Showing 109 results for mortazavi
Volume 17, Issue 106 (December 2020)
Resistant starch type III as a dietary fiber is included in the prebiotic composition. It can be used to enrich low-calorie, gluten-free diets for celiac patients. The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of improving the quantitative and qualitative properties of gluten free rice cake via replacement rice flour by resistant starch type III at levels of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30%. Physicochemical, textural and sensory properties of the product were evaluated in a completely randomized design (P˂0.05). The results showed that replacing the rice flour by resistant starch in the gluten free rice cake formulation reduced the specific gravity of batter and increased the moisture content of the final product. Also, by replacing rice flour by resistant starch up to 20%, the height, specific volume and porosity of the final product increased and then decreased. On the other hand, the sample containing 20% resistant starch had the lowest firmness at 2h, 3 and 7 days after production. In addition, the results showed that 25 and 30% replacements of the resistant starch in gluten-free rice cake formulation by rice flour, the L* value of the crust and crumb increased and the a* and b* were reduced. Finally, the panelists by evaluating the sensory properties such as shape, color, texture firmness and softness, taste and overall acceptance the sample containing 80% rice flour and 20% resistant starch type III introduced as the best sample. Therefore, according to the results of the physicochemical and sensory evaluation, replacement of 20% rice flour by resistant starch type III in gluten free cake formulation can produce a lower calorie product suitable for celiac patient.
Volume 17, Issue 109 (March 2021)
This study was tested to evaluate the influences of different maize starches (native, modified with sonication, pre–gelenized, Heat Resistant) replacement in batter coating, based on factorial experiments in a completely randomized design to determine the best formulation of breadcrumbs. Samples were sonicated with 70 kHz for 5 minutes and a fryer equipped with a temperature controller (150, 190 and 170 degrees centigrade) and time (1, 3 and 5 minutes) was used for frying. Quality parameters (texture, Crust color values, oil absorption, sensory properties) of chicken nugget were measured during frying.Obtained result indicated that addition of ultrasound pretreatment batters and temperature influenced in texture hardness reduction of nuggets. Oil content of whole nuggets was found to decrease significantly (P< 0.05) with frying time and temperature. Chicken nuggets with native maize starch compared to control ones showed better scores for organoleptic properties. Color evaluation in samples containing native and sonication pretreatment showed significant (P< 0.05) reduction in a* and b* values at 3 minute frying, whereas L* values were significantly (P< 0.05) increased compared to control treatments at 170 and 190° c. Samples hardness was decreased due to frying temperature.
Mohsen Bidoki, Mehdi mortazavi, Mehdi Sabzeparvar,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (5-2018)
The design process of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) requires mathematical model of subsystems or disciplines such as guidance and control, payload, hydrodynamic, propulsion, structure, trajectory and performance and their interactions. In early phases of design, an AUV are often encountered with a high degree of uncertainty in the design variables and parameters of system. These uncertainties present challenges to the design process and have a direct effect on the AUV performance. Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) is an approach to find both optimum and feasible design and robust design is an approach to make the system performance insensitive to variations of design variables and parameters. It is significant to integrate robust design and MDO for designing complex engineering systems in optimal, feasible and robust senses. In this paper, an improved robust MDO methodology is developed for conceptual design of an AUV under uncertainty with considering tactic and system design simultaneously. In this methodology, Uncertain MultiDisciplinary Feasible (UMDF) framework is introduced as uncertain MDO framework. Two evolutionary algorithms are also used as Pareto-based Multi-Objective optimizers and results of two algorithms are compared. The results of this research illustrate that the new proposed robust multidisciplinary design optimization framework can carefully set a robust design for an AUV with coupled uncertain disciplines.
Volume 18, Issue 114 (August 2021)
The impact of aw (0.65-0.9), temperature (15-30°C) and their interaction on the germination and radius growth of Aspergillus fumigatus isolated from cake was surveyed on Yeast Extract Glucose Chloramphenicol Agar (YGC-Agar) during 60 days as well as the capabilities of Gompertz and Logistic models for fitting data were explored. Rising aw (from 0.65 to 0.9) and temperature (from 15 to 25°C) caused significant enhancing of germination and growth rate of A. fumigatus (P < 0.05). However, in constant aws, further increasing of temperature (up to 30°C) led to meaningful decreasing of these parameters (P < 0.05). A. fumigatus did not germinate at aw 0.65. In addition, germination was observed at aw 0.7 and 0.75 only when the temperature was 15 and 25°C while the mycelium growth was not occurred at these conditions. Although the germination rate was relatively high at aw 0.8, the mycelium growth was very limited. The most amount of germination and radius growth was for aw 0.85 -0.9 and temperature 15-25°C (P < 0.05). Consequently, the optimum growth of A. fumigatus was seen at aw 0.9 and temperature 25°C and the best shelf life of cake proved at aw < 0.7. Furthermore, fitting the growth curves demonstrated the more accuracy of Logistic model rather than Gomperts model.
