Showing 109 results for mortazavi
Volume 15, Issue 3 (5-2013)
Production subsidies, as a part of the strategy of economic growth of the agricultural sector, are of great importance around the world. Subsidizing production inputs, particularly energy input, is another way of directing subsidy to the agricultural sector. In this research, production function of the agricultural sector was estimated using econometric methods and time series data. After calculating the elasticity of agricultural sector inputs and, simultaneously, estimating their cost and demand functions of production inputs using ISUR (Iterated Simingly Unrelated Regression), farmers' elasticity of price fluctuation of these inputs was determined. The findings of the production function demonstrated that all inputs, including capital, labor, and energy were used in the optimal production region. The findings of the cost function demonstrated that there was negative and low own elasticity price for inputs, in accord with economic theory. In addition, cross price elasticity of all inputs was positive, i.e. they were substitutes for each other. The findings of the subsidization policy showed that since price elasticity of demand for energy inputs was inelastic, reducing the energy subsidy would reduce energy consumption slightly and, eventually, would decrease value added in the agricultural sector. Finally, it is suggested that the government implements the energy subsidy reduction policy based on cost-benefit analysis.
Volume 15, Issue 3 (Autumn 2015 2015)
The price fluctuations due to adjustments to Iran's national milk pricing policy affect households’ welfare. This study examines the effect of milk price increases on the welfare of urban income groups using time series data during 1982-2009. The relationships among per capita demand for milk, average milk price and disposable per capita income were estimated for five income groups using Autoregressive Distributed Lags (ARDL) model. The results indicate that compensating variation and welfare are downside, this means that elimination of milk subsidies results in more welfare fluctuations in low income groups than that of high income ones. Therefore, it is difficult for groups at lower income levels to compensate for losses. If the government divides the cost of lost subsidies equally among households, financial losses resulting from price increases cannot be compensated for two groups, but higher income groups will benefit most from redistribution policy.
Vahid Esfahanian, Iman Rahbari, Mohammad Hossein mortazavi,
Volume 15, Issue 5 (7-2015)
Non-Newtonian fluid flows experience turbulent regime in some industrial applications. Several approaches have been proposed for numerical simulation of turbulent flows that each one has specific features. RANS turbulence models have reasonable computational costs, while include several sources of uncertainties affecting simulation results. In addition, developed RANS models for non-Newtonian fluids are modified versions of available models for Newtonian fluids, therefore, they cannot provide reliable estimation for viscoplastic stress term. On the contrary, DNS delivers accurate results but with high computational costs. Consequently, use of DNS data for estimation of uncertainty in RANS models can provide better decision making for engineers based on RANS results. In the present study, a turbulence model based on for power-law non-Newtonian fluid is developed and employed for simulation of flow in a pipe. Then, an efficient method is proposed for quantification of available model-form uncertainty. Moreover, it is assumed that uncertainties originating from various sources are combined together in calculation of Reynolds stress as well as viscoplastic stress. Deviation of the stresses, computed using RANS turbulence model, from DNS data are modeled through Gaussian Random Field. Thereafter, Karhunen-Loeve expansion is employed for uncertainty propagation in simulation process. Finally, the effects of these uncertainties on RANS results are shown in velocity field demonstrating the fact that the presented approach is accurate enough for statistical modeling of model-form uncertainty in RANS turbulence models.
Volume 15, Issue 81 (11-2018)
Potato is known as a valuable source of starch which plays an important role in human nutrition. Proper storage conditions should be considered to protect the nutritional properties of potato after drying. The effect of three packaging materials (transparent biaxially oriented polypropylene laminate (BOPP); semitransparent BOPP; polyethylene-polyamide (PE-PA) laminate) in three packaging conditions (vacuum, N2, natural atmosphere) and in two temperature treatments (blanching in hot water; steam) on microwave-dried potato (Solanum tuberosum L.; Solanaceae) cubes was studied. Moisture content and oil absorption decreased in microwave dried potato by increasing storage time from 60 to 120 days. The moisture loss rate in vacuum packed samples in polyethylene polyamide film was less than BOPP. Steam blanched samples not only had more moisture but also absorbed less amount of oil. The dried and packed potatoes under nitrogen atomospher and in transparent BOPP had the highest percentage of oil absorption with 9.75% and 9.87%, respectively. Changes in the internal structure, moisture and gelatinization of starch in the surface are factors affecting the absorption of oil. Blanched samples with steam and vacuum packed in polyethylene polyamide films, have the best results in increasing the shelf-life and reducing oil absorption.
