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Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

 Over the past decades, research on language teacher engagement in action research (AR) has received a surge of interest. However, little research is available on how teachers’ experience contribute to their development of agency and professional performances through their participation in an AR program. Accordingly, this study explored the role of experience in five novice and five experienced language teachers’ development of agency and practice before, during, and after their engagement in an action research engagement program (AREP). To this end, we collected data via semi-structured interviews, reflective journals, and classroom observations. The findings revealed that novice and experienced teachers’ development of their agency and professional practice undergo similar trajectories. Moreover, the study argues that although experience affects teacher-researchers’ agentive role and performances, novice and experienced teachers go through similar paths as they engage in AR. However, the novice teachers became more oriented towards reflection-in-action during and after their engagement in AREP. Moreover, the novice teachers chose more AR tools and drew more on their AR experience which, in turn, facilitated their professional growth through tool transformation. We conclude the paper with implications for teacher education to better understand the role of AR in teachers’ agency development and professionalism.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (ARTICLES IN PRESS 2024)

This study investigated the effects of irrigation strategies including sustained deficit irrigation (SDI) and partial root-zone drying (PRD) on the growth, physiology, and photosynthesis of strawberry plants in order to maximize crop productivity while maintaining water resources. This experiment has four irrigation strategies (FI: control (full irrigation volume), PRD1 (full irrigation volume), PRD2 (50% of FI), and SDI (50% of FI) and two fertilizer strengths (EC1 and EC2) with four replicates per treatment. Gas exchange, leaf chlorophyll index, stomatal conductance (gs), and maximum quantum efficiency of PSII photochemistry (F'v/F'm) were assessed on three occasions throughout the experimental duration in order to monitor the impact of different irrigation strategies on photosynthesis. Yield water use efficiency, as well as TSS (total soluble solids) and TA (total titratable acidity), two fruit quality-related parameters, were also measured. In the final stage, PRD2-EC2 photosystem II efficiency was 9% higher than SDI-EC2. Also, the PRD strategy effectively influenced and regulated the adjustment of stomatal conductance (gs). In diluted fertilizer (EC2), yield WUE of PRD1 and SDI performed 15% and 30.7% lower than FI-EC2. However, PRD2-EC2 treatment increased 72.5% more than the control. Our observations of leaf and fruit deficiencies showed that the PRD strategy had long-term benefits for the plant and reduced water consumption. However, to establish a sustainable irrigation strategy, the nutrient solution must be adjusted to control growth and photosynthesis attributes.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (ARTICLES IN PRESS 2024)

Poly- gamma- glutamic acid (γ-PGA) is a natural polymer with diverse applications across multiple industries. However, its use in agriculture is limited due to high production costs. This study aimed to optimize the cost-effective production of γ-PGA through Solid-State Fermentation (SSF) using Bacillus velezensis UTB96, evaluate the concentration and molecular weight of γ-PGA suitable for agricultural applications, particularly in strawberry cultivation, and explore the impact of γ-PGA on extending the shelf-life of strawberry fruits during cold storage. Initially, the production of γ-PGA using SSF with B. velezensis UTB96 was investigated, along with an evaluation of the influence of physicochemical factors on the molecular weight of γ-PGA. Based on the results, three different molecular weights of γ-PGA were identified: 1156.43 kDa, 734.38 kDa, and 296.55 kDa. These were selected for greenhouse trials to assess their effectiveness in controlling gray mold on strawberry plants. The results showed that by utilizing agricultural wastes, including sesame flour, wheat straw, and banana peel in SSF methodology, γ-PGA could be produced at a rate of 70 g/kg of dry weight of the culture medium. Analyzing the impact of γ-PGA on reducing gray mold revealed that this compound could enhance the plant's defense. A significant increase in the activity of ascorbate peroxidase and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) enzymes was observed, along with the production of polyphenolic compounds such as ellagic acid. Consequently, these mechanisms improved the plant's flexibility and tolerance to the fungus, helping to maintain the quality of the fruits during cold storage.


