Showing 81 results for Mohamadi
Volume 9, Issue 1 (Winter 2023)
Backgrounds: Reinfection among COVID-19 patients is still a challenging issue in the medical literature. Therefore, the current meta-analysis was conducted to estimate the pooled incidence rate of reinfection among COVID-19 patients.
Materials & Methods: A comprehensive search was conducted in PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus databases from July 1 to October 1, 2021. Original studies which estimated the incidence rate of COVID-19 reinfection were included. CASP (Critical Appraisal skills program) was used to assess the quality of studies. Data were analyzed by STATA statistical software Version 15 (StataCorp, College Station, TX, USA).
Findings: A total of 3803 articles were found, of which 16 articles remained after title, abstract, and full text screening. The minimum and maximum incidence rates of reinfection were 0.001 and 0.73%, respectively. The pooled estimated incidence rate of COVID-19 reinfection was 0.11% (95% confidence interval: 0.02-0.20, p< .001, I2 = 100.0). The highest pooled estimated incidence rate of reinfection was observed in people <50 years old (0.14%) (95% CI: 0.001-0.34, p<.001, I2 = 100). Regarding the time elapsed after the first infection, the highest reinfection rate occurred four months after the first infection (0.12%) (95% CI: 0.001-0.27, p< .001, I2 = 100).
Conclusion: The incidence rate of reinfection among COVID-19 patients is expected to be high. However, it seems that the influence of factors including the age of patients and the time elapsed after the first infection must be considered.
Volume 9, Issue 2 (Fall & Winter 2006)
Detection of land use/cover changes in many different studies is one of the basic needs for environmental monitoring and management. Conversion of agricultural lands is one of the main issues related to urban planning. In this study an attempt has been made to study land use/cover changes through image processing techniques. Two landsat TM images of Isfahan area provided in 1990 and 1998 were atmospherically rectified and registered on each other. Images were then classified to ten different land use/cover classes using Bayesian classification algorithm. Training sites were generated using fuzzy logic approach. A post classification comparison approach was then used to create a change map. The results show a dramatic change on agricultural lands in this area during this period.
Volume 9, Issue 4 (No. 4 (Tome 46), (Articles in Persian) 2018)
This research aims at describing the sevenfold solutions presented by André Lefevere for the poetry translation in a precise manner. These seven solutions are 1. Phonological or phonetic translation; 2. Literal translation; 3. Metrical translation; 4. Translation of the poetry into prose; 5. Rhymed translation; 6. Translation into blank verse, 7. Interpretation. The next step after the description, is to evaluate its proficiency in this field by implementing these solutions in translation of the poetry from Arabic to Persian and vice versa.
It is natural that due to the difference in genres and styles of poetry versification among Latin , Persian and Arabic languages, some solutions are specific to English poetry, which is the subject of Lefevere's task, and there is no place for the emergence in the Persian and Arabic languages, and also some solutions are implementable with few or many differences. This paper attempts at first, to introduce Lefevere’s ploys, by implementing the procedures of translation from Persian into Arabic and vice versa, and evaluating the weaknesses and strengths of each solution. The importance of this paper is twofold: firstly, among the writings in Persian language, Lefevere's sevenfold solutions have not been fully introduced and have been referred to only in the context of the books. In this paper the authors have attempted to introduce each of these solutions completely. this research does not restrict itself to theories, but it seeks to implement the theoretical solutions.
It is perceived from the implementation of Lefevere's solutions that six out of seven aspects of his sevenfold aspects are largely adaptable in Arabic translation into Persian and only the sixth one is not possible to be implemented, since it is the translation ploy into blank verse which is unique to English and has no counterparts in Persian and Arabic. Also, the first ploy is not adaptable in all languages, but it can be translated in Persian and Arabic due to the common vocabulary of these two languages. In addition, none of these solutions can be instrumental independently in translation from Persian into Arabic, and the translator should use a combination of different solutions to translate the poetry.
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2020)
The purpose of this study was to identify and evaluate the current status of organizational barriers affecting the implementation of strategy in public universities. For that reason, a multi-study design was used by a combination of review scoping, a qualitative case study and a survey. At the first study, we used review scoping, and analyzed studies in strategy implementation. The studies were selected with purposeful sampling from the scientific databases. At the second study by using a qualitative case study, views of 15 managers of Shiraz University were considered through semi-structured interviews and then data were analyzed using thematic analysis technique. Likewise, at the third study and the evaluation section, the status of key barriers to effective strategy implementation in the top five universities in the country has been assessed by using a survey method. Findings of the study indicated that numerous organizational barriers including academic leadership, the nature of strategy, academic culture, financial resources, technology, communication, strategy monitoring, structure and human resources in the public universities that have affected Strategy Implementation. The results also revealed that Academic cultureat Tehran University and Shiraz University,structureat Amirkabir UniversityandSharif University,and human resourcesat Science and Technology University,were the most important barriers to strategy implementation.
