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Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Examining the meaning of a word with the approach of cognitive semantics, through the radial network, analyzes the change of the meaning of the word in different contexts in the form of a systematic pattern. In this view, the word has a central meaning, which is also seen in the secondary concepts. Based on this, the secondary meanings that are proposed for the word are somehow tied with the central meaning and a semantic network is formed. Due to the fact that this theory can explain the semantic development of the word and clarify how they came about, we decided to use it to explain the semantic network of zikr in the Qur'an with a descriptive and analytical method. Dealing with the word zikr according to this theory leads us to the following conclusions: The linguistic remembrance of Allah along with the presence of the heart is the central meaning of the word zikr. This meaning is the central core of the coherent semantic network, which consists of six radial meanings based on the first meaning.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Gemination is a prevalent process in Shahmirzadi, a language of the Northwestern branch of Modern Iranian language family spoken in Shahmirzad (Semnan province). This paper presents examples of gemination in verbs, nouns, and adjectives in Shahmirzadi which occur morpheme-internally and externally. Data was gathered from 5 illiterate to Master’s level female and male middle aged and older Shamirzadi native speakers and analyzed within the framework of OT. We observed that gemination is the result of synchronic as well as diachronic assimilation in Shahmirzadi and that progressive and regressive assimilation patterns are themselves the result of two different constraint-rankings of manner and place of articulation and reciprocal-assimilation emerges out of these two rankings.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Sound substitution is a process whereby a phoneme in a loanword is replaced by its closest phone in the borrowing language. Many English loanwords with consonants /T/, /w/, /k/ and /g/ have been adapted by Persian. None of these consonants exist as a phoneme in Persian. The pronunciation or substitution of these consonants by their closest phone in Persian depends on the phonological environment; the dental /T/ is replaced by [t] and [s] respectively in the onset and coda. The bilabial /w/ is replaced by [v] in the onset. However, since [w] is only used as an intervocalic consonant in Persian, it acts like an intervocalic consonant upon the declusterization of word initial /sw/. Therefore, it is not usually replaced by any consonant in this environment. Finally, the velar consonants /k/ and /g/ either change to palatal [c] and [Š] respectively or do not change at all, due to the phonological environment. This research aimed at explaining each of these sound substitution processes within the framework of optimality theory (Prince and Smolensky, 1993/2004). It presents arguments in favor of constraint rankings which cause the occurances of these processes.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Critical Thinking (CT) which has been defined as the employment of cognitive skills or strategies for obtaining sound conclusions (Halpern, 2013) has been the subject of different Second Language (L2) studies at national and international levels. The aim of the present study was to provide a meta-analysis on the (quasi) experimental studies of critical thinking in second language education in Iran. To this end, from a total of 168 studies published between 2011 and 2020, 24 studies were selected based on the inclusion-exclusion criteria. The included studies were coded to calculate the mean effect size of the studies. The results show that 1) L2 teaching was positively effective for the CT development in Iran; 2) the most beneficial aspects of L2 teaching on CT promotion were related to teaching L2 speaking and L2 rhetorical strategies; 3) concerning L2 proficiency level, L2 instruction was most advantageous for advanced students’ CT developments; 4) regarding the age groups, L2 teaching contributed the most growth in CT levels for learners in the age group of 10-14 years, and 5) L2 teaching was most effective for the undergraduate students compared to other educational levels. The findings can be beneficial for pursuing the next moves in L2 research, education, and planning educational policies in Iran.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

This paper presents a detailed phonological analysis of the sound differences between the Abdolmaleki and Hawrami dialects through the lens of Optimality Theory. The research primarily focuses on exploring the variations in vowel length, vowel quality, and consonant structure across these two dialects. The goal is to investigate how these differences manifest in the phonological systems of the dialects and to analyze them within the constraints of Optimality Theory. Several key constraints, including MAX-C, DEP-C, IDENT-[vowel height], IDENT-[vowel backness], ONSET, ALIGN-Morpheme, and CODA-COND, are applied to a comprehensive set of linguistic data collected from both dialects. The findings demonstrate that the Abdolmaleki and Hawrami dialects follow distinct patterns of phonological optimization, which lead to notable differences in their overall phonological structure. The analysis highlights how variations in vowel length, the quality of vowels, and the structure of consonants contribute to these dialectal distinctions. Moreover, the study provides a theoretical framework that not only deepens our understanding of the phonological processes at work in these dialects but also offers a new perspective for analyzing other Iranian dialects. In addition to shedding light on these phonetic differences, this article suggests avenues for further research on phonological variations and underscores the broader applicability of Optimality Theory in linguistic studies.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