Volume 18, Issue 114 (August 2021)
One of the problems with the processed meat products shelf life is the formation of yellow spots in sausages. The aim of this study was to isolate and identify the microbial agents causing yellow stain from sausage by molecular- and culture-based methods. For this purpose, 15 samples from yellow spot and separation areas of chicken sausages were sampled. A total of 44 colonies grown on the MRS, M17, YGC, and PDB culture medium were inoculated into pre-packaged cutting sausages to induce the yellow spot. Yellow spots appearance9 samples and they were characterized by both culture-based methods and sequencing of a 350 bp fragment from 16S rRNA V3 region and a 800bp fragment from 18S rRNA ITS4 region. The results of the culture-based and molecular assay showed that the main causes of the yellow spots in the chicken sausage packaged under vacuum were Enterococcus faecium, Enterococcus faecalis, Streptococcus faecium and Candida saitoana. In addition, one species of Enterococcus and one species of Candida were also identified at the genus level. Examination of yellow spotted samples also showed that the microorganisms that cause yellow spotting cause changes in pH, color indices L*, a* and b*, and syneresis compared to the control sample but the rate of change is only in the syneresis quantity and a* was significant.
Volume 18, Issue 116 (October 2021)
Using colostrum as natural source rich in bioactive compounds is a new approach in functional food formulations. The aim of this research was to study the effect of different levels of colostrum on the quality characteristics of beverage yogurt, containing honey and the probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus. The treatments (T0, T1, T2, T3, T4) were prepared by adding different levels of colostrum (0, 10, 20 and 30%) to buffalo milk and then inoculated with 2% yogurt starter culture and Lactobacillus acidophilus. 5% honey was added to all treatments except control (T4). Samples were subjected to physicochemical and sensory evaluations during 21 days of storage at 4 ° C. The results showed that the effect of different levels of colostrum on the physicochemical characteristics of beverage yogurt including pH, acidity, synersis and overall acceptance was significant (p<0.05) and caused a decrease in pH (4.39 to 4.11) and an increase in acidity (95.73 to 110) during the storage. Also, increasing the level of colostrum in the treatments reduced the amount of synersis from 29.22 to 28.34. The results of sensory test showed that the overall acceptability of treatments decreased with increasing colostrum level. The viability of Lactobacillus acidophilus in treatment with 30% colostrum(T3) was counted higher than the other treatments (1.67 *108). The number of probiotic bacteria decreased by one logarithmic cycle from day 14 of storage, but for 21 days it was still in the range defined for probiotic products (1.9 * 107).
Volume 18, Issue 117 (November 2021)
Abstract Solid lipid nanoparticles and nanostructure lipid carriers were used to entrap curcumin and broaden confined knowledge of application of nanocarriers as the functional ingredients in food sectors. The effect of lipids ratio (GDS /GMS), kind of nanocarrier (SLN and NLC) and curcumin concentration (0, 0.25 and 0. 5 % (w / w) of emulsion) on the qualitative characteristics of nanocarrier were evaluated. Based on the results the massive physical structure of Curcumin and also increases the viscosity of the material dispersed phase in the presence of active, loading Curcumin in the developed nanocarrier led to significant (p<0.05) increase in nanoparticles size. DSC analyses showed that the crystalline states of produced nanocarriers were less ordered than pure materials and indicated that the curcumin was well incorporated in lipid matrices. However, our pretest showed that concentration of 5% Glycerol distearate and 0.25% Curcumin was the optimum for the production of Solid lipid nanoparticles and nanostructure lipid carriers.
