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Showing 1 results for Delta Robot

A. Rouhollahi , M. Azmoun, M. Tale Masouleh, A. Kalhor,
Volume 19, Issue 1 (1-2019)

This article investigated design and construction of a 4-DOF delta parallel robot’s components and additionally inverse kinematics and kinematics control of the robot. The initial and final version of the robot based on existing needs, the addition of gearboxes due to the low torque of motors, and flange transformations to connect the gearbox to the robot's base were also discussed. In the following, by simulating the robot in MATLAB software, the integrity of the inverse kinematic equation of the robot was investigated. In the other part, the design of the kinematic control in the joint space was discussed and the results were plotted in the graphs for a z-direction. By designing a suitable robot controller, tracing the desired path and comparing its results with other controllers become possible. By designing a conveyor for the robot and equipping it with a camera, detecting the objects that the robot moves them become possible with image processing. For the purpose of picking and placing the objects, the robot's end effector is equipped with a controlled suction.  The results, through which the paths crossed, showed the designed PID controller for the robot was working correctly and the desired path was followed with small error.

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