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Showing 81 results for Mohamadi

Volume 18, Issue 119 (january 2021)

In this research, a combined photovoltaic / thermal solar dryer containing phase change materials (PCM) was designed and fabricated for drying mint leaves. The performance of this dryer was evaluated under the climatic conditions of Mashhad city with a longitude of 59.62 and a latitude of 36.26. The components of this dryer mainly include: photovoltaic panel, solar collector, blowers, phase change material chamber containing paraffin wax and drying chamber. Solar dryer and natural drying in shade as two different drying types were used to perform experiments on mint leaves. The initial moisture content of the mint leaves was 80% which reduced to 12%. The required drying time for the combined solar drying and natural drying was 290 minutes and 1560 minutes, respectively. Eight thin layer drying models available in the literature were fitted to the experimental data in which the Two-term model and the Wang and Singh model were the best fit models for natural and combined solar drying respectively. These models have the highest correlation (highest coefficient of determination and least root mean square error and Chi-square) with the experimental moisture ratio among the other models.

Volume 19, Issue 1 (Spring 2015)

Urban land management is one of the key areas to achieve sustainable development in the countries. Governments to achieve sustainable development goals have to take specific policies appropriate to conditions of the countries and their communities. In This paper the urban land management studies has been surveyed by using Grounded Theory method as a method of qualitative research(by Using Software of Atlas.Ti)and coding method of information. This research wants to investigate government intervention in the urban land management. The main research questions are: 1) what are the reasons for the ineffectiveness of the policies of government intervention in urban land management and why? 2) What is Suitable model for appropriate government intervention in the urban land management? To answer this question, a combination of quantitative methods - qualitative survey was used. The results indicate that the absence clear vision, and consequently uncoordinated policies and institutions, Centralized and non-participatory decision-making, And high incumbency without the necessary institutional capacity are reasons for the ineffectiveness of policy –making in urban land management. Therefore suitable model for appropriate government intervention in the urban land management is the integrated management of urban land based on ( Formulate a clear vision, and integrated strategic policy, and delegation of authority to the lowest level of local institutions along with the capacity building)
R. Ghajar, M. HajiMohamadi,
Volume 19, Issue 1 (January 2019)

In the different applications of thin plats in engineering industrial, some holes are created in the structure that can have different shapes such as circular, elliptical, and quasi-square. When the plate is subjected to loading, stress concentration around the hole causes the crack initiation in these areas that can results in a catastrophic failure. In this paper, mode II stress intensity factor (SIF) for two unequal aligned cracks emanating from a circle or a quasi-square hole in an infinite plane was investigated. The complex variable theory of Muskhelishvili and conformal mapping method were used. To obtain mapping function, Schwarts Christoffel integral was combined with some simple mapping functions. Accordingly, a new mapping function is presented and approximated to the sum of series expansion. Using this approximate mapping, SIF is calculated with high accuracy. Surfaces of the cracks and hole are traction-free. The plane is subjected to the pure shear at infinity. The analytical results are in good agreement with the literature. The obtained stress intensity factors have good accuracy for small cracks. The equation presented in this paper is applicable to the length of the different cracks and calculates the intensity coefficients of mode II for very small cracks with high accuracy. Results show that the shape of the hole is important only for the small cracks.

Volume 19, Issue 77 (12-2022)

One of the reasons for the double problems of correcting the Shahnameh is the need to examine multiple aspects of this text. These aspects include mythological, historical, linguistic and temporal-spatial dimensions. Basically, these problematic foundations are the cause of the error of researchers and proofreaders in correcting this work. In this research, one of the most reliable corrections of the Shahnameh, namely the correction of Jalal Khaleghi Mutlaq, is examined and some of the flaws of this text have been raised. By highlighting some of the corrections of this text and examining some of the selections of this text and comparing the forms of other versions, the author has revealed some flaws. Neglecting the course of the narration, the meaning of the verses, linguistic points, and cognitive copywriting points has caused wrong choices in this text. Apart from version reviews, other things such as explanation and reporting of bits have also been researched and their faults and shortcomings have been explained.

