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Showing 15 results for morovat

Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2014)

Internal service quality and its role and importance in developing and increasing HR efficiency has considered by most managers in recent decades. The present study sought to examine the internal service quality of Yazd Regional Electric and chooses a proper strategy improving the quality of local services in the organization as a result. This study is an applied one and is based on survey method. Data were collected from 26 components questionnaires. Research community included staff of the organization. Also, the sample size were calculated using the initial questionnaire and Cochran's formula. Performance control matrix used to identify components are needed to be improved. Also, in order to prioritize improving measures, Rough set theory is used. Data analysis show that there are 6 criteria needed to improve. So, these criteria prioritized using RST.      

Volume 10, Issue 20 (Supplementary Issue (Tome 46)- 2006)

Just in Time (JIT) production systems are introduced for production and supply of goods and services with minimum inventory. The goal of this paper is present a sample of system dynamics modeling application for analysis and improvement of JIT system's behavior. In this paper relations between demand of products, quality of produced goods, inventory, maintenance of machines and facilities, production rate and supplier's efficiency are investigated in a dynamic system. In the first section problem definition, dynamic hypothesis, causal diagram and flow diagram of system are discussed. Afterwards behavior of the model is inspected from different views by developing a dynamic model.

Volume 11, Issue 1 (6-2021)

Increasing greenhouse gas emissions and global warming and government support for renewable sources, as well as recent advances in electricity generation and related technologies, have led to the penetration of renewable energy products in the electricity supply chain. The infiltration of these resources, despite the uncertainty in their output power, has faced serious challenges in power supply chain planning. In this research, an effective and efficient method for security and probabilistic planning of power supply chain development is presented, taking into account the uncertainty of renewable energy production and the uncertainty of peak consumption. In the proposed method, a high limit for the allowable load cut is considered and the effect of existing uncertainties and changes in the high load cut limit on the investment cost of the supply chain is evaluated. The proposed method is implemented on the network by MATLAB software and solved by genetic algorithm. The final model of this method can be used effectively to plan the supply chain of the electricity network with the influence of renewable energy products.

Volume 11, Issue 2 (9-2021)

Today ,To have a competitive product in the market you need a competitive supply chain. Competition in the supply chain has replaced competition between companies. Supply chain management has different approaches, each with its advantages and disadvantages. designing an integrated approach that takes advantage of all approaches and eliminates some  of their disadvantages is one of the important requirments in supply chain management. Larg supply chain is a comprehensive approach to combining lean, agile, resilient and green strategies. Assessing the level of supply chain is one of the main concerns of managers interested in establishing new supply chain paradigms. The aim of this article is to provide a conceptual model of the key success factors of a larg supply chain to help create a more competitive and sustainable supply chain; Therefore, in this article, using the Meta-synthesis method, a comprehensive study and summary of the work done in the field of larg supply chain has been done, and a model for the success of the large supply chain has been presented in 31 criteria and 8 dimensions

Volume 11, Issue 20 (Supplementary Issue (Tome 55)- 2007)

Market segmentation by artificial neural networks has no deep root in the history. Generally, this ever developing approach has started since several years ago, and developed to other marketing areas. Now, beside statistical techniques, it is considered as one of the most popular methods in Custamer classification. In Due to the necessity of recognizing the target market for a specific company, a need for the usage of an effective approach for customers grouping was recognized, in the Present research, and finally cluster analysis with SOM neural networks, was selected, and used for customers clustering. Firstly, beneficent criteria for market segmentation were identified, and then a proper, questionnaire was designed. After gathering the questionnaires and collecting the data, using artificial neural networks, the customers were clustered, and the obtained, results were analyzed. At the end, the Findings of this method were compared with those of the traditional methods for clusteringusing K-means.