Volume 0, Issue 2 (8-2011)

Sediment-related environmental problems pose a serious threat to sustainable land management in many developing countries, including Iran. Information regarding sediment sources represents a key requirement from the management perspective since identification of sediment sources is a precursor to the design of effective sediment management and control strategies. The fingerprinting approach has increasingly been adopted as an alternative to assembling such information. A wide range of fingerprint properties has been used as a means of discriminating potential sediment sources. However, determining the ability of these properties is very important in the design of cost-effective catchment management strategies before each study. This contribution addresses the ability of two acid extractable metals (Co and Cr) that were used extensively in previous studies to be used to differentiate sediment sources. The results of the statistical analysis demonstrate that no single property is capable of classifying the source material samples into the correct source categories at the Amrovan drainage basins. In the case of the Atary drainage basin, Cr and Co were found in only 47.5 and 43.8% of the source material samples respectively. According to the result obtained, it is recommended that acid extractable metals for sediment sources differentiation in conjunction with the composite of other properties to improve sediment source discrimination.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2012)

Fungi associated with ascocarps of Terfezia claveryi, Tirmania nivea, T. pinoyi, Picoa lefebvrei and P. juniperi in Iran showed a wide range of genera and species in 94 samples collected during 2005–2009 from different regions including Fars, Systan and Baluchestan, Kerman, East Azarbaijan, Khuzestan, Kermanshah and Hormozgan provinces. Thirty two species belonging to 21 genera were recovered from ascocarps of truffles on two culture media. Penicillium chrysogenum, P. citrinum, P. griseofulvum, P. brevicompactum, P. crustosum, P. oxalicum, Aspergillus carbonarius, A. niger, A. flavus and A. terreus were the most common fungal species isolated on glucose–Czapek agar medium. The number of fungal species recovered on 20% NaCl–Czapek agar were less (4 genera and 10 species). The most abundant fungal genera belonged to Penicillium and Aspergillus. Also, Paecilomyces lilacinus and Scopulariopsis halophilica could grow on Czapek agar medium amended with 20 % NaCl. Other fungal species were not able to grow on this medium.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2013)

The main concern in fish transportation is minimizing stress during transportation. In this study, the effect of zeolite and clove essence in terms of transportation on survival and stress rainbow trout was investigated. 4 treatments (each treatment included 3 replicate) including control treatment, clove essence (25 mg/l), zeolite (14g/l) and clove essence (25mg/l) + (14g/l) were considered. 156 fish (with average weight 80 ± 4.4 g) were randomly distributed with a 130 kg/m3 density. At time zero, 6, 12 and 18 hours after starting transportation, survival rates, cortisol and glucose levels (as indicators of stress) were measured and analyzed. In the end, results showed a significant difference in the survival rates that control treatment had the lowest survival rates (P

Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2012)

The genus Phaeoacremonium is associated with decline disease of woody plants and with human infections. Members of this genus have broad host range and wide geographical distribution. During 2010, ten isolates of Phaeoacremonium were recovered from vascular tissues of persimmon (Diospyros kaki) trees, showing decline symptoms in Shiraz city. Anamorphic characteristics such as, conidiophore morphology, phialide type and shape, size of hyphal warts, conidial size and shape were investigated. Based on morphological characteristics the presence of Pm. rubrigenum in Iran was documented. To confirm morphological identification, DNA was extracted from isolates using a genomic DNA purification Kit. Region of internal transcribed spacers 1, 2 and 5.8S genes of rDNA were amplified using ITS4 and ITS1 universal primer set. Fragments of 630 bp were recovered from PCR, purified, sequenced, edited and deposited in GenBank. Pm. rubrigenum isolates had an average of 99 % identity with all P. rubrigenum sequences compared. This species is a new report from Iran.  

Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2012)

Powdery mildew is one of the most important disease concerns of tomato production in different regions of the world, which is caused by different species of Erysiphales. The most important causal agents of which are Leveillula taurica and Oidium neolycopersici. In the present study tomato farms in Qazvin province were surveyed and tomato leaves with powdery mildew symptoms were collected. After morphological studies in laboratory and using reliable resources, the causal agent of tomato powdery mildew was identified as Leveillula taurica. The host range was determined by inoculation of Leveillula taurica from tomato on nine species of plants belonging to four different plant families. All cultivars of tomato, eggplant, pepper and cucumber used in this study, showed disease symptoms on their leaf surfaces. Other plant species including potato, alfalfa, sunflower, clover and sainfoin did not get infected by the pathogen. The nucleotide divergence for the rDNA internal transcribed spacers (ITS) region between tomato mildew and 21 other Leveillula taurica isolates ranged from 0.00 to 0.031 %. The sequence of ITS region of Leveillula taurica from tomato was identical to that of eight isolates from different plant species.  