Volume 20, Issue 1 (1-2018)

This study aimed first to investigate the relationship between Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and vegetation attributes (vegetation cover, bare soil, litter frequency, and the amount of biomass) and, then, evaluating the vegetation changes using NDVI in semi-arid rangeland in western Iran. Ground data were collected to assess the accuracy of NDVI index.   For this purpose, 14 sampling units were randomly selected for collection of vegetation attributes including biomass, vegetation cover, litter, and bare soil. Then, the correlation between digital pixel values ​​and the sampling units were analyzed. The results showed that NDVI was highly correlated with all vegetation attributes. The maximum correlation was related to vegetation cover (0.84). So, to evaluate the vegetation changes, the NDVI maps were created in 1986, 2001, and 2013. The results showed that the amount of class 1 (very poor vegetation cover) increased from 0.27 km2 in 1986 to 12.89 km2 in 2013, and also class 4 and 5 (good and very good vegetation cover, respectively) decreased about 27.8 and 37.7%, respectively. The relationship between precipitation and temperature with NDVI was investigated to assess the sensitivity of NDVI to these parameters. The results showed that the amount of precipitation decreased during the studied time periods. This parameter seems to be one of the most important factors affecting the vegetation in our study area.
J. Mohamadi Gangaraj, S. Nourouzi, H. Jamshidi Aval,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (January 2020)

In the conventional casting process, the presence of porosity in the structure is inevitable. Compocasting method is one of the processes for composite production. Performing friction stir processing as a complementary process will modify the microstructure and good distribution of reinforcing particles in the matrix. Therefore, in this study, friction stir processing was used to improve the composite properties of A390 / 10wt% SiC composites. The FSP process was performed at rotational and traveling speeds of 800rpm and 40 mm / min, respectively. Three ratios of shoulder diameter to pin diameter (D/d) of 2, 2.5 and 3 were used, each of them was processed in one to three passes. An optical microscope (OM) was used to examine the microstructure of the processed samples. Microstructural data and its association with the results of the hardness and tensile test yielded the desired parameter. The results showed that FSP modifies the microstructure including resizing and distribution of SiC particles, primary silicon as well as changes the grain size of aluminum. The uniform distribution of particles on one side and the reduction of the grain size of aluminum, on the other hand, is effective in determining the desired parameter. The highest strength and toughness in the D/d ratio was 2.5 and in the third pass were 260MPa and 10.8M J/m3, respectively. Also, the average particle size of SiC, silicon and aluminum grains in the optimum parameter were 2.98, 14.98 and 16.3 μm, respectively.

S.a. Azimi, V. Momeni, M.h. Alaei , A. Mirzaei, M. Rezvani Nasab, M. Ramezani Nezhad, A.h. Mohamadian,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (March 2020)

In this research, the effect of adding clay Nanoparticles on increasing the lifetime of glass/epoxy composites under hydrothermal conditions has been investigated. For this purpose, samples containing 3 Vol.% of clay Nanoparticles and samples without clay Nanoparticles in resin epoxy has been manufactured for the fabrication of specimens of the tensile test using hand lay-up and vacuum bag. The specimens were placed under the hydrothermal condition of 90% humidity and 75 °C temperature for 500 hours in the incubator and were tested for tensile properties. The results show that addition of clay Nanoparticles decreases the strength of the composite by 21.39% in the newly produced samples while in a long time, these particles slow down the process of composite degradation, so that in the same environmental conditions, the strength of specimens containing clay Nanoparticles is 9% higher than the specimens without clay Nanoparticles.

Volume 20, Issue 4 (11-2020)

