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Showing 2 results for Crankshaft

Seyed Jalal Aldin Seyedalian, Said Mahjob Moghadas,
Volume 12, Issue 5 (1-2013)

Automotive crankshafts are subjected to fluctuating torques due to periodic strokes in the cylinder. The gas-forces and inertial-forces due to the reciprocating masses will contribute to the excitation forces on the crankshaft system. The forces cause alternative torque on the crankshaft and cause vibration on the motor which cause noise and shake in the vehicle. Therefore, it’s necessary that was determined crankshaft dynamic behaviour. Although most physical structures are continuous, their behaviour can usually be represented by a discrete parameter model. In this paper, torsional vibration was determined with theoretical, analytical and experimental analysis on the Peugeot and Renault vehicle. For Solution of theoretical analysis, was used of B.I.C.E.R.A formula [1] and natural frequency for analytical analysis obtained with ANSYS software. Then, theoretical and analytical procedure compared with the experimental model, to obtain optimization model and with the best model, influence of torsional vibration was determined on the engine speed., , ,
Volume 24, Issue 11 (10-2024)

The purpose of this study is to investigate the research and factors affecting the crankshaft and analyze it with Abaqus software, which after performing the energy-time diagram analysis shows us the amount of von Mises stress and displacement on the crankshaft surface. The crankshaft is one of the most important and complex parts in any type of engine. The importance of fatigue analysis and life assessment is not hidden from anyone. There are many challenges to crankshaft design, such as vehicle use, lower weight requirements, efficiency and longer life. The crankshaft is subjected to alternating bending and torsional loads during its working life, and its failure causes serious damage to the engine, so its fatigue resistance must be considered in the design. Here, using Abaqus software, we bring the part to the software environment and then perform the force loading and meshing analysis steps and calculate the amount of force applied to the crankshaft

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