Volume 12, Issue 3 (Autumn 2012 2012)

The relationship between privatization and economic growth is the main focus of this research. A system dynamics approach and theoretical relationships in macro economics to growth patterns is used to study the impact of privatization through stock market on economic growth in Iran. The output calculation is done by human capital indicators such as the cost of investment in research and development, life expectancy, the rate of education and standard of living which are regularly published by the United Nations Organization. For estimating the rate of privatization, private investment and demand for stock, the statistics are provided by the Central Bank of Iran, the Organization for Privatization and the Stock Market Organization. Using a system dynamics approach to macroeconomics and the above-mentioned indicators the interaction and relationships between privatization and economic growth is explored in this paper. This approach which was firstly introduced by Forrester in 1973 can potentially improve and reform the unsuitable monetary and fiscal policies. In this regard the VENSIM and econometrics software packages are applied to simulate the results till the year 2020. Moreover, the economy is divided into many sections as stock market, investment and production. The results indicate that the rate of privatization in the stock market has a positive effect on economic growth. Finally, it is believed that more attention to private investment can result into increase in economic growth.

Volume 13, Issue 4 (1-2011)

Objective: Survey of molecular characterization of nucleoprotein gene of H9N2 avian influenza viruses and determination of the genetic relationship of Iranian H9N2 viruses and other Asian viruses. Materials and Methods: The nucleoprotein (NP) genes from 4 isolates of H9N2 viruses isolated from commercial chickens in Iran during 2008-2009 were amplified by RT-PCR method and sequenced. Nucleotide sequences (orf) of the NP genes were used for phylogenetic tree construction. Results: Nucleotide sequence analysis of the NP gene showed that the Iranian virus isolates did not exhibit insertions or deletions within nucleoprotein (NP) gene as compare with their prototype A/turkey/winconsin/66; however numerous point mutations were occurred in the gene length of these viruses similar to the previous Iranian strains. Nucleotide sequence analysis showed that these isolates are very closely related (96/7-99/6) and shared a homology of 91/9-92/3% and 91/5-92% with 2 human isolates A/HK/1073/99 and A/Hk/2108/2003, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis of the NP gene showed that all the NP genes of the Iranian H9N2 viruses fall into a single group within a G1-like sublineage which had contributed as donor of six internal genes to H5N1 a highly pathogenic avian influenza. Conclusions: The current study indicated that the NP gene of H9N2 influenza viruses circulating in Iran during the past years were well conserved. It seems that the differences between these Iranian virus isolates are the result of accumulation of point mutations among them.
Mehdi Maerefat, Navid morovat,
Volume 13, Issue 11 (1-2014)

The main goal in design of heating, cooling and air conditioning systems is to provide thermal comfort. In present study, performances of radiant cooling ceiling system and stratum ventilation have been studied separately and together to provide the overall and local thermal comfort conditions. Therefore, using computational fluid dynamics, indices PMV (predict mean vote) and PPD (predict percent dissatisfied) has been studied as two overall thermal comfort parameters. Also, vertical temperature gradient and draft risk has been studied as two indices dissatisfaction of¬¬ local thermal comfort. According to the results of this study, combining stratum ventilation and radiant cooling ceiling caused a uniform distribution of overall thermal comfort conditions. Also vertical temperature gradient decreases and there is no draft risk. Therefore combining stratum ventilation and radiant cooling ceiling is introduced as the new Strategy and application ability to provide the proper conditions to achieve overall and local thermal comfort.
Ali Mozaffari, Foozieh morovat, Jafar Roshanian, Hadi Zare,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (5-2016)

In this study, optimum design of composite sandwich structures will be surveyed and presented using hybrid algorithm. Since, most modern payload fairings are constructed of a composite sandwich laminate, in this research the architecture of the fairing structure has been analyzed on the basis of the composite sandwich shell with a flexible core. However, from the geometrical point of view, fairing composed of two conical and cylindrical parts. Therefore, in the first phase, buckling analysis of conical composite sandwich shell has been done by using high-order theories and the obtained equations reduce to the governing equations of cylindrical sandwich shell when the semi-cone angle is set equal to zero. In the second phase, the obtained structure was optimized using hybrid algorithm. Due to the variety and complexity of design variables in composite sandwich structures, designing process leads to difficulties and obstacles in design optimization problems. Since, the most important selected discipline for optimizing the mass specifications of launch vehicle is structure, therefore with relying on optimization of the structure, after completion of optimization process, finally considerable mass reduction i.e. 40 percent comparing to the utilized fairing in this study (Fairing of Safir), will be concluded due to simultaneous changing of material and optimization.