Two-way slabs are one of the common structural systems. The benefits of such systems have led to extensive use of them in building construction. However, these systems are prone to pushing shear problem which causes sudden failure. There are lots of equations to predict punching shear of slabs. The main proportion of the existing equations are based on statistical results from previous experimental studies. However, these equations are approximate and have large errors. Therefore, more exact and reliable equations that can estimate punching shear capacity are desirable. The aim of this study is to propose an applicable method to predict punching shear in thin and thick slabs using artificial intelligence. For this reason Genetic Programming (GP) and Biogeography-Based Programming (BBP) are employed to find a relationship between punching shear and the corresponding effective parameters. GP that is inspired by natural genetic process, searches for an optimum population among the various probable ones. Two main operations of GP are crossover and mutation which make it possible to form new generations with better finesses. Unlike the GP, BBP is a Biogeography-Based Optimization (BBO) technique which is inspired by the geographical distribution in an ecosystem. BBP employs principles of biogeography to create computer programs. First, 267 experimental data is collected from the past studies. Next, using the aforementioned algorithms, a relationship to predict punching shear is proposed. To evaluate the error of prediction, several error functions including RMSE, MAE, MAPE, R, and OBJ are utilized. Matlab software is used to build the models of prediction. 10 different models are built and the one with the minimum error is selected. Based on the results, GP3 and BBP9 models could reach the best fitness. These models contain 3 sub-trees that use operators of plus, minus, multiplication, division, ln, sin, power 2, power 5 power 0.5, power 0.33, power 0.2, and power 0.25. Overall, the final tree includes several variables and integers, the variables are inputs of column dimension, effective depth, rebar ratio, compressive strength of concrete, and yielding strength of the rebars, and the output of punching shear capacity. The results of modeling are compared with recommended values of the ACI318 and EC2 codes. Comparison shows that code equations are scattered and therefore are not very reliable. Maximum error for both model and code equations occurs when the yielding strength of the rebars is low. Minimum estimation is related to GP and ACI codes with the ratio of 0.485 and 0.52, respectively which is due to very low thickness of the slab (41 to 55 mm). The maximum estimated shear belongs to ACI code in which the estimated value is two times the real one. Also, standard deviation of ACI values is about two times the others. Among the code equations, EC2 values yield more accurate results. However, GP and BBP models give much less mean error. Also, standard deviation of these methods is less than code values. In total, results show that the methods based on artificial intelligence are able to estimate pushing shear with around 2% error, compared to existing code equations which give 14-28% error.

Volume 20, Issue 4 (11-2020)

Impact of Enhancement with Calcium Chloride Solution on the Electrolysis and Electro-Osmosis Mechanisms of Clayey Solis in Electrokinetics Process
    Electrokinetics is known as a common method for improvement of soil engineering properties and contaminant removal from soils. In carbonated soils due to the soil buffering capacity, the acid front does not form through the soil sample. Therefore, the soil improvement usually caused by hydrogen ion effect will not occur. Consequently, a reduction in electrokinetics efficiency happens. One of the methods to overcome this problem is the application of enhancement methods. In this paper the influence of enhancement by the use of calcium chloride solution on two mechanisms of electrolysis and electro osmosis in electrokinetics remediation of carbonated clay is experimentally investigated. For this purpose, an un enhancement and enhance electrokinetics process with 0.2, and 0.5 molar concentrations of calcium chloride has been applied on  carbonated natural clay  samples. The calcium chloride solutions were added to anode reservoir. The achieved results of this paper indicate that due to the noticeable percentages of carbonate calcium in soil sample, not only the pH of soil in electrokinetics process has not decrease, but also because of alkaline condition of soil sample due to the presence of calcium carbonate and calcium chloride solution, the pH of soil has increased. Furthermore, in enhancement electrokinetics with calcium chloride, the presence of calcium ions and an increase in electro migration process have caused an increase in efficiency of electro osmosis. For this reason, the volumetric flow rate of enhanced electrokinetics experiments with 0.5 molar calcium chloride has been almost 250% more than that of for un-enhanced experiments.
Keywords: Electro osmosis, Electrolysis, Electrokinetics, Enhancement, Carbonated Clay.
Zahra Sangarimotlagh, Amir Momeni, Omid Bayat, Zahra DinMohamadi, Mahnaz Asadbeigi,
Volume 20, Issue 12 (December 2020)

In this study, the hot-working behavior of Mn-25Ni-5Cr alloy was studied using hot compression tests at the temperatures of 850 ˚C, 900 ˚C, 950 ˚C and 1000 ˚C and the strain rates of 0.001 s-1, 0.01 s-1, 0.1 s-1 and 1 s-1 to a true strain level of 0.7. The results of flow curves showed that the flow stress decreases with increasing temperature and decreasing strain rate. Regarding the shape of flow curves, peak appearance represents the dynamic recrystallization. The peak stress and strain of flow curves appeared in fewer strains at high temperatures and strain rates. The microstructural evolution is mainly controlled by dynamic recrystallization. The presence of evolving boundaries around the recrystallized grains also indicates the occurrence of continuous dynamic recrystallization during hot working. In closer scrutiny of microstructure and fasciology, using by SEM microscope equipped with EDS detector, in addition to the background phase, second phase consisting of manganese, nickel and chromium was identified. The constants of n, α and β were determined using constitutive, power and exponential equations at 0.3 strain. According to the constitutive equation of the hyperbolic sinus, the amount of activation energy in the strain of 0.3 is 394.6258 kJ/mol.

