Showing 204 results for Shams
Volume 1, Issue 1 (2-2016)
Background: Chronic Low back pain (CLBP) is one of the most prevalent health problems which is affected by psychological disorders. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of psychological intervention on chronic low back pain among a sample of Iranian nurses.
Material and Methods: This is a randomized clinical trial. The participants of this study consisted of 84 nurses suffering from chronic back pain and working in Valiasr hospital, Tehran-Iran. The recruited nurses were randomly assigned to intervention and control groups (42 nurses in each group). The demographic questionnaire and Visual Analog Assessment scales (VAS) and a Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS) were used to collect data at the beginning of the study and 3 months following completion of the intervention. Data were analyzed using Chi-square, T-test and paired T-test.
Results: Forty-two nurses, with a mean age of 32 ± 8.2 and 31.5 ± 7.4 years in the intervention group and control group respectively, took part in this study. The two groups were not significantly different at the beginning of the study in terms of demographic data (P > 0.05). At the 3-month follow up, the pain rate in the intervention group was significantly decreased from 4.47 to 4.09 (P < 0.0001). Furthermore in intervention group, the mean scores of anxiety intervention group were decreased from 17.73 to 9.76 (P < 0.0001). Decreased Stress scores decreased from 15.52 to 9.52 (P < 0.0001), and the depression score from 17.66 to 10.45 (P < 0.0001).
Conclusions: The findings of this study showed that psychological interventions reduced stress anxiety, depression as well as low back pain among Iranian nurses. It is recommended that further research with larger sample and longer follow up be conducted to confirm the findings of this study.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (spring 2020)
Forming urban heat islands is a serious challenge of the present age and a concern of academic communities. Attention to this issue has increased tremendously in scientific articles and researches, particularly in the last decade. With regard to the importance of the issue, the aim of this study is to form a systematic review and thematic analysis of articles and other researches in this field. Moreover, the content of the key articles was analyzed and the most important factors affecting the formation of urban heat islands were represented in a diagram and each of them was analyzed separately. As examined, urban heat islands are affected by climatic and urban construction factors. The climatic factors include sunlight, wind speed and direction, cloud cover, soil moisture, air humidity, precipitation, latitude, seasonal topographic variations, and the proximity to the river and the sea. Although these factors are almost uncontrollable in the existing cities, they have enormous importance for deciding new towns location and making the decision for city development direction. The second group of factors mainly related to the design of cities is controllable. Among these factors, the most important one is the amount and quality of vegetation in the city. Other factors such as land use, urban density, type of materials used on the facade of the buildings and streets, form and geometry of the city, and also transportation mode could influence the intensity and extent of urban heat islands.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2013)
Aim: Tobacco use is one of the major causes of death worldwide and the most preventable risk factor of the coronary heart disease. The purpose of this study was to determine attitudes, risk perception and perceived vulnerability toward to water pipe (WP) smoking among male students in Zarandieh city of Iran. Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out on 400 male adolescents in 2011-2012. A multiple-stage sampling protocol was used. The participants completed a self-report questionnaire about demographics, knowledge, attitude and beliefs about WP smoking and their tobacco use background. Data were analyzed by SPSS16. Findings: The prevalence of WP smoking was 72 (18%). Also 50% of participants believed water pipe smoking is less harmful compared to cigarettes. The mean score of knowledge, attitude, and risk perception for non smokers was higher from smokers (knowledge 4.9±2.1, attitude 19.5±4.3 and risk perception 18.6±3.3 versus 3.4±1.5, 15.6±5.5 and 15.4±4.3 respectively), whereas smokers reported a fairly high level of perceived stress and depression (perceived vulnerability). Conclusion: Noticing the side effects of tobacco use and the high prevalence of incorrect perceived WP smoking beliefs among students, provision of educational programs for the correction of the beliefs of students regarding WP smoking is recommended.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2013)