Volume 17, Issue 2 (5-2013)

During recent decades, Energy as one of the most important factors of production and also as one of the most important end products, a special place in the country's economic development and growth development. Hence, the country authorities should try to predict anything more precise energy consumption in the proper planning and guidance consumption, to control the way they desired energy demand and supply parameters. The purpose of this paper is Evaluation Hybrid model of artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms in the forecast consumption energy of Iran. Therefore in this study, data from the annual energy consumption as the output forecasting model range and was used as input variables, data of the annual total population, GDP, imports and exports.The end results were assessed with of different models (RSE), (ME) and (RMSE). Evaluation results showed that the hybrid model of neural networks and genetic algorithm (ANN-GA), compared to other models with the highest accuracy in predicting consumption energy of Iran.

Volume 18, Issue 4 (winter 2018 2018)

In this paper, we try to analyze the impacts of targeted subsidies plan and socioeconomic variables on demand for residential water of Iranian urban households. For this purpose, we use pooled data of 146729 urban households during 2007-2014 and estimate an Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) model using Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR).  The results show that targeted subsidies plan has no significant effect on demand for urban residential water. The price and income elasticity’s of demand for residential water were estimated by -0.94 and 0.64, respectively. We also show that the household size and gender of household’s head are of positive and significant effects on residential water consumption, while literacy rate of household’s head and use of cloth washing machine affect negatively the demand for water. In addition, using dishwashing machine and size of household’s dwelling have no significant effects on residential water consumption.

Volume 19, Issue 3 (10-2019)

Flooding of rivers is accompanied with a threat on the population living on their floodplains and on the neighboring settlements. Accurate modeling of such flows is thus imperative to assess flood risks, perform real-time flood routing, or estimate the impact of a mitigation schema.The converging of the compound channel causing the flow become even more complicated. The flow patterns in converging compound channel and free-surface profile has been simulated by using RSM turbulence model and VOF method, respectively. The comparison of the experimental results including longitudinal free surface profiles, depth-averaged velocity distribution and the ratio between floodplains and total discharge confirmed that the numerical simulation can be used to model the flow pattern in converging compound channel. Furthermore, Absolute Percentage Error (APE) for each of these parameters was amounted to 3.25%, 4.66% and 9.72%, respectively. Respect to the numerical simulation capability in anticipating the flow field parameters, we investigated the effect of relative depth on the flow patterns in a converging compound channel. Moreover, the flow parameters including velocity distribution, depth-average velocity, secondary flows, ratio between floodplain and total discharge, bed sheer stress and energy dissipation were investigated in different relative depths h* (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5). By evaluating and comparing the flow results in the different relative depths, we came to conclusion that the longitudinal-average velocity in the main channel increased as the cross section was narrowed. However, the longitudinal-average velocity in the floodplains decreased in the relative depths of 0.1 and 0.2 as the cross section was narrowed. In contrast, this parameter increased in the relative depths of 0.3, 0.4 as well as 0.5 the floodplains narrowed. Velocity gradient between the main channel and floodplains in the relative depth of 0.1 was strong and in the relative depth of 0.5 was insignificant. In the smaller shallow depth, this velocity gradient has been resulted in secondary flow in the cross section of converging compound channel. Accordingly, in the relative depth of 0.1 and 0.2 four cells of secondary flows were formed and in the relative depth of 0.3 just two cells of secondary flows were formed. The secondary flows in the relative depths of 0.4 and 0.5 was eliminated. Convergence in the length of main channel get the discharge conveyance capacity of floodplain to decrease. furthermore by decreasing the relative depth the capability of floodplains to conveyance the discharge was significantly decreased. This decrease was evident in the depth of 0.1 in which the ratio between floodplain and total discharge was amounted to 2.52%. Sheer stress in channel bed increased when the relative depth of the main channel increased and the maximum amount of bed shear stress was happened at end of the channel. On the other hand, in the floodplains, this parameter decreased along with the converging in the lower relative depths (0.1, 0.2) and for the other relative depths the bed sheer stress increased along with converging. In channel inlet the maximum and minimum amount of energy dissipation was resulted at the relative depth of 0.1 and 0.5 respectively.
M. morovat, M. Safarabadi Farahani , M. Sadigh Damghani, A. Mashayekh,
Volume 20, Issue 5 (May 2020)