Volume 16, Issue 2 (summer 2016 2016)
In the present study, by using information of 150 wheat beneficiaries in Zarghan, Fars region collected in the 2010-2011 crop year, the most important factors affecting the sub-vector water efficiency in wheat production were analyzed. In order to measure the water use efficiency, data envelopment analysis was used. Afterward, the most important factors affecting sub-vector water efficiency were identified by using radial basis function (RBF) artificial neural network. Then, the most important factors were analyzed by applying the Tobit model. The results of neural network model showed that variables yield cultivated area, gross income per hectare and time interval between each two subsequent irrigations have been the most important factors affecting sub-vector water use efficiency. In addition, results from Tobit model suggested the positive impact of variables yield cultivated area and gross income per hectare and negative impact of time interval between each two subsequent irrigations on water use efficiency. Finally, paying more attention to the land integration for increasing sub-vector water efficiency was proposed.
Volume 16, Issue 3 (5-2014)
Twenty promising barley lines were evaluated at seven research stations in Iran, during two cropping seasons. The analysis of variance on grain yield data showed mean squares of environments, genotypes and Genotype×Environment Interaction (GEI) as significant, respectively accounting accounted for 60.38, 4.52 and 35.09% of treatment combination sum of squares. To find out the effects of GEI on grain yield, the data were subjected to Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) and Sites Regression (SREG) GGE biplot analysis. Mega-environmental investigation is the most suitable way to utilize GEI. "Which-won-where" pattern was followed with three distinct mega-environments found in the barley assessment. Entries G5 and G6 showed general adaptability while G7 and G13 exhibited specific adaptation to Neishabour and Esfehan, respectively. Considering both techniques, genotype G1 revealed high grain yield along with yield stability. With regard to barley assessment, Esfehan was identified as a location with larger main effects interaction, making it a less predictable location for barley variety evaluation. The results finally indicated that AMMI and GGE biplot are informative methods to explore stability and adaptation pattern of genotypes in practical plant breeding and in subsequent variety recommendations. In addition, finding mega-environments help to identify the must suitable barley cultivars that can be recommended for areas within the mega-environment in either one or more test locations.
Volume 16, Issue 86 (4-2019)
Kefir is a traditional beverage that is produced by fermented milk with kefir grains, Kefir grains are complex mixture of bacteria, yeasts, and polysaccharides produced by this micro flora. The initial amount of kefir grains used to produce kefir drinks affects the quality of the beverage in terms of pH, viscosity and microbial characteristics of the final beverage. In this study, the effects of different levels of starter (4, 6 and 8%, containing Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus, Bifidobacterium), yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (2, 3 and 4%) and storage time (24, 48 and 72 hours after inoculation) on the physicochemical and microbiological properties of kefir beverage was studied using a central composite design and response surface methodology, in order to produce a product with higher probiotic bacteria than yeast. Physicochemical properties including acidity, pH, ethanol, apparent viscosity and flow behavior parameters, as well as microbial counting was performed. According to the results of the tests, the amount of yeast had the most effect on apparent viscosity and by increasing the amount of yeast and during of storage time, the apparent viscosity and consistency coefficient decreased. In addition, the viscosity increased with increasing starter rates. Regarding the amount of ethanol, the amount of produced ethanol increased by increasing the amount of yeast and during the storage time due to the increase in the amount of yeast and finally the microbial count decreased during storage. Optimization results showed that the sample containing 2% yeast and 4% starter in time 38 hours after inoculation had the lowest amount of ethanol and was suitable for rheological properties.
