Showing 391 results for Cell
Volume 4, Issue 1 (10-2013)
The production of bioethanol from lignocellulosic biomass could be considered as an appropriate and economic option to remove environmental disasters and improve energy security. In fact, lignocellulosic material is mainly composed of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Lignin works as the adhering prevents the bioconversion of cellulose into sugars and ultimately to ethanol. To address the problem, various chemical, physical, physicochemical and biological methods have been suggested. Enjoying convenient operating conditions, production of non-hazardous wastes, and having no harmful side effects, make the biological methods a potentially proper option. Unfortunately, the biological methods are slower and less efficient in comparison with the other processes. In the present study, an attempt is made to resolve this problem in an enzymatic degradation of lignin of a rice straw sample. Several peroxidase enzymes were produced by a white rot fungus, and their effects on lignin removal from the biomass samples were investigated in shaking flasks. Lignin concentration and enzymes' activity were measured by the acetyl bromide-soluble lignin spectrophotometric method and optical density method using special reagents, respectively. The results revealed that the enzymatic treatment could remove at least 30% of the lignin content of the lignocellulosic biomass. To achieve the maximum activity of the enzymes, The chemical composition of the culturing medium was optimized for the concentration of important metal ions including Cu2+, Mn2+ and Zn2+ through Box Behnken response surface methodology. The enzymes' activity at the obtained optimal conditions increased four times for Manganese peroxidase, and lignin peroxidase.
Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2015)
The beet moth, Scrobipalpa ocellatella (Boyd) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) is one of the most destructive pests of beet. The insect overwinters as larvae of different instars in beets which are left in the field. Supercooling point (SCP) of individual larvae showed broad range variation from -6 to -25 °C. In the present study, factors affecting the broad range of SCP were investigated. Larvae showed a great increase in SCP when they were induced by exogenous ice nucleation. Defensive oral discharge (DOD) decreased SCP but it had no significant effect on supercooling ability of larvae. The presence of sufficient food in guts of field collected larvae induced an increase in SCP. Therefore it could be concluded that surface moisture and food particles in the gut may act as ice nucleating agents (INAs) that cause freezing of the body fluids at higher temperatures. Furthermore, second and third instar larvae, owing to their small size, had greater capacity to supercool in comparison to fifth feeding instars. Broad range in SCPs might be due to diversity in overwintering larvae which have different capacity for supercooling.
Volume 4, Issue 2 (4-2016)
Aim: The most important factor underlying the mortality of patients with diabetes is the lack of self-care. This study aimed to determine the effect of education via mobile text messaging on the self-care of patients with type 2 diabetes.
Methods: This semi-experimental controlled study was carried out on 74 patients with diabetes in Chabahar, Iran. They were selected using convenience sampling in the health care centers, and were randomized into two control and intervention groups of 37 subjects each. The tools to collect data were questionnaires containing demographic profiles and self-care questionnaire. For each group, the questionnaires were completed, and educational SMS (short message service) was sent to the intervention group for four weeks. The post-test questionnaire was completed by both groups two months after educational intervention. Data were analyzed using SPSS16 and appropriate statistical tests.
Findings: Before the intervention, the mean scores of all self-care dimensions between the two groups did not differ significantly but after that, the mean of total scores of self-care and some of its dimensions (adherence to diet, blood glucose self-monitoring and foot care) were positive, and significantly increased in the intervention group versus the control group regularly after intervention were not different significantly between the two groups (P>0.05).
Conclusion: Considering the effectiveness of sending SMS educational method (SSEM) in improving the self-care of patients, it is necessary to further consider and use this method.
Volume 4, Issue 3 (7-2002)
An efficient system has been developed for the reproducible regeneration of plants from cell suspension-derived protoplasts of the two commercial Iranian Japonica rice cultivars Tarom and Khazer. Friable embryogenic calli were used for cell suspension initiation and protoplasts were isolated from both varieties. When embedded in agarose, proto-plasts failed to divide. However, sustained divisions were obtained by using nurse cells of Lolium moltiflorum. Plant regeneration was 21.1% and 10.5% for Tarom and Khazer, re-spectively. Somaclonal variation was observed amongst regenerated plants, 16.2% of re-generants were tetraploid, and the rest were diploid.
