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Showing 1 results for Electro Hydraulic Servo Systems

Abdulah Akbari, Amir Reza Zare Bidaki, Amir Reza Hosseini, Mahdi Aliyari,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (6-2014)

Electro hydraulic servo systems (EHSS) are widely used in all aspects of industry, due to their ability to handle large torque loads and quick response. According to the wide range of use, the desired control objectives for EHSS are: velocity, force/torque and position control. Existing approaches for control of electro hydraulic servo systems are in the presence of external noises, internal friction and non-linearity in the model behavior which is considered as uncertainty parameters. In this paper fuzzy intelligent controller by using parallel distributed compensator (PDC) method based on Takagi-Sugeno is used. The controller is designed for a high level performance (velocity control) which could reach the main control goals. The concluding results of this approach best fit the other researches data.

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