Showing 4 results for Axial Force
Volume 17, Issue 1 (5-2017)
According to the structural damages observed after the recent near-field earthquakes which are attributed to the vertical component of the ground motion as well as concentration of the damages in column members leading to progressive structural collapse, investigation of ground motion’s vertical component effect has been widely regarded in recent studies. This component is considered less than other component of earthquake and the seismic design codes has been little attention. While the earthquake in near fault zones that has large vertical acceleration comare with horizontal acceleration, caused extensive damage. Damage of concrete columns is an example of the negative effects of the vertical component. vertical component of earthquake is considered in design of spesific members on the recommendation of seismic codes such as the EC-8 and FEMA 356. the design is intended to have with the intended use of the scaled horizontal component , Design this can be done that is unrealistic and will lead to incorrect answers due to lack of stimulation due to the specific characteristics of vertical component of earthquake and structural properties in the vertical direction, also The vertical component of earthquake is less studied in seismic risk analysis. In this study, the effects of vertical earthquake excitations on medium-rise concrete moment frames are investigated in two separate stage including near field and far field records.
In this research, various structural models rep resentative of real structures designed in accordance to seismic codes and under actual gravitational loads have been subjected, simultaneously, to horizontal and vertical components of near- and far-field ground motion records at two stages. Nonlinear time history and progressive dynamic analyses have been performed in this regard. Furthermore, the effect of elevation or reduction of initial gravitational forces as well as columns’ initial axial forces have been investigated by applying differing gravitational loading coefficients. Structural response parameters including tensional and compressional axial loads of the columns as fluctuating forces, columns’ uplift forces at various plan positions and under various gravitational coefficients, the interactive axial-flexural forces of the columns at different gravitational coefficients, shear demand-to-capacity of columns, axial deformation of the columns in presence and absence of vertical component of the earthquake, have been comparatively investigated and the effect of vertical ground motion component has been assessed, separately, for far- and near-field acceleration records and for external and internal columns placed at different stories.
The obtained results reveal that tensional uplift forces are more critical in external columns than the internals. This is mainly true for lower stories while at the upper stories the tensional forces experienced by internal columns are seen to be more critical. Existence of vertical component of the earthquake leads the minimum compression forces to increase and change toward tension range. The amount of this reduction has been shown to reach the value of 84% in the more extreme case. It was also seen that for smaller gravitational coefficients, tensional axial forces are more frequently observed. Presence of earthquake’s vertical component has been shown to amplify the columns’ shear demand by values that reach 31% at the most extreme cases.
Ahmad Ghasemi Ghalebahman, Ali Khakbaz,
Volume 18, Issue 4 (8-2018)
This study aims to investigate the transverse vibration of single- and double-layered graphene sheets embedded in an elastic medium based on the third-order shear deformation theory considering the axial force effect within the framework of Eringen’s nonlocal elasticity theory, where the governing equations of motion are obtained using Hamilton’s principle. The superiority of the studied non-local continuum model to its local counterpart is to consider the effect of size on the mechanical behavior of the structure. The results from a natural frequency analysis are obtained for different conditions such as the effect of size and aspect ratio, axial force, nonlocal coefficient, and change in the stiffness properties of the surrounding elastic medium by using the Navier-type solution for simply supported boundary conditions. Given that in a double-layered graphene sheet, the system has an in-phase vibrational mode and anti-phase vibrational mode with 180-degrees phase difference, the effect of van der Waals force on both vibrational modes is attempted to be investigated and it is shown that the van der Waals force has no effect on in-phase vibrational mode and by increasing it, the anti-phase frequency increases. It is also demonstrated that the nonlocal parameter is not a constant parameter but its value depends on the size and atomic structure, like chiral and zigzag configurations, and even on the type of boundary conditions.
Morteza Zandi Pour, Hamid Soleimanimehr, Saeid Amini ,
Volume 22, Issue 10 (10-2022)
Ultrasonic machining is a new technique, and one of the new and promising processes for machining metals, especially metal alloys with low machinability. In this paper, a set of laboratory studies is used to investigate the effect of using ultrasonic vibrations on the force required for drilling of the thin aluminum workpieces. For this perpuse, three aluminum workpieces with different thicknesses are drilled under three different rotation speeds, and four different advance rates. The results showed that in two aluminum workpieces, 1 and 1.5 mm, the use of ultrasonic vibrations generally reduced the axial force, but in the 2 mm workpiece, it is not possible to understand a meaningfull effect of adding ultrasonic vibrations. In other words, it can be said that adding ultrasonic vibrations with constant amplitude and frequency does not have the same effect on drilling in different conditions, and to reach the most efficient drilling, the characteristics of optimal vibration should be studied.
Morteza Zandipour, Hamid Soleimanimehr, Saeed Amini,
Volume 23, Issue 5 (4-2023)
Ultrasonic vibration assisted drilling is a new technique, and one of the modern and promising processes for drilling metals, especially metal alloys with low machinability. In this paper, a set of laboratory tests is used to investigate the effect of using ultrasonic vibrations on the force required for drilling of the thin aluminum specimens. For this purpose, three aluminum workpieces with different thickness are drilled under three different rotation speeds, and four different penetration rates. The results showed that in two aluminum workpieces, 1 and 1.5 mm, the use of ultrasonic vibrations generally reduced the axial force, but in the 2 mm workpiece, it is impossible to understand a meaningful effect of applying ultrasonic vibrations. In other words, it can be said that adding ultrasonic vibrations with constant amplitude and frequency does not have the same effect on drilling in different conditions, and to reach the most efficient drilling; the characteristics of optimal vibration should be studied.