Showing 6 results for farrokhabadi
Amin farrokhabadi, Maryam Aghaebrahimi,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (3-2015)
In the present study, using a precise shear lag parameter in an extended shear lag model, by considering the effects of out of plane shear stresses, the stress fields distribution as well as strain fields and displacement distributions will be obtained for a typical [0m/90n]s cross ply composite laminate containing a specified matrix cracking density. Then, the stiffness degradation due to existence of matrix cracking in these cross-ply composite laminates will be evaluated and specific damage parameters, which affect the stiffness matrix of composite ply, will be defined. Furthermore, using the concept of fracture mechanics by applying two different criteria including the maximum stress and strain energy release rate, the matrix cracking initiation and evolution as well as induced delamination propagation will be studied. Finally, a closed form relation will be presented which predicts the evolution of matrix cracking under uniaxial loading conditions in cross-ply composite laminates. At last, the obtained results by present study will be compared with available semi-analytical and experimental results. The obtained results reveal that the proposed closed form relations by the authors have a less difference with experimental results in comparison with the previous semi analytic results.
Hossein Malekinejad Bahabadi, Gholam Hossein Rahimi, Amin farrokhabadi,
Volume 16, Issue 6 (8-2016)
Sandwich structures are consisted of two thin skins with high mechanical properties and a thick core with lower mechanical properties and weight. Due to high strength/ stiffness to weight ratio, these structures are used extensively in engineering structures such as aerospace structures, ship hulls, turbines blades, etc. Skin/core debonding is one of the major failure modes in these structures. In this paper, debonding resistance of sandwich panels with composite skins and a core consisted of PVC foam and a corrugated composite laminate is investigated both experimentally and numerically. Square geometry is considered for corrugated composite laminate and obtained results are compared with reference specimen with simple core made of PVC foam. The three point bend test with attached ENS fixture is used to perform the standard experimental test. The results have shown that in square specimen with 3 and 6 layer skin before the separation between skin/core, the specimens are failed from the middle of the upper skin, but for 8 layer skin, the skin/core debonding are accured before other modes of failure. The maximum skin/core debonding resistance for square specimen are increased 269.26 percent. Specimens are modeled in Abaqus and results show a reasonable agreement between experimental and numerical result.
Amin farrokhabadi, Hamid Reza Madadi,
Volume 17, Issue 10 (1-2018)
Studying the behavior of composite materials reveals that various types of failure modes occur when material experiences different loading conditions, which may have a significant impact on performance and properties of a structure. In this research, we study the mechanical response of orthogonal multi-layers by considering different failure modes at micro-scale and their development in macro-scale. For this purpose, the effect of the emergence and growth of fiber separation and subsequent formation of matrix cracks are investigated in the micro-scale. Furthermore, interlayer separation caused by leaving the matrix are studied in macro-scale. To model the separation of fiber matrix which is the first dominant failure mode, the sticky area method is used. The model verification and obtained results are compared with the previous research. Then, XFEM method is used to take into account the failure mode of matrix. Finally, using of the sticky area method, we are able to simulate the separation of matrix layers. The FE-program Abaqus via its user scripting interface (Python) are employed in this research for modeling of fibers embedded into matrix.
Mohsen Alizadeh, Mohammad Azadi, Amin farrokhabadi, Seyed Mohammad Jafari,
Volume 17, Issue 12 (2-2018)
High ratio of strength to weight in carbon/epoxy composites causes to their applications in several structures, especially aerospace structures. In addition, to enhance the reliability in such structures, investigating damages in composites is essential. One way to detect defects in composites is to utilize the acoustic emission approach. Thus, the objective of the present research is to find failure mechanisms in open-hole laminate composite specimens with 〖[0_3/〖90〗_2/0_2]〗_s layup under cyclic loadings at different displacement amplitudes, using the acoustic emission. First, the standard specimen was examined and elastic waves due to failures in the specimen were detected by acoustic emission wide-band sensors. Two methods have been utilized to detect the failure percent, including Pocket wavelet transform and Fuzzy clustering approaches. Results from these methods were compared to micro-structure images by the scanning electron microscopy. Obtained results in this research indicated the appropriate efficiency of the acoustic emission approach to detect the type of failures and their percent in laminate composites.
Ali Zeinolabedin Beygi, Mazaher Salamat-Talab, Amin farrokhabadi, Hassan Moslemi Naeini,
Volume 22, Issue 2 (February 2022)
In the present study, the effect of natural microfibers (cork particles) on the mode I fracture toughness of plain-woven laminated composites has been investigated. For this purpose, double cantilever beam (DCB) specimens manufactured using hand lay-up method with stacking sequence of [0]28. To investigate the effect of cork particles on fracture toughness, samples with two different weight percentages (1% by weight and 3% by weight) were manufactured and the experimental results were compared with one obtained from sample with pure epoxy resin. Experimental results show that as the amount of cork particles increases, the onset of crack growth requires more energy. The amount of improvement in initiation fracture toughness for the DCB sample with 1% and 3% cork weigh has been increased by 67.15% and 71.96%, respectively which is due to the role of the cork in the resin rich area near the crack tip that arrested the delamination growth. Unlike the initiation fracture toughness, the propagation value is reduced by adding cork particles to the resin. During delamination growth, due to the agglomeration of micro fiber at delamination interface and role of stress concentration of these particles, hence, micro-cork fibers have not been able to increase the propagation fracture toughness and in some cases have slightly reduced the propagation fracture toughness of the delamination. Also, in order to investigate the mechanisms of damage, the fracture surfaces of the samples were scanned using scanning electron microscopy.
Ali Dolatshahi, Hossein Toozandehjani, Amin farrokhabadi,
Volume 24, Issue 3 (March 2024)
This study introduces a novel lattice structure, whose unit cell design draws inspiration from the fusion of honeycomb patterns and the DNA found at the core of cells, constructed from PLA material. This structure underwent tensile testing along the X and Y axes. Additionally, the paper presents a new analytical-numerical approach that combines Timoshenko beam theory, mechanics of materials principles, and finite element analysis to determine the mechanical properties and forecast failure in cellular structures. This method was corroborated using the ABAQUS commercial software. Research indicated that a closer ratio of thickness to unit cell length, specifically 1/10, leads to more precise predictions for the mechanical behavior of the cellular structure under tension along the X axis. The findings showed that, in comparison to the Y axis, the X direction exhibited a 7% increase in load-bearing capacity and an 8% increase in maximum yield stress, yet the equivalent stiffness was 75% lower