Volume 18, Issue 119 (january 2021)
Cheese is a potential food carrier of probiotic microorganisms to the human gastrointestinal tract due to its dry matter, fat and higher pH. Due to the emphasis of health organizations on promoting the consumption of healthy dairy products and consumers' desire to eat healthier foods, in this study, the feasibility of producing probiotic UF cheese containing probiotic strains of Bifidobacter bifidum, Enterococcus fascium was studied singly or in combination. Survival characteristics of probiotic strains log cfu / g; Effective compounds in aroma including (acetaldehyde, diacetyl) and sensory evaluation including scores (odour and flavor) were evaluated during the 60-day ripening period.The treatments used in this study included treatments A: ordinary UF cheese as a control treatment, B: probiotic UF cheese containing Bifidobacterium bifidum, C: probiotic UF cheese containing Enterococcus faecium and D: Probiotic UF cheese containing a combination of Bifidobacterium bifidum and Enterococcus faecium.The results of this study showed that the rate of survival of probiotic bacterial population decreased during the 60-day storage period. However, at the end of the storage period, all treatments had more than 106 cfu/ g with probiotic bacteria. The amount of acetaldehyde in the whole treatment increased during 60 days of storage period. The amount of diacetyl increased only in treatment A (control) during the 60-days of storage period and a decreasing trend was observed in other treatments. The sensory score for odour of all treatments increased during the 60-days of storage period. Sensory score for flavor increased during 60-days of storage period. In general, according to the survival, aroma and sensory evaluation characteristics, treatment D had relatively better characteristics compared to other treatments.
Volume 18, Issue 120 (February 2021)
The aim of this study was to produce nanoparticles of plant extract such as peppermint in, β-Cyclodextrin by ultrasonication. This study was meant to investigate method of extract, size of the Nano particles, physical properties of Nano particles, microbial analysis such as the effect of Nano extract on Ecoli O157:H7 in doogh and sensory test. A randomized complete design (RCD) was used to characterize the factors, Factor T (variable storage temperature) in 3 levels (4,19 and 35 ° C) and a variable storage time (Z) in 3 levels (time and days of the 22,45 and zero maintenance) was investigated. The results represent the means of three replicates. The results showed that with increasing temperature the growth of Escherichia coli will be increased. (P ≤ 0.05). All interaction between bilateral interactions on the number of Escherichia coli were significant on Dough (p‹0.01).
E. coli bacteria decreased with increasing storage time, Escherichia coli yeast growth during the storage in Nano samples was significantly lower than control samples (P ≤ 0.05). Nano extracts with gradual release of phenolic compounds over time have inhibitory for micro-organisms. Temperature and storage were significant (p‹0.01). As well as the interaction between bilateral interaction release of phenolic compounds were significant. (p‹0.01).And the result of sensory test showed that the Nano extract sample got the highest score.
Volume 18, Issue 120 (February 2021)
Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a non-protein bioactive compound that can be effective in controlling many diseases such as Alzheimerchrs, hypertension, stress, etc. The main stimulus for the production of GABA is the enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), which is highly active in lactic acid bacteria. Also, the presence of monosodium glutamate (MSG) can act as a substrate for this enzyme and increase its activity. In this study, the production potential of gamma aminobutyric acid by Lactobacillus brevis PML1 in MRS medium was investigated. In order to optimize the fermentation process, culture medium containing MSG (1, 3 and 5%) was examined at 24, 48 and 72 hours. after fermentation, thin layer chromatography method was used to identify GABA produced by bacteria. Spectrophotometric method was used to quantify the bands in thin layer chromatography. The results of studies at the level of 95% significance showed that the optimal treatment included a culture medium containing 5% monosodium glutamate and a time of 72 hours at 37 ° C, in which the amount of GABA production was approximately 300 ppm; Therefore, the desired strain not only has the potential to produce gamma aminobutyric acid under normal conditions (control sample) but also by adding different percentages of monosodium glutamate to the culture medium, the amount of this production can be increased.