Aims: The oral health is one of the most of public health problems and women with pregnancy have high risk for dental caries and need more attention. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a health education intervention based on the Health Belief Model (HBM) on oral health behavior in pregnant women. Methods: This is a quasi-experimental study carried out on 130 pregnant women selected with random sampling method from health centers in Arak in 2011 (case and control groups each of 65 women). Data collection with questionnaire was based on construct HBM, as well as their knowledge and performance about oral health. The women of the case group participated during the two month of intervention and again two month after، with 2 session meeting classes as the follow up after intervention. The data were collected 3 months after intervention and analyzed. Findings: Our findings indicated that mean scores of HBM Model variables, i.e susceptibility, severity, benefit and barriers perceived, were significantly increased in the case group compared to the controls after intervention. Also, oral health care (before intervention 45 ±9.2, after three months 77±9.7) improved significantly among the case group, compared to the controls (p<0/001). Conclusion: Applying the HBM Model is very effective for developing an educational program for oral health in pregnant women. Besides such programs, follow up education on controlling and monitoring is highly recommended.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (3-2017)
Volume 1, Issue 3 (9-2012)
Beet western yellows virus (BWYV), a species of the genus Polerovirus in the family Luteoviridae, is an agriculturally important virus infecting over 150 plant species in 23 dicotyledonous families worldwide. A survey of BWYV in canola fields in Golestan and Tehran provinces of Iran using indirect triple antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (TAS-ELISA) indicated 8.3 % infection. The presence of BWYV was confirmed by amplification of the coat protein (CP) gene of the virus via running a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) on total RNA extracted from ELISA positive leaf tissues. DNA sequences of the BWYV coat protein (CP) gene of seven Iranian isolates were determined and compared at the nucleotide (nt) and amino acid (aa) levels with those of twelve BWYV isolates from different countries deposited in GenBank. Sequence analysis data showed that the identity of BWYV-CP at nt and aa levels among the Iranian isolates were 93.4 % to 100 % and 93.2 % to 100 %, respectively. The maximum similarity of isolates at nt and aa levels were 97.2 and 96.6 %, which occurred among two Iranian isolates (Ir 8 and Ir 100) and four isolates from France (L39967 and X13063) and England (L39973 and L39970). The recombination analysis among the nineteen isolates including seven Iranian isolates revealed that there was no distinct intra-specific recombination event among BWYV isolates. This is the first report of sequencing and analyzing of the BWYV CP gene of Iranian BWYV isolates.
Volume 1, Issue 4 (12-2012)
Asiatic citrus canker is a devastating disease resulting in drastic economic losses in citriculture worldwide. Amongst three different types of the disease, i.e. A, A* and Aw, the A* type is genetically less known. In order to comprehend the behavior of the Asiatic citrus canker A*-type strain (Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri) in the vicinity of the host cells, a targeted semi-quantitative transcript analysis approach via RT-PCR was carried out. A subset of sixteen genes, as representative of different steps involved in phytopathogencity, was analyzed on the culture medium (as uninduced) and compared with the subset isolated from the infected Mexican lime (Citrus auarntifolia L.) plants (as induced). The results showed that certain genes were up-regulated in induced condition, suggesting a putative role in bacteria-host interaction. Furthermore, the transcripts in induced condition could be classified into constitutive, early- and late-responsive genes, demonstrating their functional relevance during the host-pathogen interaction.
Volume 1, Issue 4 (10-2016)
Background: Back pain is one of difficulties in communities that has negative effect on various aspect of life. The purpose of this study is to assess the aspects of life quality and its relationship with disability due to low back pain among students.
Methods and Material: In this cross-sectional descriptive study, 200 eligible students were enrolled through purposive available sampling. Data was obtained based on demographic data questionnaire, the Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire and SF-36 inventory. All data were entered into SPSS version 19 and analyzed.
Results: Results of this study showed that 60.3 percent (114 people) of students were living with low back pain. Based on Roland-Morris disability questionnaire, 80 percent (91 people) of those with low back pain were suffered from disability. The chi-square test showed there was a significant relationship between quality of life (QOL) (mental health and social function) and disability due to low back pain,. It also was shown that indirect relationship between all aspects of QOL and disability due to low back pain was existed.
Conclusion: This study indicated low back pain could affect not only on students' physical aspects of quality of life but also psychological and social aspects of quality of life could be decreased. Considering these effects of low back pain among students, multidimensional interventions regarding bio- psychosocial dimensions recommended to improve the quality of life of this target group.