Volume 1, Issue 3 (Issue 3 & 4 - 2013)

Aims: The presence of a patient with breast cancer in the family can be considered as a guidance for further prevention and increase the susceptibility of people against this disease. Champion's health belief model scale is translated and tested in different countries, but few attempts have been made to measure this scale in women with history of breast cancer. Methods: After the standard Champion's Health Belief Model Scale was translated, 28 items were extracted with the help of panel of experts (n=13) and focus group (n=42) in four subscales. The eligible women were selected randomly (n=200) and took part in this study. The participants filled in the questionnaire through interviews. To test the construct validity of the data, the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was applied using AMOS software, moreover, test of internal consistency and test of reliability were applied by retesting (n=30). Findings: The confirmatory factor analysis, which, was repeated after omitting these two items for the subscale of perceived barriers and shows the proper fit of its structural model. Cronbach 'alpha coefficients were 0.72 (susceptibility), 0.75 (seriousness), 0.82 (benefits) and 0.76 (barriers). Internal consistency ranged from 0 .64 to 0 .79 and test-retest reliability correlation were from 0 .67 to 0.92. Conclusions: The Persian version of the Champion's Health Belief Model Scale can be a reliable and valid measure in Iranian women with family history of breast cancer.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2014)

The present study was conducted to determine the most appropriate tree species planted in the same ecological condition considering different variables at Darabkola forest, Mazandran Province. For this purpose, the success of planted species (maple, walnut, oak, pine, ash and elm) was assessed according to ninecriteria (soil nitrogen, soil phosphorus, soil potassium, leaf nitrogen, leaf phosphorus, leaf potassium, growth of diameter at breast, diameter at breast, H/D: height/diameter at breast height ratio). Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used to assess forest stands based on multiple criteria. Results showed that the maximum local priority of average annual growth, and leaf and soil nitrogenwere observed in pine stands, while the highest levels of phosphorus, potassium, and DBH were recorded for maple plantation. The calculated overall priority showed that based on concerning criteria, pine stand had higher growth and nutritional potential compare to the other stands, while other stands ranked as maple> elm> walnut>oak> ash. In conclusion, our findings from AHP suggested that the growth rate and nutrition ofpine and maple stands had more appropriate condition and efficiency than other stands and therefore found suitable for plantingin the study area.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (4-2016)

Background: Members of the Malassezia genus are often lipophilic, observed as budding yeasts and found as commensals in the skin of humans. This genus opportunistically reside in several areas including scalp where under the influence of particular predisposing factors, their proliferation is increased (e.g., high activation of sebaceous glands), and leads to dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis, which together affects >50% of human beings. The proliferation of yeasts in scalp creates health and hair hygiene problems. In this study we determined the type and frequency of Malassezia species in scalp dandruff in order to have epidemiologic and therapeutic understanding. Materials and Methods: Differentiation tests were done for scalp samples, including: morphology, Tween 20, 40 and 80 assimilation tests, hydrolysis of bile-esculin, catalase and growth on Sabouraud dextrose agar with chloramphenicol and cycloheximide (SCC) and sediment production on mDixon agar medium. Results: Frequency of various Malassezia species from 140 scalp samples from volunteers of both gender were found as: M. globosa (46.5%), followed by M. furfur (27.0%), M. restricta (12.7%), M. sympodialis (6.5%) and M. slooffiae (0.8%). Conclusion: In view of high prevalence ofM. globosa, its invasive characteristics and the role of predisposing factors in the more proliferation of this species in scalp should be considered.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (10-2016)

Background: Hepatitis B infection is a major public health problem worldwide. Given that immune response towards the vaccine is not perfect, we aimed to evaluate circumstances of immune response in vaccinated students.
Materials and Methods: In this study, 219 medical students of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences were recruited, who had been administered vaccine series for the first time, and booster doses after one and six months completely. The serum samples were extracted from whole blood of the participants. The concentration of Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and anti-HBs antibody (HBsAb) was measured using a commercial ELISA kit.
Results: It was observed that 201 cases (91.8%) out of 219 cases had positive anti-HBs antibody response, and 18 subjects (8.2%) were nonresponsive cases. Level of HBsAb was significantly different between males and females as well as alcoholics and non-alcoholics. None of the cases was identified as positive for HBsAg.
Conclusion: Considering the results of the present and previous studies in other countries, it can be claimed that the mass vaccination has been effective, especially in medical students.