Y. Hojjat, M. Mohamadi Moghadam, M. M. Sheikhi, Hosain . M. Mousavi Hondori,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (5-2010)
An Active Magnetic Bearing (AMB) system is designed and manufactured, in which a controlled current is applied to the electromagnets of the stator by a PID controller and the generated attraction forces control the gap between rotor and stator. Effect of parameters, such as sampling frequency, excitation pattern, and the gap between rotor and stator on stability of AMB is statistically analyzed, using the experimental results. Furthermore, dynamic behavior of the system, effect of magnetic field and the resultant force, are numerically analyzed. As the system is nonlinear, experimental results are used to study the effects of nonlinearity and to control the system. In numerical analysis, the distribution and flux density of the magnetic field and the applied force on Iron shaft are calculated by Virtual Work and Maxwell Methods. In statistical analysis, the effect of frequency and gap between rotor and stator are used to determine the stable working point of the system.
Majed. Mohamadi Moghaddam, M. Aghajani,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (5-2010)
Residual unbalance in hand-held power tool rotors transmits undesirable vibrations to the hand of its operator. These vibrations can be effectively suppressed using a one plane automatic dynamic balancer (ADB). This balancing device consists of several balls constrained to move inside a sealed cylindrical ball-race unit partially filled with oil. One of the hand-held power tools is an angle grinder. This study introduces the design of an ADB for eliminating vibration of a grinder based on the achieved design parameters. A physical model of the system is derived for a Jeffcott rotor with an ADB. Utilizing Lagrange's method, the nonlinear equations of motion for an autonomous system in polar coordinate system is derived. Further, the equilibrium position and the linear variational equations are obtained by the perturbation method. Moreover, the dynamic stability of the system in the neighborhood of the equilibrium positions is investigated by the Routh-Hurwitz criteria. The results of the stability analysis provide the design requirements for the ADB to achieve balancing of the system. In addition, time responses are presented by the generalized-alpha method. Employing the modal analysis method the equivalent damping and stiffness coefficients are achieved. Finally, the ADB is designed and manufactured by solving the equations of motion governed on identified unbalanced grinder. To evaluate and identify the performance of the ADB, vibration levels are measured in cases of with balancer, without balancer, and are compared with a typical commercial ADB.
Volume 10, Issue 1 (Winter 2022)
Aims Due to increase of demand for industrial and agricultural products, many tropical regions of Iran have experienced landscape changes. The present study aims to detect the land use/land cover (LULC) using some pixel/object-based approaches.
Method This research was conducted in Jiroft area using some pixel-based and object-based image analysing methods (PBIA and OBIA respectively). To this end, at the first phase, the LULC maps were extracted using PBIA for September, 2020. The PBIA are including as Mahalanobis distance (MD), maximum likelihood (ML), neural network (NN), support vector machine (SVM). At the second phase, the LULC was produced using OBIA approach, encompassing the multi-resolution method and decision tree (DT) technique, for segmentation and classification respectively. Using a hybrid methodology, the high-resolution images of Worldview-2 were segmented. The segmented objects were later combined with the 7-month time series of NDVI, to find the necessary thresholds for DT.
Findings Results of the LULC maps demonstrated that the kappa coefficient and overall accuracy for ISODATA, MD, ML, NN, and SVM methods were calculated to be (51%, 66%), (81%, 86%), (88%, 91%), (90%, 93%) and (88% and 92%), respectively. The outcomes of the second phase for mapping the LULC showed the OBIA achieved a high overall accuracy of about 96%.