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2015)
In order to improve the properties of myofibrillar protein-based film from silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC) at 3 levels (1, 3 and 5%) was used. Optimum treatment was determined by evaluating the mechanical, physical and optical properties as well as scanning electron microscopy analysis (SEM). Cellulose nanoparticles had no effect on tensile strength but reduced the elasticity of film (p≤0.05). Water vapor barrier property (WVP) and other physical properties of the films were improved by addition of nanofibrillated cellulose at 1%, but decreased at higher concentrations (p≤0.05. Based on SEM, low concentrations of nanoparticles showed more homogeneous dispersion and films had a smoother and better cross-sectional area compared to the higher levels of nanoparticles. Generally, low levels of nanoparticles could be effective to improve the mechanical and physical properties of myofibrillar protein - nanofibrillated cellulose films.
Volume 4, Issue 4 (3-2016)
Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and tragacanth gums at 0.5 and 1% levels % were added to the fish balls from silver carp to improve the its texture and sensory characteristics. The proximate composition, physical factors (batter pick-up, product yield, shrinkage and oil absorption reduction), sensory analysis and textural properties of fried balls were compared with the control treatment. All treatments showed less fat and oil absorption rate (p> 0.05) compared to the control treatment. Treatment containing 1% tragacanth gum showed the highest levels of wet, lightness, hardness and springiness, while treatment containing 1% CMC showed the highest product yield and lowest amounts of expressible water, fat, lightness, oil absorption and springiness (p>0.05). Overall, the performance of tragacanth gum on the texture characteristics was more desirable than CMC gum. All textural index decreased in treatments containing 1% gum. Hence, the use of low levels of the gums is recommended.
Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2016)
Aim: One of the most significant outcomes of health education is health literacy (HL) so that it must be widely applied for achieving health promotion. The aim of this study was assessing HL and its relationship with using cell phone in adolescents in Mashhad City.
Methods: In this analytic-descriptive research, 445 high school adolescents selected with cluster sampling were assessed. For assessing HL, the Newest Vital Sign (NVS) was used. Cell phone use assessment tool was used for assessing the use of using cell phone. Data were analyzed by SPSS version 16.
Findings: Based on the obtained results, 82.1% and 86.2% of the female and male adolescents had not adequate HL, respectively. There was a negative correlation between the adolescents’ HL and using cell phone (p<0.0001).
Conclusion: Most of the adolescents had limited HL, and the adolescents with higher rate of using cell phone had worse HL score. In fact, adequate HL has a significant role for promoting health in the society. Therefore, policy makers are suggested to design useful educational programs for adolescents, especially in non-medical settings such as schools, was most of the day, adolescents spend their time over there.
Volume 4, Issue 13 (7-2007)
Nowadays the lack of food specially protein is the most important problem. Because of the increasing of the world population the need for food is increasing day by day for this reason researches are searching for cheap resources of protein for people. Whey is by- product of cheese factory. whey provides ecological problems because of having high COD. According to these problems many researches have been done on whey and different products were achieved such as single cell protein.
In this research, the production of single cell protein from whey and trichosporon yeast are studied in external loop airlift reactor. Effective factors on gas hold up Such as air giving, ratio of down comer diameter to riser diameter and height of liquid in gas separator were studied and optimized. In this optimized situation the rate of single cell protein was achieved.
The results of experiments showed that optimimum value for air giving intensity was 2.27 cm/s , ratio of down comer diameter to riser diameter was 0/5 cm and height of liquid in gas separator was 3 cm. In this optimum condition, the amount of single cell protein was 18.9 g/l. The rate of single cell protein in stirred reactors and bubble column was 10.38 and 17.3 g/l respectively in other's researches. In comparison, external loop air lift reactor showed an increase about 8.5 percent to bubble column and 45 percent to stirred reactor in producing single cell protein. So external loop air lift seems suitable in producing single cell protein. producing single cell protein can be studied in Other air lift reactors such as internal loop airlift reactors and obtained results can be campared with the results of this research.
