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Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)

In this study, 30 mental states were suggested to 50 theatre actors. They designed a specific physical form for each mental state. In this process, 2000 images from actors’ gestures were collected. Images was surveyed by 321 accidental audiences; and among all images, images achieving the highest rate were selected. Reliability and validity of selected images were evaluated by a software designing for mind-reading's test though body. This study achieved its results mentioned below through preparation, design, implementation, analysis, record of results of a mind-reading’s test.
According to statistical results, the body has an ability to convey the mental state. We can figure out individuals’ mental states through body forms. Based on Baron-Cohen’s study, 30 body forms were determined. The relation between mind-reading through body and eyes was analyzed. Selected images for designing a mind-reading’s test through body were identified, and its reliability and validity were confirmed.
In this study, the first archive of images representing mental states through actors’ bodies has been designed and prepared. In comparison to men, women have a better function in understanding of mental states. Furthermore, bodies can represent mental states better than eyes.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (11-2009)

In this paper it is argued that the idea of “from socio-political to supported by Habermas has raised much theoretical and practical challenges. One of these challenges concerns with Habermasian trilogy of between facts and norms, communicative action, and discursive ethics. In the present paper the author, instead of liberal law-ethics theories, has concentrated on discursive law-democracy theory as an alternative to the first ones. To support this argument the writer has attempted to show and explain both the normative analytical merits of the chosen and supported theory and its limitations.ethical-legal

Volume 1, Issue 1 (Spring and Summer 2024)

The theory of the responsibility to protect was approved in 2005 in the output document of the United Nations Summit (A/RES/60/1) and in 2011, it was included in the Security Council Resolution 1973 regarding military intervention in Libya. The theory of the responsibility to protect implies the commitment of the international community to end the worst forms of violence and crime in humanitarian crises and internal armed conflicts. This article by using the qualitative method and document-library sources, books, articles and reports and internet notes, dealing with NATO's military intervention in Libya in 2011, which led to airstrikes, the creation of a no-fly zone, and ultimately the change of Muammar Gaddafi's regime,  criticizes its application in Libya.The findings of the article show that although the theory tries to fill the gap between the former obligations of UN member states under international humanitarian law and human rights with this reality that the human population facing the threat of genocide, crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity must be supported, France, the United States and NATO have exploited the 1973 resolution for their political-military goals and have caused the stoppage of the development of the theory and the skepticism of the international community towards the goals and intentions of the world powers in the application of the theory and as a result of the design of the new approach of responsibility during support.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (NO. 2- 2009)

Abstract Sexual discrimination is one of the most important problems that can threat social discipline, development and even political constancy of society. Sexual discrimination appears by such factors as individuals' life situation and prevailed culture. The main aim of the present work is to study about the sexual discrimination of families in rural areas. According to the developmental process, the role of women as half of the active work force, can not be neglected. Thus the present study was mainly accomplished for the reasons that may affect sexual discrimination emotions in the villages of Gilan province in 2007. To do so, different ideas have been investigated of which both sexual discrimination theory and sexual discrimination theory of Bloom Berg were used in this work to understand the sexual discrimination in village women. The sample population consisted of all the women who lived in all villages of Guilan province. 300 of these women were chosen by means of accident – classified method, Literature review and survey. The results showed that over half of these women felt the sexual discrimination.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (3-2017)

The Protest literature is one of the genres of resistanc literature. The main theme of his protest against injustice, discrimination, oppression and tyranny. Among the contemporary Arab poet, Ahmad Matar terms with the source of many poems written protest is accentuated. among Iranin poets also Qazveh  is one of the main leaders of  protest poetry in the poetry of revolution. Political and social protest poems primarily in two directions-is Ahmad Matar poetic protest against the Arab rulers, mostly political protest, but protest his social aspect is more Qzvh Protest against poverty and injustice, forgetting the Palestinian cause, neglect and ignorance of society, government oppression, arrogance, forgetting national religious values and themes shared between the two Sharast protes

Volume 2, Issue 3 (NO. 3- 2010)

Generally speaking, globalization has confronted urban life and city management as well as citizenship to many key socio-cultural problems such as citizenship identity crisis. From this respect, the socio-politico-cultural relationships between urban management and urban citizenry have changed and weakened through urban globalization, on the other hand, they have positive outcomes in the context of urban localization or urban glocalisation at the same time. Therefore, in this paper, we attempted to explore four aspects of this urban problem: historical and conceptual schema of citizenship; citizenship politics at urban settings; urban citizenship theory and finally, urban citizenship policies as cultural urban experiences.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (4-2012)

Urban diplomacy is a new urban phenomenon and policy in a global urban management arena. It is also an advanced alternative policy instrument for extension of inter-cities social, cultural and political relations as well as corporations on human urban development. For these reasons, many of advanced urban regimes, especially in the western societies, attempt to apply this urban diplomacy in replace for nation-state politics as well as traditional international relations. Then, in this article, we describe both urban diplomacy theory and its relations with urban politics and urban management, as well as its urban policy experiences, which have been emerged in new urban management systems at global level of contemporary urban societies. Furthermore, according to the findings of this article, the main idea and procedure of urban diplomacy is that global mega-cities must solve their urban problems and confront with socio-cultural challenges by urban capacities, abilities and potentials, existing in urban participatory management diplomacy.