Conclusion among the PBIA techniques and regarding both accuracy and execution time, the ML was the best. Although both PBIA and OBIA approaches are applicable in mapping LULC, the OBIA significantly outperformed the PBIA classifiers by higher overall accuracy and Kappa statistics
Volume 10, Issue 3 (Vol. 10, No. 3 (Tome 51), (Articles in Persian) 2019)
After the World War II, the notion of spatiotemporality plays an important role instead of space and time independence from each other. This emphasizes time category and all its strata and dimensions. Based on the theoretical framework of geo-criticism and according to Bertrand Westphal's point of view, the present study attempts to investigate spatiotemporality from textual space, relying on La Modification novel by Michel Butor in order to create a new study of this novel on elements of geo criticism. Space evolution during time is described in textual space by Michel Butor's novel. Research questions are: what is the role of time in space evolution? How the spatiotemporality evolution in Butor novel is described? Therefore, results of this paper demonstrated that space cannot be analyzed without considering the temporal strata and intervals; space and time have created a spatio-temporal continuum. Space and time are inseparable elements in geo-criticism. If time is dynamic and variable, the space is also variable and dynamic. Therefore, the only way to represent transformed and stratified space is paying attention to textual space. This paper aims to scrutinize the represented space and its changes in literary discourse, so that the reader can imagine this space and represent it in his/her mind.
Volume 10, Issue 3 (Summer 2024)
Background: The present investigation aimed to survey the in-vitro inhibitory effects of nitroglycerin against Candida albicans, Trichophyton rubrum, and Aspergillus flavus.
Materials & Methods: In the current investigation, 99 fungal isolates were gathered from patients referred to the Medical Mycology Laboratory of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. The disk diffusion method was done based on Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) M44-S2 guidelines. Also, the microdilution method was performed base on CLSI guidelines for filamentous fungi (document M38-A2) and yeasts (document M27-A3).
Findings: In the disk diffusion method, all isolates of C. albicans (n=33, 100%) and A. flavus (n=33, 100%) showed sensitivity to nitroglycerin, whereas all isolates of T. rubrum (n=33, 100%) showed resistance to nitroglycerin. On the other hand, in the microdilution method, the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of nitroglycerin against C. albicans and A. flavus isolates was 0.5 mg/mL, whereas the MIC of nitroglycerin against T. rubrum was 0.12 mg/mL.
The results showed that the MIC of nitroglycerin against dermatophytes was about one-quarter of its MIC against C. albicans and A. flavus, and this difference was statistically significant (p< .05).
Conclusion: Considering the potential and efficacy of nitroglycerin against yeasts and filamentous fungi (saprophytes and dermatophytes), complementary in-vivo and in-vitro studies should be done.
Volume 11, Issue 2 (Spring 2023)
Aims: The World Health Organization recommends preventive behaviors despite the approval of several vaccines to control COVID-19. Mass media and digital technologies also play an important role in addressing public health issues. This study aimed to investigate the protection motivation theory constructs by COVID-related information channels on protective behaviors against COVID-19 in southwestern Iran.
Instrument & Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive study from July to August 2021, 255 patients referred to urban health centers were included by simple random sampling. Data were analyzed by SPSS 24 software using correlation and regression tests.
Findings: 32.2% of the participants received COVID-19 information through radio, TV, and satellite, and 30.6% through WhatsApp and Telegram social networks. Awareness predicted 11% of protective behavior (p<0.001; R=0.118; β=0.343). Protective motivation (behavioral intention) predicted 49.5% of behavior (p<0.001; R=0.495; R2=0.487).
Conclusion: Using protection motivation theory by information channels facilitates preventive behavior against COVID-19.
Volume 11, Issue 2 (Summer 2023)
Iranians and Palestinians in contact with modernity in the twentieth century had almost a similar condition. On the one hand, they were the heirs of ancient and complex traditions, like patriarchy. On the other hand, these countries faced the raging currents of modernity that devour everything. They also encountered colonization as well, leading to exploitation of their lands in different forms. Tradition (especially patriarchy), Modernity and colonization are three main themes of Symphony of dead by Iranian Abas Marofi and Wild thorns by Palestinian Sahar khalife. The comparative reading of these two novels displays Iranians' and Palestinians' similar historical experiences in their encounter with modernity, unveils the essence of exploitation and hegemonic systems, and finally exposes the strengths and weaknesses of modernity and tradition. As a result, the current study seeks to analyze the representations of colonizing and systems in two novels and illuminate its bonds with traditional society (family, intellectuals and business class). The findings of the present study indicate that both novels portray the tradition of patriarchy is in harmony and line with the tyranny of despots and the exploitation of the colonizers. The novelists, moreover, assume that capitalism is the continuation of colonization. They similarly pointed to the identical experiences of exploitation of colonization and capitalism in the Middle East. In these two novels, the protagonist is a young poet who resists colonization and coercion, albeit with the assistance of other characters, especially women.