Volume 16, Issue 86 (4-2019)
This study was conducted to investigate the content of phenolic compound and radical scavenging capacity (IC50) of chevil as a replacement for synthetic antioxidants. The extract of chevil leaves powder was obtained by maceration (12 h) and microwave (60 s) with ethanol or water (100: 0, 75: 25 , 50:50) and the amount of total phenolics and flavonoids was measured by spectrophotometry and antioxidant activity was measured by scavenging free radical 2,2-diphenyl -1- picryl hydrazine (DPPH). Data were analyzed by SPSS versiov 24 as well as variance analysis. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the extracts obtained by two used solvents ethanol and water (p<0.01). The extracts obtained by microwave showed the highest flavonoids content (0/75±0.008 mg Eq. Rutin/g dry sample) and the highest radical scavenging activity (1/04 ± 0/1) at ethanol to water ratio of 0:100 % as comared to maceration method. In contrast, the highest total phenol content (TPC) (3/665±0.09 mg Eq. gallic acid / g dry sample) was obtained by maceration at ethanol to water ratio of 0: 100%. For both methods, the rate of extraction was affected by solvents ratio and water was more effective than ethanol.
Volume 16, Issue 87 (5-2019)
Antimicrobial packaging is one of the most important applications of active packaging. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of antimicrobial packaging on the quality of strawberry fruit cv. Camarosa The experiment was conducted as factorial in a completely randomized design with four types of fruit packaging control with no inoculation and inoculation of fungi, 12 and 24 μl of essential oil /ml air and the second factor was sampling time (harvest time, 4, 8 and 12 days). During the experiment, traits qualitative and biochemical properties were investigated. The results showed that with increasing storage time in all treatments, decay percentage, weight loss, total anthocyanin, total phenol and flavonoid increased, while the amount of vitamin C and antioxidant capacity decreased. The amount of vitamin C, flavonoids and antioxidant capacity in fruits treated with peppermint essential oil were significantly higher than those of the control group. The microbial populations during the storage period was decreased in the treatment of essential oils. Totally, It seems that The concentration of 24 μl / ml peppermint essential oil loaded with microselle foam with slow release could reduce the percentage of fruit decay and microbial populations and maintain the qualitative and biochemical properties of strawberry fruit during cold storage. Considering that the essential oil of peppermint is very effective on the growth of Botrytis cinerea due to the presence of dominant components such as menthol and menthol at relatively low concentrations, so using this essential oil instead of artificial preservatives, It looks like something useful and effective.
Volume 16, Issue 87 (5-2019)
In this study, the antimicrobial effect of Citrus aurantium essential oil on Bacillus cereus, Listeria innocua, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhi and Candida albicans was evaluated. The chemical compounds, total phenol content, total flavonoids content and antioxidant potential of Citrus aurantium essential oil were determined. The results of phytochemical analysis (Ferric chloride and Shinoda) showed that, phenol, flavonoids and flavone demonstrated the presence in Citrus aurantium essential oil. Based on gas chromatography–mass spectrometry results 19 compounds identified in Citrus aurantium essential oil. Linalool (21.29 %) was the major compound in Citrus aurantium essential oil. The total phenolic content and total flavonoids content of Citrus aurantium essential oil were equal to 41.35 ± 0.46 mg GAE/g DM and 2.98 ±0.50 mg QE/g DM, respectively. The antioxidant potential based on radical Scavenging and β-carotene linoleic acid of Citrus aurantium essential oil were equal to 102.85 ± 0.60 μg/ml and 65.60% respectively. The longest and the shortest diameters of the inhibition zone at the concentration of 45 mg/ml pertained to, Listeria innocua (16.50 ±0.66 mm) and Salmonella typhi (9.80 ±0.43 mm), respectively. The minimum inhibitory concentration of the Citrus aurantium essential oil ranged from 3.125 mg/ml to 100 mg/ml, while its minimum bactericidal/fungicidal concentration ranged from 3.125 mg/ml to 200. Based on the present research, the essential oil Citrus aurantium antioxidant potential and antimicrobial activity on several food-borne pathogens tested and thus can be a good source of food industrial.