Volume 20, Issue 134 (April 2023)

The aim of the present study was to optimization of enriched yogurt with chia seed oil and mucilage. This purpose was done with the aim of maximizing omega-3 level and minimizing changes in physical and chemical properties (pH, titrate acidity, syneresis, dry matter, peroxide values and color changes) compared to the control sample. First, in order to increase the oxidative stability, chia seed oil was encapsulated with sodium alginate and chia seed mucilage using emulsification/ internal gelation method. The physical characteristics results showed that the enrichment caused a decrease in the syneresis, an increase in the water holding capacity and viscosity. Then, yogurt was enriched and optimized with free and encapsulated chia seed oil (0 to 4%) and chia seed mucilage (0 to 0.25%). The sample without chia seed mucilage and oil used as a control sample. The results of scanning electron microscopy images showed that the successful alginate-sodium-mucilage microfiber coating of chia seeds has been made with a uniform structure. Yogurt contained 3.41% encapsulated chia seed oil and 0.213% chia seed mucilage was selected as an optimum treatment. The results showed that the number of starter bacteria of optimum sample were not significantly different from the control (p˃0.05). The texture of the yogurts was found to be viscoelastic. The flow behavior index in all samples was less than one, which indicates the non-Newtonian (pseudoplastic) behavior of the samples. Herschel Balky model had R2 and lowest RMSE in both samples, which indicates the suitability of this model to investigate the shear flow behavior in terms of shear velocity of samples.

Volume 21, Issue 2 (9-2017)

Nowadays the effect of cultural industries on GDP, economic growth, social welfare and development of international exchanges is very significant. Therefore cultural activities are to become one of the most fundamental principles of the world economic system. Accordingly, due to the richness and wealth of Iran in terms of cultural products, it is necessary to look at this matter in a different manner and to identify factors which affect the demand for this type of product in order to systematically improving structure of supply and the economy of culture. This study aimed to carry out the composition and classification of factors which affect the demand for products of Iranian culture in domestic market. A qualitative study based on grounded theory, using interviews of 30 artists, scholars and cultural activists with snowball sampling method were conducted. Data analysis were done according to the developed grounded process model. Then, 182 concepts in 4 aspects of: "Stimulating the demand", "creating the demand", "supplying of the demand" and "repeating the demand" were modeled. The reliability of coding was verified with retest reliabilty percentage of 1.52.

Volume 21, Issue 2 (9-2017)

It is important to identify sources of industrial investment growth from policy planning perspective, due to importance of manufacturing industries as the engine of economic development. SME formation is one of these sources that its impact on investment process with various methods has been studied. However, each of these studies used their specific angle and in some cases, these studies have reached different conclusions. On the other hand, many of the previous studies have applied statistical approaches and short-term, medium-term and long-term consequences of the solutions that have proposed by these studies has not considered at the same time. Therefore to address this deficiency, the holistic approach (system thinking) used to study impact of SME formation on investment growth. System Dynamics (SD) method used as a tool for implementing system thinking approach in order to use its capabilities in complex systems modeling and for achievng suitable results from simulation model. The population is Fars province in Period of 1360-1410. Vensim software has used for modeling and simulating. The results from the simulation of designed model showed, there is direct and interactive relationship between SME formation and amount of industrial investment.

Volume 21, Issue 2 (Summer 2018)

Aims: Growth factor (GFs) delivery with the certain concentration and release kinetic is one of the main challenges in tissue engineering. The aim of this study was the preparation and characterization of smart poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) nanoparticles containing vascular endothelial growth factor for induction of angiogenesis in human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells.
Materials and Methods: In this exprimental study, two different formulations of temperature-sensitive Poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) nanoparticles (NPs) were synthesized by free radical polymerization technique. Nanoprecipitation and diffusion methods were used to load the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in PNIPAM NPs. The effects of released VEGF on the differentiation of human bone marrow stem cells (hBMSCs) into endothelial cells in angiogenic, osteogenic, and 50% angiogenic-osteogenic culture medium were investigated, using flow cytometry and light microscope. Statistical analysis was performed, using the GraphPad Prism 6 software.
Findings: The nanoprecipitation process caused polymer degradation due to using the organic N, N-Dimethylacetamide solvent. The cumulative VEGF released after 72hours for 70%. A total of 10ng/ml VEGF released from PNIPAM nanoparticles, in 2D culture with cell density of 3×104 hBMSCs, after 7 days, leading to the endothelial differentiation, capillary-like tube formation, and expression of 20% vWF as angiogenic marker.
Conclusion: The PNIPAM NPs have the potential to load and release the angiogenic GFs for induction of angiogenesis in hBMSCs and in osteogenic medium.