Volume 5, Issue 1 (11-2014)
Sugar beet molasses is a well-known, inexpensive and available carbon source for microbial cell growth. Its sugar components are used to produce energy for microbial growth and non-sugar components, especially nitrogen components, have important roles in improvement of cell growth. On the other hand, immobilization of whole cell is establishment and physical limitation of intact cells in specific space that keeps their catalytic activity and provides the possibility of reuse of the cells. This technique allows continuous and accelerated biological processes. It also improves production efficiency and quality and simplifies recycling of product. Immobilized living cells, as controlled catalysts, are able to perform one-step enzymatic reaction and continuous fermentative processes. In this research, E.coli cells were immobilized in calcium alginate hydrogels and using sugar beet molasses as carbon source, were applied for tryptophan production reaction in the presence of its precursors, serine and indole. In comparison between free biocatalysts and immobilized bacterial cells that entrapped in alginate gels, indicated that larger amounts of amino acids (about 42/9%) can produce in calcium alginate. Also the production reaction was followed up for 9 sequential cycles, and results showed that the cells could produce tryptophan amino acid under above conditions. Use of sugar beet molasses (by-product of agriculture industries) for growth of microbial cells and tryptophan production, causes decrease in production cost and more economical production of tryptophan by immobilized E. coli.
Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2017)
Landsat data for 1992, 2000, and 2013 land use changes for Ekbatan Dam watershed was simulated through CA-Markov” model. Two classification methods were initially used, viz. the maximum likelihood (MAL) and support vector machine (SVM). Although both methods showed high overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient, visually MAL failed in separating land uses, particularly built up and dry lands.Therefore, the results of SVM were used for Markov Chain Model and “CA” filter to predict land use map for 2034. In order to assess the ability of “CA Markov” model, simulation for 2013was performed. Results showed that simulated map was in agreement with the existing map for2013 at 84% level. The land use map prediction showed that built up area of 0.8298 km2 in 2013 will increase to 1.02113 km2 in 2034. In contrast, irrigated agriculture will decrease from 17.33 km2 to 17.16 km2, and rain fed agriculture from 45.07 km2 to 44.49 km2. Results of this research proved the application of “CA Markov” model in simulating the land use changes.
Volume 5, Issue 1 (7-2021)
Plant fibrous suspensions require electrostatically cationic polymers to provide proper and strong structures during papermaking. The charge bearing naturally and synthetically polymers (Polyelectrolytes), are considered as the most chemicals used in cellulosic products mills, due to improvement in the fibrous suspension and network properties. For this, cationic acrylamide polymer (CPAM) and anionic nano cellulose (ANC) were added individually and in combination forms into the fibrous suspension recycled from brown packaging papers. Compared to the blank sample without any the polymeric additive, the polymeric contained suspensions and networks revealed improvements in fibrous suspension properties; i.e., retention, freeness and the solid materials loss during the network formation; and in the fibrous dried network, include density, tensile and burst strengths. Individually application of each CPAM and ANC increased the suspension retention (productivity) as 8% and 2%, resp. Fibrous suspension freeness and loss materials content continuously increased and decreased up to 47%, respectively that could provide significant technologically and economically benefits. Paper density (+5%), tensile (+17%) and burst (+27%) properties improved drastically compared to the blank. But, tear strength of fibrous network decreased (-4%) which could be attributed to the network higher fines contents and retention, originated from the acrylamide polyelectrolyte flocculation effect. Individually application of ANC also enhanced suspension retention, network density, tensile and burst strengths and declined network tear strength with lesser suspension freeness and loss. Anionic nature, high specific surface area and huge hydrogen bonding potential of ANC are the main reasons of the obtained results. ANC post addition to CPAM contained suspension resulted in tear reduction, but higher suspension retention and freeness, together with higher density, tensile and burst strength of cellulosic network.
Volume 5, Issue 1 (7-2021)
Research Subject: Breast cancer is one of the most common cancer in the world with the highest mortality rate in women. Chemotherapy is the typical therapy for the cancer. However, it has side effects due to damage to healthy cells. Targeted drug delivery by nano carriers to the cancerous cells reduces the toxic side effects on normal cells. Serum albumin is a widely used drug carrier because of its availability, ease of preparation, and binding ability to various ligands. Attachment of iron oxide nanoparticles to albumin can control their distribution by applying an external magnetic field.
