Showing 29 results for Energy Absorption
Volume 0, Issue 0 (8-2024)
Steel plates are widely used in various industries, especially in civil engineering. Low cost in implementation and reduction of seismic mass are the advantage of steel shear wall system compared to other structural systems. The goal of a good design is that along with following the existing guidelines and achieving the desired seismic resistance of the structure, the structure is affordable in terms of weight and cost. Considering that according to the design, it is not possible to achieve the optimal use of the structure's capacity by force control method, the theory of uniform deformations was proposed with the assumption of a constant performance level. The subject of design based on performance increase the safety of the structure against earthquake force and design with optimal seismic performance during the useful life of the structure in seismic areas. Also, compared to the design method based on force control, it can lead to a lighter and economical design.
One of the significant ways to reduce the weight and stiffness of shear walls and boundary elements connected to them is to limit the connection of filler plates to boundary elements. In this method, limiting the length of the connection reduces the force on the beams and columns, and as a result, smaller sections can be used.
In this research, in order to achieve the optimal performance level, two concrete frames with steel shear wall resistant system are subjected to nonlinear analysis. Then, the initial evaluation of the behavior and the correctness of the used method are checked. After that, the effective factors in achieving uniform stress in the height of the structure will be investigated. For this purpose, by using the effect of the thickness parameter and the appropriate pattern of connection of the shear steel plate to the surrounding elements, the way of changing the performance and behavior of the structure will be investigated. For this purpose, 3- and 4-story concrete frames with steel shear wall systems were modeled using ABAQUSTM finite element software. The steel used in the steel shear wall system is ST37. First, the connection of steel shear plates to floor beams was considered and then the influence of the partial connection pattern on the seismic performance of the steel shear wall system was investigated. The modeled frames were subjected to dynamic analysis, linear and nonlinear buckling analysis, and cyclic analysis. Based on the obtained results, the property of energy dissipation in the frame with a steel shear wall system with partial connection has increased significantly. Changing the partial connection pattern led to changing the maximum in-plan relative displacement. Also, the surface of the stress distribution shows that in the partial connection, the stress concentration mainly occurred in the place of the steel shear plate connections. In addition, according to the results of cyclic analysis, considering the partial connection of the steel shear wall has led to a decrease in the average energy absorbed in the structure and an increase in its ductility. Also, changing the connection pattern has affected the average amount of absorbed energy in different loading cycles.
Volume 13, Issue 1 (4-2013)
چکیده-مطالعه آزمایشگاهی انجام شده، تأثیر مقاوم سازی برشی تیرهای بتن مسلح به کمک روش نصب نزدیک سطح با استفاده از میله های ساخته شده از صفحات الیاف کربن را ارزیابی می کند. برای ایجاد تأخیر در شروع جداشدگی میله از تیر، مهار انتهایی جدیدی برای آن ها پیشنهاد شده که آزمایش می شود. در این مقاله، نتایج آزمایش های انجام شده روی شش عدد تیر بتن مسلح دوسر ساده با مقطع مستطیل شکل که در برش، مقاوم سازی شده است، ارائه می شود. پاسخ نیرو- تغییرمکان همه ی نمونه ها و تغییرات کرنش در قسمت های مختلف ارائه خواهد شد. همچنین کارکرد و مدهای گسیختگی تیرها بررسی خواهد شد. نتایج آزمایش ها بیانگر از کارامدی میله ها و مهارهای پیشنهادی بوده است؛ به گونه ای که افزایش ظرفیت باربری نمونه های مقاوم سازی شده روش پیشنهادی، 25 تا 48 درصد نمونه مرجع به دست آمده است و در نتیجه استفاده از مهارهای انتهایی پیشنهادی، انرژی جذب شده به وسیله ی نمونه ها، افزایش چشم گیری پیدا کرده است. در انتها، مدل تحلیلی Rizzo and De Lorenzis برای برآورد مشارکت سامانه مقاوم سازی این پژوهش ارائه شده است که در مقایسه با نتایج آزمایشگاهی، تخمین قابل قبولی به دست می دهد.
, Mohammad Pol, ,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (6-2013)
Aluminum foam structure is of great importance in aerospace, naval and automotive industries due to light weight and energy absorption characteristics. In this article several aluminum foam having different densities and thickness were designed and tested using light gas gun device. A series of ballistic test were defined in order to determine the effects of density, foam thickness and projectile velocity on energy absorption aluminum foam structures. The results of the experimental testes, it is shown that the amount of energy absorption of aluminum foam structures is increased as density, foam thickness and velocity of the projectile is increased.