Volume 3, Issue 3 ((Articles in Persian) 2012)

The present study aimed to provide a comprarative analysis of the performance of Persian monoligual and Azari-Persian bilingual adolescents in comprehension of Persian proverbs. The study has been made on the basis of the constraint satisfaction model, within which the effect of the variables of “linguistic context”, “familiarity” and “gender” is examined on their “speed of comprehension”. The corpus includes 142 high school students in two groups of monolingual and bilingual individuals. The proverb comprehension test has been provided as a testing software­ in which the data are saved in the textual format and the response timing is saved in milliseconds. Data analysis was performed by a two-way analysis of variance. The research findings illustrated the significant effect of the variables studied, that by itself supports the efficiency of the constraint satisfaction model, as its theoretical base, in the comprehension of Persian proverbs.  

Volume 7, Issue 1 (No.1 (Tome 29), (Articles in Persian) 2016)

The present research is aimed to evaluate the working memory (WM) in Persian words (as a L2) in comparison to it in Chinese words (as L1) in Chinese Persian learners. Thirty learners at Dehkhoda institute were chosen as the study sample. Sampling has been relied on the available subjects who took part in the visual n-back task which was specifically designed to measure WM. The participants had to press the congruent key (predetermined number 1) if the stimulus was the same as the one presented just before, and pressed incongruent key (number 2) if it was not. Then they took part in the stroop test. In psychology, the Stroop effect is a demonstration of interference in the reaction time of a task. the stroop test here included 40 stimuli- a pseudorandom selection of 20 Persian words and 20 Chinese words, selected among four main color which was written with incongruent ink. The participants had to press the key predetermined the color of the word- not ink-. Accordingly, the score of their WM “accuracy”, WM “mean respond time”, attention bias “accuracy” and attention bias “mean respond time” have been calculated separately for both languages and compared with paired samples T test. Results illustrate a meaningful difference between L1 and L2 among the selective attention mean respond time, WM accuracy and WM mean respond time, and didn’t illustrate meaningful diference between L1 and L2 among selective attention accuracy.

Volume 8, Issue 2 (9-2018)

Today, attract, retain, and build loyalty in skilled staff is difficult. There are several ways to create brand loyalty in employees' organization or company that can be pointed to corporate citizenship and attractive employer brand. This study examined the impact of corporate citizenship on employer brand attractiveness and employer brand loyalty. The Statistical population was faculty members of University of Mazandaran that their numbers are 350 people. After stratified random sampling, 210 valid questionnaires were collected and data were analyzed through SPSS 22 and LISREL8.8 software. By calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient of questionnaire reliability and validity through first-order and second-order confirmatory factor analysis were examined. The research hypotheses were tested through path analysis. The results showed that corporate citizenship has a positive and significant effect on employer brand attractiveness (β= 0/44; t= 4/98) and employer brand loyalty (β= 0/51; t= 5/59). Also, employer brand attractiveness has a positive and significant effect on employer brand loyalty (β= 0/39; t= 4/12). Finally, according to the results, recommendations were presented to organizations and companies.

Volume 9, Issue 1 (Winter 2023)

Backgrounds: Carbapenem resistance among Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains is alarming. This study aimed to investigate the relative frequency of carbapenem-resistant P. aeruginosa strains by phenotypic and genotypic methods.
Materials & Methods: The antibiotic susceptibility pattern of 60 P. aeruginosa isolates was determined by disk diffusion method (Kirby-Bauer). BD Phoenix automated microbiology system was used to identify carbapenem-resistant isolates, and the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined using E-Test. In addition, mCIM (modified carbapenem inactivation method) phenotypic test was performed to evaluate carbapenem resistance genes in P. aeruginosa isolates. The prevalence of metallo-beta-lactamase (MβL) genes in carbapenem-resistant P. aeruginosa isolates was determined using conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
Findings: The frequency of carbapenem-resistant P. aeruginosa isolates was 36% (22 of 60). The highest resistance was observed to imipenem and meropenem (36.6%), and the highest sensitivity was observed to amikacin (75%). All carbapenem-resistant P. aeruginosa isolates were confirmed by the BD Phoenix automated system (MIC> 8 µg/mL for imipenem and meropenem), E-test (MIC ˂32 µg/mL), and mCIM assay (the growth inhibition zone diameter was 6-8 mm).  In carbapenem-resistant P. aeruginosa isolates, the frequency of blaVIM, blaIMP, and blaSPM genes was 9.1% (2 of 22), 4.5% (1 of 22), and 4.5% (1 of 22), respectively. BlaKPC and blaNDM genes were not found in any of the isolates.
Conclusion: Based on the present study results, all phenotypic tests used to identify carbapenemase-producing isolates had the same sensitivity (100%) and specificity (100%).