Volume 21, Issue 4 (Winter 2017)

Abstract Succession structure in contracts law in France legal system is according to element of commitments individuality, element of contracts promissory and also existence of asset structure, with definition and output of that legal system. Despite all Iran civil law authors, succession structure in contracts with the output that it has in France law, have accepted in Iran law. But seem that concepts and elements which cause presentation and planning of this structure in France law, in Iran legal system Emamieh Fighh, doesn’t exist as its main origin, and succession structure in contracts law in Iran legal system with following of Emamieh Fighh, have different meaning and output to France law. In Islamic Fighh only heirs called substitute and the output of this legal structure in contracts law, is just survival of contract and lack of possibility of disbanding and annulment of that by heirs, after death of testator (contract party), and the cause is the principles of bindingness.

Volume 21, Issue 4 (winter 2021 2021)

The main purpose of this paper is to estimate the Iran's economy-wide energy rebound effect. Based on Brookes’ explanation on the rebound effect combined with the IPAT equation, this paper first presents a different estimation method of economy-wide energy rebound effect. Then, by using the state-space model, Iran's economy-wide energy rebound effect is estimated over the period 1967–2017. Results show that the annual average of Iran's economy-wide energy rebound effect is 57%. Also, except the 1978-1988 period, in all periods under study energy rebound effect is considerable and it has an increasing trend that makes actual energy saving far less than potential energy saving.
Due to the significant impact of energy rebound effect on Iran's energy saving, in order to reduce the effect of energy rebound effect and increase energy saving it is recommended that, first, the amount of the energy rebound effect be taken into account while designing energy saving goals and policies, because its overestimation or underestimation, causes actual energy saving to be more or less than predicted. Second, saving of energy should not be based on improving energy efficiency solely, because if this policy is not accompanied by appropriate price measures, due to the energy rebound effect, a significant amount of the potential energy saving will not be realized in practice. Of course, relying on price policies and abandoning energy efficiency policies will have the same results.

Volume 24, Issue 2 (summer 2024)

Economic complexity is an index that has been raised in the last decade and indicates the use of technology in the process of producing goods and services of a country, which leads to increased economic growth and prosperity by creating a productive structure in the composition, increased productivity and diversity of manufactured products. Economic complexity is expected to affect energy consumption because the type of products produced is an important determinant of energy consumption. If countries operate in energy-intensive industries such as metals, chemicals, and forest products, energy consumption will be high, and if they specialize in low energy and highly complex products, energy consumption in these countries will decrease. In addition, the level of technological knowledge of countries can significantly affect energy efficiency. Therefore, in this research, the effects of economic complexity and economic growth on renewable, non-renewable and total energy consumption in developing and developed countries in the period of 2000-2020 have been investigated by GMM method.
GMM estimator is a subset of instrumental variable method estimators. In this method, in addition to solving the problem of correlation of the independent variable with disturbance components, the endogeneity of the variables and the heterogeneity of the variance of the model are also solved. It should be noted that this method is applicable when T is smaller than N (number of segments).
The results of this research show that the economic complexity index affects the development of renewable energy in developing and developed countries and also causes a decrease in the use of non-renewable energy and total energy consumption in developed countries and an increase in the use of non-renewable and total energy consumption in developing countries. It is currently being developed. In this research, the opening of trade has had a positive effect on the consumption of renewable energy in both groups of countries, and in developed countries, the opening of trade has reduced the consumption of non-renewable and total energy, and in developing countries, the opposite result has been obtained. In both groups of countries, energy consumption has a positive relationship with income level. Also, the results show that if economic growth is accompanied with higher technology, it can lead to a lower increase in total energy consumption in both groups of countries.
Conclusion and Discussion
As mentioned in the introduction, economic complexity represents a complex and knowledge-based production structure of a given country that takes a long time to mature. When economic complexity increases, the use of non-renewable energy and environmental degradation increases first in a given country. However, with the increase of environmental preferences in a society, the economic actors change their energy by using non-renewable energy habits. This is completely consistent with the results of the estimation models as explained above. Based on the obtained results, it can be said that economic complexity is a policy factor for the overall transformation of renewable energy and demand for greener energy. The study recommends that complexity and structural change policies should be implemented for cleaner and greener growth and overall promotion of greener energy in developing and developed countries. Due to the movement of developing countries towards the development of technology, the need for energy will increase in the coming years. Hence, there is a need for policymakers to plan to meet energy needs. Considering the existing limitations in the use of fossil energy, which leads to complications such as environmental pollution and resource depletion, necessary investments should be made for the development of clean and renewable energy. In order to reduce energy consumption, policies that increase energy efficiency or prevent any form of  waste should be formulated, especially in economic sectors. In this regard, Can and Guzgur recommend that the level of fossil energy consumption in each industry should be clearly estimated and based on that, governments should establish specific laws for each industry. Through developing policies related to trade facilitation, they should also reduce the cost of importing new technologies, or decrease the cost of discovering new technologies via financing research and development institutions. Governments should promote energy regulations to reduce fossil fuel dependence and energy intensity. Future studies could examine the impact of economic complexity on energy demand in terms of oil-importing versus oil-exporting economies. Examining the effects of economic complexity on different aspects of energy (e.g., electric and nuclear energy) can be an important research question for researchers working on energy strategy.

