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Showing 8 results for Contraction

Volume 4, Issue 2 (7-2013)

One of the stages in the contemporary linguistics, based on which the linguists recognize a special position for speaker, is the “discourse analysis”. In this innovative linguistic perspective, the individual indicator, which influence on producing the texts, constitutes a new area in pragmalinguistic researches. Though we can pursue the history of acquaintance of linguistics with deixis in the rhetorical tradition of Islam, where the term appears by means of struggling, which arises from the process between grammar and rhetoric. Islamic grammarians are interested into internal context (co-text) & ask if there is a cohesion between the propositional members of the text and its external context (context of situation). Whereas, the rhetoricians study about the illocutionary force(s) of the utterances through corresponding this force with the context of situation. But among these scientists, there are others who synthesize between co-text & context simultaneously. They respect the deviations in grammatical principles in order to achieve the illocutionary or force(s) of utterances. This article argues some deixis in Ney-Nameh, such as personal pronouns, demonstratives, spatial-temporal indicators & expansion-contraction in discourse to evaluate the importance of speaker’s function in the above-mentioned discourse. In fact, this article would reply to this question that if by means of the deixis, we can go out of utterances’ level to appreciate the illocutionary forces of a total text and evaluate the correspondence of co-text and context.  

Volume 6, Issue 1 (12-2006)

Home Uterine Activity Monitoring (HUAM) has demonstrated to be of great value for preventing preterm labor in recent years. In this research, a low cost monitoring device for non-invasive monitoring of the uterine activity in pregnant women is presented. The new device has been designed based on an inductive Colpitz oscillator and vertical displacement of a ferrite core in a coil. The resulting frequency of the oscillator is proportional to the pressure in the external surface of the abdomen. This frequency is measured by the portable monitor. A low-power static random access memory (SRAM) provides long-term data storage. The proposed sensor for detecting uterine contractions has light weight, high stability and low cost. This sensor is very simple to manufacture and use for long-term ambulatory monitoring of the uterine activity. Furthermore, this sensor can be calibrated using software. Other features of the sensor are, resolution of 0.13 mmHg, repeatability close to 96% and input range from 0 to 95.32 mmHg.

Volume 13, Issue 1 (1-2010)

Objective: Due to the frequent use of surface electromyography as a tool for the study of muscle function, to accurately compare electromyographic data from different muscles and different subjects, it is necessary to normalize the integrated data obtained from each muscle. The most common normalization technique is the use of maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) of a predetermined isometric movement as the reference electromyographic signal. The purpose of this study was to determine the Reproducibility of maximum voluntary isometric contraction of shoulder muscles in Empty Can position test and the correlation between force and MVIC of shoulder muscles. Materials and Methods: The electromyographic activity of these four muscles (anterior and middle deltoid, upper and lower trapezius) was examined in 20 healthy subjects (10 men and 10 women with 31.25±8.92 age). Muscle force was determined by dynamometer. Each test repeated 3 times. Results: Results showed that same day test retest reliability coefficients were significant (ICC>95%), but separate day test retest reliability coefficients were not significant. Maximum muscle force did not relate to any of muscles MVIC amplitude. Conclusion: Reproducibility results may be due to electrode placement, emotional and physical condition of subjects and the large range of motion of shoulder and compensatory movements of shoulder and trunk.
Elham Hazrati, Mahmood Azghani,
Volume 18, Issue 9 (12-2018)

Pedaling is recognized as one of the most widely used therapies in rehabilitation. Which is influenced by various factors. Studying the effect of saddle position and saddle height (horizontal and vertical distance of saddle from pedal, respectively) changes in the pedaling feasible places range (saddle height range: 49-80% of leg length) on the leg joints range of motion and muscles contraction velocity are the purposes of this study. The pedaling conditions with ergometer are obtained in the model (crank arm length and pedaling rate are 17.5 cm and 80 rpm, respectively). Results indicate that ankle, knee and hip joints range of motion are 11.08-37.54 (SD: 0.03-1.86), 69.61-80.58 (SD: 4.02-9.76) and 42.89-46.13 (SD: 0.07-2.89), respectively. The effect of saddle height changes on ankle>knee>hip and the effect of saddle position changes on knee>hip>ankle range of motion. By increasing the saddle height, ankle and knee joints range of motion increase significantly. The positive correlation between ankle-knee, ankle-hip and knee-hip joints, show the coordination and the cooperation of joints during cycling. The saddle place changes affect the contraction velocity of lower limb muscles. In particular, by changing the saddle place in the feasible places, the contraction velocity of ankle, knee and biarticular muscle groups change in a wide range.