Volume 10, Issue 4 (1-2011)

In a mobile ad hoc network, there are some features such as the ability to exploit multipath effect for information exchange with high reliability and low error rate. dealing with the aggressors and discovering the path in data transmission are of importance. Approaching these goals ends in network promotion and efficiency. In this paper, the designed protocol is able to discover multipath for information exchange with high reliability. The designed network has advantages such as resistance against error occurrence, decreasing the effect of the aggressors and discovering the path in data transmission. The network security is based on the desired encoding and encryption and it provides increased speed and mobility of the network performance and efficiency and reduces the weaknesses of the security system. With increasing the speed of the nodes and density of the network, the receipt of the packets increases about four percent which causes one percent increase in packets transition. At the same time packet overhead decreases 12% on average.

Volume 10, Issue 4 (3-2021)

Today, more than ever, consumers are searching for authenticity. One of the valuable features of brand authenticity is that consumers are willing to pay primum price for products that they think are authentic. Authenticity has emerged as a consumer favorite feature that reflects a brand's sense of uniqueness, realism, or originality, helping marketers differentiate their brands from competitors. The present study examines the antecedents of brand authenticity and its impact on word of mouth (WOM). Consumers of Tavazeh nuts brand in Tehran constitute the statistical population of this research. 372 people were selected as the sample by available sampling method. Data were collected through a standard questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire was assessed by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient and its validity was assessed by first-order and second-order confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). SPSS24 software was used for descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling (SEM) with LISREL 8.8 software was used to test the hypotheses. The results of testing the hypotheses showed that brand nostalgia, brand heritage, brand legitimacy and brand clarity have a positive and significant effect on brand authenticity. Also, brand authenticity has a positive and significant effect on word of mouth (WOM).

Volume 12, Issue 2 (4-2023)

This study was conducted to compare the morphological characteristics of wild and farmed common carp. In total 70 samples of common carp, including 25 samples of wild from Torkaman port and 45 samples of farmed common carp from Silver carp center in Gilan province were collected. Morphometric results were standardized using Elliott formula, and then principal component analysis (PCA) and discriminant function analysis (DFA) were used. Independent t-test was used to evaluate the significance of traits between these two populations. The results of this study revealed that the two populations of wild and farmed common craps were completely separated from each other, using PCA and individuals were assigned to their true population with high accuracy (98%) based on DFA. Among the 33 truss distances that were analyzed, 16 distances showed a significant difference between two populations (p<0.05). The results showed that the studied populations can be distinguished by many morphological differences, especially by dorsal fin length, pectoral fin length, pelvic fin length, anal fin length, dorsal fin width, body width, tail stem width, distance between pectoral and pelvic fin, distance from mouth to dorsal fin and the distance from the mouth to the anal fin. Overall, the results showed that the population of wild carp was significantly different from the population of farmed common carp from the morphological point of view.
Gene ontology and KEGG enrichment revealed potentially related trait potential and genes associated with body shape, scaling patterns, and skin color.«نتایج کامل» بار نشدامتحان مجدد

Volume 13, Issue 2 (4-2010)

Objective: Hearing loss is the most frequent neurosensory defect in human. Mutations in GJB2 and GJB6 are responsible for 50% of autosomal recessive non-syndromic hearing loss (ARNSHL) cases. Here we report on the frequencies of GJB2 and GJB6 mutations and three large deletions spanning the GJB6 gene including Del (GJB6-D13S1830), Del (GJB6-D13S1854) and a >920 kb deletion in patients affected by ARNSHL referred to Kawsar's Human Genetics Research Center. Materials and Methods: In this study, 94 patients from 63 families with ARNSHL were investigated. Patient's homozygote for 35delG were screened and left out of the study and the remaining samples were analyzed by sequencing of GJB2 and GJB6 genes. Also the three large deletions spanning the GJB6 gene were analyzed by Real Time PCR Results: In this study we found GJB2 mutations in 13 families (20.6%) out of 63. The 35delG mutation was the most common mutation in the studied population (61.5%). Other GJB2 mutations were delE120, R127H, W24X, and V37I. The heterozygous or negative cases for the GJB2 mutations were screened for mutation in the GJB6 gene by sequencing and no mutation was observed. Also, we checked the three large deletions in GJB6, we found no mutations. Conclusion: Low frequency of mutations in the GJB2 gene implies that other genes may be involved in causing non-syndromic hearing loss in our country.
Amir Reza Kosari, Mehdi Peyrovani, Mehdy Fakoor, H nejat,
Volume 13, Issue 14 (Second Special Issue 2014)

