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Showing 1 results for Air Gap
Y. Hojjat, M. Mohamadi Moghadam, M. M. Sheikhi, Hosain . M. Mousavi Hondori,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (5-2010)
An Active Magnetic Bearing (AMB) system is designed and manufactured, in which a controlled current is applied to the electromagnets of the stator by a PID controller and the generated attraction forces control the gap between rotor and stator. Effect of parameters, such as sampling frequency, excitation pattern, and the gap between rotor and stator on stability of AMB is statistically analyzed, using the experimental results. Furthermore, dynamic behavior of the system, effect of magnetic field and the resultant force, are numerically analyzed. As the system is nonlinear, experimental results are used to study the effects of nonlinearity and to control the system. In numerical analysis, the distribution and flux density of the magnetic field and the applied force on Iron shaft are calculated by Virtual Work and Maxwell Methods. In statistical analysis, the effect of frequency and gap between rotor and stator are used to determine the stable working point of the system.