Diseases such as heart and brain attacks, which sometimes lead to movement disorders in people, has raised with an increasing community age. Nowadays, medical scientists replaced rehabilitation robots instead of traditional therapeutic methods. Design and implementation of a low-cost and home-like usable device for a patient was the primary goal of this research. In this study, a robot which consisted of cable and springs for movement in the transverse plane of the human body was introduced. For this purpose, stiffness and free length of springs were achieved by an optimization process, firstly. Afterward, static and dynamic workspace calculated to identify robot mechanical characteristic. At the end, controllability of the system in different paths in two conditions of presence and absence of the patient's hand was investigated and verified by the results obtained by the built device. Dynamic and static workspace indicates that a patient can do exercises with the help of the designed robot. Also, the control results and the obtained results from the implemented device test shows the stability of the control system and its ability to eliminate possible error occurring in the path.

Volume 21, Issue 2 (Summer 2017)

Dam construction is a wide civil activity which appeared as main necessary infrastructure of development for Iranian planning managers. Because Iran is located in a dry and semi dry region and the necessity of need to water resources, the construction of many dams is justified in inappropriate areas. Dam construction creates some changes in the area, so being aware of morphological changes in both upstream and downstream area is the most important factor for regional management, Reducing damages to structures, infrastructure and reservoir dam. Because of this necessity, the present study is deal with extraction of morphological changes in Taleqan dam upstream as a result of dam construction, applying time deferential remotely sensing data. For this purpose, three set of aerial photos relate to years 1334, 1350, 1380 (before dam construction) is used for extraction of morphological changes. In the next step, panchromatic images (Cartosat-1 satellite) related to years 1388, 1390, 1394 (after dam consternation) are collected. The results show that nearly 58 percent of the study area has negative change in elevation (max 31.2 cm). Whereas the positive elevation changes at a rate of 1 cm to a maximum 12 meters have covered more limited areas (35% range) in the end of main river bed and dam back areas, which is mainly due to sediment deposition.  The result of extracted longitudinal profiles before and after construction from DEMs show significance changes in river bed. Also, change in the profile from the U-close to the similar U-open state is appreciable. Another point is that erosion activity is changed from bed to lateral erosion, and the primary cutoffs are expanding. According to the results, due to base level positive change in this part of Shahrud River, it is raised the conditions for entering into the transformation stage. So in addition to destroying the marginal structures, the conditions for transferring of more sediments from the loose slopes adjacent to the dam reservoir is prepaired.

Volume 21, Issue 2 (Summer 2018)

Aims: Beta-thalassemia is a blood and genetic disorder. Prevalence of beta-thalassemia trait is high in Iranian population. Therefore, for detection of carriers’ status in premarital screening we need to establish reliable and rapid scanning method. The aim of this study is development a rapid method to detect four common beta globin gene mutations in Iranian population by HRM (High-Resolution Melting Analysis.
Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, eight samples of beta-thalassemic carriers and illness with IVSI-110 (G>A), IVSII-I (G>A), IVSI-5 (G>C) and CD36/37 (-T) genotypes in Homozygote and heterozygote conditions and one control sample (healthy person) were selected. After blood collection, DNA extraction was performed using salting out method. To ensure, the samples were run binary, and two control samples without DNA were used. Primers were designed with Gene Runner 6.0.28, Primer Express v 3.0.1 3/1) and Primer3 v. 0.4.0 and HRM method was used to determine the above mutations.
Findings: The best concentration of DNA was obtained at 5ng/μl. In the difference plot step, the differences between the curves were clearly observed in heterozygous, normal and homozygous conditions. Unexpectedly, in the mutation IVSII-IG>A in the melting curve was seen two peaks in the samples; it was due to the presence of a polymorphism near the desired mutation.
Conclusion: The HRM method is capable of detecting the four common beta globin gene mutations, and, it can differentiate between heterozygote and homozygous in a single mutation. This method is high throughput, which can analyze 96 samples of DNA in 2hours.

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