, , , ,
Volume 13, Issue 5 (8-2013)
Sandwich panels(structures) of metal surface having aluminum foam core are of great importance in aerospace, naval and automotive industries due to high strength to weight ratio and high energy absorption characteristics. In this article several aluminum sandwich panels with aluminum foam core having different densities and thickness were designed and tested using light gas gun device. A series of ballistic test were defined in order to determine the effects of density, foam thickness and projectile velocity on energy absorption and ballistic limit velocity of sandwich structures. The material model used for metal foam was Deshpande- Fleck-Foam and coefficients were determined experimentally using foam and Matlab capabilities. Also, numerical simulation using LSDYNA software were performed. The results of the experiment and numerical simulation were compared and there was a good agreement between experimental investigation and numerical results. Using experimental testes and parametric studies,it is shown that the amount of energy absorption of sandwich structures is increased as density, foam thickness and velocity of the projectile is increased.
Mahmoud Shariati, Mohamad Davarpanah, Hamid Chavoshan, Hamidreza Allahbakhshy,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (6-2014)
In this paper, buckling and energy absorption behavior of stainless steel semi-sphere, cylindrical and conical shells under axial loading are studied. Every shell with the same mass and different shapes with and without groove is designed. In this paper the effect of shape, thickness, height, groove of shells and distance between grooves, on buckling and energy absorption were investigated. In experimental test, Samples had same mass and thickness and also grooves had same depth and distance. Experimental tests were performed by a servo-hydraulic INSTRON 8802 machine. Numerical analysis is carried out by ABAQUS software and is validated with experimental results.
Naser Tavassoli, Abolfazel Darvizeh, Mansour Darvizeh, Ali Reza Sabet,
Volume 14, Issue 14 (3-2015)
The aim of this study is to investigate analytical and experimental energy absorbing capacity for a hat shape structure with three different boundary conditions. Four layered unidirectional (UD) E-glass fiber /polyester resin was used to construct hat shape beam energy absorber. The length of the composite hat shape was 1m and the thickness was 3mm. Result shows good coloration between experimental energy absorption and the values obtained from the model. The best coloration between experimental and the model is related to [75,0,0,-75] fiber stacking configuration with 0.23% accuracy in clamp-free boundary condition, and the worst coloration between experimental and the model is related to [30,60,-30,-60] fiber stacking configuration with 19.88% accuracy in clamp-free boundary condition.
Erfan Mehrabani Yeganeh, Gholam Hosein Liaghat, Mohammad Hosein Pol,
Volume 14, Issue 14 (3-2015)
In this study, experimental tests were performed to evaluate the effects of axisymmetric cylindrical projectile nose shapes and initial velocities on ballistic performance of laminated woven glass epoxy composites. Projectile initial velocity and nose sharpness changes, absorbed energy, delamination area, etc. are investigated by six blunt, hemispherical, conical and ogival projectiles. Hand lay-up method has been used to manufacture composite targets with 18 layers of 2D woven glass fibers of 45% fiber volume fraction. The epoxy system is made of epon 828 resin with jeffamine D400 as the curing agent. The results show that the maximum influence of projectile geometry on target behavior, occurs in ballistic limit area. In this range of initial velocity, ogival (CRH=2.5) and Blunt projectiles show the best and the worst ballistic performance. The delamination area decreases as the projectile nose sharpness increases or its initial velocity decreases. Ballistic curves for different projectiles show that the difference between projectiles behavior decreases in higher impact velocities. Because of target shear failure in blunt projectile impact, the amount of target absorbed energy for this projectile is less than other projectiles in higher impact velocities away from ballistic limit velocity.
Mohammad Damghani Noori, Hossein Hatami, Ali Ghodsbin Jahromi,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (3-2015)
Today, in order to reduce the damage caused by the collision, energy absorbers are used. Thin-walled structures are most popular as energy absorbent that are used in various forms. In this research, the cylindrical absorber made of expanded metal sheets (expanded metal tube) under impact loading has been examined. Expanded metal sheets due to their low weight, effective collapse mechanism has a high energy absorption capacity. Two types of absorbers with different cells angle were examined. First, the absorber with cell angle α =0 and then the absorber with angle cell α =90. Tests are done by drop hammer device. The output of device is acceleration - time Diagram which is shown by Accelerometer that is located on the picky mass. In this study the type of collapse, force - displacement diagram and effective parameters has been investigated. From the obtained results it was observed that the absorber with cell angle α =0, have symmetric collapse and had high energy absorption capacity but the absorber with cell angle α =90, had global buckling and the energy absorption value was not suitable.
