Showing 7 results for fadaee
Shahrokh Hosseini Hashemi, Hoda Akhavan, Mohammad fadaee,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (9-2011)
In this paper, free vibration analysis of moderately thick smart FG rectangular plate is presented on the basis of Mindlin plate theory. This structure is composed of a host FG plate and two bonded piezoelectric layers. The plate has two opposite edges simply supported (i.e., Levy-type rectangular plates). The closed circuit piezoelectric layers can be used as an actuator. According to a power-law distribution of the volume fraction of the constituents, material properties vary continuously through the thickness of host plate. Using Hamilton's principle and Maxwell electrostatic equation, six complex coupled equations are introduced. These equations are exactly solved introducing the new potential and auxiliary functions as well as using separation of variables method. The accuracy of the frequencies is verified by the available literature and the finite element method. The present exact solution can accurately predict not only the out of plane, but also the in-plane modes of FG plate. Finally, the effects of various parameters such as boundary conditions, gradient index and thickness of piezoelectric layers on the natural frequency are investigated.
Volume 13, Issue 4 (1-2023)
Aflatoxin B1 is a type of mycotoxin produced by Aspergillus fungi during food production and storage. Aflatoxins have many toxic effects on the body that cause mutagens, teratogens and have high carcinogenic properties that cause cancer in the liver and other organs. Although conventional device methods for measuring aflatoxin B1 in food are sensitive and accurate, they have disadvantages such as high diagnostic time, high cost, the need for a trained user, and the creation of false positive results. Therefore, the development of new measuring methods has been prioritized by researchers. Among these measurement methods is the use of biosensors, which are fast, simple and more affordable and are used in the food industry today. In this work, a colorimetric optical aptasensor using gold nanoparticles with appropriate sensitivity and high selectivity was used to detect aflatoxin B1 in serum and buffer. For this purpose, gold nanoparticles were synthesized by reducing HAuCl4 by sodium citrate (with a size of 14.40 nm and a zeta potential of -27.5). In this method, the protective effect of DNA sequence on the surface of gold nanoparticles has been used in the presence or absence of aflatoxin with the intervention of salt and the characteristic of visual color change. The detection limit of this method was estimated to be 50 ng/L and its linear range was 200-28000 ng/L. As a result, the designed aptasensor can be used for quick identification and screening of this toxin in contaminated food.
Saeed Kalantari, Mohammad fadaee,
Volume 14, Issue 14 (Second Special Issue 2015)
In this article, an analytical procedure is presented for prediction of linear buckling load of a waffle cylinder stiffened by an array of equilateral triangles. The grid stiffened shell is subjected to axial loading condition. The shell has simply supported boundary conditions at its two edges. The equivalent stiffness of the stiffener and skin is computed by superimposing between the stiffness contributions of the stiffeners and skin with a new method. Total stiffness matrix of the shell is composed of stiffness matrix of skin and grids with special volume fractions. In this analysis, using energy method, equilibrium equations of the grid stiffened shell are extracted based on the thin shell theory of Flugge. The Navier solution is applied to solve the problem. A 3-D finite element model was also built in ANSYS software to show the accuracy and validity of the present solution. The results show that the present new approach has high accuracy and precision. The effect of various geometrical parameters on the critical buckling load is investigated. Due to the stability and accuracy, the present method can be used by many designers and engineers to improve their design quality.
Volume 18, Issue 121 (March 2022)
One of the reasons of the bakery products poor quality and quality defection in the country is the low quality and the impropriety of wheat. Regarding the uncontrollability of so many effective factors in wheat quality. Using of improving agents in wheat flour has been highly considered. In this study, the effect of tow improving agents, ascorbic acid in three levels (20, 40, 60 ppm) and α-amylase enzyme in three levels (25, 50 and 75 ppm) over dough was investigated. Rheological tests results showed that increasing level of ascorbic acid from 20 ppm to 60 ppm is effective in dough stability time and dough developing time increment, reduction in dough softening degree, increasing elasticity, improving gluten structure and increasing the usage level of α-amylase enzyme from 25 ppm to 75 ppm is effective in the collapse of polymeric structure of starch, dough softening, stability, developing time and reduction elasticity characteristics. In simultaneous use of additives in constant amount of α-amylase enzyme, increase of ascorbic acid from 20ppm to 60ppm causes rheological individually betterness. Dough stability time, developing time and dough elasticity as well. This effect in constant amount of ascorbic acid shows a diverse relationship specially with high amount of added α-amylase (50 and 75 ppm). Generally, in addition to ascorbic acid containing treatment on its own using of α-amylase enzyme in 50 ppm level with 60 ppm ascorbic acid in improving the rheological and quality specialty of dough is suggested.
