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Showing 8 results for malekzadeh fard

Reza Paknejada, Faramarz Ashenai Ghasemi, Keramat malekzadeh fard,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (4-2014)

Dynamic response of fully-clamped laminated plate subjected to small mass and low-velocity impact studied in this paper by using the suitable Algebraic Polynomials and Galerkin method. The first-order deformation theory as well as the displacement filed is used to solve the governing equations of the composite plate analytically. The interaction between the impactor and the target are considered in the impact analysis. This interaction is modeled with the help of a two degrees-of-freedom system, consisting of springs-masses. The results indicated that some of parameters like mass and velocity of the impactor in a constant impact energy level, mass of the plate (target), increasing the length-to-width ratio of the plate (a/b ratio) and orientation of composite fibers of plate are important factors affecting the impact process and the design of structures.
Keramat malekzadeh fard, Mohsen Rezaei Hassanabadi, Mostafa Livani,
Volume 14, Issue 15 (Third Special Issue 2015)

In this study, single-objective and multi-objective optimization of curved sandwich panel with composite face sheets and magneto-rheological core have been done to maximize the first modal loss factor and minimize the mass by using genetic algorithm. The studied sandwich panel was curved with simply support boundary condition. In order to derive the governing equations of motion, an improved high order sandwich panel theory and Hamilton's principle were used for the first time. The face sheet thickness, core thickness, fiber angles and intensity of the magnetic field have been considered as optimization variables. In single-objective optimization, the optimized values of variables were calculated. The results showed that the structures tend to have thick core and thin face sheets which seems physically true. As the magneto-rheological fluid placed in the core, it has a significant effect on the increasing of the modal loss factor. For the multi-objective optimization the Pareto front of optimal technique was presented. Then for the first time at this field, the set of optimal points are selected based on TOPSIS method and it was showed that in the case of similar size and mass, modal loss factor of double-curved panel is more than sigle-curved.
Gholamhasan Payghaneh, Karamat malekzadeh fard, Fahimeh Rashed Saghavaz,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (3-2015)

In this article, the physical and Geometrical effective parameters on free vibration and Force impact a three-layer sandwich plate in the middle layer with magneto rheological (core) Under cross-shot with low speed is investigated. The first natural frequency and loss factor of comparable modal for the first four vibrative modes for Core thickness, magnetic fields and different sheet’s geometrical parameters, is founded. The MR material shows variations in the rheological properties when subjected to varying magnetic fields. These materials with fast response time (in milliseconds) Through a detailed with variation in Magnetic field can be controlled. The governing equations of motion were obtained using Hamilton̕s principle. The results were obtained by the systematic analytical solution. Using the two degrees of freedom mass-spring model, the contact force function can be obtained analytically. The obtained natural frequency from eigen value problem, was used for calculating of equivalent mass of the plate in spring mass model. The results show that with systematic variation of magnetic field and with increasing the ratio of core thickness to the layer thickness and also with increasing the ratio of length to the whole of sheet thickness, we can in order, the stiffness, structural loss factor coefficient and maximum contact force can be changed and controlled.
Mostafa Livani, Keramt malekzadeh fard, Saeed Shokrollahi,
Volume 16, Issue 7 (9-2016)

This study dealt with the flutter and biaxial buckling of composite sandwich panels based on a higher order theory. The formulation was based on an enhanced higher order sandwich panel theory that the vertical displacement component of the face sheets were assumed as quadratic one while a cubic pattern was used for the in-plane displacement components of the face sheets and the all displacement components of the core. The transverse normal stress in the face sheets and the in-plane stresses in the core were considered. For the first time, the continuity conditions of the displacements, transverse shear and normal stress at the layer interfaces, as well as the conditions of zero transverse shear stresses on the upper and lower surfaces of the sandwich panel are simultaneously satisfied. The aerodynamic loading was obtained by the first-order piston theory. The equations of motion and boundary conditions were derived via the Hamilton principle. Moreover, effects of some important parameters like lay-up of the face sheets, length to width ratio, length to panel thickness ratio, thickness ratio of the face sheets to panel, fiber angle, elastic modulus ratio and thickness ratio of the face sheets on the stability boundaries were investigated. The results were validated by those published in the literature. The results revealed that by increasing length to width ratio, length to panel thickness ratio and elastic modulus ratio of the face sheets, the stability boundaries were decreased and the largest nondimensional buckling load was occurred at the angle ply sandwich panel.
Ali Nazari, Keramt malekzadeh fard, Milad Majidian,
Volume 16, Issue 7 (9-2016)