This article investigates the syntactic parameters of the agreement/case system in three northwest Iranian languages, including Tati, Talshi, and Vafsi. Baker (2008) shows that the close relationship between agreement and case that Chomsky (2000) formalized it as the Operation Agree is a parametric matter and in all languages, the agreement does not depend on the structural case of the noun phrase. In this regard, he considers the existence of two parameters:  parameter (1) Direction of agreement parameter (DAP) which is based on the c-commanding condition and The Case Dependency of Agreement Parameter (CDAP) or Operation Agree and he believes that the Operation Agree or parameter (2) is only one the agreement parameters in universal grammar, not a principle ones. Also, in a language, all functional heads, if they agree with a noun phrase, are homogeneously subject to the fixed agreement parameter in that language. In this regard, we evaluate how the two parameters of Direction of agreement parameter (DAP) and The Case Dependency of Agreement Parameter (CDAP) are fixed in the functional head (T) and moreover we deal with other functional heads including determiners (D), prepositions (P) and auxiliary verbs (AUX). The results show that in these three Iranian languages, the functional head (T) is subject to the CDAP parameter, not the DAP one and the c-commanding condition is not necessary for agreement. Moreover, in par with the functional head (T), other functional heads are homogenously subject to CDAP. The method of data collection was the library method and interview.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Writing assessment literacy(WAL) for second or foreign language (L2) teachers, which refers to teachers’ knowledge, conceptions, and practice of writing assessment in L2 contexts, has lately received attention from scholars. Although there has been significant debate about the impact of contextual and conceptual factors on teachers’ assessment literacy, studies focusing on how such factors influence teachers’ WAL are lacking. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the way Iranian English writing teachers' conception of assessment, and macro, meso, and micro contextual variables impact their writing assessment practice. It also looked at how writing teachers make assessment decisions in order to negotiate and find a compromise when their assessment views and beliefs diverge from the assessment policies in their local contexts. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews with ten in-service l2 writing teachers in Iran. The findings show that participants had positive conceptions about formative writing assessments but they stated that they mostly used summative assessment in writing classes. Macro level contextual factors turned out to mostly impacted teachers’ writing assessment practices and conceptions. The results underscored the role of school and work experience in shaping and changing writing assessment conceptions. The findings of this study contribute to our current understanding of WAL development and provision of more efficient assessment training for language teachers in teacher education programs.


Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Some muslim scholars and theologians believe in monotheistic creation, but others believe that Allah The Almighty has inspired monotheism to man after his creation. Aiming to investigate the collection of Mulla Sadra's works on monotheism (tawhid) and its correspondent beliefs, the Topic-based Discourse Analysis Model (See Mazinani, Alizadeh, and Azad, 1397) was applied. The results were categorised in three sections: claims, warrants/topos, and certainty in assertion. Sadra claims that the belief in the monotheism is Man's very nature and a necessity for his existence. He has made most of his claims by refering to Quranic verses and hadiths by their explicit quotation, implication and interpretation. In the maze of this important matter, this philosopher occasionally takes an implicit rational position by denoting the topos such as "benefit", "harm", "fundamental need", "necessity", "fulfillment of treaties", "trustworthiness" "Pressure", and "attribution", which these can also be infered from the quoted verses and hadiths. Of course, such kind of argumentation by Mulla Sadra makes it difficult for non-Muslims and rationalists to accept his claims and theory. In all the data considered, however, an influential decisive declarative tone prevails in the claims so that no words or signs of doubt or any item suggesting Mitigation Strategy were observed. In the same vein, the Intensification Sterategy application was nearly observed in 20% of the data, and the processes of negation and passivization with their specific function were seen in 10% of the data.