Showing 8 results for Damage Mechanics
Mohammad Forouzan, Iman Shafaeizadeh, Lohrasb Faramarzi,
Volume 14, Issue 5 (8-2014)
A two-dimensional (2D) eXtended Finite Element Method (XFEM) simulation is presented for propagation of hydraulic fractures from wellbore that the minimum principal in-situ stress is in horizontal plane. One primary role of hydraulic fracturing is to provide a high conductivity pathway along which reservoir fluids can flow to the well. In this study, enriched element has been applied with a maximum principal stress damage criterion, for initiation and propagation of crack in Abaqus 6.12. The properties and input data for rock models were extracted experimentally from Ahwaz reservior- Bangestan wellbore specimens. The specifications of crack were studied by analyzing the rock model without any crack or flaw and under different condition, such as in-situ stresses, pore pressure and elastic modulus. The results show that the critical position of crack initiation is perpendicular to minimum principal in-situ stress and stress condition of borehole and by increasing the pore pressure to the rock models, the pressure of injection fluid decreases. The results show that the pressure of injection fluid decreases at initiation step to constant amplitude after crack propagation. These results are in close agreement with the theoretical data, so that our simple procedure is efficiency and flexible.
Rahmatollah Ghajar, Seyed Mohammad Reza Khalili, Mehdi Yarmohammadi,
Volume 14, Issue 6 (9-2014)
In this study, repeated low velocity impacts on aluminum plate are investigated experimentally and numerically. In order to investigate the failure mechanism, Lemitre's model of the continuum damage mechanics is used. Numerical simulation is carried out employing a Vumat subroutine in Abaqus FE package. Repeated impacts are performed on the plate with the same level of energy. Plastic deformation is observed on the plate in the first impact. During the subsequent impacts and prior to crack initiation, the effect of strain hardening on the aluminum plate is observed. After crack initiation, the stiffness of the structure decreases. As the impacts continue, stiffness further decreases and the damage area increases, finally perforation and penetration appear on the plate. Also, the present model is validated by the experimental results. Comparison of numerical with experimental results shows a good agreement for the force-time and force-displacement histories.
Davood Salimi-Majd, Morteza Helmi, Bijan Mohammadi,
Volume 15, Issue 7 (9-2015)
Polymeric Due to high strength to weight ratio of polymeric composites and their directional properties, they are extensively used in engineering, particularly in aerospace industry. However, the difference in material properties of composites makes their failure prediction complicated especially under cyclic loading. Present study is carried out to develop a new method for estimation of the intralaminar fatigue damage of fibrous composites based on continuum damage mechanics. In order to include the influence of microscopic defects in three material orientations, three internal material state variables namely damage variables are defined in thermodynamics framework. By considering a 3-directional damage propagation, suggested model is able to make a good prediction of laminated composites fatigue life. To achieve this, a closed form solution by energy method in framework of thermodynamics is presented. The solution is in a way to include the differences in damages of various directions yet maintaining the independency on the layup. The model is implemented in ANSYS software by using a user material code (Usermat). This method gives us an advantage to estimate the fatigue life of any laminate with arbitrary layup under different loading conditions only by having static and fatigue properties of a unidirectional ply. Characterization of constants of model is presented and they are also determined for a certain composite material. Comparison between the predicted results of proposed model and the available experimental data verifies the great precision of the model.
Amir Razazzadeh, Reza Jafari Nadoshan, Younes Barzegar, Mahmoud Farzin,
Volume 15, Issue 8 (10-2015)
Cold tube rolling process is one of the current seamless tube manufacturing methods. One of the serious problems of this process is micro-cracks in final product. Numerical modeling is a method to predict and reduce these micro-cracks. In the current paper damage in cold three-roller pilger process is simulated by finite element method. In these simulations to predict damage evolution three different damage models, including Lemaitre model, modified Lemaitre model and cumulative damage model are used. In conjunction with these models isotropic and combined hardening rules is also considered. Forming benchmarks are simulated to validate provided codes for the mentioned models. Then the process is simulated and good agreement is observed between current results and previous numerical and experimental results. The results show that three models correctly predict damage distribution but predicted damage by Lemaitre model is more than modified Lemaitre model due to ignoring crack closure in compressive loads. It is also concluded that using combined hardening rule predict damage growth less than using isotropic hardening. all of the models suggest that crack initiation take place in the outer surface of the tube .