Volume 2, Issue 8 (winter 2009)

This study is a stylistic narratological analysis of Ravāyat-e Moharram (The Narrative of Moharram) by Seyyed Morteza Aviny based on a framework adopted from Randall’s (1999) Narrative Intelligence Theory. Although many claims have been made about the unique qualities of Aviny’s narratives, none of his works have been academically analyzed to confirm the narratological features of his works. The researchers believe that scientific analysis of Aviny’s works based on reliable theories of narratology can substantially contribute to a better understanding of special qualities of his style, and using them in new forms and contexts. In the present study, mechanisms contributing to the promotion of narrative intelligence and their realization in Ravāyate Moharram are quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed using Labov’s (2001) narratological model as a structural instrument. The linguistic manifestation of some narratological features of Aviny’s prose are discussed from a stylistic perspective.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (8-2011)

Abstract This article examines the relation of national pride with personality (authoritism and democratic), efficacy (political efficacy and social efficacy) and political knowledge. The aim is to explain the meaning of national pride as the, positive feeling of people to their country, and Conceptualize this in two types; nationalism and patriotism. The methodology of this study is social survey. Samples of study have been selected from among all residents over 15 years old in the fourteen sectors of Isfahan city (Iran). According to the 2006 Census, the size of this population is around 1248754 people. In the next step, by applying the Kokran Formula and quota sampling, 384 people were selected and examined as samples of the study. The findings showed that nationalism has positive correlation with authoritism personality, social efficacy. It and political efficacy also has negative correlation with democratic personality and political knowledge. Patriotism has positive correlation with democratic personality, social efficacy and political knowledge. In addition, it has negative correlation with authoritism personality and political efficacy.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (1-2017)

Background: Many comprehensive epidemiological studies have been done about fungal infections, which areone of the publichealth and therapeutic problemsin different communities. Since prevalence rate of fungal diseases and their etiological agents are changing over time,the aim of this study was to provide additional information about visceral fungal infections (VFIs) in order to understand the ways of their dissemination, to prevent disease transmission, to eliminate contamination sources and predisposing factors, and to provide effective ways for their treatment.
Materials and Methods: Samples were taken from the lesion of patients referred to medical mycology laboratory of Tehran University of Medical Sciences from 2014 to 2015. After providing direct wet mount of Potassium hydroxide (KOH) smears from these samples and samples sent from other medical centers, culturing on Sabouraud Dextrose agar with chloramphenicol (SC) and brain heart infusion agar (BHI) media was performed. After growth, species were identified.
Results: From a total of 295 suspected samples, VFI was proved in 69 cases (23%). Aspergillosis was the most prevalent infection among VFIs. Candidiasis, cryptococcosis and mucormycosis were in the late orders, respectively. Two patients were also infected by Trichosporon. The predominant species in aspergillosis infections was Aspergillus flavus, and the predominant species in candidiasis infections was Candida albicans.
Conclusion: According to the obtained results on the prevalence rate and incidence of VFIs between male and female patients in different age groups and also by taking into account the prevalent type of fungi and infectious site of patients’ bodies, it is possible to take appropriate action for the prevention and treatment of these kinds of diseases by using the important keys of these results to research and study etiological and underlying factors involved in these diseases.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (5-2017)

Background: Many studies have been conducted on fungal infections which are known as public health and therapeutic problems. Since the prevalence rate of the fungal diseases and their etiological factors are changing over time, the purpose of this study was to identify the prevalence rate of superficial-cutaneous fungal infections (SCFIs) in order to understand the ways of their dissemination, to prevent diseases transmission, to eliminate contamination sources and predisposing factors, and to take appropriate action for their treatment.
Materials and Methods: After referral to medical mycology laboratory of Tehran University of Medical Science from 2014 to 2015, the patients were subjected to mycological examinations, and sampling of patients’ lesions was performed. Directsmears were prepared with Potassium hydroxide. Samples were cultured on Sabouraud dextrose agar medium, and species were identified.
Results: From a total of 916 suspected patients, 334 cases (36.5%) had SCFIs. Dermatophytosis was the most prevalent SCFI (55.7%), followed by cutaneous candidiasis (19%), tinea versicolor (14.3%), and non-dermatophytic molds (11%).Tineapedis was the frequent site of involvement. Trichophytonmentagrophytes was the predominant species of dermatophytosis.
Conclusion: According to the obtained results on the prevalence rate of SCFIs between male and female patients in different age groups and also by taking into account the type of the prevalent fungi and the involvement site of the fungal infection, it is possible to take appropriate action for prevention and treatment of these kind of diseases by using important keys of the results to research etiological and underlying factors involved in these diseases.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (5-2017)

Background: Human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common causes of sexually transmitted disease (STD) in humans. HPV is associated with gynecologic malignancy and cervical cancer among women worldwide. In the current study we sought to determine the prevalence rate of HPV in Iranian women identified with cervical infections.
Materials and Methods:  Prevalence rate of HPV in Iran was investigated from 2000-2016 using several databases including Medline, Web of Science, Embase, Google Scholar, Iranmedex, and Scientific Information Database. Statistical analysis was performed by Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (V2.2, Biostat) software. Random effects models were used by taking into account the possibility of the heterogeneity between the studies, which was tested through the Cochran’s Q-statistic.
Results: The meta-analyses showed that the prevalence rate of HPV infections was 38.6 % (95% CI, 27.9-50.5) among Iranian women with cervical infections. The further stratified analyses indicated that the prevalence rate of HPV was higher in the studies conducted during the 2000-2008 years.
Conclusion: The results of the present study underscore the need for further enforcement of STD control strategies in Iran. Establishing advanced diagnostic facilities for HPV, vaccination of high risk groups, and continuous monitoring of HPV are recommended for HPV prevention and control.

Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2017)

Background: Adverse effects of synthetic pigments used in pharmaceutical andfoodindustriesand etc,have created a tendency toward the application of natural pigments. Environmental conditions are important factors in the growth and physiological function of different organisms. The aim of this study was to evaluate the growth rate of fungal biomass and production rate of black pigment (melanin) in fungus Exophialacrusticola under different incubation time, temperature, and light conditions to obtain an optimal condition for their production.
Materials and Methods: After obtaining an optimal incubation temperature, cultured fungus in potato dextrose agar and broth media was exposed to blue, yellow, white, red, green, and darknesslight conditions with 14-35 daysof incubation times. The averageamount of produceddry weight of fungal biomass and pigmentweremeasured, and the results were statistically analyzed with SPSS software ver.22.
Results:Suitable incubation temperature for fungal growthwas 22°C.The maximum average amount of fungal biomass (0.17 g)and pigment production (OD = 0.94) were after 35 days of incubation (p< .05) and under yellow light (0.135 g) (OD= 0.98), respectively (p< .05).
Conclusion: By optimization the incubation time, temperature, and light for the growth and production of pigmentinfungusE.crusticola, it is possible to produce a large amount of fungus and its related pigmentin order to be utilized in a variety of industrialand pharmaceutical use, and etc. Also, due to the fungus rapid growth in response to the yellow light, it is possible to use this feature in isolation and early diagnosis of this fungusin suspected pathogenesiscases.

Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2017)

Background:Survival of dermatophytesinskin scales and nail scraps sampled from human lesions could have ecological and epidemiologicalimportance.The aim of this study was to store humanskin scale and nail lesions infected with dermatophyteagents,at -20°C for a long timeand to investigate the re-isolation rate of dermatophytes species from such samples after storage.
Materials and Methods:After referral to Medical Mycology Laboratory of Tehran University of Medical Science, the patients were subjected to sampling. Confirmation of dermatophytepositive result in direct smears was done with Potassium hydroxide, then culturing on Sabouraud dextrose agar media was performed, and species were identifiedusing standard procedures, and remaining samples were stored at -20°C. After 10 years, samples were re-examined for the presence and re-isolation of intended fungi according to the standard procedures.
Results:From a total of 5 species enrolled in this study, Epidermophyton floccosum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, andTricholosporumviolaceum survived, andTrichophyton rubrum andTrichophytonverrucosumlost their viability at -20°C after 10 years. There was a significant difference between the re-isolation rate and the type of dermatophytes (p<.05). E. floccosum had the highest re-isolation rate (66.7%), followed by T. mentagrophytes (27%). All of the re-isolated dermatophytes were taken from scales samples, but none from nailscraps samples.
Conclusion: Some dermatophytes species including E. floccosum are able to maintain their ability to survive for a long time in human scale samples in certain time and temperature conditions (10 years at -20 °C) and to grow in appropriate conditions. These findings should be considered in ecological and epidemiological studies.

Volume 3, Issue 9 (Spring 2010)

Allegory, is one of terms that despite extensive use and antiquity in the west rhetoric because of had some commonalities and differences whit other rhetorical ornaments, such as metaphor, symbol, emblem, irony and etc. literary critics and rhetorician in providing precise definition and determination of functions of allegory encountered to confusion hence credibility and significance of it in the difference periods according to the intellectual currents to become whit many ups and downs. The Romantic school was one of the processes that first time rhetoricians have tried to study features and functions of allegory compared whit symbol for distinct of borders these two terms and provide precise definitions and specific characteristics of each terms. In fact we owe modern mean of allegory those comments of some ones such as, Goethe, Schelling, August Wilhelm Schlegel and Coleridge. These rhetoricians did the first systematic efforts in clarifying and defining the meaning of the term allegory. On this basis, the essays aim of the writer has been presented a report of functions and features of allegory in the Romanticism school passer authority over critical comments in this regard, such as ; Goethe, Schelling, A. W. Schlegel and Coleridge.

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