Erfan Mehrabani Yeganeh, Gholam Hossein Liaghat, Mohammad Hossein Pol,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (3-2015)
This paper, experimentally evaluates the effects of indenter geometry on quasi-static perforation process of laminated woven glass epoxy composites. Low loading rate tests were performed, using six indenters with blunt, hemispherical, conical (cone angle of 37˚ and 90˚) and ogival (caliber radius head of 1.5 and 2.5) nose shapes. Composite behaviors like energy absorption, contact force, failure mechanisms and friction force were investigated for different indenter shapes. Hand lay-up method has been used to manufacture composite targets with 18 layers of 2D woven glass fibers of 45% fiber volume fraction. The epoxy system is made of epon 828 resin with jeffamine D400 as the curing agent. The results show that the load displacement curve is divided to five areas. Some of these areas may have higher or lower magnitude, depending on indenter nose shape. The highest contact force is exhibited by unsharpened indenter. The lowest contact force and so the best performance is seen in ogival (CRH=2.5) indenter. Comparing absorbed energies shows that for an identical dent depth, the amount of absorbed energy is major for unsharpened indenters. The 37˚ conical indenter needs the highest energy for perforation, which is 2.6 times more than blunt indenter’s.
Volume 15, Issue 1 (5-2015)
One of the strengthening methods in reinforced concrete frame buildings is improving seismic behavior of such structures by means of steel bracing. When influenced by compressive stresses, traditional steel braces would buckle and are free of any ductility. As a result, efforts in order to restrain buckling problem for steel braces has led to creation of steel unbonded brace. In these braces, Eulerian buckling of central steel core is controlled by placing in a steel tube full of mortar. In this paper, RC buildings of 6, 12 and 18 stories are first designed based on standard 2800 and then controlled based on the rehabilitation regulation and the third edition of standard 2800. After analyzing and in order to improve seismic behavior, these buildings are strengthened by the use of common braces and steel unbonded braces and the columns of braced frames are also reinforced by concrete jacket. Totally, 42 models were analyzed by nonlinear static analysis (pushover analysis). The results indicate that structures with traditional braces have weakness in high level of drifts due to buckling of compressive braces and the energy absorption in 12 and 18 stories structures is even lower than non-strengthened structures. Nevertheless, this defect is removed by applying unbounded braces because of somehow identical behavior in extension and pressure as well as utilizing total capacity of these kinds of brace. Also, in comparison with structures with traditional braces and non-strengthened structures, a high level of energy absorption will be obtained. One of the strengthening methods in reinforced concrete frame buildings is improving seismic behavior of such structures by means of steel bracing. When influenced by compressive stresses, traditional steel braces would buckle and are free of any ductility. As a result, efforts in order to restrain buckling problem for steel braces has led to creation of steel unbonded brace. In these braces, Eulerian buckling of central steel core is controlled by placing in a steel tube full of mortar. In this paper, RC buildings of 6, 12 and 18 stories are first designed based on standard 2800 and then controlled based on the rehabilitation regulation and the third edition of standard 2800. After analyzing and in order to improve seismic behavior, these buildings are strengthened by the use of common braces and steel unbonded braces and the columns of braced frames are also reinforced by concrete jacket. Totally, 42 models were analyzed by nonlinear static analysis (pushover analysis). The results indicate that structures with traditional braces have weakness in high level of drifts due to buckling of compressive braces and the energy absorption in 12 and 18 stories structures is even lower than non-strengthened structures. Nevertheless, this defect is removed by applying unbounded braces because of somehow identical behavior in extension and pressure as well as utilizing total capacity of these kinds of brace. Also, in comparison with structures with traditional braces and non-strengthened structures, a high level of energy absorption will be obtained.