Volume 11, Issue 3 (Summer 2023)
Aims: Teenagers experience hearing loss due to exposure to loud noises. This study aimed to explore the effect of educational intervention on hearing health literacy in boy students.
Materials & Methods: This research was conducted experimentally on high school boy students in Sanandaj, Iran, in 2021. Using multi-stage cluster sampling, eight schools with 40 students were randomly selected for each group. Data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire with 42 questions assessing hearing-related health literacy. The intervention group received six sessions of 50-65 minutes of virtual education. Measures were administered prior to the intervention and at a two-week follow-up. The educational content was designed based on reliable sources and according to general, specific, and behavioral goals. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 23.
Findings: Before the intervention, there was no significant difference between the intervention and control groups in their average scores in the domains of ear and hearing-related health literacy. After the educational program, the ear and hearing-related health literacy scores of the intervention group significantly improved (p<0.05) as follows: mean comprehension and evaluation skills (from 43.8±18.6 to 81.3±10.6), communicating skills (from 49.8±8.9 to 66.3±6.9), and the ability to apply hearing health information (from 25.6±14.5 to 56.9±11.9).
Conclusion: Virtual education is effective in increasing ear and hearing-related health literacy among school students.
Volume 11, Issue 4 (Fall 2023)
Aims: Gestational diabetes is a medical complication. This study was conducted to investigate the role of HAPA in predicting diabetes control behavior and eating style in diabetic pregnant mothers referred to the healthcare centers of Abadan University of Medical Sciences (South of Iran).
Instrument & Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was done on 82 subjects selected by simple random sampling in 2021. Data were analyzed using SPSS 25 software.
Findings: We found that 41.5% of mothers were in the age group of 21-30 years. Also, 43.9% were at the middle economic level. Among demographic variables, income was the strongest predictor of nutritional behavior (p=0.01, r=19.9, and β=-0.299). None of the model constructs alone predicted nutritional behavior in pregnant women. The HAPA model was able to predict 21% of the variance of the nutritional behavior among the subjects (p<0.001, r=0.210, and β=0.458).
Conclusion: Behavioral intention and action planning are effective in educating pregnant women to prevent and control diabetes.
Volume 12, Issue 4 (October & November 2021 2021)
With the advent of innovative technological tools and in line with a shift from teacher-centered towards student-centered approaches in language teaching, new opportunities have been introduced to contribute to improving language learning. The related literature asserts that this new mode of teaching might have both benefits and challenges which could influence teachers and learners’ participation in the newly emerged flipped learning. Keeping this in mind, the present study was set to investigate the effect of a flipped writing classroom on writing performance and writing self-regulation of Iranian EFL learners. In so doing, two intact classes were selected as the participants (N=48) of the study and they were randomly assigned to the Control Group (N = 25) and the Experimental Group (N = 23). Over a period of one semester, the Control Group was taught using traditional writing instruction, whereas the Experimental Group was taught in a flipped learning mode. Two timed writing tasks were administered to collect the data. The results of the study demonstrated that the flipped group outperformed the non-flipped group in terms of both writing performance and writing self-regulation. This study's findings and suggestions for future flipped classrooms can serve as a template for integrating flipped instruction into the EFL curriculum.
1. Introduction
A flipped teaching methodology, a recently emerged mode of learning, might be a viable alternative to traditional EFL classrooms where active engagement of the learners may not be guaranteed. The fundamentally beneficial function of this mode of instruction is time management and more effective use of classroom time (Fathi & Rahimi, 2020). Within this learning environment, learners have access to the learning materials prior to the actual classroom and they are required to learn the materials before attending the class, consequently, formal class time is more devoted to doing assignments and learning tasks in a collaborative manner. Therefore, learners in the class are more actively engaged in learning process (Tian & Zhou, 2020). In other words, flipping the classroom is operationalized by providing the learners with instructional materials such as recordings of lectures, videos, and key readings prior to formal class time, then devoting formal class time to engaging the learners in more active and interactive activities based on the instructional materials (Buitrago & Díaz, 2018).
In order to investigate these hypotheses and to shed more light on the role of flipped instruction in influencing affective variables in language learning, the present study investigated the impact of flipping the classroom for an EFL writing course on Iranian students’ writing performance and self-regulation. Therefore, to accomplish the objectives of the present study, three research questions were formulated:
Research Question 1: Does flipped writing instruction significantly enhance Iranian EFL learners’ L2 writing performance?
Research Question 2: Does flipped writing instruction significantly enhance Iranian EFL learners’ L2 writing self-regulation?
