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Showing 2 results for Cable Actuated

Mahdi Bamdad, Homayoon Zarshenas,
Volume 14, Issue 11 (2-2015)

In this paper, a cable actuated robot is introduced as a new rehabilitation approach. The quality improvement of human and machine interface has led to create a new device in this area. The interface between the robots with the physical characteristics of body can improve the interaction forces and the patient safety. Considering the joint compliance during the motion range can make the patient feel better and thus, bring success for the rehabilitation program. The key element "cable" makes the possibility of force transmission in this mechanism. Cable actuator is used in this project in order to achieve to maximum adaptation with elbow operation Moreover in the design of rehabilitation device, some advantages are regarded like the low-cost and light weight, smooth joint motion with adjustable stiffness, motor size reduction. The dynamic parameters related to the elbow behavior are described with amplitude and frequency investigating. The performance of the elbow rehabilitation device is examined. Stiffness variation of robot joint is effectively compatible with the elbow joint stiffness according to rehabilitation protocols. As the presented mechanism able to simulate elbow rehabilitation, it can be used more widely in the field of medical robotics.
Mahdi Bamdad, Arman Mardany,
Volume 14, Issue 14 (3-2015)

This paper focuses on a class of continuum robot manipulators that uses cables for actuation. In order to realize more natural and various motions like human musculoskeletal, tendon-driven manipulators is studied. It is challenging to design the manipulator structure which consists of bones and redundant muscles. A comprehensive study is presented including the theoretical analysis of the mechanical design, kinematics, dynamics and tracking control of a planar continuum backbone robot. Lagrange's equation is applied to the dynamic problem and the system is controlled by a computed torque/time delay approach. This paper explores the fundamental limitations of dynamic problem for different loading conditions and the behavior is formulated based on the motion constraints. For example, the cable forces are computed considering the yield stress. Moreover the effects of cable configuration are examined by comparing the model performance. Meanwhile, the geometrical parameters have an important effect on manipulation. The analysis is applied on two main robot structures considering geometrically constrained deformable continuum body. The simulation results illustrate the efficiency of the proposed design and controller. Nevertheless, the field of continuum and hyper-redundant manipulation holds great promise also in the experimental domains.

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