Volume 19, Issue 2 (7-2019)

In the present paper, the effects of deconvolved earthquake input on the linear and nonlinear seismic response of an existing arch dam in a 3D space are investigated. nonlinearities originate from the opening/slipping of the vertical contraction joints within the dam body. The reservoir–structure interaction is taken into account by the finite element method with the appropriate boundary conditions. The reservoir was assumed to be compressible. The Shahid Abbaspour arch dam was selected for the case study. Finally, the viscous condition at the far-end boundary of the foundation is used to model the radiation effect. A quasi elastic damping model is utilized. The stiffness and mass proportional damping, equivalent to 10% of the critical damping based on the 2Hz and 6Hz frequencies of the dam foundation system, is applied to the structure. Three components of the 1994 Northridge earthquake as maximum credible earthquake are selected as the free field ground motions. The analysis is carried out in two steps. First a deconvolution analysis is performed to adjust the amplitude and frequency contents of an earthquake ground motion applied at the base of the foundation to achieve the desired output ground acceleration at the dam-foundation interface at the different points. Then the calibrated base acceleration history is applied to the foundation base of the dam-reservoir-foundation-system to perform the seismic analysis. Based on the results, spectra of the response at the dam-foundation interface at different points match very closely with the spectra of the horizontal free field ground motions. However, the existing deconvolution procedure does not produce appropriate results for high frequency ground motion records. To overcome such limitation, a modified procedure has been used for vertical earthquake which has led to better convergence. In existing procedure, a correction factor for each frequency is computed using the ratio of the Fourier amplitudes of the reproduced ground acceleration at the dam-foundation interface and free-field ground acceleration signals in a given iteration. The acceleration signal applied at the base of the foundation model is modified using the correction factor for each frequency. In modified procedure, Instead of adjusting the Fourier amplitudes, the response spectra at different frequency are adjusted. It is worth mentioning that the main novelty of the present investigation, is that it takes into account the effects of deconvolved earthquake input in addition to both the joints nonlinearity. According to the analyses, modeling vertical contraction joints leads to a decrease in the maximum value of stensile stress levels through the dam body by 6%. The extreme values of joints opening/sliding experienced by the contact elements located on the upstream face along the crest are 6.3mm and 18.1mm, respectively. The maximum values for joints sliding occurred in vicinity of the abutments. Also, maximum values of joint opening/sliding along the height of the dam body experienced by the contact elements located between the central cantilever and the adjacent ones on the upstream face occurred in crest of the dam body. However, to achieve more realistic results, other factors such as the spatial variation in ground motion, should be considered.
Reza Adabi, Mani Fathali, Gholamhosein Pouryoussefi, Alireza Doostmahmoudi, Mostafa Amiri Tayebi,
Volume 22, Issue 3 (3-2022)

 In this research, the turbulent isotropic flow has been experimentally investigated. Hence, two different grids are made and a contraction channel is installed behind it inside the subsonic wind tunnel to generate an isotropic turbulence flow.  The grids with mesh sizes of 2/54 cm and 5/08 cm were cut on the wood with obstruction ratio of 0/34 and 0/17, respectively. One-dimensional hot wire was used to determine the perturbation velocities in the direction of flow, and an approximation was used to determine the components of other directions. At speeds of 5 m/s and 10 m/s, experiments were performed for each of the grids, which range from a Reynolds number of 8500 to about 33000. To determine the onset of the isotropic location, methods of velocity skewness, kurtosis, turbulence intensity, dissipation rate, and longitudinal scales such as Kolmogorov and Taylor lengths were used. For skewness and kurtosis, the numbers show 0 and 3, respectively, which indicate the isotropic flow. Results showed that with increasing the velocity, the isotropy of the flow was delayed. Also, in a grid with a lower obstruction ratio, the intensity of turbulence will be less near the grid, but as it moves away from the grid, the intensity of turbulence will increase.

Volume 22, Issue 6 (11-2022)

One of the most important problems in downstream hydraulic structures is the destructive kinetic energy of the flow. Experts always try to properly design and reduce the effect of this destructive force on the downstream of hydraulic structures in rectangular channel. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of sudden contraction with the rough bed of contracted section on the relative energy dissipation in the supercritical flow. Three types of constrictions with widths of 5, 10 and 15 cm and three roughnesses with average diameters of D50=0.8, 1.28 and 2.08 cm and range of Froude number 2.5 to 7.5 and relative contracting 0.5 to 0.83 was examined. Experimental results showed that with increasing the upstream Froude number, the upstream relative energy dissipation (ΔE/EA) increases. Also, by applying roughness to the bed of all three sections of contracting, it was observed that energy dissipation increased significantly so that the highest energy dissipation with 78.35% increase related to 15 cm contracting and the lowest energy dissipation with 43.35% increase related to the contracting of 5 cm. The relationships extracted to estimate the relative energy dissipation showed that the results are in good agreement with the experimental data with a correlation coefficient of 0.927 and a normalized square absorption line of 0.02.

Saeid Mahjoob , Mostafa Nazemizadeh ,
Volume 23, Issue 10 (10-2023)

In this article, the kinematic and dynamic analysis of a multi-bar drum mechanism is discussed using Adams software. At first, the modeling of the mechanism is done in the catia engineering software, and then the model is entered in the Adams software. Then, by determining the appropriate joints, the initial speed is given to the mechanism and THE MOTION OF the mechanism is simulated. A kinematic analysis of the mechanism is performed and results of speed and acceleration of the joints are presented. The performed design and simulation show the effectiveness of the mechanism.

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