Volume 16, Issue 90 (August 2019)
Dual properties of Enterococcus on the one hand, have made them suitable and accepted bacteria as starter cultures in the production of food products and probiotics, but on the other hand, because of antibiotic resistance properties and virulence factors, has resulted in concerns about the consumer’s health. In this study, in order to evaluate the antibiotic resistance of enterococcal isolates, the disk diffusion method was used. Also, culture-based method was applied for hemolytic and gelatinase activities. The results of the inhibition zone of Enterococcus isolates against common clinical antibiotics revealed that the isolates were sensitive to Vancomycin and Ampicillin and are resistant to Kanamycin and Streptomycin. The isolates showed very little resistance to Tetracycline and Chloramphenicol and none of the isolates were resistant to all tested antibiotics. Results obtained from hemolytic activity of isolates showed that none of examined isolates were capable of blood hemolysis and consequently no clear zone of inhibition in medium containing sheep’s blood. All of isolated were γ hemolytic and they have no hemolytic activity. Gelatinase activity results confirmed that none of the isolates are able to produce clear zone in tryptone soy agar containing gelatin.
Volume 16, Issue 97 (March 2020)
Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) is a bioactive molecule with different physiological roles in the body that inhibits neuronal stimulation and inhibits the delivery of stress-containing messages, has a calming effect and is used to treat diseases. Different has an effective role. In the present study, the possibility of producing this amino acid by Lactococcus lactis NZ1330 was investigated. In order to optimize the fermentation process three levels of dairy sludge (5,10,15%), monosodium glutamate (0, 0.5 and 1%) were selected at 24, 48 and 72 hours after fermentation. The presence of GABA in the culture medium was investigated by thin layer chromatography. Spectrophotometric method was used to quantify the bands present in thin-layer chromatography. Optimization results at 95% significance level showed that the optimum treatment consisted of medium containing 11.2% dairy sludge, 0.7% monosodium glutamate and 70 hours fermentation at 32 ° C and under these conditions, GABA production was ppm. It's 400. Therefore, this combination of media can be used as a suitable substrate for the production of valuable GABA drug and bioactive compounds
Volume 17, Issue 68 (10-2020)
azam pooyandeh
jamal aldin mortazavi. PH.D.
ahmad amin. PH.D.

Elahii nameh is one of Attar's mystical poems that has received a lot of attention in recent years and has been corrected several times. It should be noted that the corrected versions have been reprinted many times and have been made available to those interested. This study has been done using the documentary-library method and with the aim of examining the theological corrections of Attar's letter by Ritter, Rouhani and Shafi'i Kadkani. Considering that in the present study, each of these corrections was examined according to the three principles of references and copies, the researcher's competence and the correction method, the research findings show that the correction of the retrieval in terms of corrective ability and working method compared to the other The corrections are more important and the main problem of his work has been the lack of access to authentic copies, and Rouhani, despite having twenty-two copies, has failed to provide a comprehensive correction and obstacle due to incorrect working method and lack of necessary experience. Among these, the correction made by Shafiee Kadkani has priority over the other two corrections due to its ability, access to valid copies and the use of stylistic science
Volume 17, Issue 98 (April 2020)
Sardasht black grape (Vitis Viniferae cv. Rash) is one of the most important grape cultivars in west Azerbaijan province in Iran that mainly used for grape juice production. Black grape residues are a cheap source of bioactive compounds. In this research ultrasound-assisted (UAE) and maceration extraction (ME) were applied for bioactive compounds extraction of Sardasht black grape residues. A central composite design was used to obtain the optimal conditions of UAE and ME; the effects of operating conditions (temperature and time) on phenolic compounds, anthocyanin content and antioxidant activity were studied through response surface methodology (RSM). Optimized conditions were as follows: extraction time was 24 h, and temperature was 35°C for ME and 55°C and 15 min for UAE. Under these conditions the phenolic compounds, anthocyanins and antioxidant activity obtained by ME and UAE methods were 96.779 mg GAE/100 ml, 118.345 mg/L, 55.49% and 114.115 mg GAE/100 ml, 121.645 mg/L, 64.89%, respectively. This study provides evidence that UAE is an effective technique for the extraction of bioactive compounds from Sardasht black grape residues.
