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Showing 1 results for Zehsaz

Farid Vakil-Tahami, Mohammad Zehsaz, Arash Mohammad Alizadeh Fard,
Volume 14, Issue 12 (3-2015)

In this paper the creep behavior of a functionally graded (FG) rotating disc made of Aluminum 6061 and Silicon Carbide is investigated and the optimum volume fraction of FG disc and its profile has been obtained. For this purpose, the temperature gradiant along the disc radius is obtained by solving the govering heat transfer differential equation. All the thermal properties of the material are assumed to be the function of temperature and volume fraction. To obtain material properties, two models of Mori-Tanaka and Hashin-Schtrickman are used. To validate the results, they are compared with those given in the literature. Two solution methods: semi-analytical and closed form are employed and the results are compared. The optimum design is carried out with one, and multi-objective methods which are based on genetic algorithm. The objectives are increasing the factor of safety, reducing the weight of the disc and reducing the range between minimum and maximum safety factors. The design variables are percentage of volume fraction, the power of material distribution formula, and the thickness of the disc. The results show that two solution methods compare well. Also, it has been shown that high fraction of Silicon Carbide in the outer side the disc provide optimum results. Also, contradiction of the objectives is reviled, hence the results are presented as Pareto front.

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