Seyed Morteza Hosseini, Mahmoud Shariati,
Volume 15, Issue 7 (9-2015)
In this paper, Taguchi statistical method is implemented in the design of energy-absorbing composite shell structures with cylindrical geometry. Six energy-absorbing structure design parameters considered in this study are: geometric parameters including internal diameter, length and thickness; the other parameters are the stacking sequence of layers, fiber reinforcement type and manufacturing process. The first three parameters and the remaining ones have four and two levels respectively. So the orthogonal array L16 (4 ** 3 2 ** 3) was used for analysis of Taguchi. The purpose of design of experiment in this study was to maximize the amount of specific energy absorbed in the structure. The result shows that the stacking sequence of layers and geometry parameter include internal diameter and thickness had an effect on the opposite side, the other parameters had Minimal effect on specific energy absorbing. The first three parameters had most important role in design of energy absorbing structures. Another important result of this analysis was to determine the optimal characteristics of composite energy absorbing shells with stacking sequence of layers (90/0), internal diameter 63 mm, thickness 2 mm, vacuum bag molding process (VB), the fiber reinforcement type carbon and the length 160 mm.
Hossein Farahat, Seyed Yousef Ahmadi-Brooghani,
Volume 16, Issue 7 (9-2016)
In this paper, the energy absorption capacity of A356 aluminum foam reinforced by SiC particles under impact loading was studied. The foam was manufactured by direct foaming of melts with blowing agent CaCO3. The drop-weight impact testing machine was designed and fabricated. The dynamic load-cell circuit was designed and mounted on the impactor. The impact test was carried out using a hemispherical indenter with a velocity of 6.70 m/s on the foam specimens, and the load-time history data was obtained. The results were compared with the results reported by a piezoelectric force sensor and validated. The obtained impact response of A356/SiCp composite foam is stable, which represents a suitable design of the machine and its reliable output. This is emphasized by comparison of material behavior with the results of other researchers. The response includes three stages: an initial linear behavior, a plateau of load and failure of the foam. In plateau region, the plastic deformations can be tolerated by the foam at nearly constant load. The end of plateau region and beginning of the failure region occur at the moment when the rate of energy absorbed by the foam is decreasing. The values of plateau load and absorbed energy estimated from load-cell are 1.62 kN and 22.04 J respectively, which has a relative error of 1.8% and 7.7% in comparison with piezoelectric sensor. The value and percent of absorbed energy were obtained as 6.07 J, 6.58 J, 9.39 J and 27.5%, 29.9%, 42.6% for elastic, plateau and failure regions respectively.
Sajad Pirmohammad, Hamid Nikkhah, Sobhan Esmaeili,
Volume 16, Issue 9 (11-2016)
Thin-walled structures are frequently used as energy absorbers in automotive, railway and aviation industries. This paper deals with the collapse and energy absorption behavior of thin-walled structures under dynamic axial loading Numerical modeling was performed using finite element code LS-DYNA. In order to validate the results of finite element analyses, a square tube was collapsed using universal test machine. This tube was then simulated in LS-DYNA, and the results with those of experiments were compared. There was a good consistency between the numerical and experimental results. The tubes with different cross-sections namely square, hexagonal and octagonal shapes reinforced with inside ribs as well as with different scales (ratio of sectional side length of the inner tube to that of outer tube) 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1 were simulated in LS-DYNA. To determine the suitable cross-section in terms of crashworthiness, multi-criteria decision making method known as Technique of Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) was employed. The results demonstrated that the double walled tube with octagonal cross-section possessing the scale between 0.25 and 0.5 had the best crashworthiness behavior. To find the optimum values of scale and wall-thickness, response surface method (RSM) and D-optimal criterion using design of experiments (DOE) were utilized Moreover, the effect of number of inside ribs (4 and 8) on the capability of absorbing energy was also investigated and the octagonal tube with 4 inside ribs was selected as an optimal tube with lower maximum impact force.
Hossein Farahat, Seyed Yousef Ahmadi-Brooghani,
Volume 16, Issue 10 (1-2017)
In this paper, the effect of heat treatment on the impact behavior of A356 aluminum alloy foams reinforced by SiC particles was studied and new results was generated. The foam was manufactured by direct foaming of melts with blowing agent CaCO3. A number of foam specimens were processed by T6 aging treatment. The drop-weight impact test with a hemispherical striker tip and velocity of 6.70 m/s was carried out on five untreated foam specimens and five heat-treated foam specimens, and the load versus time history data was obtained. The obtained impact response of A356/SiCp composite foam includes three stages: an elastic region, a plateau of load region and complete failure region. In plateau region, the plastic deformations can be tolerated by the foam at nearly constant load. The small amounts of standard deviation and coefficient of variation (for different parameters) obtained from statistical analysis of experimental data indicates the reliance on the results for quantitative analysis of them. The measurements showed that heat treating of Al foam results in an increase of the plateau load level and energy absorption capacity of the foam with 48.1% and 40.3% increase respectively. The length of plateau region is also decreased due to heat treatment. Regarding the significant improvement of mechanical properties of the foam and increase of its impact strength, the heat treatment after foam casting can be considered as a suitable approach for various industrial applications of aluminum foam.