2. Literature
Buitrago and Díaz (2018) stated that in the late 1990s, some economy teachers used several multimedia files to their instruction and called this new way of content delivery as inverted classroom. Later, Baker (2000) employed this new mode of teaching and renamed it as flipped classroom. Many researchers have investigated FC from different perspectives since the 1990s.
Within the related literature, few empirical studies have investigated flipped learning in L2 contexts (e.g., Adnan, 2017; Hsieh et al., 2017; Hung, 2015; Lee & Wallace, 2017). In a study conducted at a South Korean university, Lee and Wallace (2017) compared the two groups of EFL learners taught either by a communicative language teaching approach or in a flipped learning manner. Data was gathered from the students’ performance in three main tasks, their responses to three surveys, and the teacher’s notes on the students’ engagement in the process of their English learning. The findings revealed that the students in the flipped classroom outperformed the non-flipped classroom in their final examination. Additionally, survey results indicated that the majority of students in the study appeared to have enjoyed learning English in a flipped learning environment. Furthermore, the teacher found the students in the flipped classroom to be more engaged in the learning process. In an another study, to examine the effects of the flipped classroom model for EFL learners, Hsieh et al. (2017) employed flipped learning and Wen’s Output-driven/Input-enabled model to design a holistic oral training course for the learning of English idioms. The participants were required to learn English idioms via flipped learning, using the LINE smartphone app, and by conventional instruction. The results of the study revealed that the theory-based flipped instruction not only improved the participants’ motivation, making them more active in using idioms in class, but also significantly enhanced their idiomatic knowledge.
3. Methodology
Participants of the present study were a sample of English majors studying at an Islamic Azad University in Tehran, Iran. The sample included both male and female students. They were two intact classes required to pass the ‘advanced writing course’ taught by the same instructor. The two classes were randomly assigned to an experimental group as the flipped classroom and a control group as the non-flipped classroom. The instructor had previous experience of conducting flipped instruction for EFL learners. Prior to starting the current course, some of the students had already experienced blended learning, but nobody had ever studied in flipped classrooms. However, some general explanations regarding FC and its instructional design were given to the participants before the conduction of the flipped intervention.
4. Results
The results of the study demonstrated that the flipped group outperformed the non-flipped group in terms of writing performance. More particularly, the findings of this study verified the findings of a number of previous studies which reported the beneficial effects of flipped instruction on EFL writing performance. Moreover, it was found that the flipped course improved the writing self-regulation of the experimental group students. It can be argued that more engagement, sense of agency and responsibility in conjunction with further self-evaluation because of quick teacher- and peer-feedback were the likely causes of the improved writing self-regulation among the students.
Volume 12, Issue 5 (Supplementary Issue - 2010)
The purpose of this survey was to evaluate natural occurrence and content of Aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) in dairy products marketed in Urmia (Iran). During September 2007, 40 samples of pasteurized milk, 40 samples of Ultra High Temperature Treated (UHT) milk, 40 samples of creamy cheese and 40 samples of Iranian Feta cheese were collected from different supermarkets in Urmia city. AFM1 contents were determined through competitive Enzyme Linked Imunosorbent Assay (ELISA) technique. All milk samples analyzed showed mean AFM1 concentrations lower than the permissible level of 50 ng L-1 (23.22±8.65, and 19.53±7.47 ng L-1 in pasteurized milk, and UHT milk, respectively). The mean levels of AFM1 contamination were 43.31±18.51 ng L-1 in Feta cheeses, 21.96±3.23 ng L-1 in creamy cheeses. The potential risk of human exposure to aflatoxin M1 via consumption of milk and milk products is well known. Therefore, dairy products must be evaluated for aflatoxin and kept apart from fungal contamination as much as possible.
Volume 12, Issue 5 (November & December, (Articles in English & French) 2021)
The use of Web 2.0 technology in language education has received much research attention quite recently. In an attempt to shed more light on the use of Google Docs as a kind of Web 2.0 technology in language learning, the purpose of the present study was to compare the effects of online collaborative writing using Google Docs and collaborative writing in a face-to-face classroom on the writing performance and writing self-regulation of EFL learners. A sample of 38 homogeneous intermediate learners was recruited as the participants who were then randomly divided to an experimental group (N= 19) and a control group (N= 19). The participants of the experimental group received online collaborative writing using Google Docs while the control group received collaborative writing in the face-to-face classroom. Two timed-writing tasks and the Second Language Writing Self-regulation (SLWS) scale were administered to gather the data. The results obtained from performing paired-samples t-tests and ANCOVA revealed that collaborative writing both via using Google Docs and in the face-to-face classroom significantly enhanced the writing performance and writing self-regulation of the participants. However, the gains experienced by the experimental group were significantly higher than those experienced by the control group. Pedagogical implications for Google Docs supported collaborative writing are finally discussed.
