Showing 10 results for talebian
Volume 4, Issue 2 (12-2016)
ultra Rational, logical and mystical nature of gnostic facts and meanings from one side and limitation of language function area from other side, caused poets and mystics to use deviated language and expression. Simile which is one of the most important and frequent of semantic deviation in mystical poems, has been used by mystics for creating poetic images and expressing their own thoughts.
In this study authors criticized and discussed the deviated similes in Ibn Alfarez and molavi’s complete works with analytical method. This study shows that frequent use of compact similes is more than spread similes in their poems (both poets), because this method results in length in mental challenge and hesitation. Sometime the relation between the simile parties in their poems is so far that deviation observed more. They caused meaning to be understood later by using so many similes. Through this, they make their words prominent and leads to more literary pleasure of readers. although Ibn Alfarez purpose was to explain exalted concepts and holy command for reader’s mind, and was interested in application of perceptible simile to rational simile, but Molavi uses rational simile more than Ibn Alfarez. Perceptible to perceptible simile are very frequent In Molavi’s poems because of his mystical and spiritual taste. Also frequency of spread similes in his poems is more than Ibn Alfarez.
Volume 8, Issue 3 (Summer 2020)
Aims: Natural regeneration will guarantee forest future and sustainability. Ecological factors (soil and physiology) may influence regeneration process and provide a variety of sites favorable for seed generation and establishment of different plant species. The present study aimed to evaluate effect of environmental factors on Fagus orientalis regeneration in Kojoor Forest, one of Hyrcanian inscribed sites on UNESCO's Natural World Heritage List.
Materials & Methods: After determination of high valued and undisturbed stands of F. orientalis Lipeskey on the vegetation map, sampling was carried out with 2.5% of statistical intensity (the surface area of each plot was 0.1ha and statistical network dimension was 200×200m2). The effects of abiotic ecological factors including topography (aspect, elevation, and slope), soil type (pseudoglay, brown forest soil, and brown marmorized), canopy closure (50-70% and >70%) on abundance of regeneration were studied on 60 plots.
Findings: The mean density was 0.52seedlings/m2, and Fagus orientalis Lipeskey, and Carpinus betulus fastigiata comprise 82% of seedlings. F. orientalis prefers north faced slopes (Northeast and northern) (probability of 95%; p= 0.044) and the highest seedlings abundance occurs in the elevation of 1,000 to 1,200m a.s.l., while, the altitude of 700 to 800m a.s.l. had the lowest density of seedlings (probability of 95%; p= 0.034). This species more is found on the slope of 0-40% (probability of 95%; p= 0.012) on the pseudoglay and forest brown soil (probability of 99%; p= 0.001). Canopy covers between 50-70% are more suitable for this species and canopy cover >70% had the minimum number of seedlings per hectare (probability of 95%; p= 0.021).
Conclusion: These set of environmental conditions are optimal conditions under which F. orientalis as a climax species of the Hyrcanian Forests will grow and reproduce and Kojoor Forest is a developed old growth forest with the best environmental conditions for establishment and regeneration of climax species like F. orientalis. This site is an undisturbed forest with less anthropogenic effects and diverse topography and soil types which make it the best site of the Hyrcanian Forests.
Volume 11, Issue 2 (Summer 2021)
Aims: Dynamic cultural World Heritage Sites, as irreplaceable resources with tangible and intangible dimensions, have been shaped by a result of the processes of sociocultural production and experiences in the temporal and spatial context and are going through a series of changes over time. The main purpose of this research is assessing the state of conservation of dynamic cultural World Heritage Sites, which is one of the most fundamental issues in the World Heritage monitoring process.
Instrument & Methods: This study elaborates on applied-developed research methods, using an analytical descriptive method in two sections. The theoretical section is based on the logical reasoning method and technique of content analysis and logical inference; and the practical section is based on the survey method and analytic hierarchy process technique.
Findings: Achieving the effective assessment for the state of conservation of dynamic cultural World Heritage Site is based on two substantial criteria: 1) “securing and conveying cultural significance of the heritage site” with the sub-criteria of “integrity” and “authenticity”; 2) “heritage site experience” with the sub-criteria of “perception of cultural significance” and “experience of authenticity”.
