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Showing 54 results for Measurement

Javad Amnian, Mehdi Maerefat,
Volume 16, Issue 7 (9-2016)

The intense increasing of pollutions from cars in the enclosed residential parking lots is an important challenge. Forecast and estimate of generated pollution from cars is applicable for proper design of residential car parks. In this article, the pollution concentration in a residential parking lot is measured experimentally and the results are used for validation of numerical solution. In the second part, the pollutions are simulated in several parking lots and the equation of pollution incensement with time is proposed and offered in the form of analytical equation. By using this equation, the allowable time of man’s presence in these parking lots is offered.

Volume 16, Issue 86 (4-2019)

  Synthetic colors are additives which can affect the health and safety of food directly. As a result of the increase of synthetic dyes usage in industry and harmful effects of excessive consumption of synthetic colors on human health, we have attempted to propose a valid method by the simplest laboratory equipment for control dose of synthetic colors in foods. In this study, we have selected ice products as the real sample because of its simple matrix. Here, we have attempted to the determination of all allowed synthetic colors in ice samples as individual and mixtures of them (yellow-red, yellow-blue and red-blue) in one run simultaneously. All validation parameters of the method were calculated for each color and compared with international standards. Obtained results are in accordance with international standards and confirm that this method has a good potential to apply as a valid laboratory method not only for qualitative but also the measurement of synthetic colors in food.

Hesam Sadeghian, Yousef Hojjat, Masoud Soleimani,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (5-2017)

Dielectrophoresis is a phenomenon with wide application in the cell sorting system, in which, the dielectrophoresis force acts on a dielectric particle located in the non-uniform electric filed is used. In this study, governing equations on this phenomenon is presented and a new method for measuring dielectrophoresis force is developed. This method is based on measuring drag force on particle and solving the equilibrium equations. For this purpose drag force is measured in two directions, parallel and perpendicular to electrodes. To evaluate the method, an actuator has been developed which has paralleled electrodes with 50 μm widths and 50 μm intervals and a PDMS channel with height of 80 μm is mounted on them. In experimental result, the exerted dielectrophoretic force on U-87 tumor cell and white blood cell were measured. Since electrical properties of white blood cells are known, the accuracy of presented method was evaluated by using numerical simulation of their dielectrophoretic force and comparing with experimental results. Experimental results prove that the error of force measurement in traditional models, may be even more than 3 time of the actual dielectrophoresis force, while in presented method the source of this error is eliminated
Saeed Ahmadkhah, Reza Pr Hasanzadeh,
Volume 17, Issue 8 (10-2017)

One of the major issues in the industry is inhomogeneity depth profiling in the metallic structures before reaching them to the border of demolition. Fuzzy logic based methodologies, due to their ability to describe the complex issues with empirical nature such as non-destructive testing, are used for this purpose and usually provide acceptable results. But empirical rules and also extracted data from non-destructive testing methods mainly have high degree of uncertainty and therefore Classical fuzzy methods, which are based on exact membership grades and Type-I membership functions, are incapable to deal with them. Therefore, they cannot deal with noisy environments and also cannot represent a good performance for accurate depth estimation of unknown cracks. In this paper, to allocate uncertainty to rules and membership functions, the type-II fuzzy logic system is used to solve the inverse problem of crack profile depth estimation. Also Alternating Current Field Measurement (ACFM) signals are used to sizing the depth of crack profile. Then, experimental results of the proposed method are compared to the other state of the arts in the presence of different level of noise and different type of cracks. The results show the superiority of the proposed method to the other methods.
Ali Naseri, Arman Mohseni,
Volume 18, Issue 9 (12-2018)

Particle image velocimetry (PIV) is an optical flow measurement technique, which is capable of measuring instantaneous flow velocity. In this method, visualized flow patterns by small tracer particles, which follow the fluid flow and reflect an incident light, is recorded by a camera successively, and an analysis of particle movements in the recorded images results in the velocity of flow field. Correlation analysis is commonly used for the analysis of particle shift images, in which the images are divided into smaller windows called interrogation windows. The common displacement vector of particles in each interrogation window is determined by correlation analysis, which in turn results in the displacement vectors for the entire image. The accuracy of this method is dependent on the estimation of the location of the maximum value of correlation with subpixel accuracy. The objective of this research is the evaluation of function fit methods to estimate of the correlation peak location with subpixel accuracy. For this purpose, parabolic curve and second order surface fitting are investigated theoretically and experimentally. To achieve definite displacements, deformation of a solid part under uniform loading is investigated instead of fluid flow and the displacement of point patterns painted on the solid surface are analyzed. The results show that both function fit methods are capable of resolving subpixel movements with the accuracy of 0.035 pixel or one micrometer in this research.
A. Ghasemi, S. Amirahmadi, B. Asgari, M.r. Sareban,
Volume 19, Issue 3 (3-2019)

In this study, the method of releasing strains for calculating residual stresses in hole drilling process has been considered. For this purpose, a thick piece of cylindrical aluminum of 5 mm thickness has been investigated. Stepwise and high-speed drilling was performed in several successive steps, and released strains were recorded by a rosette strain gauge. The distribution of released strains in 3 forms of functions in the depth of the hole has been studied to transform strains to stresses, a linear function, a second-order function, and a third-order function. For each case, the longitudinal, tangential, shear stresses, principle stresses, and principle angles in the thickness of the piece were calculated and the results of the convergence analysis by the Tikhonov regularization were evaluated. In the end, the results are evaluated and compared for 3 modes. The results of the comparison of stresses and the degree of curves have shown that the third-order curve is more suitable for evaluation of released strains and using to transform them to residual stresses, and the magnitude of the error in the second-order curve is greater than the two other modes.

Volume 19, Issue 4 (12-2019)

Panel data constitutes a cornerstone for dynamic analysis, especially in poverty mobility studies. In developing countries such as Iran, household income and expenditure data are collected on a cross-sectional basis because of various reasons. As a result, households’ panel data are not available. Due to the concerns of policymakers in understanding the status of mobility of the poor, researchers have developed several approaches to study poverty mobility among countries using cross-sectional data. In 2013, the World Bank's Poverty Studies Group introduced a synthetic panel data method for poverty dynamics analysis, which provides relatively accurate estimates of poverty mobility. First, the present study calculates the absolute poverty line of urban areas of Iran in 2012, 2015 and 2016. Then, it uses the method of synthetic panel data in order to study the status of poverty mobility. The results show that there is a kind of status dependency in the urban poverty, so that the poor (non-poor) households in 2012/ 2015 were also poor (non-poor) in 2016 with a probability of more than 80 percent. Only with a probability of less than 20 percent, the poor (non-poor) households in 2012/2015 were non-poor (poor) in 2016.
V. Mohammad-Zadeh Eivaghi, M. Aliyari Shooredeli,
Volume 19, Issue 5 (5-2019)

An alarm threshold plays an important role in an industrial fault detection system and directly contributes the False Alarm Rate (FAR) and Missed Alarm Rate (MAR). A crucial consideration for designing a threshold is estimating the Probability Density Function (PDF) of both normal and abnormal based on samples. The existence of measurement error in samples will be the contributors to an inaccurate estimation, following that, the alarm threshold will also be inaccurate. Therefore, grasping and recognizing measurement errors is highly important; in this paper, this problem will be investigated. For this purpose, firstly, a mathematical closed-form of statistical parameters will be estimated, and, then, based on error propagation rule, the computation error estimated parameters will be explored. It is assumed the high limit and low limit values of the measurement error are known or computable. Secondly, an approach is introduced to design a varying alarm threshold adapting to the current value of measurement based on . The proposed method is confirmed via a Monte Carlo simulation and it is finally applied to an industrial benchmark, Gas Turbine V94.2, experiencing fouling fault.

S. Farsad, M.a. Ardekani, Foad Farhani,
Volume 19, Issue 5 (5-2019)

In two-dimensional measurements using hot wire anemometer, the sensitivity of the sensor to change the flow direction of direction or of of particular importance. flow velocity vector and heat transfer from the hot wire sensor is determined, using the Yaw sensitivity function and its coefficient. In some cases, negative values of Yaw sensitivity coefficient  are encountered, for which no specific reason has been presented. In this paper, reason of negative values of  for un-plated sensors of hot wire anemometer in two-dimensional measurements have been investigated experimentally. For this purpose, flow velocity field between the prongs of a model of a normal probe (SN) at different velocities and Yaw angles have been studied. Results show that the probe’s prongs produce flow disturbances, which cause a reduction in flow velocity and the deviation (rotation) of the flow adjacent to the prongs and the sensor. At different Yaw angles, the maximum reduction in flow velocity amounts to 3% and the deviation of flow direction has a maximum of 6.3°. It is supposed that this phenomenon affects the amount of heat transfer from the sensor and the effective velocity obtained by the hot wire anemometer, which eventually produces the reported negative  values.

M.h. Ghezelayagh, M.a. Samimi, Jamal Zamani,
Volume 19, Issue 5 (5-2019)

This paper investigates a kind of KNTU1 non-diaphragm shock tube equipped with an innovative design valve within a driven tube. The shock tube is capable of generating a flat shock wave in its driven tube with a length to diameter ratio of 41/6. The KNTU1 shock tube is -type and some limitations of this kind of shock tube such as the lack of without disassembling, the inability to adjust pressure ratio at a specified interval, and the inability to automate the shock tube caused a development on an automated shock tube. In this study, an innovative mechanism to achieve high-speed opening valve with an opening time of 8ms and 10ms is proposed. The unique feature of this automatic valve, compared with existing valves, is its opening from the center to the sides, such as the camera aperture. This is the best way to open the valve and smooth the wave and compensates for a part of the opening time of the valve. Also, the alignment of the driver and the drain prevents disturbances caused by the redirection or rotation of the gas seen in most valves. These help optimize the shock tube. Another initiative in this paper is the design and construction of an optical system to measure the speed and the moment of shock wave arrival to check the shape surface of the shock wave. This system has the ability to move in driven. This paper has been compiled to compare theoretical and experimental data of shock wave.

T. Falahati Nodeh, M. Mirzaei , E. Babazadeh Mehrababni, M.j. Khosrowjerdi,
Volume 19, Issue 7 (7-2019)

In this paper, the effect of different sensors on the observer performance of vehicle suspension system is investigated. For this purpose, the concept of observable degree analysis is used to quantitatively measure the observability for different sensor choices. A new method, for determining the observable degree of linear time invariant (LTI) systems has been developed on the basis of distance of system from set of similar unobservable systems. A long distance is equivalent to a strong observability and a short distance is equivalent to a weak observability. The zero distance means that the system is unobservable. Since the distance to different unobservable modes can be determined separately, a comprehensive investigation of system observability and the effect of different sensor choices on the observer performance can be provided. In the following, the observable analysis of the suspension system was performed based on the proposed method and the effect of different outputs on the observer performance has been investigated. The results show that when the observable degree is increased for a specific sensor, the observer gain is decreased and consequently the sensitivity of observer relative to the noise and measurement errors is decreased. The increased accuracy of observer demonstrates a good conformity between observable degree analysis and observer performance. Also, a comparative study showed that, contrary to previous criteria that only considered a certain aspect of observability, the proposed method is more comprehensive and realistic, and the results obtained from the previous criteria can easily be achieved through the proposed method.

M. Mohammadi, J. Jafari Fesharaki,
Volume 19, Issue 10 (10-2019)

This study aims to investigate the ability of ultrasonic method by using critically refracted longitudinal (LCR) wave for measuring stress in the elastic phase of an iron-base alloy and a an equation includes of  acoustoelastic constant was provided. For this purpose, extract detail of metal alloy components was achieved by use of quantometer analysis testing and . In order to send and receive the LCR wave into the samples, the investigation leads to design a unique type of ultrasonic fixture. The fixture was made based on Snell’s law that only in one part. In the next step, different amounts of stress were applied to the specimens by using a uniaxial tensile testing machine and record stress-strain curve data. To this end, more than three metal samples were used in the study. Measurement of longitudinal applied stress by ultrasonic method was done by using 2MHz probes based on Acoustoelasticity theory and close to the surface of the samples. After conducting the experimental tests, the results indicated that there was a significant relation between stress and time of flight and wave speed in the elastic phase of the used sample. Every material has a unique acoustoelastic constant that can determine stress value by having times of flight wave. The conclusions of the study provide a gradient of a line that known as an acoustoelastic constant. Finally, by comparing the results of the used method with other researchers results, findings showed that there were good agreements between them which shows the good capability of acoustoelasticity theory in the measurement of stress.

S.a. Mostafavi, H. Safikhani, J. Zamani,
Volume 19, Issue 12 (12-2019)

Air pollution is one of the consequences of industrial development that its severity is increasing day to day, due to the population growth and expanding urbanization, development of transport and fuel consumption increases. Awareness of air quality and trends of pollutants changes in different locations in a city can play an important and effective role in urban health management and macro policymaking. The first practical step in reducing the level of pollutants is the adequate knowledge of the pollutants details, including the type, amount and frequency of events throughout the year to determine the type of pollution and its source. In this paper, the results of hourly, daily, monthly and annual analysis of the various pollutants have been studied and scrutinized using the experimental data obtained from air quality measurement stations in the city of Saveh. In the end, In addition to the general solutions and suggestions for reducing the air pollution level in Saveh city,  two precise solutions include the construction of an underpass and construction of a high way have been presented which the geometry and detailed features of each one has been mentioned in the article.

Volume 20, Issue 134 (4-2023)

The aim of study was estimated and compared intra-laboratory quantification deviation (SIR) or measurement uncertainty (MU) as a performance Charateristics  in verification of  the implementation  step of quantitative test methods in food microbiology laboratories. The aerobic mesophilic colony counts of   microorganisms (ACC) and Enterobacteriaceae colony count (ECC), as two important and common tests in the microbial evaluation of all type of food was selected and interlaboratoary standard deviation estimation of selected food items: minced meat, hamburger, soy powder, pasteurized liquid eggs, pasteurized and UHT milk, ice cream, Fruit  juice, flour, cake and spice (PEPER) were calculated based on ISO-19036 standard method (2019). In this comparison, technical, matrix, distribution, confirmation and combined  Uncertinity were calculated and reported. Calculation of the technical uncertainty of the ECC test in (pasteurized and ultra-heated milk, ice cream, fruit juice and pasteurized liquid eggs) by created the artificial contamination on three levels with the target organism (Shigella felxseneri) and in other food items it was natural contamination, in the ACC test was only natural contamination was calculated. The technical uncertainty results of the ECC test ranged from 0.487 to 0.07 and in the ACC test, from 0.390 to 0.105 log10 cfu/g. The highest values of technical and matrix uncertainty were observed in meat, cake, hamburger and cheese samples, which showed the heterogeneous foods (solid and semi-solid) and the lowest values were observed in liquid (homogeneous) samples. Evaluation of variability and followed the uncertainty is proposed as a way to standardize the expression of variability associated with data obtained in microbiological methods to highlight the causes and extent of several influencing factors., , , ,
Volume 21, Issue 1 (1-2021)

One of the measurement systems for the identification of modal parameters of the structure is digital video cameras. Modal analysis based on video measurements, despite the many advantages, is associated with some challenges due to its dependence on high contrast markers. In the present study, a new algorithm is presented to use only the measured full-field responses, without additional preparation of the structural surface. This algorithm is phase-based and is implemented using the blind source separation method and motion magnification technique. It uses a multi-scale pyramid analysis technique to extract the full-field spatiotemporal pixel phases. To validate this algorithm, the free and random vibration videos of two cantilever and simple beams with known modal parameters were reconstructed in MATLAB. The average difference between the values identified and the theoretical values for the frequencies of the first to fourth modes is less than 2% and less than 0/1 for damping. The results obtained in this section also confirm the ability of the algorithm to identification closely-spaced modes of the structure. Also, to evaluate the performance of the algorithm in laboratory conditions, a free and random vibration video of an aluminum cantilever beam, prepared in the laboratory using a high-speed camera, is examined. Comparing the results with theoretical values or case study reports shows that using the techniques introduced in this article is a suitable and promising solution to identify the modal parameters of the structure.

Volume 21, Issue 147 (4-2024)

Cheese is one of the most consumed milk products. At present, one of the most widely used salty white cheeses in Iran is the cheese produced by the ultrafiltration method. Non-thermal (cold) plasma is a new method to remove food microorganisms. In this research, the effect of cold plasma on the reduction of microbial load and qualitative and rheological characteristics of cheese samples produced through different tests was investigated. The samples were prepared and produced in Pegah Hamadan Company under two microbial treatments (yeast mold and coliform) and the duration of plasma application at two levels (7 and 13 minutes) and the control sample (lack of contamination, no plasma) and during the storage period of 30 days. They were tested once every ten days with 2 repetitions by colorimetric tests, pH, and tissue test (TPA) and Warner test. The results of the statistical analysis of the obtained data showed a significant difference in the evaluated traits between the control sample and the treatments that underwent the cold plasma process. The value of parameter L* in the samples treated with cold plasma decreased compared to the control sample, also the index b* (yellowness index) did not increase significantly for all cheese samples at the end of the storage period. There was no significant difference in the amount of Springiness between the samples treated with plasma and the control sample, and the amount of gumminess did not increase significantly during the storage period. There was a significant increase in shear modulus, shear stress and shear force between the first day and the 10th, 20th, and 30th days. It can also be concluded that the treatments with coliform contamination have less stiffness and strength than other treatments and the type pollution added to the samples is the cause of this significant difference.

Volume 22, Issue 4 (6-2020)

The aim of this study was to determine the differences in digit sizes from both pelvic limbs of 169 dairy cows of different genetic groups (Holstein, Jersey, Brown Swiss, and Jersolando), in lactating and non-lactating conditions, and their relation with diseases. Images were taken from the plantar view of the lateral and medial digits, and the length and width of the sole and bulb were then measured. Variables were discarded and factors for analysis were defined. Data were defined according to the highest coefficients and used to discriminate genetic groups and their association with indexes of foot diseases and productive performance. The Chi-square test showed that higher involvement occurred in lactating cows and in the right pelvic limb. Differences among all genetic groups were observed regarding the variables body weight, productive longevity, incidence of foot diseases, and generated factors. The Jersey breed was isolated from the other genetic groups because it presented lower coefficients for all variables; Holstein and Brown Swiss presented the highest morphometric measures of the digits, a higher body weight, and productive longevity, and higher rates of foot diseases. The Jersolando presented intermediate values ​​between those of the two breeds from which it originated. The susceptibility to foot diseases is associated with breed, lactational stage, body weight, and with the morphometric parameters of the digits.
Mahdy Ahangar, Arefeh Hoseini,
Volume 22, Issue 6 (5-2022)

In this research, the dielectric barrier discharge plasma driven channel flow with the applied magnetic field has been proposed for use as a thruster in propulsion applications and studied experimentally. Measurements of the thrust and consumed power of thruster for different values of the barrier thickness have been performed and the data have been compared with the corresponding ones without magnetic field. It is found that consumed power and thrust of the thruster in the presence of magnetic field are respectively little reduced and increased than that without the magnetic field. The measurements show that the effectiveness increases to a maximum and then drops as the operating voltage monotonically increases over a range from 12 to 26 kV. A power law analysis for revealing the relationships among the effectiveness, thrust, consumed power, and operating voltage has been presented for the thruster with and without the magnetic field. It is seen that the applied magnetic field and thicker dielectric barrier can lead to a higher effectiveness at the point of transition from the glow regime to the filamentary regime. The effects of micro-discharge channels on the effectiveness in the both regimes have been discussed. The observations indicate that in the presence of magnetic field, the additional micro-discharge channels are generated and develop along the magnetic field lines and the diffuse background emission of the discharge is stronger in plasma. The underlying physical mechanisms of mentioned phenomena have been explained and mainly ascribed to the enhanced ionization by applying the magnetic field.

Volume 23, Issue 2 (5-2023)

In order to estimate the amount of flood damage, knowledge of flow characteristics such as speed and flow rate is very important. Nowadays, the use of large-scale particle image velocimetry method is used to estimate flow parameters and flow field in laboratory and field scale. But image processing in relation to important environmental parameters has not been well investigated. To be more precise, the effect of environmental parameters such as; The position of the camera, the speed coefficient, and the sensitivity of the probe window have not been measured. The basis of this research is based on image processing methods, through which flow rate and flow field are calculated. In this study, the capabilities of this method have been accurately measured on a laboratory scale in relation to effective environmental parameters. In this regard, the investigation window of this study shows that the window of 20 pixels provides better results in different depths. In relation to the position of the camera, the studies showed that the placement of the camera obliquely provides the desired results. Regarding the speed coefficient, the studies show that the coefficient between 0.85 and 0.9 provides the best results. The results of the research in laboratory conditions based on the depths of 12.5, 15.5 and 18.5 cm indicate that by using the large-scale particle surface velocimeter system, according to the selection of the optimal conditions, the selection of the appropriate computing network ; camera position; Selection of the search window optimization; hydraulic specifications as well as the appropriate selection of the speed coefficient; It estimates the values of flow rate and flow speed with optimal accuracy. The relative error values of discharge and flow velocity in this research based on the LSPIV method for depths of 12.5, 15.5 and 18.5 cm are equal to 6.5,3.1 and 2.1 percent.

Volume 26, Issue 1 (1-2024)

Field observations of flow measurement difficulties using portable ultrasonic flow meters are reported in this work. Accordingly, pipe wall thickness and sensors’ spacing were identified as two important sources of the in-situ flow measurement inaccuracies. Experimental tests were accomplished to evaluate the effect of input parameters on the performance of the portable ultrasonic flow meters. Iron and Unplasticized Poly Vinyl Chloride (UPVC) pipes of the outer diameters of 3, 4, and 8 inches were tested. For all tested cases, the pipe wall thickness increase would affect the ultrasonic performance more than the cases with the wall thickness decrease. A mixed effect of the sensors’ spacing was observed for the changes in pipe material/dimensions. Finally, a correction equation was proposed to improve the flow measurements.

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