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Showing 2 results for Tavajjohi

Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-1999)

Abdolali Tavajjohi Ph.D. Candidate, Tarbiat Modares University Ali Hossein Najafi Abrand Abadi Associate Professor, Department of Law, Shahid beheshti University Victim, is one of the most important elements of crime event, regrettably for which no actual determining position has been found in victimology researches. The authorities of retribution and victimology have focused their best attempts on crime, criminal and conviction; consequently, the victim who often plays an important role in the occurence of the crime is ignored and forgotten. As victimology emerged in recent decades, Concrete steps were taken along the way of scientific study of victims and identitication of their features and action in committing crimes as well. Besides the existence of problems such as lack of sources, the newness of theories, ambiguity in the limits of the subject which make any research about new knowledge difficult, researching and studing victimology include particular problems and constraints without overcoming them, the value and validity of the theories related to this new branch of victimology will be questionable. This article takes into consideration one of the most important problems on the way of victimologists. Considering unreported victims in the various countries of the world, the writers have examined this same subject within a population of one thousand (1000) and come to the result that unfortunately over 60 percent of the victims in Iran have never reported themselves. Reasons such as lack of evidence, distrusting the police preventing loss of face and personality or having family relation with the criminal are the most common reasons why victimization is not reported. Finally, it is concluded that plans and strategies of the related authorities in defying crime would bear no real value of efficiency unless they are based on factual number of victims. So, the responsibles of societies are required to reduce the number of unreported criminal cases-through drawing the victims’ confidence and providing them with facilities of hearing - which often lead to individual vengeane or vicim's seclusion and in other words a new crime or victim.
M. Honarpisheh , M.h. Tavajjohi , F. Nazari,
Volume 19, Issue 2 (February 2019)

The Constrained Groove Pressing (CGP) process is one of the most effective and newest methods of the severe plastic deformation for production ultrafine-grain metal sheets. In this research, the effect of CGP on the microstructure and mechanical properties of pure copper sheets was investigated. In order to study the microstructure of the samples, the optical microscopy was used, and tensile and Vickers micro-hardness tests were utilized for the evaluation of the mechanical properties. Investigating the microstructure of CGPed sheets determined that the CGP process has caused intense grain refinement, especially at first pass. Also, the results of mechanical properties showed that this process has considerably increased strength and hardness of the copper samples. In the numerical investigation of constrained groove pressing, effective strain and forming force were evaluated, using finite element simulation and the results indicated that with increasing number of CGP passes, effective strain, and forming force increase. Also, distribution of effective strain illustrated that the center of samples are under more effective strain that causes increasing hardness inside the samples be more than increasing hardness of the surface. Finally, a method was presented for estimating the yield strength of material, using the hardness values, and it could calculate the yield stress in different passes of process with an acceptable error of 6%.

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