an online questionnaire on the WhatsApp platform in February 2021. Structure equation modeling was used to investigate the factors affecting vaccine acceptance.
Findings: Of the 1102 respondents, 938 respondents (85.1%) wanted to get vaccinated. The main indicators for the COM-B components were "behavioral regulation"(capability), "subjective norms and social support" (opportunity) and "social role" (motivation). Opportunity strongly predicted motivation (93%) and Covid-19 vaccine acceptance (74%). Motivation and capability were mediator for opportunity on vaccine acceptance.
Conclusion: Providing environmental and interpersonal conditions by creating capability and motivation in people increases vaccine acceptance.
Volume 11, Issue 1 (Number 1 - 2009)
This study investigated the factors influencing the decision to plant almonds in the Saman region of Chaharmahal-Bakhtiari Province in central Iran through conducting an economic survey in 2005. Using portfolio investment theory and econometric model esti-mation (Shively, 1998), this paper identifies the most important factors influencing the in-dividual farmer’s decision concerning the number of almond trees planted during 1995-2004. Results of this study show that farm size, permission for water use, a one-year fore-cast of almond price changes, and the upcoming year’s expected change in the guaranteed price of wheat as a competitor crop in the use of land and water had a significant impact on the number of trees planted. This study indicates that policymakers should take notice of the adverse impact of the increasing wheat price trends on tree planting and indirectly promote more research on the environmental impact of almond plantations, particularly as it relates to soil erosion and environmental issues.
Volume 11, Issue 2 (5-2022)
In this study, the effects of different levels of dietary supplementation with vitamin C, astaxanthin and lecithin on ionic (K+, Na+, Ca2+ and Mg2+) and biochemical (Total protein, cholesterol and glucose) indices of ovarian fluid, also its effect on sperm motility duration in Caspian brown trout (Salmo trutta caspius) were investigated. For this purpose, nine experimental diets: C0A0L0 (0 mg kg-1 vitamin C, 0 mg kg-1 astaxanthin and 0% soybean lecithin), C300A50L0, C700A100L0, C0A50L6, C300A100L6, C700A0L6, C0A100L9, C300A0L9 and C700A50L9 were formulated and broodstocks (2.51±0.05 kg) were fed for four months. After maturation and stripping, ovarian fluid was separated for ionic and biochemical indices. To evaluate sperm motility, 1 μl of milt was placed under a microscope with fresh water (as a control treatment) or ovarian fluid of experimental fishes. Sperm motility was measured with a chronometer. Results showed that the highest amounts of Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions were obtained in ovarian fluid of C300A100L6, C300A100L6, C0A100L9 and C300A100L6, respectively, which were significantly different from C700A50L9 (p<0.05). Also, the highest levels of protein, cholesterol and glucose were observed in C700A50L9, C0A50L6 and C0A100L9 treatments, which were significantly different from C0A0L0 treatment (p<0.05). Lowest duration of sperm motility was obtained in fresh water (43.96±2.25 seconds) which was significantly different from other treatments (p<0.05); however, the highest sperm motility was observed in C300A100L6 and C0A100L9 treatments (80.76±2.03 and 80.7±1.76 seconds, respectively).
Volume 11, Issue 3 (10-2022)
Waxy-leaved mustard Boreava orientalis Jaub. and Spach. has recently become farmland invasive weed in the Kurdistan province, Iran. Hence this study was conducted better to understand the seed germination ecology of B. orientalis. Therefore, in this study, the effect of temperature and osmotic potential, salinity, and burial depth on seed germination and seedling emergence of B. orientalis was investigated in the Weed Research Laboratory of the University of Kurdistan in 2020. Seed germination of B. orientalis was determined at 10, 20, 30, and 35 °C. Boreava orientalis seeds were germinated in an aqueous solution with the osmotic potential of 0, 3, 6, 9, and 12 MPa. The levels of salt stress consisted of control 0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 mM. The burial depths were 0, 3, 6, 9, and 12 cm. The results revealed that germination started at 5 ºC with 0 osmotic potential, and no germination occurred at 30 and 35 °C with different osmotic potentials. The Lowest germination was at 30 and 35 °C; the highest was at 0 Mm NaCl concentration, and the lowest was at 200 Mm of NaCl. The highest germination was at 0 depth, and the lowest was at 12 cm. These results indicate that the germination of this weed species is sensitive and thus greatly reduced under drought and high-temperature conditions. It was also sensitive to both salinity stress and deep burial.
Volume 12, Issue 2 (Spring 2024)
Aims: Despite the advantages of physical activity, many people still don't exercise much. The study aimed to examine the impact of intervention mapping model-based training on the health-promoting behaviors of Ilam University of Medical Sciences employees.
Materials & Methods: In this semi-experimental study, 221 Ilam University of Medical Sciences staff were given Walker's health-promoting lifestyle questionnaire to determine their needs. Then, a training program was created to increase staff physical activity levels based on the efficient structures. Sixty Ilam University of Medical Sciences employees who scored lowest on the physical activity dimension participated in the educational intervention phase. Participants received the international physical activity questionnaire before and three months after the intervention. Data analysis was done using SPSS 22 software by independent t-test, paired t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient, one-way analysis of variance, and generalized linear regression.
Findings: Among the health-promoting lifestyle dimensions, the physical activity dimension was identified as the most important predictor of health-promoting behaviors. There were significant differences before and after the educational intervention in the housework and family care and the average physical activity (p<0.05). The average total physical activity increased significantly after the educational intervention compared to before the intervention (p<0.016).
Conclusion: The mapping model education improves physical activity levels in medical university staff.