Research Approach: In this study, albumin nanoparticles attached to superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) were synthesized and loaded with 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) anticancer drug by using the desolvation technique. The produced nanoparticles were characterized in terms of size, surface charge, and drug entrapment, by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and UV-Vis spectrophotometry. The cytotoxic effects of 5FU-loaded magnetic albumin nanoparticles and free 5FU on MCF7 cells were evaluated with the MTT assay. The internalization of nanoparticles in MCF-7 cells was confirmed by Prussian blue staining. In the end, the effects of nanoparticles on cell cycle and apoptosis were evaluated by flow cytometry using propidium iodide.
Main Results: The mean particle size and zeta potential of 5FU loaded albumin nanoparticles and albumin magnetic nanoparticles were 220 nm, -25.8 mV, and 221 nm, -28 mV respectively. Drug entrapment efficiency and drug loading efficiency were also, 20%, 1%, and 15.8%, and 0.06% for albumin nanoparticles and magnetic albumin nanoparticles in turn. The drug-loaded magnetic albumin nanoparticles showed higher cytotoxicity than the free drug on MCF-7 cells. The flow cytometry cell cycle analysis showed more cytotoxicity of albumin nanoparticles in comparison with other groups. According to these results, it can be said that 5-FU loaded magnetic albumin nanoparticles were more effective and deserve further studies in the cancer treatment.
Keywords: Albumin magnetic nanoparticles, 5-fluorouracil, targeted drug delivery, MCF-7 cell line
Volume 5, Issue 2 (6-2016)
Nerve cord configuration and brain neurosecretory cell (NSC) characteristics were studied in adult firefly, Luciola gorhami, applying two methods, in situ and section staining. Nerve cord was of primitive type and consisted of brain, subesophageal ganglion, three thoracic and seven abdominal ganglia which were connected to each other serially through a pair of longitudinal connectives. Thoracic ganglia were separated and had the same size. All abdominal ganglia had the same size except the last one which was twice larger than the others. Abdominal ganglia were not fused with thoracic ganglia. Using in situ staining, 26 neurosecretory cells (NSCs) stained as median neurosecretory cells (MNSCs) and lateral neurosecretory cells (LNSCs). MNSCs consisted of 20 cells in three groups in pars intercerebralis. MNSCs had a U shaped arrangement in such a way that 4 round and large cells were located in front and two parallel groups (8 pryiform to round cells in each group) located in back. LNSCs were comprised of 6 large cells in two groups (one group on each lateral lobe of protocerebrum). MNSCs pathways were not clear but LNSCs pathways were clear and ipsilateral. Using section staining, large number of NSCs in pars intercerebralis stained gray and purple in color. Gray cells were large, more in number and appeared in many sections. Purple cells were large and grouped in the middle of gray cells. Both types of cells were on the surface area of brain and had large nucleus. Their axons were bundled together and extended backwards to the rear of brain.
Volume 5, Issue 2 (9-2021)
The rise of bacterial infections has become a serious problem in human societies. As a result, the development of nanocomposite materials based on biocompatible and non-hazardous materials, besides having antimicrobial and biocompatibility or non-cytotoxicity, associated with unique structural properties, possesses a great importance. Research approach: In this study, bacterial cellulose (BC)/polypyrrole (PPy) and zinc nanoparticles (ZnO), which simultaneously have antimicrobial properties and cell proliferation, were introduced as a new generation of nanocomposite scaffolds produced by freeze-drying. To begin with, ZnO with different weight percentages of 1%, 3% and 5% was added to BC and then PPy in the amount of 2 mmol was embedded in the structure by in situ polymerization. FESEM images proved that the nanofibrous and porous structure of BC was also preserved in the presence of PPy and ZnO. However, after adding PPy and ZnO, they formed a dense structure and microstructure of grape clusters. By adding 2 mmol PPy into BC and upon in situ synthesizing, the tensile strength and Young modulus of BC were significantly reduced to 71 MPa and 2.5 GPa, respectively. On the other hand, with the addition of ZnO nanoparticles, the mechanical properties significantly increased (both of Young modulus and tensile strength compared to BC/PPy samples) due to the compaction of the nanocomposite aerogel’s structure and the formation of the interface of ZnO nanoparticles with both polymers of BC and PPy. The observation of the inhibition zone in the culture medium containing two gram-positive and negative bacteria, well proved the antibacterial ability of ternary nanocomposite scaffolds. The results of MT9 related to L929 on aerogels showed that by adding 3% of ZnO nanoparticles, adhesion and cell proliferation increased significantly during different days of 1 day, 5 days and 7 days of culture.