Volume 18, Issue 121 (March 2022)
Essential oils and extracts of black cumin have been attracted researchers in the field of protection of raw and processed food due to their antimicrobial and antioxidant compounds. In the current study, the chemical composition, antibacterial and antioxidant properties of black cumin essential oil extracted by Clevenger and ultrasound assisted (frequencies 37 and 80 kHz and 70 and 100% power) methods were performed and the optimization of extraction conditions according to the chemical properties of the essential oil. Antibacterial properties of black cumin essential oil against E.coli and S.aureus were measured by measuring the minimum inhibitory concentration and the minimum lethal concentration of pathogenic bacteria using micro-plate method. The antioxidant activity of essential oil was measured by examining the percentage of DPPH free radical scavenging. The results of analysis of black cumin essential oil by GCMS showed that the main composition of black cumin essential oil extracted by Clevenger method was γ-terpene with 30.03% and in ultrasound method was 31.04%. The highest efficiencies of essential oils and extracts obtained by Clevenger method were 2.04 and 0.75%, respectively, and in ultrasound method (80/100) for essential oils and extracts were 2% and 1%, respectively. The results showed that S.aureus was the most sensitive and E.coli the most resistant bacteria to cumin essential oil. Therefore, it can be stated that the extraction of black cumin essential oil by ultrasound method (80/100) could have the greatest effect on the extraction of essential oils and extracts and can be used to protect food against various systems. Benefit from oxidative and microorganisms that cause infections and food poisoning.
Volume 19, Issue 127 (September 2022)
Microbial quality of raw milk is very important in two respects. First, milk consumption itself plays a very significant role in people's food tables and its high microbial load endangers consumer health. Second, if the microbial quality of milk is not suitable, from a technology point of view, milk-derived products will not have a good quality. In this project, which has been carried out in collaboration with Pegah Golestan Company, the separation process (with separators) and double bactofugation was used to reduce microbial load with the aim of reducing milk heating (in order to reduce the nutritional value as a result of heat). Milk samples used for lactic cheese production in Golestan province were examined in 2020 and 2021. After the process, total microbial counting, aerobic and anaerobic spores were counted. The results showed that by using this method, the total microbial load, aerobic and anaerobic spores of the collected milks were reduced to an acceptable level throughout the year without decreasing the microbial quality of the produced cheese during the storage period. On the other hand, the process of separation and bactofugation produces dairy sludge. Normally, dairy sludge is removed every 20 minutes, which was performed in separator and bactofuge1 to 21 minutes to reduce dairy sludge.
Volume 19, Issue 131 (January 2022)
Today various sweeteners are competing with sucrose in food market. They are creating acceptable sweetness and preserving technological and sensory properties of the product. In this study enzymatic sorghum malt use as sucrose replacer in gluten-free rice cake production. For this purpose, moisture, specific volume, porosity, crust color values, firmness and sensory properties were evaluated. The results showed that with increasing substitution of sucrose by enzymatic sorghum malt, moisture content and a* increased. However, falling the moisture content in sample containing malt flour were lower than control during the storage (1week) was with the lapse of time a week after bake a cake, malt flour contains less moisture loss in samples from the control samples. The results also showed enzymatic sorghum malt increased the softness of texture and able to prevent hardening of the texture during storage. In addition, the results indicated that the sample that 40% sucrose had been replaced with malt flour had the highest porosity, specific volume and L* value. Also this sample was equal in sweetness to control and the judges taste the sample was superior in other features. Thus, according to the results we can say that an enzymatic sorghum malt can be used as a natural sweetener, especially in celiac disease is needed products.
Volume 20, Issue 2 (3-2018)
Cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) is the second most popular spice in the world and one of the important medicinal plants in Iran. Cumin seed yield is highly affected by water stress, which is one of the most important abiotic stresses affecting seed yield. So far, drought tolerance studies in cumin have been done on limited cumin ecotypes. In the present investigation, forty-nine diverse cumin ecotypes were tested under normal and water stress conditions during 2013 and 2014. The experiment was conducted under two different irrigation regimes of normal irrigation and mid/late season water stress i.e., during flowering. Each of experiments was conducted in a simple lattice design with two replications. The combined analysis of variance showed significant differences among all sources of variation. Twelve drought tolerance indices were calculated based on seed yield under drought and irrigated conditions. Yield under stress and non-stress conditions was significantly and positively correlated with Geometric Mean Productivity Geometric Mean Productivity (GMP), Stress Tolerance Index (STI), Harmonic Mean (HM), Drought Resistance Index (DI), modified Stress Tolerance Index in normal irrigation (K1STI), modified Stress Tolerance Index in stress irrigation (K2STI), Stress Non-stress Production Index (SNPI) and Stress Tolerance Score (STS). PCA and cluster analysis were followed to reveal the relationship among different indices. To visualize the GE interaction effects on cumin seed yield, the data were subjected to GGE-Biplot analysis. Finding superior ecotypes in each environment was done using GGE-Biplot. Regarding mean yield and drought tolerance indices, ecotypes from Maneh (Northern Khorasan), Shahmirzad (Semnan), and Rafsanjan (Kerman) were identified as the most favorable candidates for further research in cumin breeding programs. GC/MS analyses of elite ecotype Kerman (Rafsanjan) was also done for both conditions, the main components of essential oil were found to be γ-terpinene, β-pinene, m-cymene, and cuminic aldehyde.