Volume 13, Issue 2 (1-2023)
This study investigates the factors affecting the commercialization of products in medical biotechnology accelerators, it also demonstrates the priority of these factors. The research is applied and descriptive survey. It has been done in two phases, qualitative and quantitative. Based on the general purpose of this study, to provide a framework for the commercialization of products in medical biotechnology accelerators, we interviewed with informed experts. 62 sub-codes were obtained as effective factors in the commercialization of products in medical biotechnology accelerators, which were classified into 5 main dimensions including individual, organizational, industry and competition, institutional and product. These dimensions are presented as a framework. In the quantitative phase, the main dimensions as well as the sub-themes were ranked in the main dimension. Finally, the priority of the main dimensions was as follows: 1. Individual (personality, behavioral and mental characteristics of the mentor and manager) 2. Industry and competition (interaction with pharmaceutical companies as customers, investors, etc.) 3. Organizational (experience of startup teams, codified strategy, R&D, etc.) 4. Product (value added and high-tech) 5. Institutional (government is pragmatic to the country's slogans, interaction with government managers, etc.).
Volume 14, Issue 1 (spring 2014 2014)
Nowadays, the issue of service quality for service-provider organizations specifically banks is of considerable importance. The service-provider organizations (specifically governmental banks) are aware from the necessity of getting satisfaction of customer and assessing quality of services. In this research, we evaluate and analyze the gap of expected and current service quality. In fact, the gap between customer´s expectations of bank services and customers perceptions is assessed based on the hierarchical service quality model (HSQM), which has been introduced by Brady and Cronin in 2001. To do this, customers of Keshavarzi Bank are given as statistical population and a sample with 384 people is extracted from Tehran Keshavarzi Banks using Krejcie-Morgan Table and Cochran formula. The results show that just in two dimensions of HSQM namely «waiting time» and «valence», there is no significant difference between expectations and perceptions, but there are gaps among expectations and perceptions in the other dimensions.
Volume 14, Issue 1 (5-2014)
Active techniques based on the switched-capacitor converters (SCCs) are used in recent years widely for battery cell balancing applications, due to lack of bulky magnetic components. In addition, these converters are easily be integrated to reduce the volume. Despite of all these benefits, SCCs have some disadvantages such as number of active switches, currents spikes, low balancing speed, and high switching losses. In this paper, a chain resonant SCC is analyzed which can realize soft switching under the ZCS conditions to eliminate currents spikes to overcome the aforementioned SCCs drawbacks. Also, it has been modified to increase balancing speed of the Lithium-Ion battery cells. Then, a chain resonant SCC for balancing a combination of three battery cells with capacity of 2150 mAh and nominal voltage of 3.6 V has been simulated by MATLAB/SIMULINK and it has been implemented at 50 kHz to confirm operation of the converter. The simulation and experimental results are in good agreement with the given mathematical analyses and illustrate that the balancing speed has been improved more than three-fold, as compared with the conventional converter.
Volume 14, Issue 1 (March & April 2023 (Articles in English & French) 2023)
This article reports on a study examining the reasons for teachers’ codeswitching from both teachers’ and students’ perspectives. To tap into participants’ cognitions regarding this issue, data were collected from 83 EFL teachers and 160 students of English through a questionnaire developed based on the reasons reported in previous studies. An exploratory factor analysis was run to find the underlying constructs. The results eventually unveiled five factors including pedagogical delivery, limitation in resources, learner variables, establishing rapport, and compensating for low proficiency. A set of independent samples t-tests were run so as to compare teachers’ and students’ views and the results revealed statistically significant differences in all the five identified factors. Pedagogical delivery seemed to be the most acceptable reason for codeswitching since it had the highest mean score in both groups. At the same time, teachers’ and students’ mean scores regarding establishing rapport showed their very different perceptions about this justification for the teachers’ L1 use. The lowest mean scores for teachers and students were observed to be related to limitation in resources and learner variables, respectively. The findings of the present study draw attention to the teachers’ and students’ different cognitions on L1 use and the urgent need for more comparative studies in order to provide more satisfying and effective learning environments.