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The present study aims to investigate the distribution of meaning in the narrative space of Abu Torab Khosravi's novel "Rood Ravi" drawing on the views of Yuri Lotman (1922-1993), a prominent semiotician and founder of the Tartu-Moscow School of Semiotics. Lotman posits that active sign systems within specific social and geographical contexts derive their significative power from their interaction with a large body of signs present in the collective memory of the people of that context. In his book “Universe of the Mind” (Lotman, 1990), he refers to this conglomeration of signs as the "semiosphere," which he characterizes by features such as boundary, heterogeneity, and centrality. According to Lotman, significative density within the semiosphere is not uniform, and the density of meaning increases as one moves from peripheral regions to the center with cultural meta-structures charging more elements with meanings in the central regions. The study adopts a descriptive-analytical approach to investigate how temporal-spatial elements and character actions acquire meaning in the narrative space as the story progresses towards the center of Dar al-Miftah. The findings suggest that cultural meta-structures load more elements with signification in the central regions, resulting in a higher concentration of meanings in these areas.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The need to address reading skills in language teaching is important because it is related to the other three skills (listening, speaking and writing) and ultimately affects the main goal of language teaching, which is the ability to create effective communication. Now, given the presence of all mobile phones and laptops, questions arise, to what extent are electronic opportunities included in the educational content of the Russian language in Iran? Аanswering this question, as well as analyzing questionnaires with eleven main questions regarding the inclusion of new technologies, cultural topics, playing with proverbs and other issues raised in the teaching content of the reading lesson, as well as questions about whether such materials are included in the reading textbook or not, we came to the conclusion that there is an acute lack of new technologies and other things in the educational content of reading. Therefore, the authors of this study propose new ideas in the educational content of reading to solve existing problems and improve the educational process of teaching reading in Russian at the undergraduate level.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Pashto language is one of the Iranian languages about which little linguistic research has been conducted. Causation in Pashtu language needs more explanation because this issue is very important, but in Pashto grammar books and linguistics, no attention has been paid to this issue. Therefore, the investigation and research of causation in this language is of particular importance. The purpose of this research is to describe the causative category of Pashto language. the data required for this research is based on the works and speakers of this language based on the research of Dabir Moghaddam (1399). In addition to the description of causation, the research method of this article is based on Pashto language examples that have been transliterated and interpreted. Examples of this text have been selected from hundreds of sentences and analyzed. The important issue is the representation of causative construction in Pashto language, and how it is done. Pashto language is one of subject-object -verb languages and causation exists in this language in the form of morphology and syntax. This research has analyzed the data based on the taxonomy theory. Language causation in Pashto is more complicated than in Persian; because it does not follow a specific principle. In causative conjugation, in addition to (aw) affix, prefixes (pӘ,pӘr) and (war bânde,pre) are used. The rate of generation of auxiliary causatives is higher in Pashto language because it comes with most verbs and makes the verb transitive.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The purpose of this paper is to examine the emotional discourse with semiotic-semantic approach in one of the poems of Mir Razi Danesh Mashhadi. Poetry is the language of the heart that is emerging from the feelings of a poet, and a poet is someone who expresses these feelings and emotions in a rhythmic language in a desired construction. Semiotics and analysis of poetic discourse are novel implementations with various and new functions created for literary studies to evaluate the poet's affection in terms of poetic experience, level and type of affection, imagination, language and audience and demonstrate the poet’s affection in poetry experience dimensions, degree and type of emotion, language, and audience. In this regard, the emotional flow of discourse and the way of creating the meaning in poetry are evaluated in order to study the conditions of formation and production of the emotional system. The main question is how the poet has manipulated discourse elements to create an emotional environment and which pattern of tension in poetry is used and which function of semantic sign emotional process in poetry is based on. The results indicates that the emotional system of discourse in Mirrezi's poetry is a function of the emotional system of sensual- perceptual and tensional-physical discourse and is formed based on the Shushi (Shushi-Eventual) event pattern. In adition, the process of schema emotional tension of poetry is heterogeneous and divergent.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The present research investigates the conceptualization of the metaphors of “fear” in the Quran. Conceptual metaphors are an important discourse in cognitive linguistics. In this approach, metaphors are believed to be a cognitive phenomenon which manifests in language. This research aims to identify the initial spheres based on which fear has been conceptualized in the Quran and endeavors to attain the stance of the Quran on this emotion. To this end, a body of 607 verses containing the concept of fear was collected. In the next stage, 18 concepts were identified using cognitive analysis. The two schemas of force and movement as the initial spheres play a major role in the conceptualization of “fear” in the Quran. In conceptualization based on movement, behavioral and physiological actions of people facing external forces indicate their lack of control and defeat by external forces, with a virtual basis in most cases. In return, in conceptualizing fear based on the schema of force, the presence of a range of forces such as pressure, blocking, and redirection in facing external forces express the voluntary reaction of people in overcoming the external forces. Hence, in line with its guiding purposes, the Quran has missioned the prophets, in many cases as a divine command, to ask His audience to confront the non-divine external forces with the force arising from – the fear – of divine majesty.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Giles, Goat-Boy is a black comedy to bite everyone. Embodied in a postmodern fabulation, Barth’s sense of humor allows him to create a political allegory on any structure of power that claims to save humanity. GILES, a hybrid of a machine and a goat, is tasked with the mission to lead the so-called academic society through instrumental intellect. But he can only go so far as not to create a conflict of interest between the ruling powers. The pattern used in creating Giles is an imitation of the classic patterns in creation and journey of a hero, except that Giles is destined to appear as a scapegoat against the positivist Sphinx of Time. Such an approach begs the main question of the research: How ideological systems sacrifice their heroes to secure their interests? This hypothesis is also in line with Frankfurt School’s critical theory, which considers the capitalist system to be a violation of freedom and social values. The intellectuals such as Horkheimer and Adorno consider man to be a victim of objectification and alienation arising from social and political conflicts. They also believe that hegemonic systems have humiliated man with false pleasures. Just as Giles fails to reform the most powerful ruling system, WESCAC, so Barth symbolically paints a bleak picture of human destiny in modern society today. The purpose of the research is to raise human awareness about the harsh laws that are the ominous products of instrumental intellect, as one of the defining elements of capitalist system.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

This study sheds light on Ben Lovatt's idiosyncratic characterization, cognitive impairment, and peculiar perception of the world through the lens of cognitive and stylistic features such as schema and cognitive theories. It explores Ben's inability to make meaningful sense of the outside world, his failure to activate adequate schemata when necessary, and his foregrounded conceptual metaphor. Exploring Ben's foregrounded linguistic and cognitive patterns reveal that Ben, in many aspects, proves the particular belief in the story that he seems to be on the threshold between humanity and animality or a throwback who belongs to centuries ago. However, despite Ben's human-animal hybridity, the most striking point about the analysis of Ben's mind style is that Ben seems to be beyond the descriptions of other characters and has a particular way of seeing the world, which makes him seem different from others. This difference, eventually, causes his exclusion from the world and his suicide.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

This paper deals with the object agreement phenomenon in the transcriptions written in Middle Persian language. This study is a descriptive study and is classified as a library research. The collected data from transcriptions in Middle Persian language namely as Ardā-Virāf-nāmeh, Bundahishn, Dānāk u Mainyo-ī Khard, Dēnkard Book 5, Rivāyat ī Ādurfarrōbay i Farrōkhzādān, and Vizidagiha-ye Zadesparam have been analyzed based on the theoretical background of  Dalrymple and Nikolaeva (2011). The analysis of the collected data showed that in the Middle Persian Language in some cases the verb instead of the subject, agrees with the object of the sentence in number and person features. This phenomenon happens only when the sentence has the transitive verb in the past tense and there is no object agreement for transitive verbs inflected for other tenses. Moreover, the object agreement in the Middle Persian has no relation with the animacy and definiteness characteristics of the object. A comparison between the results of this research and the findings of the Dalrymple and Nikolaeva (2011) shows that object agreement is the Middle Persian is a syntactic phenomenon based on the tenses of the sentence that just occurred when the transitive verb was in the past tense. This phenomenon can show the diachronic changes of the Persian Language for the emergence of the ergative system in the Persian Language.