Conclusion: The results show that the “sense of place attachment” indicator is the most important factor in assessing the state of conservation. And periodic use of this proposed model in the monitoring process provides a coherent platform for measuring the efficiency of the study heritage site management system. The developed framework might be used by Tehran Beautification Organization and Tehran Municipality in culturally-rich sites of Tehran.
Volume 12, Issue 3 (Fall 2022)
Aims: The industrial heritage buildings and sites can be a stage for people to meet, which create memorable experiences. Adaptive reuse of such buildings by applying the experience economy can provide more suggestions so that they can be exploited appropriately by designing different experiences.
Methods: In the present research, related documents and theories are studied by the lense of logical argumentation strategy. "personal context", "social context" and "physical context" based on the theoretical framework of the research have been emphasized.
Finding: The design of experience in Rey Cement factory has been done based on these three components using four realms of Pin and Gilmore. Therefore, proposed uses have been defined according to the principles considered in this research, considering the authenticity of the industrial site and the production of new collective experiences, the result of which is the coexistence of different uses in this site.
Conclusion: The industrial heritage of is the basis for the growth and development. Nowadays, conservation and adaptive reuse of such buildings can be in line with their previous goals in economic development. experience design is one of the newest ways in economics. The results of the research show that experience based design can be a useful tool for heritage conservation. And this research tries to deal with heritage tourism from an experience-based perspective based on the criteria obtained from the conceptual framework of the research. And to better explain the approach, suggestions have been made for the experience-based design of Ray Cement Factory.
Volume 13, Issue 4 (1-2014)
Conventionally flight path in airplanes and unmanned air vehicles is determined with waypoints. Waypoints are points on the surface of the earth with specific latitude and longitude. For accurate crossing the waypoints at a specific time, definition of accurate guidance error parameters is essential. Guidance algorithm based on these parameters can make appropriate commands. In this article two parameters, guidance latitude and guidance longitude, based on spherical trigonometry, are defined. Indeed these parameters show guidance error in horizontal channel and longitudinal channel respect to great circles between waypoints. These parameters can be calculated in a closed form and solution of complicated integrals, which is in geodetics on an ellipsoid, do not required. Also guidance algorithms in two channel based on these parameters are designed. In horizontal channel, a PD controller and in longitudinal channel a proportional controller on the difference between desired and real velocity, are designed as guidance algorithms. Also performance of these algorithms is shown with simulation results in comparison with plane simulation.
Shahed Mirzamohammadi, Mojtaba Ghodsi, Y Hojjat, Soheil talebian,
Volume 13, Issue 15 (Third Special Issue 2014)
In this article, the influences of different effective parameters on sensitivity of a magnetostrictive force sensor are investigated and then, a high sensitive magnetostrictive force sensor is designed and fabricated. Initially, the operational principles related to magnetostrictive force sensors are presented. Then, conceptual design of the sensor is illustrated and sensors geometry and applied materials are determined. In the next step, measurement of magnetic hysteresis and optimization of the magnetic properties through heat treatment are presented. To this end, magnetic hysteresis curves of not-annealed low carbon iron and annealed low carbon iron under different currents and magnetic hysteresis curve of bulk TERFENOL-D under different preloads and currents are obtained. Then, through numerical simulations using finite element method software, parameters affecting sensor sensitivity were identified and designed. Finally magnetostrictive force sensor is fabricated and its sensitivity and functional specifications are tested under different conditions. The magnetostrictive force sensor sensitivity and linearity error are found as 0.51mV/N and 2.8% FSO respectively, which is a higher value compared to similar magnetostrictive force sensors.
Hoda talebian, Mojtaba Mamourian, Hamid Niazmand,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (5-2014)
As the coefficient of performance and the cooling power of adsorption chillers are low, the irreversibility calculation can identify the sources which limit the increase of performance parameters and effectively be used in association with current performance improvement techniques. Adopting the numerical modeling and calculating the temporal distribution of temperature in adsorber elements, this study measures the exergy destruction in different parts and processes of the adsorbent bed. The results show the maximum exergy destruction rate in isosteric phases, yet the total exergy destruction is low due to the short phase times. The highest total exergy loss is observed in isobaric heating phase due to the high irreversibility of desorption process and also long phase duration. Furthermore the effects of fin height and fin spacing on the exergy destruction of adsorbent bed are investigated. The results show that increasing fin height and fin spacing increase the total exergy destruction; however the dependency of fin spacing on exergy destruction is relatively low.