Volume 2, Issue 2 (Special for Virtual Conference of Health Education & Promotion - 2014)
Aim: Substance abuse is a substantial threat and problem to public health. The goal of drug abuse treatment is to return people to a productive normal situation in the family, workplace, and community. Treatment dropout is one of the major problems, encountered by the treatment programs. The maintenance of treatment is associated with retention in treatment, and many factors are associated with retention. The main purpose of this study is to examine the factors that play important role in retention of addiction treatment. Methods: This is a qualitative research with conventional content analysis method. Purposive sampling was applied and continued until data saturation was achieved. The participants were 22 volunteers, including outpatients, physicians and psychotherapists. The method of data collection was semi-structured face to face interview (30- 40 minutes). All interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim. Findings: By content analysis, two categories were obtained, including emotional and informational support. The main common theme of categories was social support, which was the major requirement to retain the treatment among drug abuse outpatients. Conclusion: The findings of this study showed that social support is one of the essential services to stop or reduce substance abuse. Recognizing this factor could improve interaction between the family, clinical staff and patients in addiction treatment retention.
Volume 2, Issue 2 (Spring 2022)
Heidegger believes that among the Greeks, Aletheia means "Unhiddeness," which is an essential attribute for beings. However, by referring to the world of ideals, Plato considers Truth as conformity and transfers it to human reason. In this approach, the truth lost its intrinsic character and became the correspondence of cognition with its objective reference. This epistemological transformation led to the emergence of prevalent dualities in philosophy. Although Mulla Sadra has fundamental similarities with Heidegger, he considers truth to have multiple meanings by gradation. In the third phase of his philosophical thought, by reaching divine manifestation -with his special interpretation of Platonic philosophy- he abandons his earlier conventional dichotomies in philosophy. At this stage, Mulla Sadra reaches Real Unity and accepts Plato's truth as something with existential gradation. In this paper, we are trying to examine the views of Heidegger and Mulla Sadra while briefly analyzing the truth of Plato. Finally, we will extract Sadra's criticisms of Heidegger's thoughts about truth.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (8-2014)
The attitude or behavior, which is not based on logical actions- and cause and effect relations, has irrational origins; it happens due to a person's fear, threat, habits, and the unknown factors which he she believes to prevent the unbecoming events, called “superstition”. An increase in the literacy level and the popular culture in the society leads to a decrease in superstitious beliefs. It must be acknowledged that even modern people cannot reject superstitions, or get rid of them actually. This study has examined the causes of these prevalent beliefs and the way people apply them, via content analysis. Although the prevalence of superstition origins is established on irrational bases, people have applied them to gain benefit by impelling and propagating the folklore, preventing harm by inhibition, alleviation, turning the evil (scapegoat), and empathy.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2013)
Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) is among the most destructive pathogens of citrus and causes substantial economic losses in citrus-growing industry worldwide. Considering recent distribution of this pathogen and its capability of transmission by existing aphid vectors in Iran, detection of this virus is enforceable for controlling the damage caused by this pathogen in Iran, as one of the major citrus producing countries. Toward this aim, developing a reliable and sensitive detection method such as enzyme- linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA) would be the first step to detect CTV in large scale screenings of field samples. As the serological method requires great amounts of specific antibody, the consequent preparation of a large scale antigen source for immunization process is necessary. In this study the coat protein gene of CTV (CP25) was amplified by polymerase chain reaction from a cloned CP25 gene in pTZ57R/T and subcloned in pET26b expression vector and named pET-CP25. Two Escherichia coli strains of BL21 and Rosetta Gami (DE3) were transformed by pET-CP25. Expression of recombinant protein was induced by IPTG. The authenticity of recombinant protein was confirmed by western immunoblot analysis using a polyclonal antiserum against CTV particles. The results indicated that CTV coat protein gene was expressed in E.coli. This recombinant protein could be used as a source of antigen for immunization process.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2014)
Aim: Recently, prevention of osteoporosis has become the goal of many health professionals. Behavior change is one of the most powerful strategies for osteoporosis prevention. This study aimed to determine calcium intake in order to identify osteoporosis preventive behavior in women aged 30-50 years in Khorramabad city, Iran.
Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study included 269 women aged 30-50 years who were selected from all the health centers of Khorramabad city according to the inclusion criteria of the study and by cluster and systematic sampling. The tools for data collection were valid and reliable questionnaires of demographic information, stages of change, decisional balance, self-efficacy, and calcium intake. Chi-square test and logistic regression were applied to analyze the data.
Findings: The mean age of the subjects was 38.72±7.003, and the mean total calcium weekly intake was 3191.03±3869.24. The results also showed that self-efficacy among the constructs of the Trans-theoretical Model (TTM) was a significant predictive of dietary calcium intake for the behavior.
Conclusion: The results showed that the weekly intake calcium in women was low. Self-efficacy among the constructs of the TTM was the only significant predictive for osteoporosis prevention behavior. Therefore, the findings of this study can be considered when designing educational interventions for prevention of osteoporosis by health authorities.
Volume 2, Issue 8 (winter 2009)
This study is a stylistic narratological analysis of Ravāyat-e Moharram (The Narrative of Moharram) by Seyyed Morteza Aviny based on a framework adopted from Randall’s (1999) Narrative Intelligence Theory. Although many claims have been made about the unique qualities of Aviny’s narratives, none of his works have been academically analyzed to confirm the narratological features of his works. The researchers believe that scientific analysis of Aviny’s works based on reliable theories of narratology can substantially contribute to a better understanding of special qualities of his style, and using them in new forms and contexts. In the present study, mechanisms contributing to the promotion of narrative intelligence and their realization in Ravāyate Moharram are quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed using Labov’s (2001) narratological model as a structural instrument. The linguistic manifestation of some narratological features of Aviny’s prose are discussed from a stylistic perspective.
Volume 3, Issue 1 (12-2003)
Context-dependent modeling is a well-known approach to increase modeling accuracy in continuous speech recognition. The most common way to implement this approach is via triphone modeling. Nevertheless, the large number of such models results in several problems in model training, whilst the robust training of such models is often hardly obtained. One approach to solve this problem is via parameter tying. In this paper, clustering has been carried out on HMM state parameters and the states allocated to any cluster are tied to decrease the overall number of system parameters and achieve robust training. Two types of groupings, one based on the final trained model set parameters and their inter-model distances and the other based on the training data and a decision tree, have been carried out. In the implementation of the later, a decision tree based on the acoustic properties of the Persian (Farsi) language and the phonetic similarities and differences has been designed. The results obtained have shown the usefulness of both the approaches. However, the second approach has the advantage of making the estimation of unseen model parameters possible.
Volume 3, Issue 1 (3-2015)
Aim: Considering the fundamental role of parents' function and family dynamics including the importance role of family communication pattern on preventing early-onset substance use in children, the present study aimed to determine the correlation between family communication pattern and mothers' preventive behavioral intention regarding preventing early-onset substance use in children.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out among 234 Iranian mothers in Tehran who were randomly selected to participate voluntarily in the study. The participants filled out a self-administered questionnaire including I- demographic information; II- family-based behavioral intention regarding preventing early- onset substance use in children; and III- family communication pattern. Data were analyzed by the SPSS software (ver. 21.0) using Pearson's correlations, independent t-test, and ANOVA at 95% significant level.
Findings: The results reported a correlation between conversation (r=0.509**& P≥0.001), conformity orientation (r= -0.150*& P=0.022) and behavioral intention; as well as between conversation conformity orientation (r= -0.382*& P≥0.001), and conversation (r=0.218**& P=0.001), conformity orientation (r= -0.105& P=0.108) and age.
Conclusion: The findings suggest that to develop a preventive program, it will be useful to increase family communication pattern, specially conversation orientation to prevent the onset of substance use in children.
Volume 3, Issue 1 (1-2017)
Background: Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli are identified as the major causes of acute gastroenteritis in humans. Because of the fastidious nature of Campylobacters, many clinical laboratories fail to routinely culture them. The detection of Campylobacter spp. using molecular-based techniques can be useful for diagnostic and epidemiological applications. This study aimed to developa multiplex PCR assay for the simultaneous detection of C. jejuni and C. coli strains from clinical specimens
Materials and Methods: During a 19-month period, stool samples were collected from 980 children admitted to a hospital in Tehran, Iran and then examined. The samples were cultured on both Brucella agar and Modified Charcoal-Cefoperazone-Deoxycholate agar (mCCDA) media at 42°C for 48 h. To confirm suspected bacteria, Gram staining and other biochemical tests were carried out. Finally, after extracting DNA from pure cultures using the boiling method, the multiplex PCR assay was performed.