Soheil Nakhodchi, Ehsan Saberi,
Volume 15, Issue 12 (2-2016)
Creep fracture mechanic parameter, C*, is an essential tool for creep crack growth rate estimation and so remnant life determination of components operating at high temperature. For determining this parameter experimental works, FE methods, and engineering approaches can be utilized. In this paper in order to facilitate FE methods in C* determination for a CT specimen, creep behavior models of Norton and Liu-Murakami were developed and related subroutines were created. Each of the aforementioned models has its own temperature dependent material coefficients which were determined and validated based on creep rupture tests on crack free uniaxial specimens of P91 steel and IN718 super alloy respectively in 650˚C and 620˚C temperature. In this study creep fracture mechanic parameter value of a CT specimen made of P91 steel were derived by application of Norton and Liu-Murakami creep behavior models and results were compared with results of the experimental tests and reference stress engineering approach results. The results indicate that Liu-Murakami creep behavior model most exactly estimates creep fracture mechanics parameter, but yet reference stress engineering approach is the most economical way to determine this parameter.
Hosein Mohammad Roknabadi, Mohammad Javad Mahmoodi,
Volume 16, Issue 8 (10-2016)
The aim of this paper is investigation of progressive damage in a metal matrix composite lamina using coupling of micromechanical method and continuum damage mechanics viewpoint. The micromechanical method is a representative volume element based method known simplified unit cell method which possesses the capability of investigating of progressive damage and plastic behavior in the representative volume elements. The studied damage is isotropic and anisotropic based on continuum damage mechanics viewpoint. Under investigation composite system is Carbon/Aluminum composite. The matrix behavior is considered as isotropic and elastoplastic and the fiber behavior is transversely isotropic and elastic. The fiber arrangement within the matrix is regular. The matrix elastoplastic behavior model is included as bi-linear behavior and solution method is successive approximation method. According to available previous studies, Siliconcarbide/Titinium composite system is noticed for validation and comparison with experimental data. Also the effect of fiber volume fraction on the damage progression routine is studied. The results show that by increasing the longitudinal and transverse loadings, the damage variable grows in the fiber direction and perpendicular to the fiber direction and the axial and transverse Young's modulus decrease subsequently. Also the results prove that in longitudinal loading, considering anisotropic damage, damage progression in the fiber direction is more than its growth in perpendicular to the fiber direction. Whereas, under transverse loading, damage growth in perpendicular to the fiber direction is faster.
Ahmad Ghasemi-Ghalebahman, Saeid Babaei, Hasan Mansoori,
Volume 17, Issue 5 (7-2017)
The present study proposes a novel numerical method for fatigue life prediction under non-proportional loading. This method is employed for fatigue life estimation of different materials including 1045 Steel, 30CrNiMo8HH, Titanium TC4, extracted AZ31B Magnesium and Aluminum alloy 6061 under both proportional and non-proportional loadings. Basis of the method is developed in the framework of two numerical modifications. The first modification modifies fatigue damage parameters by correlating damages quantities of non-proportional loading to the proportional one. The second modification uses the same equation as the first one, but the corresponding damage coefficient is replaced by the additional hardening coefficient. In addition, these modifications are applied to fatigue damage parameters including maximum shear strain, SWT, Fatemi-Socie, and Babaei-Ghasemi model and also verified against experimental observations available in literature. Furthermore, the obtained results are discussed in details and also are compared to the non-modified findings. Moreover, the variation of the fatigue life prediction error is calculated for the aforementioned models. Finally, the results show considering and implementation of these modifications significantly improves the accuracy of the predicted fatigue lives for all the studied cases.
Mehrdad Ghadami, Rahmatollah Ghajar,
Volume 22, Issue 12 (12-2022)
Once a composite laminate is subjected to quasi-static tensile or fatigue loading, some damage modes initiate and propagate in the laminate. The first damage mode is the matrix crack that forms in the layers with an angle to the loading direction. Although not leading to breakage, these cracks reduce the equivalent mechanical properties of the composite laminate. In this paper, a new nonlinear analytical model is presented and used to predict the stiffness degradation of the cross-ply composite laminates. For this purpose, a new third-order polynomial function is proposed as the Helmholtz free energy of the composite, and the appropriate equations are derived. A microscopic experimental test is designed and accompanied by the analytical model to investigate the damage progression in a glass/epoxy cross-ply laminate. Also, finite-element micromechanical models with periodic boundary conditions (PBC) are proposed and used to determine the damage constants. The model is validated against the 3D micromechanical models and the quasi-static uniaxial loading-unloading experimental tests. The validation shows a very good agreement between the model and the experiments.