Volume 12, Issue 4 (10-2010)
Objective: The LRR (leucine rich proteoglycans) is a molecular recognition motif found in proteins with some roles in cell adhesion, signal transduction, DNA repair and RNA processing. Opticin is a member of this family. Takanosu et al (2001) detected messenger RNA expression of mouse opticin in the eye, heart, brain, testis, thyroid and epididymis by dot blot hybridization.
In this study, expression levels of mRNA and protein of opticin was investigated by two monoclonal antibodies which were raised against opticin peptides. By this method structure of opticin in human and mouse has been studied.
Materials and Methods: Mouse tissues including, kidney, testis, liver, lung, heart, brain, muscle, spleen and eye were isolated. Opticin expression was identified at mRNA and protein levels by RT-PCR and Western blot.
Results: PCR analysis revealed that opticin mRNA is expressed in all the tissues studied except for the lung. However, opticin protein was detected in all tissues analyzed.
Conclusion: Expression of opticin in the adult murine tissues may suggest functions other than that of putative regulation of vitreous collagen fibrillogenesis for this molecule.
Volume 12, Issue 4 (12-2023)
Waxy-leaved mustard (Boreava orientalis Jaub. and Spach.) is an invasive species recently reported in Kurdistan province in western Iran with allelopathic properties. To evaluate the effect of the extract of different parts of waxy-leaved mustard on wheat germination, an experiment was conducted as a factorial based on a completely randomized design in the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Kurdistan, Iran. The allelopathic potential of waxy-leaved mustard's root, leaf, stem, and flower were evaluated, and secondary metabolite compounds were identified. Effect of Alcohol extracts at concentrations of 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4% of roots, leaves, stems, and flowers of waxy-leaved mustard were evaluated on wheat germination Indicators. Increasing extract concentration significantly increased the inhibition of seed germination and caused a decrease in germination rate, reduction of stem length, and reduction of seed vigor index. Alcoholic extracts of waxy-leaved mustard flowers had significantly more effect compared to the alcoholic extracts of roots, even at the lowest concentration (1%). The results of this study show that waxy-leaved mustard has a strong allelopathic potential, which emphasizes the importance of reducing its allelopathic effects and developing effective management strategies for mitigating invasion risk and thereby protecting crops like wheat.
Volume 12, Issue 4 (Fall 2024)
Aims: Hypertension is a critical health condition requiring consistent medical adherence to prevent complications. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of a cardiovascular risk assessment and an educational intervention grounded in the Health Belief Model (HBM) on medication adherence among patients with hypertension.
Materials & Methods: A semi-experimental study was conducted with three groups: a combined risk assessment and education group, a risk assessment-only group, and a control group, each consisting of 40 patients. Cardiovascular risk was individually assessed in both intervention groups using the Framingham model, with risk categories (low, moderate, high) explained to personalize the intervention and enhance perceived susceptibility. Additionally, patients in the combined intervention group received an educational booklet structured around HBM components. All participants completed questionnaires measuring knowledge, HBM constructs, the Morisky Medication Adherence Questionnaire, and treatment compliance (measured by the ratio of consumed to prescribed medications) at baseline and after three months. Data analysis was performed using SPSS software version 26.
Findings: The three groups were demographically comparable. Over time, the combined intervention group showed significant improvements in all HBM constructs. The risk assessment-only group demonstrated improvements in perceived barriers, perceived benefits, self-efficacy, and awareness. Both intervention groups exhibited enhanced treatment compliance and medication adherence compared to the control group.
Conclusion: The combined educational and risk assessment intervention proved more effective in improving awareness and strengthening HBM constructs than risk assessment alone.
Volume 13, Issue 2 (Number 2 - 2011)
Drying characteristics of Quercus were determined experimentally as a function of temperature, air velocity, and variety (Quercus Persica and Quercus Libani). In order to estimate and select a suitable drying curve, five different thin layer drying models were fitted to the experimental data. Experiments were performed at the air temperatures of 50, 60 and 70°C. At each temperature level, two air velocities were adjusted: 0.5 and 1m/s. The effect of air temperature was found to be significant in comparison to air velocity for drying of fresh Quercus fruits. Increasing air velocity at constant air temperature resulted in the decrease of drying time. Among all the selected drying models, the Page model was found as the best mathematical model for describing the drying kinetics of Quercus fruits. Based on the results, drying temperature of 70 oC and air velocity of 1 m/s are the optimum values for drying Quercus fruit. Drying time and Page model constants were found to be dependent significantly on the variables studied.
Volume 13, Issue 6 (Number 6 - 2011)
The response of five inbred sunflower seedling lines, including AC 4122, C, HA 89, HA 410, HA 411, to inoculation with Sclerotinia sclerotiorum culture filtrate containing endogenous oxalic acid was compared with the exogenous application of synthetic oxalic acid. The reaction of seedlings was evaluated in terms of dry and fresh plant weights and the total chlorophyll concentration relative to untreated controls. The expression of shikimate dehydrogenase in cotyledons was also assessed five days after treatment. The results indicated that exogenous oxalic acid inoculation caused more deleterious effects on stem rot, eliciting photosynthesis reduction and different isoenzyme patterns of shikimate dehydrogenase. A positive correlation was found between increased oxalic acid and shikimate dehydrogenase activity in both treatments. However, the excessive toxicity of the exogenously administrated acid suggests that Sclerotinia sclerotiorum infection triggers a more complex metabolic pathway involving oxalic acid secreted by the pathogen. These observations preclude the possibility of using the synthetic acid administration as a method of screening sunflower genotypes for resistance to Sclerotinia. In addition to these findings, the reactivation of shikimate dehydrogenase was observed in both treatments. In contrast to synthetic administration, expression during the first phase of growth may serve as a tool for rapid screening and selection of sunflower genotypes resistant to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum.