Showing 50 results for Ahangar
Volume 11, Issue 1 (Number 1 - 2009)
Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) which belongs to the virus family Potyviridae, causes a disease in soybean that is present in soybean-growing areas of the world, and is widely distributed in northern Iran. Detection of SMV is very important for disease management. In the present study several serological and molecular (nucleic acid- based) methods of rapid virus detection were compared. Serological studies including DAS- ELISA, DAC-ELISA, TPIA and DIBA were optimized and compared to identify the virus by using a polyclonal antibody. Among the serological methods, TPIA and DIBA are simple and TPIA is rapidly and easily applicable in the field. However, TPIA was found to be preferable. TPIA is time-saving, not requiring conventional sap extraction and also nitrocellulose membranes used for printing can be used in the field and stored for a long time or transported to other laboratory to be processed. RT-PCR and Immunocapture RT-PCR (IC-RT-PCR) were performed as molecular methods for detecting SMV using a pair of primers designed to amplify a fragment in the coding region of the SMV coat protein. To extract total RNA for RT-PCR, two methods including RNAWIZ and phenol-chloroform were used. A part of the coat protein genome of SMV was converted to cDNA using a reverse transcription (RT) reaction. For IC-RT-PCR method, virus partial purification was carried out by solid-phase (0.2 ml microfuge tube) adsorbed polyclonal antibody, and then the RT reaction was carried out in the tube. In both methods cDNAs were amplified by PCR. Both methods amplified the expected fragment in virus-infected plants. Whereas RT-PCR requires total RNA extraction, ICRT- PCR do not have total RNA extraction problems. Our findings suggest that TPIA and IC- RT- PCR can be routinely used for SMV detection, with high efficiency.
Volume 11, Issue 1 (3-2022)
Aeromonas hydrophila is an opportunist pathogen in fish and responsible for wide range of fish diseases. In this study, the effect of different levels of curcumin in the diet on growth and resistance to infection with Aeromonas hydrophila in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) was investigated by peritoneal injection. For this purpose, six concentrations of 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1% of different levels of curcumin were mixed with a special feed for carp. 360 common carp with an average weight of 50±4/7 g (divided into six groups), each group was divided into 60 fish and 20 fish per replication. Live Aeromonas hydrophila was exposed to concentrations containing Cfu/ml10 of Aeromonas hydrophila for 10 days and post-challenge mortality was compared between treatments.The results showed that administration of 0.8 and 1% curcumin caused a significant increase In the reduction of losses after challenge with Aeromonas hydrophilis in bacteria in treatments of 0.8 and 1% curcumin showed significant compared to the control treatment (p <0.05).In general, it can be said that the most appropriate concentration of curcumin in feed to increase resistance to infection Bacterial cells are 0.8 and 1%.
Volume 11, Issue 6 (No. 6 (Tome 60), (Articles in Persian) 2020)
Continuous changes taking place in languages have been due to the dynamic nature of language that occurs progressively and slowly over time. In this regard, local languages and dialects change less than the standard languages. Sistani dialect is also among the dialects that has its own specific phonetic, phonological, syntactic and morphological elements and characteristics making it different from the Standard (Modern) Persian. This article while describing some morphological features of Sistani dialect in comparison to Old, Middle, Darri Persian and Avesta Language also is going to show which historical elements and features of this dialect are still being used and have been inherited from which era. The linguistic data has been collected via library and also field methods, through interviewing with old Sistani men above 60 years old and recording their free speech. Then the extracted morphological elements from Sistani dialect were compared to those of Old, Middle, and Dari Persian as well as Avesta Language. The results show that in this dialect, there are some prefixes such as /be-/, /mē-/, /na-/, /ma-/ and suffixes /-ak(a)/, non-past verb inflectional suffixes, demonstrative pronouns, /i/ and /o/, personal pronouns /to/، /o/، /mâ/ ، /šmâ/ and /ošo/, reflexive pronouns /xod/ and /xâ/, lack of bound personal and also the exsistance of the initial consonant clusters such as dr، st، fr which have originated from Old, Middle, and Dari Persian as well as Avesta language.
1. Introduction
Continuous changes occurring in languages are due to the dynamic nature of language. Such alternations occur progressively and slowly over the time. In this regard, local dialects and languages change less than standard languages. Awareness of existing linguistic elements in any dialect and presenting a complete description of them makes clear the root of the Persian dialects and their relation to modern Persian and also contributes to disambiguation of ambiguous points in previous Iranian languages as well as the diachronic changes occurred in them.
Sistani dialect has its own specific characteristics in different areas such as phonology, morphology and grammar which has made it different from standard Persian. Sistani is regarded as a dialect of New Persian, which is classified within the Southwestern group of Iranian languages. It takes its name from the historically important Sistan region that straddles southeastern Iran and southwestern Afghanistan: one portion of Sistan makes up the northern part of the Iranian province of Sistan and Baluchestan and the other portion is a part of the Nimruz Province in Afghanistan. This dialect is also spoken in the Sarakhs, Torkamanestan. In other parts of Iran, Sistani speakers also live in some part of Iranian Baluchestan, Mazandaran, Golestan and Khorasan Razavi Provinces.
This article, while describing some grammatical and morphological elements of Sistani dialect, along with comparing them with Old, Middle and Dari Persian as well as Avesta, is going to show which historical grammatical and morphological elements are still used in this dialect and the language variety that they inherited from.
2. Methodology
To this end, the free speech of 20 of the above sixty-year-old uneducated or less educated male speakers in Sistan were provided. Then a questionnaire was prepared. The questions were designed for finding the tense of verbs, personal and demonstrative pronouns, consonant clusters and the names in Sistani dialect. Finally, the data were extracted, described and then analyzed.
3. Discussion and Results
The research findings show that Sistani dialect has some similar elements and features to those of Old, Middle and Dari Persian as well as Avesta. Correspondingly, there are some prefixes such as /be-/, /mē-/, /na-/, /ma-/; some suffixes like /-ak(a)/ and verbal endings; independent personal pronouns, reflexive pronouns, demonstrative pronouns; the lack of dependent personal pronounsi and the existence of initial consonant clusters, all of which have somehow origin in Old, Middle and Darri Persian as well as Avesta.
In this respect, the prefix /be-/ is used with the past tense verbs which is manifested as [b-], [ba-], [be-], [bo-], [bi-], [p-], or [ø-]. The prefix /mē-/ is used with the simple non-past and non-past progressive with different realization: [mē-], [m-], [me-], and [mi-]. The prefix /na-/ is used for all verbs with both indicative, subjunctive and imperative moods in Sistani dialect. This prefix is realized as [n-], [na-], or [ne-]. The prefix /ma-/ is used with prohibitive verbs. All the above mentioned elements originate from Old, Middle and Dari Persian.
In Nouns, the occurrence of the suffix /-ak(a)/ which originates from old Persian -ak(a) functions as diminutive and/or affection, gerund and definite markers. Moreover, the similarity between the personal and possessive pronouns and those of Old Persian, Middle Persian as well as Avesta are illustrated. The personal pronouns in Sistani dialect: [me], [to], [o], [mâ], [šmâ], [ošo], have been derived from Old, Middle Persian as well as Avesta’s possessive pronouns: man, tu, oy or ho, ahmākǝm, yūšmakǝm and ōyšān. On the other hand, Sistani dialect does not make use of dependent possessive pronouns. Indeed, the personal and possessive pronouns are identical in this dialect. As to initial consonant clusters, Sistani dialect has preserved the initial consonant clusters in roots to give some examples: [drāxt] “tree”, [spest] “Alfalfa”, [psār] “boy, son”, [kmār] “waist”, inherited from Old and Middle Persian. However, in Dari Persian, initial consonant clusters do not exist. It seems the standard Persian follows Dari Persian Language in this respect.
4. Conclusions
The description of some grammatical and morphological elements and features of Sistani Dialect shows that this dialect acts differently from standard Persian in some grammatical and morphological elements. These elements originate from Old, Middle, Dari Persian as well as Avesta which include some prefixes such as /be-/, /mē-/, /na-/, /ma-/; some suffixes comprising /-ak(a)/ and personal or verb endings; independent personal pronouns; reflexive pronouns; demonstrative pronouns; the lack of dependent personal pronouns; the existence of initial consonant cluster originating from Old, Middle and Dari as well as Avesta. In addition, the findings indicate that the language changes occur throughout the time and the dialects preserve the original structures of the old languages more than the standard languages.
Volume 12, Issue 4 (11-2012)
Pseudo-static method is one of the oldest and simplest techniques for seismic stability analysis of embankment dams. Selection of appropriate seismic coefficients is the foremost part of analysis in Pseudo-static method. Previous researchers and design manuals often suggest constant values for selecting the seismic coefficient, regardless of geometry and stiffness of foundation and the dynamic characteristics of the structures.
In the proposed method, the seismic coefficient is a function of parameters α and β. Parameter β is indicative of acceleration amplification in the direction of the dam height, and is related to the geometrical specifications and material properties of the dam body and foundation. Therefore, β can be obtained through dynamic analysis. In this research, in order to obtain the effect of foundation on this parameter, a geometrical model of the Masjed Soleiman Dam has been analyzed dynamically using seismographs of earthquakes that occurred in different sites. Dam consultants used this value for the MDE of the Masjed Soleiman Dam site. Parameter was obtained by assessing the way in which the maximum acceleration varied at different points on the height of the dam. Also, the effect of far and near field records of earthquake are evaluated.
In this research, the safety factor in a wedge corresponding to the seismograph that causes the allowable displacement in that wedge is assumed to be equal to one. Thus, available seismographs were scaled to peak acceleration values and, using them, the wedge displacement values were calculated. The safety factor changes were then calculated using the seismograph that caused the allowable displacement in the wedge. These safety factors were assumed to be equal to one, and the dynamic safety factor for each wedge was determined by comparison of the results obtained from the original seismograph.
After comparison of the dynamic and pseudo-static safety factors, the desired safety factor was determined. The distribution of the horizontal acceleration corresponding to the safety factor was compared with the linear distribution of horizontal acceleration proposed in this article and the values of β were determined. Finally, a new technique to estimate the pseudo-static seismic coefficient is presented. Different conditions for foundation are assumed and results of analyses are evaluated. Results of this research imply that geometry, stiffness and analyses have been compared and based on the comparison of axial forces in the nails (as the most important factor of the stability), the equivalent horizontal acceleration coefficient for the model is proposed. The applied forces cause the reinforcement tension and the mobilized tension force can overcome the soil tension weakness. Thus, predicting mobilized forces in soldier pile nails during earthquake is very important.
The effects of most important parameters such as wall height, nail arrangements and soil types through numerical modeling of the soldier piles under dynamic loading by using FLAC have been investigated.
Volume 12, Issue 4 (Fall 2024)
Aims: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder affects approximately 5.3% of children globally, causing significant functional challenges. This study examined the relationship between parental stress-coping strategies and the quality of life in children with this disorder.
Instrument & Methods: In this cross-sectional analysis, 220 children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (aged 8 to 12 years) and their parents were selected from medical centers affiliated with Babol University of Medical Sciences in 2023. Diagnoses were confirmed by a child and adolescent psychiatrist using DSM-5 criteria. Parents completed the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations-Short Form, while the children's quality of life was assessed using the Pediatric QoL Inventory.
Findings: Children rated their quality of life and its specific aspects higher than their parents did. A significant difference was observed only in the emotional coping strategy within the emotional functioning domain, where children in the high-quality-of-life group reported better scores (p=0.017). Other dimensions and coping strategies did not show statistically significant differences (p>0.05). Furthermore, from the parents' perspective, no significant associations were found between stress-coping strategies and their children's quality of life across any dimension (p>0.05).
Conclusion: Parental coping strategies, particularly those involving emotional support, play a key role in shaping the emotional experiences of children with ADHD.
Volume 13, Issue 2 (5-2022)
The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of the addressee’s power and gender on the choice of the type and number of encouragement strategies employed by Persian male and female university students based on Brown and Levinson’s (1987) theory. A number of 60 M.A. students (30 males and 30 females) from the University of Sistan and Baluchestan participated in this study. Discourse completion test and role play technique were utilized as two data gathering instruments. The data were analyzed using the Chi-square and Independent-T test (p<.05). The results indicated there was a significant relationship between the addressee’s power and the type as well as the number of encouragement strategies employed by male and female university students. The most frequent strategy type was the “negative politeness” giving deference for the addressee with higher power (the professor). As to the number of strategies, the most and less frequent ones were the combination of two and nine strategies, respectively. The addressee’s gender had an effect on the type of the strategies used by male students in three situations; while it didn’t have any effect on the number of strategies used by male students and also on the type and number of strategies employed by female students. The most frequent strategy type used by female students was the “positive politeness” and the combination of three strategies for male and female addressees; by male students: “positive politeness” for male addressees and “negative politeness” and the combination of two strategies for female addressees.
1. Introduction
Interpersonal interactions and how they are formed play a significant role in human social life. One way to interact is through using different speech acts. Many factors can involve in making use of politeness principle in interacting and communicating. In life and social interactions, human beings use various speech acts such as request, agreement, disagreement, swearing, giving advice and encouragement in order to express their meaning. One of the most important and effective theories in pragmatics field is Austin’s speech act theory. He believes that every sentence may have a performative feature and also it has an action within it; therefore, every sentence should be considered within its context (Austin, 1962). Employing the speech acts depends on various factors such as language characteristics and socio-cultural frameworks. Among these factors, politeness is one of the crucial factors in interpersonal communications in different societies and cultures. Politeness can be represented in various aspects of behavior based on the factors such as the addressee’s social status, power, and gender in using speech acts. One of the most widely used speech acts among their various range in interpersonal interactions is the encouragement speech act. If this speech act is appropriately used in the right context, it will have important effects on relations between individuals as well as on saving face based on power and gender of the addressee. Thus based on what is mentioned and according to the importance and impact of the encouragement speech act in every person’s social life, the type and number of encouragement strategies and the effect of the addressee’s power and gender on the use of this speech act by Persian language male and female university students can be investigated and analyzed based on Brown and Levinson’s (1987) politeness theory. The research data were gathered via two data collection tools including discourse completion test (DCT) and role-play technique. The hypotheses of the present study are as follows:
1. Due to the addressee’s power, there is a significant difference in the useage of the type of encouragement speech act strategies among Persian-speaking male and female university students.
2. Due to the addressee’s power, there is a significant difference in the usage of the number of encouragement speech act strategies among Persian-speaking male and female university students
3. Due to the addressee’s gender, there is a significant difference in the usage of the type of encouragement speech act strategies among Persian-speaking male and female university students.
4. Due to the addressee’s gender, there is a significant difference in the usage of the number of encouragement speech act strategies among Persian-speaking male and female university students.
2. Literature Review
By considering linguistic, cultural, and social characteristics of language, different speech acts have been examined by many researchers. Rahimpour and Yaghubi Noutash (1999) investigated the impact of gender and subject on speech act in English language learners. Amou Ali Akbari Najafabadi (2007) has conducted a research to examine the Social-interpersonal power and politeness strategies in Persian. Pishgadam and Rasouli (2011) examined the persuasion speech act strategies among Iranian language learners by considering speaker’s gender. Zeynali Dastuyee (2012) studied the effect of addressee’s power and gender on the type and number of apology and refusal strategies employed by Sarawani university students. Shafaghi (2013) investigated the promise speech act and the use of promise in political discourse. Pishghadam and Attaran (2015) studied the speech act of argumentation in English and Persian advertisements. Azarparand (2019) has investigated changes in addressing strategies based on Brown and Levinson's Politeness theory. This case study research has been conducted in Tehran University among Iranian lecturers and students.
3. Methodology
In the present study, the effect of the gender and power of addressee variables on the choice of politeness strategies in encouragement speech act in Persian language is investigated. This study is a descriptive-analytical research. A number of 60 M.A. students (30 males and 30 females) from the University of Sistan and Baluchestan participated in this study. Their age was ranged from 23 to 34 years old. They had an average age of 25 years. All subjects were randomly selected, were monolingual, and Persian-speaking postgraduate students who were studying in different fields of study. Discourse completion test (DCT) and role play technique were utilized as two data gathering devices. The questionnaire which was used in the study was a researcher-made one. The data were analyzed using Chi-square test, Analysis of variance (ANOVA), and Independent T-test.
4. Results
The present study examined the encouragement speech act based on two determining variables including the power and the gender of the addressee in different contexts. The findings of the study show that the addressee’s power can be an important and effective factor in the selection of the type and number of the encouragement strategies. The most frequent strategy type is the “negative politeness” strategy. In addition, the addressee’s power has an effect on the number of the encouragement strategies employed by male and female university students. As the power of the addressee increases, the use of more complex strategies becomes more and simple strategies are utilized in dealing with the addressee with low power. As to the number of the strategies, the most frequent and less frequent ones are the combination of two and nine strategies respectively. The results also indicate that the gender of the addressee affects the type of the encouragement strategies used by male university students while, it doesn’t affect the number of strategies used by male students. It also doesn’t have any effect on the type and number of the strategies used by female university students. Also, data analysis reveals that there is no significant relationship between the addressee’s gender and the number of the encouragement strategies. In other words, the addressee’s gender has no effect on the number of the encouragement strategies used by male and female university students
Volume 13, Issue 4 (winter 2013 2014)
In the economic literature, inflation is one of the most important factors influencing income inequality. Since Iran as a developing country has frequently been facing with high and volatile inflation rates, the study of the effect of inflation on income inequality is of considerable importance. Despite the importance of the issue, the few studies that have dealt with this subject have not derived same result, so the effect of inflation on income inequality remains paradoxical. However, the economic studies in recent decades confirm the nonlinear relationship between inflation and income inequality. Inspired by these studies, we investigate the nonlinear effect of inflation on income inequality during 1971-2006. Likewise, we examine the Granger causality relationship between inflation and income inequality by using “Toda & Yamamoto” and “Error correction” procedures during 1971-2007.
Mahdy Ahangar, Reza Ebrahimi, Mehrzad Shams,
Volume 13, Issue 14 (Second Special Issue 2014)
In this study, a two-dimensional, axisymmetric, computational Algorithm has been developed to simulate the plasma flowfield in a MPD thruster for the purpose of determining the flow behavior and electromagnetic characteristics distribution. The solution employs Roe’s flux vector difference method in combination with Powell’s characteristics-splitting scheme. To ensure the stable high-accuracy solution, new modification of MUSCL technique so called OMUSCL2 method is used. According to being supersonic strong gasdynamic expansion near the electrodes tip, HHT entropy correction is employed. Further improvements to the physical model, such as the inclusion of relevant classical transport properties, a real equation of state, multi-level equilibrium ionization models, anomalous transport, and multi-temperature effects, that are essential for the realistic simulation MPD flows, are implemented. Numerical results of a lab-scale thruster are presented, whereby comparison with experimental data shows good agreement between the predicted and measured enclosed current and electric potential.
Volume 14, Issue 1 (March & April 2023 (Articles in English & French) 2023)
The present study explored the effect of explicit Communication Strategies (CSs) instruction on Iranian EFL learners’ usage of these strategies in their educational tasks at different proficiency levels. To conduct the study, the researchers chose 20 Iranian EFL teachers and their 150 students at two universities in Tabriz, Iran. Accepting a mixed-methods design, the researchers used a questionnaire, an English language proficiency test, and a semi-structured interview to collect the required data. The findings indicated that after receiving communication strategy instruction, teachers and students had positive attitudes toward the usefulness of CSs in the language learning process. However, learners in different proficiency levels had different preferences toward CSs. While advanced learners showed their inclination to use compensation strategies, intermediate learners preferred to use metacognitive. Elementary learners favoured using cognitive CSs. These differences can be attributed to individual differences and contextual factors that suggest pedagogical implications for both teachers and students and provide tentative subjects for further studies.
Volume 14, Issue 2 (May & June 2023 2023)
This study deals with fortition processes in Sistani dialect as spoken in Sistan region located in the north of Sistan and Baluchestan province based on Autosegmental phonology by Goldsmith (1976). This is a descriptive-analytic study. So, 20 females and males more than 50 years old, low educated and Sistani dialect speakers have been selected by random. The data has been gathered by interviewing and recording their free speech for twenty minutes per person . The relevant data has been extracted from the recorded sentences and then transcribed by IPA alphabet. Eventually, the phonological rules of the data have been described and analyzed based on the concepts and principles of Autosegmental phonology. The research results showed that the fortition process in Sistani dialect, is represented as glottal [ʔ] insertion in initial position of word, front high glide [j] insertion and nasal consonant [n] insertion between two vowels at the end of the word in the coda position, the conversion of voiced obstruent /ʁ/ to voiceless obstruent [χ], the conversion of obstruent labio-dental /f/ and /v/ to labial [p] and [b], gemination between two morphemes and at the end of some words and also, aspiration process in the voiceless obstruent consonants in the onset position of the first syllable, the stressed syllables in the middle of words as well as the coda position of the last syllable.
1. Introduction
According to some phonologists, there are two kinds of phonological processes which act as two dual processes called lenition and fortition. This duality is based on the amount of sound power and energy consumed in the course of speech production. For example, vowel sounds are weak and voiceless sounds are strong. The distinction between weak and strong sounds originates from the amount of air pressure in the larynx during speech production (Trask, 1996, p. 149). In the generative phonology, the phonological process of fortition takes place when a strong sound is replaced by a weaker sound (Kenstowicz, 1994). In fact, the fortition of a sound originates from the natural need of the language to increase the production power of that sound and causes the phonological process to be strengthened (Krichner, 1998). Lass (1988, p. 48) believes that any process and conversion of sound from left to right is a fortition process:
zero → semivowel → fricative → stop
voice → voiceless (lass, 1988 :177)
Research Question(s)
- 1. What kind of fortion processes occur in Sistani dialect?
- How is the phonological representation of fortition processes in Sistani dialect?
2. Literature Review
Heretofore, no research has been done in the Sistani dialect to investigate the fortition process. However, among the researches that have been done in the field of phonological processes in Persian language, we can name a few that have only investigated the phonological process of fortition. Mobaraki (2013) has investigated the fortition process in Persian language and Sabzevari, Euclid, Shahrezaei and Kermani dialects and showed the place of articulation of this process in Persian language and the mentioned dialects. Kord Zafaranlu Kambouzia and Aryaei (2015) have studied the fortition process in Shul dialect of Bushehr city. In this research, the authors have introduced two compensatory lengthening processes including conversion and insertion. As seen, due to the lack of sufficient studies on the fortition processes in Sistani Dialect, especially based on the non-linear and autosegmental phonology, the authors have described and analyzed the phonological processes of fortition in this dialect based on non-linear and autosegmental phonology.
3. Methodology
The study is a descriptive-analytic study. So, 20 Sistani females and males more than 50 years old and low educated have been selected by random. The data has been gathered by interviewing and recording their free speech for twenty minutes per person. The relevant data has been extracted from the recorded sentences and then transcribed by IPA alphabet. Eventually, the phonological rules of the data have been described and analyzed based on the concepts and principles of Autosegmental phonology.
4. Results
The study of data showed that the fortition process in the Sistani dialect appears in the form of various phonological rules. In response to the research questions, it was found that the fortition process in the Sistani dialect appears in the form of inserting [ʔ] at the beginning of the word, inserting [j] and [n] between two vowels, inserting /n/ at the end of the final syllable, and also assimilation, gemination and aspiration processes.
Also, the results showed that the speakers of the new generation, after removing the continuous glottal phoneme /h/ from the beginning of the loanwords, insert glottal [ʔ] before the initial vowel. Like: /halɑl/ which is used as [ʔalɑl]. On the other hand, [ʔ] is inserted at the beginning of words that do not have an initial consonant and begin with a vowel, eg., /ɑb/ 'water' pronounced as [ʔou]. Also, the process of fortition occurs in the Sistani dialect in the form of insertion of [j] and [n], for instance, [toʃni+j+a] "he/she is thirsty" and [ke+n+a] "who is ?".
Another process is devoicing. In this process, the phoneme /ʁ/ is represented [χ] and also the phonemes /f, v/ are pronounced as [b, d] respectively, eg., /vaʁt/ "time" is pronounced as [vaχt]. Germination process also takes place between two morphemes in Sistani dialect and causes fortition in this dialect, for example, /du+tɑ/ "two items" is pronounced as [duttɑ]. On the other hand, this process occurs at the end of the last syllable of the some simple words as well, as seen in [bell] "let, put".
1. Introduction
According to some phonologists, there are two kinds of phonological processes which act as two dual processes called lenition and fortition. This duality is based on the amount of sound power and energy consumed in the course of speech production. For example, vowel sounds are weak and voiceless sounds are strong. The distinction between weak and strong sounds originates from the amount of air pressure in the larynx during speech production (Trask, 1996, p. 149). In the generative phonology, the phonological process of fortition takes place when a strong sound is replaced by a weaker sound (Kenstowicz, 1994). In fact, the fortition of a sound originates from the natural need of the language to increase the production power of that sound and causes the phonological process to be strengthened (Krichner, 1998). Lass (1988, p. 48) believes that any process and conversion of sound from left to right is a fortition process:
zero → semivowel → fricative → stop
voice → voiceless (lass, 1988 :177)
Research Question(s)
- 1. What kind of fortion processes occur in Sistani dialect?
- How is the phonological representation of fortition processes in Sistani dialect?
2. Literature Review
Heretofore, no research has been done in the Sistani dialect to investigate the fortition process. However, among the researches that have been done in the field of phonological processes in Persian language, we can name a few that have only investigated the phonological process of fortition. Mobaraki (2013) has investigated the fortition process in Persian language and Sabzevari, Euclid, Shahrezaei and Kermani dialects and showed the place of articulation of this process in Persian language and the mentioned dialects. Kord Zafaranlu Kambouzia and Aryaei (2015) have studied the fortition process in Shul dialect of Bushehr city. In this research, the authors have introduced two compensatory lengthening processes including conversion and insertion. As seen, due to the lack of sufficient studies on the fortition processes in Sistani Dialect, especially based on the non-linear and autosegmental phonology, the authors have described and analyzed the phonological processes of fortition in this dialect based on non-linear and autosegmental phonology.
3. Methodology
The study is a descriptive-analytic study. So, 20 Sistani females and males more than 50 years old and low educated have been selected by random. The data has been gathered by interviewing and recording their free speech for twenty minutes per person. The relevant data has been extracted from the recorded sentences and then transcribed by IPA alphabet. Eventually, the phonological rules of the data have been described and analyzed based on the concepts and principles of Autosegmental phonology.
4. Results
The study of data showed that the fortition process in the Sistani dialect appears in the form of various phonological rules. In response to the research questions, it was found that the fortition process in the Sistani dialect appears in the form of inserting [ʔ] at the beginning of the word, inserting [j] and [n] between two vowels, inserting /n/ at the end of the final syllable, and also assimilation, gemination and aspiration processes.
Also, the results showed that the speakers of the new generation, after removing the continuous glottal phoneme /h/ from the beginning of the loanwords, insert glottal [ʔ] before the initial vowel. Like: /halɑl/ which is used as [ʔalɑl]. On the other hand, [ʔ] is inserted at the beginning of words that do not have an initial consonant and begin with a vowel, eg., /ɑb/ 'water' pronounced as [ʔou]. Also, the process of fortition occurs in the Sistani dialect in the form of insertion of [j] and [n], for instance, [toʃni+j+a] "he/she is thirsty" and [ke+n+a] "who is ?".
Another process is devoicing. In this process, the phoneme /ʁ/ is represented [χ] and also the phonemes /f, v/ are pronounced as [b, d] respectively, eg., /vaʁt/ "time" is pronounced as [vaχt]. Germination process also takes place between two morphemes in Sistani dialect and causes fortition in this dialect, for example, /du+tɑ/ "two items" is pronounced as [duttɑ]. On the other hand, this process occurs at the end of the last syllable of the some simple words as well, as seen in [bell] "let, put".
Volume 15, Issue 1 (Spring 2015 2015)
Manufacture of coke, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel is one of the ISIC (International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, Rev.2) that produced 8.5 percent of industry value-added in Iran in 2007. Isfahan, Tehran, Khuzestan, Hormozgan, and Markazi provinces accounted for 90 percent of the value added in this sector. To determine competitive advantage in this sector, the regional input- output technique is used and AFLQ (Adjusted Flegg Location Quotient) is employed for making regional input- output tables. But this method is misleading, because it defines weak provinces as key sectors. This article presents new method (MFLQ) that provides better result than AFLQ. Isfahan (as a developed province) is not key sector in AFLQ method but it is key sector by MFLQ method.
Volume 16, Issue 65 (12-2019)
The main question of this article is accurate definition of Hekayat, based on the specific function of the elements as dominant. Because how to use story elements, result in different story genres. specific function of the story elements, being didactical and coherente. distinguishes Hekayat genre from the other story genres. This article redefinition of Hekayat by using a comparative analysis method and examining the differences between these two literary genre. According to the reviews of this article Hekayat genre distinguishes from the other story genres by this elementes: Specific function of the story elements, Special features of the truthtfulness, being didactical and less coherente. Finally, thess discussions, are an introduction to discussions as contexts of the appearance of traditional story genres in Iranian culture. More over can explain reasons for decline in contemporary era.
Mahdy Ahangar, Akram Sedigh,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (3-2017)
In this research, the electrothermal characteristics of anode have been analytically investigated by considering two subzones including the quasi-neutral and non-neutral plasma flow near the anode surface. A correlation between current density and anode fall voltage has been derived by using the continuity and momentum equations for electron in the non-neutral plasma subzone. Also, two relations have been deduced from the magnetic field induction equation and Ohm’s law to determine the current densities and voltage drops in the quasi-neutral plasma subzone. The suggested solution algorithm has been based on the satisfaction of current continuity condition to be converged by a trial and error method. The Princeton benchmark thruster has been investigated for the discharge current of 8 kA with mass flow rates of 4 and 24 gr/s to evaluate the developed algorithm. The obtained analytical results show that under operating conditions with mass flow rates of 4 and 24 g/s, the heat flux values are respectively in the range of 480 to1350 and 400 to1490 W/cm2, the current densities vary from 24 to 90 and from 33 to 140 A/cm2, and also the anode falls change from 5.8 to 11 and 4.9 to 6 V. The analytical algorithm has predicted the heat fluxes, current densities, and anode falls along the anode face in good agreement with measurements. It has been seen that the heat flux and current density around the anode mid-lip, where the anode fall has its minimum value, have been maximized. By using the second thermodynamic law, it has been shown that the probability density function of effective velocity has a Gaussian distribution. Therefore, under this circumstance, entropy has been maximized, and consequently the heat flux and current density profiles have been taken the summit form.
Shima Ahangar, Zahra Rahmani, Barmak Baigzadehnoi,
Volume 17, Issue 9 (11-2017)
Control of multiple robots, whose end-effects grasp an object, involves complex control tasks. First, the multiple robotic system, for a cooperative task, forms closed kinematic chains that impose additional kinematic and dynamic constraints. Second, the interactive actions among the robots through the object lead to the essential need to control position and interactive force, simultaneously. In this paper, the backstepping control method is studied for tracking control problem of cooperative robot manipulator system handling a common rigid object. The error system of coordinated robot manipulators is developed by defining the new variables based on the integral and differential of position and orientation errors. Then by defining the appropriate change of coordinates and using the backstepping design strategy, a backstepping position tracking control scheme is proposed for multi-robot manipulator systems handling a common object. Additional terms, using the properties of internal forces, are also added to the control signals to consider the force tracking problem. It is proved the closed loop system are uniformly ultimately bounded based on Lyapunov stability theory. Finally, the two three-link planar robot manipulators is applied for simulation, and the simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Sajjad Ahangar Zonouzi, Habibollah Safarzarzadeh, Habib Aminfar, Mousa Mohammadpourfard,
Volume 17, Issue 11 (1-2018)
In this paper, ferrofluid flow in a closed cooling loop without any mechanical pump has been simulated. The flow of the ferrofluid in the closed loop is resulted from applying a non-uniform magnetic field and the thermo-magnetic effect of the ferrofluids. The ferrofluid consist water and different volume fractions of iron oxide nanoparticles with nanoparticle diameter of 13nm. The two phase mixture model and the control volume technique have been used in the present study. The applied non-uniform magnetic field is resulted from an electromagnetic solenoid and the steady and also the transient modeling of the flow in the cooling loop from start point (stagnant ferrofluid in loop) have been carried out. The obtained results show that by applying magnetic field and also by taking advantage of temperature dependent property of the magnetic susceptibility, a flow of ferrofluid is created in the loop and by increasing the heat input (heater power) in the loop, the flow rate in the loop is increased. Moreover, the results show that by having a cold source (for rejection of produced heat) with higher constant temperature, the flow rate in the loop increases. Furthermore, the flow rate in the cooling loop is increased as the volume fraction of the nanoparticles in the base fluid increases. The mentioned cooling loop can be used in the electronic cooling systems.
Alireza Fathi, Mahdy Ahangar,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (4-2018)
Applying an Electric potential between two electrodes with different thicknesses will cause corona discharge if the electric field around the corona electrode is strong enough to ionize the surrounding gas and weak enough to avoid arcing. Corona discharge used to be known as an unpleasant phenomenon but it has lots of applications today including the ionic thrusters. In this research, the specifications of the flow resulted from corona discharge such as velocity, thrust, and temperature, electric current, flow streamlines and thrust effectiveness have been numerically studied. To do so, the electrostatic and Navier-Stokes equations have been coupled and solved by finite element method (FEM) using the COMSOL Multiphysics software version 5.2.Data validation shows that the maximum errors between the numerical and experimental results in computing thrust, current and thrust effectiveness are respectively below 2%, 14% and 6%. Also the results show that with rising the applied Voltage, the resulted thrust and electric current will increase and the thrust effectiveness decreases. Furthermore, by considering the effect of Ohmic heating in the energy equation, it has been found that the maximum temperature raise happens around anode.
Volume 18, Issue 120 (February 2021)
A novel approach for bio-lubricant production from rapeseed oil-based biodiesel using ultrasound irradiation: Multi-objective optimization Moringa oil is used as a useful oil in the food, medicinal, cosmetic and health industries. Also past research has shown that microwaves can increase the extraction efficiency of oil by disintegrating the cellular structure of oil seed. Therefore, in this research, for increasing oil extraction efficiency, microwave pretreatment was used before oil extraction from Moringa seeds by spiral press. In this study, the optimization of oil mechanical extraction from Moringa seeds was done using the Response Surface Methodology. In this study, extraction experiments were done with microwave pretreatment at different level of times (2, 3 and 4 min) and powers (200, 400 and 600 W). The results showed that the extraction efficiency increases and then decreases by increasing microwave time and microwave power. The optimum extraction efficiency was 56.55% during the microwave action time of 3.02 min and the microwave power intensity of 380.92 W. Due to the high values of correlation coefficients (R2 = 0.97) the predicted model for oil extraction efficiency can be evaluated properly.
Volume 19, Issue 2 (3-2017)
Bio-fertilizers have been introduced as an alternative to chemical fertilizers for plant growth and health. The objective of this pot culture experiment was to evaluate the effects of three Bio-fertilizers in single and mixed form containing arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (Glomus intraradices), N+V on growth, yield components, and expression of some defense response genes in wheat infected with Fusarium oxysporum. Real time PCR was performed to determine the gene expression levels of β-1,3-glucanase, Oxalate Oxidase, and Chitinase genes. The application of bio-fertilizers significantly increased all studied parameters, except spike length, in infected plants. The highest shoot dry weight was found in Nitroxin+Vermicompost (N+V) treatment and the highest plant height, grain number, 100 grain weight, and biological yield was observed in treatment Mycorrhizal+Vermicompost (M+V). The use of bio-fertilizer resulted in the highest expression level of β-1,3-glucanase gene .The Chitinase gene showed the lowest expression level in all treatments. Our results indicate that vermicompost application could influence the improvement of mycorrhizal colonization and development of external hyphae.
Volume 19, Issue 123 (May 2022)
Starch is one of the important plant storage carbohydrates that has many applications as a raw material in different industries especially the food industry. In this study physicochemical properties of starches extracted from quinoa TTKK and wheat, Pishgam were investigated. Percentage of amylose, X-ray diffraction, swelling power, solubility, water, and oil absorptions, and thermal, pasting, and textural properties were measured. SEM images illustrated that wheat starch granules size were about 8-10 μm and quinoa starch granules size were about 2-5 μm. Results showed that the percentage of quinoa starch amylose (9.19 ± 0.83) was lower than wheat starch (19.57 ± 0.66) but crystallinity percentage was higher in quinoa starch(p<0.05). As well as water absorption. Regarding thermal properties, all the parameters were higher than wheat starch. Measurement of starch pasting properties demonstrated that quinoa starch had higher pasting temperature and lower peak, final, break down, and set back viscosity(p<0.05). Studies on textural properties showed that hardness, gumminess, and springiness were significantly lower in quinoa starch compared to wheat starch. Therefore, unique starch properties of quinoa make it possible to use it in various bakery products which a lot of mechanical forces are applied to produce. as well as frozen products.
Volume 19, Issue 124 (June 2022)
Foxtail millet contains amounts of nutrients such as starch, protein, vitamins and minerals. The aim of this study was to investigate the physicochemical properties of refined wheat flour (RWF) replaced by different ratios of foxtail millet flour (FMF) from 10% to 30%. The composite flour samples were analyzed for proximate composition, color, falling number, wet and dry gluten content, damaged starch content and alveo-consistograph characteristics. Correlation coefficients between flour analytical parameters and alveo-consistograph characteristics were obtained. Crude fiber, fat, protein and ash content increased not significantly (p>0.05) with increasing the amount of FMF. No significant difference (p>0.05) of b* value was observed between the flour samples. Adding the FMF, not significantly reduced (p>0.05) falling number, damaged starch content, wet and dry gluten content. Consistograph test indicated that addition of the FMF decreased water absorption capacity, maximum pressure and tolerance, however, drops in pressure at 250s and 450s became greater. Alveograph test revealed that with adding FMF, dough resistance to extension and dough strength decreased but an increase in dough extensibility obtained at FMF30%. The results of rheological properties by alveograph indicated the rate of the FMF influenced the rheological behavior.