Volume 24, Issue 3 (9-2017)

Bari Castle is located on the western side of Urmia Lake. The castle enclosed with stony walls measuring several meters high, encompasses a widespread area. It was used in the first millennium BC considering the castle’s architectural features and potsherd remains found on its surface. For almost 150 years, from the middle of the 9th century to the end of the 8th century, the Urartian areas in Iran did not witness any attack from Assyrians. It was only during the reign of Sargon II, clashes erupted between Urartu and Assyria. The reason was that Urartu interfered more and more in the affairs of the kingdom of Mannea, which Assyria considered a tributary. The first half of the 7th century is when Mannaean seized the power in that area. It was the time which saw the expansion of Mannean more than ever, especially its dominance on the Urmia plain, hence; the Bari castle was of the Mannaean Empire.

Volume 26, Issue 2 (Summer 2022)

One of the issues in the scope of general rules of obligations, is analyzing the different types of contracts. Suspended contract, as a type of contract, is one of those issues that the analyzing its nature and effects has been subject of many discussions and disagreements among the jurists and lawyers. In the Civil Code of Iran, the allocation of one article to the above mentioned issue, alongside the belief in the invalidity of a suspended contract, in Islamic jurisprudence, or disagreements on which, has caused ambiguity in the effects and rules governing the suspension of contracts in the Iranian law. As a result, there is no general rule regarding the status of a suspended contract in the Civil Code of Iran. Whereas, certain articles of the Civil Code of France, have been allocated to suspended contracts. Doctrines and judicial precedents have made efforts to complete the regulations related to the effects and rules of suspended contracts. Accordingly, the present research, holding a comparative approach to the position of Islamic jurisprudence and French law, tries to explain the status of suspended contracts in the Iranian legal system.

Volume 26, Issue 3 (Summer 2023)

Kidney transplantation is one of the best treatment methods for people with chronic kidney failure, and a large number of kidney transplants are performed worldwide every year. Pathogens that commonly infect kidney transplant recipients are viruses, bacteria, and protozoa. Among these, viruses are considered one of the biggest life-threatening factors in kidney transplant recipients. The reactivation of herpesviruses from the latent state often occurs in conditions of weakening the immune system, including after kidney transplantation. Infection with herpesviruses is still one of the main causes of complications and death for most kidney transplant recipients. Rapid diagnosis of active infection of these viruses in kidney transplant patients has a significant impact on the use of appropriate treatment strategies to reduce complications and transplant rejection.  For this reason, this review aims to provide information about the preventive strategies, diagnosis, and treatment of herpesviruses infections in kidney transplant recipients. In this brief review, we have updated the information presented in previous articles and adjusted it based on recent advances, updated clinical guidelines, and common post-transplant tactics to minimize the risk of infection.

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