Volume 17, Issue 99 (May 2020)
Cold plasma is a dry, non-thermal technology with no chemicals capable of working continuously at atmospheric pressur. In the present study, plasma discharge of atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier with gases (air, nitrogen, and argon) was applied to the plasma for (0,5,15,25) min at the surface of curcuma longa samples to reduce total microbial, coliform, yeast and mold, Clostridium perfringens was performed. Results of microbial tests showed that irradiation of plasma with nitrogen gas for 15 minutes reduced curcuma longa microbial load with minimal effect on physicochemical properties.Control samples lacked coliform and Clostridium perfringens. The results of physicochemical properties of the samples (color and antioxidant activity) showed that the effect of gas type on any of the curcuma longa color indices was not significant, while with increasing plasma duration the mean of all three color indices decreased, which decreased in There were significant differences between 15 and 25 minutes.(p<0.05). nvestigation of the effect of gas type and duration of plasma application on the inhibitory index of curcuma longa samples showed that the type of gas used had no effect on this index(p>0.05), while the effect of time was significant for this index and their antioxidant properties compared to the control sample Decreased(p<0.05). The results of sensory characteristics (color, odor, appearance and taste) of the samples showed that the type of gas used did not differ significantly on the sensory parameters of the samples, while with increasing plasma duration the mean values ( Except for the taste index of the samples which decreased significantly between 15 and 25 minutes(p<0.05). In general, cold plasma is a novel method of food processing that, given its non-thermal nature, can be a good alternative to other methods used for food sterilization and pasteurization.
Volume 17, Issue 100 (june 2020)
Ostrich fillets is highly edible and one of most healthy and the least fat red meat samples. Due to carcass contamination along the slaughter chain, it becomes corrupted by the growth of meat microorganisms during storage. Being biodegradable, edible and efficient have caused edible films to be widely investigated and used as a good replacement for synthetic materials in packaging of food products. In this study a gelatin/frankincense (G/F) bilayer film was produced from gelatin and frankincense monolayers using the casting method in two phases. This research investigated antimicrobial activity of various concentrations of acid ascorbic (0, 1%,2%) and Hyssopus officinalis oil (0, 0.75%, 1.5%) in edible bilayer gelatin/frankincense against S.aureus, B.cereus, E.coli and P.aeroginosa. on the other hand, effect of edible film was evaluated on microbial and chemical properties of ostrich meat for 12 day at refrigerator temperature. Diameter of inhibition zone showed that S.aureus and P.aeroginosa were most sensitive and resistant bacteria respectively. Compared with control sample, two treatments (G/F+2%AA+0.75%HO and G/F+2%AA+1.5%HO) decreased total viable count, psychrophilic and lactic acid bacteria significantly (p<0.05). The result also showed with addition Hyssop oil and ascorbic acid, pH and peroxide values notably reduced compared with pure edible film (without oil and acid)( (p<0.05). The gelatin/frankincense films enriched with essential oil and vitamin C delayed tissue breakdown, and increases the pH by reducing the bacterial growth. Therefore, antimicrobial edible film containing Hyssop oil and vitamin C as an economical and biodegradable coating has a good potential for increasing the shelf-life of ostrich meat at the refrigerator temperature.
Volume 17, Issue 101 (july 2020)
Rice and corn flours are appropriate alternatives for developing gluten free products and modification of some of their properties such as water absorption index of flour due to extrusion process could be effective for improvement of gluten-free products quality. In this research, addition effect of extruded flour in 110 °C with 18% feed moisture, in four levels ( 0, 10, 20 and 30%) and hydrocolloids of xanthan and hydroxypropylmethylcellulose in two levels ( 0.5 and 1%) of each were studied in gluten-free bread formulation. The results were proved significant effect of extruded flour and hydrocolloids addition on evaluated characteristics so that specific volume and porosity were promoted with increasing level of extruded flour till 10%, but higher levels were caused reduction of these properties. Also, increasing of extruded flour level was decreased crust L* and hydroxypropylmethylcellulose had more effect on crumb hardness reduction of gluten free bread in compared to xanthan. Finally with regard to features such as specific volume, porosity, softness, color and scores of sensorial test, gluten free bread formulation including 10% extruded flour and 1% HPMC was determined as appropriate formulation which had specific volume of 3.01 cm3/g, porosity of 65% and overall acceptance score of 4.1 in sensorial test.