Volume 20, Issue 6 (12-2020)
Soils, which show a large amount of volume reduction and cause a series of sudden settlements on the surface of the earth, due to the increase of moisture, are referred to as collapsible soils. In many different countries, the immediate settlements of these soils, especially in warm and arid areas, have caused the formation of subsidence and sinkhole. These soils always create inappropriate conditions for the construction of structures such as buildings, road projects, foundations, water channels and other civil engineering projects. The occurrence of such sinkholes in parts of Iran and other parts of the world is one of the geotechnical problems of the above problematic soils. Several sink holes have formed in the northern sector of Hamedan. The soil types in this area include sandy and clayey soils which have low dry density.
Generally, collapsible behaviour of soils can be evaluated by the use of odometer test. According to the ASTM standard (D5333-03), the collapse index (Ie) is used to determine the magnitude of collapsible possibility during saturation at 200 kPa in a simple odometer device. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of changing the order of clay and sand layers on the collapsible behavior mechanism of collapsible soils and on the changes in the collapse index.
To achieve the above mentioned objective, the sandy soil was used from the northern areas of Hamadan and kaolinite clay (Super Zenouz of Tabriz) used to make the samples in three single-layer, two-layer and three-layer systems in specific molds made to a height and diameter of 5 cm in the odometer apparatus. Accordingly, in the present laboratory study on these two types of soil, considering the different arrangements of clay and sandy layers, at each stage of the specimen preparation, specimens were prepared in three different series with a dry unit weight of 1.3, 1.5 and 1.7 g per cubic centimeter in a odometer metal molds.
By carrying out a series of odometer experiments, it was found that the sandy soils of the study area alone did not have a high percentage of the collapse index. However, with the presence of clay layers in such soils, the collapse index increases, so that collapse index at a unit weight of 1.3 g per cubic centimeter in the sample made in a single-layer system (fine-grained sand sample) reached from 3.8% to 8.7% in the sample made in the presence of a clay in the two-layer system, (the lower layer of the fine-grained sand and the upper layer of clay). Based on the results obtained from this study, the mechanism of collapse can significantly being influenced by the order of layering in that with increasing dry unit weight, the effect of the ordering of the layers on the value of the collapse index decreases. The results of this paper shows that in specimens made with a density of 1.7 g per cubic centimeter, the collapse index of all samples are almost similar values. In other words, the collapsible behaviour of soils is a function of soil dry density.
Volume 20, Issue 136 (June 2023)
Tooth decay is one of the most common problems in the world, which is caused by the growth of biofilm and acid production by them. Many solutions have been used to solve this problem. However, due to the increase in antibiotic resistance of microorganisms and the increasing need for antimicrobial substances, efforts are being made to use natural antimicrobial substances. Lactoferrin is a protein in milk and saliva with antimicrobial and anti-biofilm properties. In this research, lactoferrin was encapsulated by nanoliposomes to increase its antimicrobial properties. In order to measure the effect of lactoferrin on the number of bacteria in the polymicrobial biofilm and acid production, each of the free substances or nanoliposomes in 4 concentrations (0, 1.5, 3, 6 mg/ml) in the Active Attachment biofilm model with saliva and culture medium was incubated.
The results showed that lactoferrin nanocoating increased the ability to inhibit biofilm and acid production by this bacterium due to the slow release of lactoferrin from liposomes. When increasing the concentration of free and nanoliposomal lactoferrin to a concentration of 3 mg/ml, a significant decrease in the number of bacteria in the biofilm was observed compared to the control sample (P<0.01). However, increasing the concentration of free lactoferrin again increased the number of bacteria in the biofilm. Meanwhile, nanoliposomal lactoferrin at a concentration of 6 mg/ml still caused a decrease in bacteria in the biofilm, which was insignificant compared to the concentration of 3 mg/ml (P>0.01). From the obtained results, it can be concluded that nanoliposomal lactoferrin can be used to design products related to oral and dental health.
