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Showing 2 results for Collision Avoidance

Arezoo Cadkhodajafarian, Ali Analooee, Shahram Azadi, Reza Kazemi,
Volume 17, Issue 11 (1-2018)

This paper focused on the vehicle path planning in the highways and complex urban environments. At first, obstacles and road lines have been detected by sensors of the intelligent vehicle, thereupon the vehicle will be find the safe areas using the time distance method developed in this paper. Then, an appropriate path close to the intelligent decisions about human being would be chosen through the developed algorithm. There is the possibility of collision to surrounding vehicles in the areas where changing the lane is needed. Therefore, to prevent collision, a five orders polynomial curve is offered for each lane change maneuver. The reached maneuver is optimized based on the vehicle dynamic and allowed lateral acceleration. Finally, a suitable path to pass quite safely and without any collision through the obstacles is suggested. At the end, two main and different simulation scenarios included the lack of collision is verified by MATLAB software and the obtained path is controlled by the sliding mode controller. These simulations indicated effectiveness of this method. The lateral acceleration is obtained in allowed range for comfort of occupants in these scenarios.
Hadi Sazgar, Ali Keymasi Khalaji,
Volume 24, Issue 4 (3-2024)

In recent years, advancements in driver assistance technology have significantly minimized the impact of human error on traffic accidents. The development of these systems is of great interest, especially for critical and accident-causing maneuvers such as critical lane change on the highway. One of the important parts of automatic lane change is the motion planning. In this research, taking into account the criteria of collision avoidance and feasibility of the path, an algorithm for the motion planning is proposed. The main innovation of the present research is that the dynamic limits and stability margins of the vehicle have been converted into quantitative criteria and considered in the motion planning. To evaluate the performance of the motion planning algorithm, the complete model of the car is used in the Carsim-Simulink software. Also, to follow the designed path, an integrated longitudinal-lateral control has been designed and implemented. The simulation results show that the proposed method provides a more accurate assessment of the trajectory dynamic feasibility in high-speed critical lane change maneuvers compared to the previous methods. This issue is especially evident for critical maneuvers where the lateral acceleration of the trajectory is more dominant than the longitudinal acceleration.

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