Milad Azarfar, Hamid Niazmand, Hoda talebian,
Volume 14, Issue 8 (11-2014)
During the past few decades, growing global concern about environmental problems, caused by widespread use of fossil fuels, attracts more research attention toward adsorption systems technology. However, one of the main problems of these systems is the poor heat transfer rate in adsorbent bed due to its low thermal conductivity. In the present study, extended surfaces and metal piece additives are applied to the adsorbent bed in order to numerically investigate the effect of heat transfer enhancement on the adsorption system performance. Employing metal pieces increases effective thermal conductivity of the bed by at least 100%. Results indicate that decreasing fin space and fin height and adding metal pieces to the adsorbent bed reduce the cycle time which finally improves the system specific cooling power. However, it is worth mentioning that the effect of metal piece additives on the cycle time reduction and specific cooling power improvement decreases at smaller fin spaces. Moreover, results show that the increase of fin height improves the coefficient of performance while decreases the specific cooling power of the system. On the contrary, the reduction of fin space simultaneously increases the coefficient of performance and the specific cooling power of the adsorption system.
Yousef Hojjat, Ali Asghar Maddah, Mojtaba Ghodsi, Soheil talebian, Mohammad Reza Ashoori,
Volume 14, Issue 16 (Forth Special Issue 2015)
The purpose of this paper is obtaining an optimal arrangement of permanent magnets in a non-contact eddy current damper in order to achieve the maximum damping coefficient (c) among dampers with the same dimension. Magnetic theory and eddy current equations have been employed and solved by finite element numerical method. The dominant damping parameters and the optimum ratio of the ferrite core and the permanent magnet for the specific dimension have been achieved. A damper with the dimensions obtained from design is manufactured in order to verify the result of simulations. A setup also is designed and manufactured to verify the damping coefficient. The damping coefficient of simulation and experimental setup is 69.50 and 68.37 respectively which shows a close correlation between simulation and experiment results. The damping coefficient of the designed damper has been increased by 22.5% compared with a same dimension damper. Furthermore, frequency response is obtained by MATLAB software and a decrease of vibration amplitude in eddy current damper has been investigated. The result showed 20 dB reduction in the peak amplitude of frequency response in the designed damper.
Volume 22, Issue 1 (1-2020)
The bird cherry-oat aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) (Hemiptera: Aphididae), is a serious pest of Poaceae plants, especially wheat and corn, in the world and in Iran. In this study, the demographic parameters of R. padi were determined at seven constant temperatures (8.5, 15, 20, 25, 27.5, 29 and 31±0.5 °C), 65±5% RH, and 14:10 (L: D) photoperiods on Zea mays L., KSC704 cultivar. The total lifespan, from birth to death, decreased with increasing the temperature from 8.5 to 29 °C, but the nymphal stage duration increased a little at 29 °C. The highest value of life expectancy (ex) was observed at 8.5 °C and at 31 °C, the nymphs died before reaching the adult phase. The percentage of survival for nymphal stages was highest at 15 and 25 °C, and the net reproductive rate (R0=23.671 female/generation) had the highest value at 15 °C. The intrinsic rate of increase (rm) and the finite rates of increase (λ) increased at the temperature interval of 8.5 to 25 °C. At this range, the doubling time (DT) and the mean generation time (T) decreased as the temperature increased. According to the highest value of rm (0.22 day-1) and λ (1.134day-1) and also the lower value of T (9.095 d) and DT (2.16 d), the temperature of 25 °C was determined as the optimal temperature and the data showed that the proper temperature range for growth and reproduction of this aphid was between 15-25 °C. The effect of temperature on reproduction, especially the intrinsic rate of increase (rm), of R. padi would be useful for predicting its long-term population fluctuation over several generations and establishing integrated pest management (IPM) strategies against this pest.