In this paper optimized the arrangement of the fiber metal laminate for cylindrical shells to achieve the maximum natural frequencies. In order to maximize the FML shell natural frequencies the sequence of the composite –metal layers and fiber orientation are changed frequently and for each case, the sample natural frequency is calculated. Finally FML shell with maximum natural frequencies is found. Hamilton‘s principle and energy method is used to define the equation of motion and First order shear deformation theory (FSDT) is utilized for vibration analysis in the shell’s equilibrium equation .In order to solve free vibration problem the double Fourier series is used to obtained the eigenvalue problem. For this purpose, through a MATLAB program linked to the finite element software of ABAQUS .different shells with various layer sequence and fiber orientation are created and studied from optimization aspect. This comprehensive program is able to analyses the FML shells with various arrangements of composite –metal layers, fiber orientation and boundary condition. The simply-simply and clamp-clamp boundary conditions are applied on edges. The applicable fiber orientations are 0,30,60,90 degrees.
Keramat malekzadeh fard, Saeed Shokrollahi, Ebrahim Eissazadeh, Alireza Pourmoayed,
Volume 16, Issue 9 (11-2016)

In this paper, the behavior of curved sandwich beam with a soft flexible core, under low-velocity impact, loaded with environmental thermal effects by pursuing the use of the high order shear deformation theory of sandwich structures is investigated. The Sandwich beam is comprised of composite sheets and foam core. The boundary condition is simply supported by probability of circumferential deflection. Two degrees of freedom for mass- spring model was used for modeling the impact phenomena. In the presented formulation, the first order of shearing deformation theory is used for sheets,the core Displacement field is considered unknown and then by using elasticity theory and compatible condition in the core, sheets common face and the relation of stress-strain core deflection are determined. In order to derive the governing equations of beam structure, the Hamilton principle was used. For validation, the results obtained from this research are compared with the results of other researchers and also the numerical result of ABAQUS software. The comparison of results shows good agreement. The effects of various parameters like impact velocity and mass, environmental temperature, core and sheets thickness and materials on core and sheets deflection and core stress and impact force were studied. The obtained results showed that increasing environmental temperature has a slight effect on impact force, but more effect on beam dynamic response. It is also shown that with increasing the hardness of beam, the energy absorption is reduced.
Gholamhasan Payghaneh, Keramat malekzadeh fard, Fahimeh Rashed Saghavaz, Mojtaba Asgari,
Volume 16, Issue 12 (2-2017)

One of the common ways to reduce vibration in the structures is to add a thin viscoelastic material layer to the structure. By appropriate using of viscoelastic materials one may increase modal loss factor of the structure and reduce unfavorable structural vibration which is a main cause of fatigue and failure in the structures. In this paper, low velocity impact response of sandwich plate with magnetorheological fluid core is investigated. Hamilton principal is used to obtain the governing equation of motion for sandwich plate. Free vibration problem of the sandwich plate is solved using the Navier solution method. Classical lamination theory is used to analyze the mechanical behavior of the composite laminate in the facesheets. Only shear strain energy of the core is considered and viscoelastic behavior of the MR material was described by complex shear modulus approach as a function of magnetic field intensity. Furthermore, analytical solution for impact force is obtained by a two degree of freedom spring mass model. For three different stacking sequence of face layers, contact for history and variation of maximum impact force and it’s corresponding time by magnetic field intensity is investigated. The results show considerable effect of variation in magnetic field intensity on maximum impact force and it’s corresponding time.
Alireza Pourmoayed, Keramat malekzadeh fard, Morteza Shahravi,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (5-2017)

In this paper, the behavior of free vibrations and buckling of the thick cylindrical sandwich panel with a flexible core and simply supported boundary conditions using a new improved ‎high-order sandwich panel theory were investigated. An axial compressive load is applied on the edges of the top and bottom face sheets simultaneously. The formulation used the third-order polynomial description for the displacement fields of thick composite face sheets and for the displacement fields in the core layer based on the displacement field of Frostig's second model. In this model, there are twenty seven degree of freedom. The transverse normal stress in the face sheets and the in-plane stresses in the core were considered .For calculated exact solution, according to thick face sheets, all of the stress components were engaged. The equations of motion and boundary conditions were derived via the Hamilton principle. Moreover, the effect of some important parameters such as those of thickness ratio of the core to panel, the length to radius ratio of the core, cumferential wave number and composite lay-up sequences on free vibration response and buckling of the panel were investigated. In order to validate the results, the obtained results were compared with those obtained using finite element ABAQUS software. The advantage of this paper is simplicity, considering face sheets as thick, exact solution and the considering of important terms such as (1+z_c/R_c ) in equations.

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