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Grammarly software is one of the most popular software for automatic recognition of grammatical errors in texts translated from Persian to English. The study aims to evaluate the efficiency of Grammarly and propose some suggestions for upgrading the software. To achieve this, a corpus including the English translation of the booklets introducing the works of Resistance-literature was studied. After the grammatical errors were extracted by the researchers (human evaluator), the electronic file of the booklets was provided to the software to detect the errors by Grammarly. Grammatical errors were then categorized and the extracted data were matched by researchers and software. After the qualitative and quantitative analysis of errors and the presentation of the findings, suggestions were made to improve the efficiency of Grammarly. According to the findings, out of 98 cases being specified by Grammarly as errors, 16 of them were not actually errors. In 4 cases (4.9%) Grammarly failed to accurately identify the "type" of error. The weakest grammatical performance of the software occurred in the misdiagnosis of ‘word spelling’ and ‘misuse of masculine and feminine pronouns’. Regarding the efficiency of Grammarly, it was found that the software has an excellent performance with a diagnosis of 82.8% of errors.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Recitation of the Holy Qur’an has its own phonological rules. This paper addresses total nasal place and manner assimilation, known as “idgham”, that lead to “gemination with nasalization” and “gemination without nasalization”. The former which is accompanied by lengthening occurs in the environment where the /n/ in the coda position precedes one of the four sonorants /j/, /m/, /w/, and /n/ in the onset position of the following syllable. However, the latter which is not accompanied by lengthening occurs in the environment where /n/ in the coda position precedes either of the sonorant liquids /r/ or /l/ in the onset position of the following syllable. The present research aimed at identifying the constraints whose interactions cause either of these processes in the recitation of the Holy Qur’an within the framework of optimality theory (Prince and Smolensky, 1993/2004). The results of this paper are as follows: The [+long] geminated [n:.n] is the result of gemination of /n/ in the coda position with /n/ in the onset position. The [+long] geminated [m:.m] is the result of total nasal place assimilation of /n/ in the coda position with /m/ in the onset position. The [-long] geminated [r.r] and [l.l] are the result of total manner assimilation of /n/ in the coda position, respectively with /r/ and /l/ in the onset position. The [+long] geminated [j:.j] and [w:.w] are the result of both total nasal place and manner assimilations of /n/ in the coda position, respectively with /j/ and /w/ in the onset position.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The pragmatics is one of the main branches of linguistics that considers discourse coherence as the result of interaction between language users and text context. Hence, its subject is the study of the ability to use language and to construct context-related sentences to show how speech makes sense in situations. The pragmatics of language studies the meaning that the speaker conveys and the listener or reader interprets. In the meanwhile, protest and argumentation is a process of linguistic communication that the speaker uses in order to change the attitude and point of view of the audience and in the direction of the desired goals, makes his thought pursue and in this process of techniques and methods Benefits variety. In the present article, the techniques of argumentation were criticized and analyzed in a number of Nahj al-Balaghah proverbs in order to obtain a more accurate reading and understanding of these proverbs. To conduct this research, 95 samples of proverbs in which protest techniques were more common were analyzed based on the book (Al-Amthal wa Al-Hakam Al-Mustakhrajah) written by Mohammad Al-Gharavi. The results showed that Imam Ali (AS) by maintaining the laws of language evolution, in order to persuade and persuade his audience, from a variety of linguistic-rhetorical strategies, methods of persuasion, quasi-logical structures, rhetorical approaches, preaching, simile, allegory, irony and metaphor. Has used and artistically presented his desired moral, social and political concepts in the form of words that express the linguistic and cognitive ability of Amir Bayan (AS).                                             

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

. Translation is one of the ways that provides trade between two languages, especially if the works selected by the translator are among the noble and precious works of that language. Marzbannameh of Saad al-Din Varavini is one of these valuable works that has a high literary status in Persian language, which was translated into Arabic by the Iranian-origin writer, Shahab al-Din Ahmad bin Abu Muhammad known as Ibn Arabshah in the 9th century. Both books have received influences from the other language in their language format, which indicates a deep connection between Persian and Arabic languages. The present research has been organized in a descriptive-analytical way with the aim of evaluating and explaining the effectiveness and mutual utilization of Waravini and Ibn Arabshah in Arabic and Persian language. The result of the research showed that Varavini has made Marzban-nameh as a technical work that has a rich literary language, decorated with Arabic evidence in terms of words and combinations, poems, verses and hadiths, and on the other hand, Ibn-Arabshah also in the process The translation has benefited from Persian language evidence such as borrowing Persian words, combinations and literal translation of proverbs. The element of culture, as an inseparable pillar of a language, has permeated Persian and Arabic languages and has become a part of that language, and all these elements show the deep and unbreakable connection between Persian and Arabic languages

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