P. Darabi, M. fadaee,
Volume 19, Issue 3 (March 2019)
In this article, an exact analytical approach is presented to analyze free vibration of a thin piezoelectric spherical shell, using thin shallow shell theory. The piezoelectric spherical shell is modeled as a sensor or an actuator. The piezoelectric material is polarized through the thickness of the shell. Using the separation of variables method as well as some new potential functions, the equations of motion and Maxwell’s equation are exactly solved, simultaneously. First, the equation of the transverse displacement of the shell is separately obtained and after extracting the transverse displacement, other unknowns such as the in-plane displacements and electrical potential function are obtained. Then, applying mechanical and electrical boundary conditions, the natural frequencies of the shell are obtained for the sensor and actuator cases. In order to validate the accuracy of the present method, the obtained results are compared to those obtained by a finite element analysis in ABAQUS software. Also, the effects of various parameters such as inner radius to radius of curvature of the shell ratio, thickness to inner radius ratio, and different boundary conditions on the natural frequencies are considered. Results show that piezoelectricity effect causes an increase in strain energy of the structure leading to increasing the natural frequencies for both sensor and actuator shells. Also, by changing the conditions from actuator state to sensor one, the structure experiences an increase in the natural frequencies.
Volume 19, Issue 124 (June 2022)
Celiac disease is the most common disease caused by gluten consumption. Gluten protein, is the most important compound in creating tissue and contains components of the formulation of baking products. This protein causes allergies in people with celiac disease, and the only way to treat the disease is to eat a gluten-free diet for a lifetime.Therefore, the use of appropriate alternatives to gluten in the preparation of this category of products is essential. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of rice bran protein concentrate in the amount of 0.75. , 1.5, 2.25, 3 % as a gluten substitute for sponge cake. Based on the results, it was found that the viscosity of the product dough has increased compared to the control sample and the addition of rice bran protein has a significant effect on the density of sponge cake dough. Also, increasing the protein concentrate in mentioned amounts caused a significant increase in the moisture and specific volume of the cake. The results of tissue stiffness analysis of the samples showed that there is a significant difference compared to the control sample. According to the results, the highest score was given to the sample containing 2.25 rice bran protein and the selected treatment was T3 treatment.
Volume 22, Issue 2 (6-2022)
Surface fault rupture is very dangerous for critical buildings and infrastructures located in or near active faults and can cause irreparable damages. These structures must be designed by considering the undesirable effects of surface faulting. In this case, geotechnical measures, especially the construction of reinforced earth foundations are very effective in reducing the adverse effects of surface faults. The ASTM designation primarily recommends avoiding constructions to the adjacent of active faults probable of causing rupture at ground surface during an earthquake, although it is hard to determine the exact location of surface faulting. The increasing growth of population and the need to develop cities, particularly in metropolitan areas with economic limitations or land restrictions, have attracted the attention of the engineering community more than before to carry out feasibility studies on the construction of buildings in active fault zones. Such a consideration does not negate that the primary recommendation to avoid construction of buildings over active fault zones is the most convenient solution; it rather aims at examining and making engineering arrangements for the construction of buildings in zones with surface faulting potential governable by engineering methods. In addition to buildings, linear projects such as roads, highways, and tunnels must cross regions probable of surface faulting. Therefore, geotechnical measures, particularly designing reinforced soil foundations, contribute significantly to the reduction of undesirable effects of surface faulting. This research is conducted based on a series of tests on foundations reinforced with geogrid, geocell, and a combination of both, subject to normal faulting, to reduce surface faulting ruptures. The tests simulate the behavior of a 1.5 m wide strip foundation, placed over 6 m thick alluvium, subjected to a displacement of 60 cm. Seven tests were performed by different types and numbers of reinforcement, which were scaled to 10. The image analysis was carried out to examine the ground settlement profile, angular distortion, and fault propagation path. The results showed that the geotextiles used in the reinforced soil foundation could effectively reduce the angular distortion, cause uniform settlement, and divert fault propagation path, all protecting the structure against faulting. In a foundation reinforced with one layer of geogrid, a uniform settlement occurred at fault-induced displacement. In particular, the geogrid largely affected fault distribution, angular distortion reduction, and uniform ground settlement. Also, the settlement occurred at a wider zone and reduced the angular distortion by 60%. It means that the geocell affected the reduction of angular distortion and creation of uniform settlement by about 30%; however, it did not affect faulting diversion. The results indicate that the foundation reinforced with a combination of geocell and geogrid reduces angular distortion by 70% acted almost the same as the foundation reinforced with one layer of geogrid. Due to the increased stiffness and compressive strength of geocell, the shear band was more diverted toward the left side, compared to the foundation reinforced with one layer of geogrid. The right boundary of the shear band was also moved to the left corner of the structure. Likewise, the foundation reinforced with a combination of two layers of geogrid and three layers of geogrid reduces angular distortion by 80%. The results also reveal that adding more than two layers of geogrid had no effect on angular distortion reduction and the fault propagation path was more diverted as the number of geogrid layers increased.