Volume 5, Issue 3 (9-2016)
This study was undertaken to find out the optimum physicochemical parameters of fermentation, i.e. pH, incubation temperature and incubation time for the cellulase enzyme production of Trichoderma harzianum. The extracellular protein content was estimated by the dye binding method of Bradford. Endo-glucanase (EG), exoglucanase (or Cellobiohydrolase; CBH), β-glucosidase and total cellulase activity were investigated. The molecular weight of cellulase enzymes was studied using SDS-PAGE. To identify the predominant catalytic components in optimum conditions of enzyme production, cellulases were separated by an adapted two-dimensional electrophoresis technique. Estimated optimum conditions for cellulase enzyme were found as: pH 6.5, incubation temperature 28°C and incubation time 72 h. The SDS-PAGE profiles showed several enzyme bonds such as CBHs, EGs and BGLs. The T. harzianumhad both enzyme bonds of Cel7A (CBHI) and Cel7B (EG). Finally, the results of the 2D PAGE analysis showed that the profile of protein in optimium conditions of enzyme production had several enzymes such as CBHs, EGs and the high values of cellulose activity due to synergism that occurred between the CBH and EG.
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2021)
Research subject: Biodegradable compounds with high mechanical and thermal properties are one of the intersting research topics. Polylactic acid is an aliphatic polyester with high biodegradability and flexibility. It, however, suffers from several weaknesses such as high permeability to water vapor and gases, low glass transition temperature, poor thermal stability and brittleness which can be improved by the incorporation of nano-scale fillers giving rise to bionanocomposites. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the simultaneous incorporation of cellulose nanocrystals and nanosilver on the mechanical, thermal and water vapor permeability behavior of polylactic acid-based films.
Research approach: Polylactic acid films and their bionanocomposites containing different levels of cellulose nanocrystals (0.01, 0.03 and 0.05 g) and nanosilver (0.01 g) were prepared by solution casting method. To improve compatibility and miscibility of the polymer, cellulose nanocrystals were reacted with acetic anhydride and modified. FTIR spectroscopy, tensile test, thermal properties (DSC), migration test and antibacterial properties were used to study the properties of the samples. The water vapor permeability of the samples were also measured.
Main results: The addition of cellulose nanocrystals, increased the glass transition temperature (Tg) and melting point (Tm) of the samples. The presence of cellulose nanocrystals increased the tensile strength and modulus of elasticity of the bionanocomposite relative to pure polylactic acid. With the addition of cellulose nanocrystals, permeability was reduced by about 25%. As the amount of cellulose nanocrystals increased, the swelling and water absorption of the samples increased significantly. The migration rate of the samples also decreased after the addition of nanocellulose.
Volume 5, Issue 4 (5-2016)
If the organizational excellence models employ correctly, they would be effective tools for institutionalizing organizational concepts & values, employing self-assessment methods, organizational learning and continuous improvement in the organizations. And also it will provide recognition of the best processes. Islamic Republic of Iran Police tries to design and operationalize its excellence models, but the proportionate excellence patterns that can be applicable for Islamic Republic of Iran Police, hasn’t designed and executed yet. So the subject of this research is to design an organizational excellence model in Islamic Republic of Iran Police. To develop this model weights of criteria has obtained using analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and relationships between criteria has determined using DEMATEL method. results show that leadership criteria has the highest score between enablers and the most effectiveness on others. Additionally, client results have the highest score between results and is the main receiver between other criteria. Finally a hierarchy method to prioritize improvement projects has suggested.
Volume 6, Issue 1 (2-2020)
Aims: Brucellosis is one of the most common diseases between humans and animals (zoonosis); one of its transmission routs is through the consumption of infected cattle dairy products. Since Sarab city has a large cattle population, and traditional dairy production and processing practices are still prevalent in this region and are known as tourist attractions and souvenirs of the region, this study aimed to investigate the prevalence of infection in employees of traditional dairy products workshops in Sarab in 2018.