Volume 17, Issue 102 (August 2020)
Wheat is one of the most important food products around the world. That's why there is a need to produce it all year round. The process of reaching the new wheat during the storage period will bring about changes that will improve its characteristics. The effect of time storage wheat for 90 days (0, 45 and 90) at the Temperature 30 ° C and relative humidity 45% on the chemical and rheological properties flour by farinograph test were analyzed. A completely randomized design was used to perform the tests. The comparison of the averages was done by Duncan’s multiple-range test at a probability level of 95%. The results of this study showed that wheat dormancy for 90 days increased wheat quality indices such as gluten index and Zeleny sedimentation volume, but pH decreased and acidity increased (p <0.05) . Percentage of gluten, moisture and ash did not change significantly during storage. storage time was effective on enzymatic activity, so that the activity of α-amylase decreased significantly (p <0.05) . Wheat also held significant improvement in the farinograph dough properties such as Water Absorption, Dough Stability, Degree of Softening and Farinograph Quality Number (FQN).
According To improve properties quality and rheological flour, freshly harvested grain storage for 90 days is suggested.
Volume 17, Issue 105 (November 2020)
Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a non-protein amino acid existing in bacteria, plants, and vertebrates. GABA is especially well-known because of its physiological role in the neurotransmission, induction of hypotension, diuresis, and tranquility. GABA is biologically synthesized by GABA-producing lactic acid bacteria (GLAB) which are widely used as starters in the fermented foods. In this study, GABA-producing strain were chosen to be microencapsulated by soy protein isolate (SPI)-alginate using emulsion method. Encapsulation efficiency and entrapment of GLAB into soy protein-alginate microcapsules (SAE) was confirmed by scanning electron microscope. The GABA-producing ability and survivability of the microencapsulated GLABs were investigated in the human gastro-intestinal simulant. For screening of GLAB strains, the isolates from Tarkhineh and fermented carrot were separately cultivated in MRS broth supplemented with 1% (w/v) monosodium glutamate (MSG). The GABA production efficiency was studied by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). According to the recorded chromatograms, Lactobacillus brevis PML1 isolated from Tarkhineh and Lactobacillus brevis G42 from fermented carrot showed GABA producing ability of 304 mg/L and 2511 mg/L, after 30 h at 30 °C, respectively. The results indicated that survival and GABA production improved upon microencapsulating the bacteria due to the good cell protection provided by soy protein isolate-alginate coating. In long with previous reports, this study proves the potential of microencapsulation toward increased efficiency of GABA production in functional foods.
Volume 17, Issue 105 (November 2020)
Hyssopus officinalis and frankincense (Boswellia carteri), as valuable medicinal herbs, are widely used in traditional medicine. Due to the increased resistance of pathogenic microorganisms to antibiotics and increasing of treatment costs, attentions has been focused to compounds of natural origin. In this study, Hyssop and Frankincense oils were extracted separately by water distillation. The essential oils components were identified by GC/MS. Determination of inhibition zone diameter and minimum inhibitory concentration were performed by disk agar diffusion and macro dilution methods, respectively. Wells with no discoloration were used to detect the minimum bactericidal (fungicidal) concentration. In this research, 24 and 22 compounds were identified in Hyssop and Frankincense, respectively. The main component of Hyssop oil was cis-3-pinanone (%28.2), and the main component of Frankincense oil was α- pinene (%22). Both Hyssop and Frankincense oils had the highest effect on Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus, and the lowest growth zone diameter was related on Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Also, it was found that the Candida albicans was more sensitive than Aspergillus niger against both essential oils (p<0.05). The results showed that plants are rich in secondary products such as terpenoids, alkaloids and flavonoids, most of which have antimicrobial activity.