Volume 20, Issue 137 (July 2023)
Starch is the most abundant carbohydrate in legumes. On the other hand, due to its non-reactive nature and insolubility in cold water, natural leguminous starch has limited use in the food industry. Natural legume starch can be modified by chemical, physical, and enzymatic methods. Modified legume starches have gained importance in the food industry due to their improved functional properties. Ultrasound is one of the physical methods of starch modification examined in this article. Also, ultrasound is increasingly used as a green technology for the physicochemical modification of food systems. This study aims to investigate the effect of ultrasonic treatment (bath-probe) on the functional, rheological, thermal, morphological, and crystal structure characteristics of modified starch samples. The change in the properties of ultrasonically modified starch is mainly due to the depolymerization of amylose and amylopectin chains. After ultrasound treatment, molecular weight, viscosity, and crystallinity decrease; Therefore, it can be concluded that ultrasound is an alternative technology for modifying the properties of leguminous starch.
Volume 20, Issue 137 (July 2023)
Dairy sludge is one of the main and inexpensive wastes of the dairy industry, which contains the nutrients necessary for the growth of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) to produce microbial metabolites, and for its efficient use, optimization of fermentation conditions is critical. In order to optimize the production of dry biomass, three independent variables of dairy sludge concentration (5, 12.5 and 20%), pH (6, 7 and 8) and the inoculation rate of Lactobacillus fermentum strain 4-17 (1, 3 and 5%) were used. Before fermentation, the cell growth and morphology of this bacterium were examined in order to determine the function of the growth rate and confirm the presence of bacteria in this medium. The independent variables were optimized using response surface method (RSM) with central composite design (CCD) in order to maximize dry biomass production by this bacterium. The optimization results showed that the maximum amount of dry biomass production related to the optimal treatment included 20% dairy sludge concentration, 1% inoculation rate and pH 8. Also, according to the results, the dairy sludge substrate is suitable for the fermentation of this bacterium. As a result, the effect of dairy sludge bed concentration and pH on dry biomass production by this bacteria was very significant.
Volume 20, Issue 141 (November 2023)
Paraprobiotic is a new group of functional compounds that obtains from the inactivation of a certain probiotics strain. In the present study, the effect of using paraprobiotic Lactobacillus gasseri and storage time (30 days) and temperature (4 and 24 ˚C) on the physicochemical and sensory properties of grape juice was investigated. Grape drink characteristics such as pH, acidity, total soluble solids, turbidity, and sensory attributes were evaluated. The addition of paraprobiotics did not change pH and acidity, and the control specimen (pure grape juice) and the paraprobiotic sample (grape juice containing paraprobiotics) did not differ in this respect. The addition of paraprobiotics increased the turbidity and total soluble solid in the paraprobiotic drink, and these two characteristics also increased with the increase in the storage time. Considering the sensory properties, the paraprobiotic drink was similar to pure grape juice and had similar overall acceptance scores to pure grape juice, which did not change during storage at different temperatures.
Volume 20, Issue 142 (December 2023)
In this study, the effect of edible coating based on Lallemantia iberica seed mucilage (LISM) with different contents (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2% vol/vol) of Citrus paradise essential oil nanoemulsion (CPN) was investigated on the microbial, chemical, and sensory qualities of lamb slices during cold storage. The antimicrobial results showed that at the end of the storage period, the lowest number of total viable bacteria (6.26 log CFU/g), psychrotrophic count (3.28 log CFU/g), Escherichia coli (0.95 log CFU/g), Staphylococcus aureus (0.87 log CFU/g) and fungi (1.12 log CFU/g) were observed in LISM+2% CPN sample. The highest and lowest pH at the end of the storage period were related to uncoated samples (6.42) and LISM+2%CPN (5.65). The amount of peroxide number and thiobarbituric acid in the control and LISM+2%CPN samples were 11.60 meq O2/kg and 1.20 mg MDA/kg and 5.40 meq O2/kg and 0.59 mg MDA/kg, respectively, after 9 days of cold storage. The meat color (L*, a*, b*) was also preserved by edible coating containing C. paradise essential oil nanoemulsion (LISM+CPN). The addition of nanoemulsion in edible coating increased sensory scores such as aroma, color, texture, and overall acceptance of lamb slices, especially on the last day of cold storage. The obtained results suggest the LISM+CPN edible coating as a solution for retarding the chemical and microbial spoilage of lamb slices.