Results: The multiplex PCR assay showed that Campylobacter spp. can be detected using 400 bp target product of cadF. It can also accurately distinguish between C. jejuni and C. coli species with different bands of 735 bp and 500 bp using hipO and asp genes, respectively
Conclusions: Results showed that the multiplex PCR assay can replace the biochemical assays for differentiating between C. jejuni and C. coli strains in a single-step PCR test.
Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2015)
Aim: Identification of contributory factors in smoking and gaining insight into the roles played by each of these factors including health literacy (HL) may account for quitting or decreasing the prevalence of smoking. The aim of the current study was to identify the effects caused by different HL levels on smoking.
Methods: 347 students inhabiting the dormitories of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences were included in a cross-sectional correlational study. Random cluster sampling was used for the selection of participants. HELIA questionnaire (used for HL measurement in Iranian urban population between 18-65 years of age) and a researcher-made questionnaire (for determining the status of smoking in individuals) were used to collect information from the participants. All data were statistically analyzed by SPSS software.
Findings: The mean and standard deviation of HL score was 70.52±14.12 out of 100. The results indicated that among the university students, 59.7% (201 people) were non-smokers, 23.1% (78 people) were smokers, and 17.2% (58 people) had experienced smoking. These findings reveal that HL is significantly correlated with smoking in university students. Also different levels (insufficient, relatively sufficient, and sufficient) of HL show its significant correlation with smoking, meaning that less HL levels are accompanied by a higher chance of smoking.
Conclusion: The relatively high prevalence of smoking in university students and the impact of HL on smoking highlight the need to increase the level of HL in university students and develop an efficient tool for measuring smoking literacy in all age groups.
Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2015)
Aim: The aim of this study was to design a tool and to assess its validity and reliability based on native culture characterization to evaluate the health belief model (HBF) constructs about prenatal care.
Methods: 215 pregnant women covered by the health centers of Iranshahr in the age group of 18-35 years and the least ability of reading and writing participated in this cross-sectional study. After reviewing the literature, the tool was designed, and its validity and reliability were approved based on psychometric data of the target group and the view of a panel of experts through calculating the content validity ratio, content validity index, exploratory factor analysis, and internal consistency.
Findings: The validity of 42 items was assessed through calculating the index score of the item effect above 1.5, content validity ratio more than 0.80, and content validity index higher than 0.79. By using exploratory factor analysis with a special value greater than 1, six factors and 35 items remained that were classified into six categories based on the literature review and content items, which were able to predict 77.095 % of the total variance of the tool. The reliability of the research tool was calculated using Cronbach’s alpha equal to 0.816.
Conclusion: The results of this study provide proper evidence about the strength of structural factors and the reliability of the assessment tool for the structures of HBM about prenatal care. It can be considered by the researchers in developing a tool for research, education and action.
Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2014)
Macrophomina phaseolina is one of the major yield limiting factors of melons in tropical and subtropical regions. For eco-friendly and effective management of the disease, 24 gamma induced mutants from Trichoderma harzianum were evaluated against three isolates of the pathogen representing three geographically different regions viz. Khorasan (isolate 1), Garmsar (isolate 2) and Khuzestan (isolate 3). The isolates of Trichoderma (mutants and wild type) were evaluated against the pathogen in dual culture and through production of volatile and non-volatile inhibitors. Maximum growth inhibition was observed in Th1, Th4, Th15, Th9 and Th22 mutants after three days. In greenhouse evaluation against M. phaseolina (isolate 1) among the inoculated treatments minimum plant infection was observed in Th9 treatment (28% disease reduction) as compared to infected control and among the uninoculated treatments Th1and Th9 mutants resulted in maximum growth of roots and shoots of melon plants as compared to uninfected control. These mutants are introduced as potential candidates against M. Phaseolina. The results proved that gamma-mutagenesis by enhancing the antagonistic properties of T. harzianum 65 can be useful for the biocontrol of soil borne plant pathogens such as Macrophomina phaseolina.