Materials & Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 196 employees of traditional dairy production and packaging workshops. Blood samples were obtained from all subjects in order to determine the serological status of the patients. After sera isolation, Rose Bengal, seroagglutination in tube (Wright), 2-mercaptoethanol (2ME), and ELISA tests were used to evaluate them.
Findings: In this study, the disease prevalence in the subjects with the mean age of 33±4.2 years was determined as 2, 1, 1, and 1% using Rose Bengal, Wright, 2-mercaptoethanol, and ELISA tests, respectively. The mean knowledge score of the employees in dairy products workshops was 31±5.7, and by increasing age and duration of work, knowledge about brucellosis was also increased
Conclusion: In this study, the mean knowledge score showed the average knowledge of the subjects about brucellosis. The disease prevalence in this occupational group was lower than that reported in other studies conducted on other at-risk occupational groups in other parts of Iran and the world. Therefore, health personnel should take the necessary measures against brucellosis.
Volume 6, Issue 3 (12-2017)
The present study was to evaluate the effect of dietary yeast cell wall (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and cinnamon essential oil (Cinnamomum verum) supplementation on growth indices, serum biochemical parameters and immunity of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fingerlings. Using a 2×2 factorial experiment, 276 fingerlings (9.67 ± 1.20 g) were fed four different experimental diets (including control diet, diet supplemented with 1.5 % yeast cell wall or 1 % cinnamon essential oil and a diet containing 1.5 % yeast cell wall and 1 % cinnamon essential oil) for a 60-day period. At the end of the trial, specific growth rate and weight gain significantly decreased in fish fed diet supplemented with 1% cinnamon essential oil (P≤0.05), however, feed conversion ratio was not statistically differed amongst treatments (P>0.05). Fish fed diets containing 1% cinnamon essential oil had the highest hepatosomatic index (P≤0.05). The highest red blood cell count and blood hemoglobin content belonged to group fed diet containing 1% cinnamon essential oil (P≤0.05). Simultaneous feeding with yeast cell wall and cinnamon essential oil significantly resulted in higher hematocrit value. Serum alkaline phosphatase activity was significantly increased in group fed diet containing 1.5% yeast cell wall. Dietary cinnamon essential oil supplementation also resulted in lower alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase and gamma glutamyltransferase activity of serum (P≤0.05). The highest serum total protein and globulin content and lysozyme activity were observed in fish fed diet only supplemented with yeast cell wall (P≤0.05). In conclusion, dietary cinnamon essential oil and yeast cell wall inclusion resulted in improved immunity of rainbow trout fingerlings.
Volume 6, Issue 4 (11-2020)
Background: Brucellosis is an important zoonotic disease with significant economic and public health consequences. This study aimed to investigate the seroepidemiological prevalence of human brucellosis in Gorgan and Dasht, Northeastern Iran during one year.
Materials & Methods: In this study, 153 brucellosis-suspected cases who were referred to the health centers of Gorgan and surrounding villages from April 2017 to March 2018, were included. Two serological assays (Wright and 2-mercaptoethanol) were performed on all sera taken from patients. Data were analyzed by SPSS software (version 23) using Chi-square test and independent t-test. A p-value less than .05 was considered as statistically significant.
Findings: Of 153 suspected cases, 62 cases (40.5%) were positive for brucellosis, among whom 39 cases (62.9%) were men, and 41 cases (66%) were 17-38 years old. The highest prevalence rate of brucellosis was observed in rural men (69.5%) as well as in those consuming raw cheese (35.5%) and being in direct contact with livestock (27.5%). Furthermore, the frequency of the disease was significantly higher in the summer. The incidence rate of the disease was significantly associated with season, history of contact with livestock, and the type of dairy product consumed (p <.05).
Conclusion: The prevalence of brucellosis is higher in rural areas of Gorgan, particularly among farmers and livestock keepers. Providing training and raising awareness of these individuals as well as developing strategic health plans regarding the consumption of unpasteurized dairy products could help reduce the incidence of brucellosis.