In this paper, LQG/LTR controller is designed for attitude control of the geostationary satellite at nominal mode. Usage actuator in this paper is the reaction wheel and control torque is determined by the LQR regulator. Usage sensors in this article are sun and earth sensors and EKF are used for estimation of noisy states. LQR controller signal has good performance, if all system's states are considered in system output feedback. But this method is ideal and does not include model noise and sensors noise. Therefore, LQG and LQG/LTR controllers are designed based on the estimated states, and are compared with LQR controller. Controllers gain coefficients are obtained based on linearization about working point. It caused to robustness and similarity of LQG and LQG/LTR response. The results show that control overshoot of LQR is greater than the others.

Volume 13, Issue 50 (5-2016)

Volume 13, Issue 56 (10-2015)

  In this study, the effect of sucrose substitution by date and glucose syrup in kombucha production has been investigated due to heath and economic benefits of date syrup. The effect of this substitution on the rheological, flavor and organoleptic properties of final product have been analyzed in order to evaluate possible marketability and consumer acceptance as the diverted product.Results showed that date syrup has the significant effect on the growth and persistency of microorganisms which effect on its healthy characteristics but its sour taste and flavor was stronger than blank sample.kinetics of glucuronic acid and total acid production have been evaluated by first order equation.result showed that at the first day after filtering(treatment pasted 10 days for initial fermentation) initial value of glucuronic acid and total acid were higher in date syrup added kombucha and the increment of glucuronic and total acid production was high in date syrup treatment which indicated that prescence of simple sugars (glucose and fructose) in date syrup can affect on microbial groth and both initial value and rate of acid production during the storage of filtered kombucha.  

Volume 14, Issue 4 (3-2012)

Objective: Antigen 85 complex of Mycobacterium tuberculosis includes three immunogenic proteins which are important TB vaccine candidates. The use of these protein as a component of subunit vaccines, as a part of DNA vaccines or recombinant BCG boosters, enhances their recombinant production. Recombinant production of these mycobacterial proteins located in the cell wall somehow differs from the other proteins, as they are partially apolar. Therefore, this study aims to produce recombinant Ag85C as a vaccine candidate. Methods: Ag85C gene was cloned in pJET1.2 and subsequently in pET32a(+). Both recombinant plasmids were sequenced. Expression of the recombinant protein was induced with 1mM IPTG. Recombinant Ag85C was purified through dissolving the inclusions in 8M urea buffer, absorbed to Ni-NTA resins, washed by buffers with decreasing urea concentrations, and finally eluted in aqueous solution. Western blot analysis was performed using anti-6His tag antibody, rabbit anti-M. tuberculosis polyclonal antibody, and the serum from hospitalized TB patients. Results: Ag85C successfully cloned in both plasmid vectors. The recombinant Ag85C expressed in the E. coli host and was purified with significant yield. Conclusion: Western blot results along with that of sequencing ensure accurate production of recombinant Ag85C, retaining its partial epitopes
Amirreza Kosari, Mehdi Peyrovani, Mahdi Fakoor, Hossein nejat,
Volume 14, Issue 6 (9-2014)

In this paper, a LQG/LTR controller is proposed for attitude control a geostationary satellite at nominal phase. Basically, proposed methodology includes three parts: LQR regulator, EKF, and loop transfer recovery. Controller design is based on the linearized equations of the spacecraft dynamics using reduced quaternion model. Reduced quaternion model solve uncontrollable problem in some subspaces in the linearized state space quaternion model using all four components of quaternion. Spacecraft actuators are reaction wheels and attitude determination sensors are sun and earth sensors. LQR controller is ideal and it doesn’t account for the model uncertainty and sensor noise and it uses the feedback of the full states. To consider the model uncertainty and sensor noise, we have designed EKF which is used by LQG and LQG/LTR controllers. Controller gain coefficients are obtained using a reduced quaternion model, and based on linearization around the equilibrium point and the natural frequency of the closed loop system. To increase the robustness of the design with respect to solar radiation disturbance, singular values of LQG are approximated to Kalman filter, in LTR section. The results demonstrate that LQG/LTR performance is better than LQG’s and LQG/LTR has a good robust stability margin with respect to disturbances.

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