Reza Rajabiehfard, Abolfazel Darvizeh, Majid Ali Tavoli, Hamed Sadeghi, Majid Moghadam, Naser Noorzadeh,
Volume 16, Issue 12 (2-2017)
In this paper, the behavior of cylindrical shells with uniform thickness and functionally graded thickness distributions subjected to axial quasi-static loading is investigated experimentally and subjected to axial impact is investigated experimentally and numerically. Steel cylindrical shells with uniform thickness and functionally graded thickness distributions have same inner diameter, length and weight. Cylindrical shells are impacted by the drop hammer apparatus and experimental axial force-time curves are obtained by using a load cell; in addition, impact simulations are done by Abaqus finite element software. The effect of thickness distributions on the shortening, energy absorption, buckling shape and axial force-time curve of cylindrical shells is investigated. It is found that for axial quasi-static loading, a change in thickness distribution of cylindrical shell is able to convert the buckling shape from mixed buckling (a combination of axisymmetric and diamond modes) to progressive buckling, also for axial impact loading, a change in thickness distribution of cylindrical shell can affect the number of complete folds. The studies also suggest that at same impact energy, functionally graded thickness distribution cylindrical shell compared with uniform thickness distribution cylindrical shell absorbs approximately the same energy with more shortening and transforms less mean load and peak load to under protected specimen, thus, functionally graded thickness distribution cylindrical shell is a better energy absorption specimen. It is found that there is a good agreement between the experimental and numerical results.
Volume 17, Issue 3 (9-2017)
Precast concrete structures have been widely used since the last century. Fast production, quick erection, higher quality, economical aspects, lower labor costs etc. are of noticeable advantages of such structures compared to that of in-situ concrete structures. Considering frame structures, connections play a vital rule in local and global behavior of precast concrete structures. Catastrophic failures and losses are incurred globally due to failure in connection regions, so connections are considered to be the weak spots in precast concrete structures. Consequently, a great amount of attention and care is required in designing and forming connections, especially in precast concrete structures. In addition, compared to monolithic structures, it is relatively more difficult and more time consuming to achieve rigidity in connections due to the nature of precasting. Plus, difficulties arising from construction and structural details will neutralize inherent characteristics of precasting. Thus, obtaining a connection with details that are simple enough to be constructed easily on site, which, of course, satisfies demanding mechanical characteristic, can be of great importance. In this paper, two new types of beam to column connections are proposed. These connections are designed, modeled and analyzed numerically using nonlinear finite element software, ABAQUS. Main goal of the research was to achieve constructible and easily erectable connection detail which can provide satisfactory lateral strength, stiffness, ductility and energy absorption.
Embedded steel corbels are used as members which transmit tension due to imposed positive moment and shear in negative moment in addition to their role as seating in initial stages of construction. Continuity is provided with bolting or welding of bottom bars to the corbel and then connection area is filled completely with expansive grout. Eccentricity of transmitted forces is a decisive factor especially in dynamic loadings, thus, in design, it is minimized by adjusting bar and corbel size and position and welding locations, size and shapes. Top bars are passed through holes, previously cast into the precast concrete column and are embedded in in-situ concrete of slabs. T shaped assemblies of the connections are modeled and laterally loaded until ultimate concrete strain is reached. In terms of strength, both connections were capable of achieving 95 percent of equivalent monolithic assembly. Considering lateral stiffness, proposed connections were able to provide initial stiffness of more than 80 percent of equivalent monolithic connection. Precast connections were 20 to 30 percent less ductile than their monolithic counterpart. Noticing relative geometric complexity and difference in force transmission mechanisms of connections, lower ductile behavior of connections is justifiable. Effects of axial column load are studied on response of the assemblies. Compressive axial load relatively improves lateral stiffness and energy absorption of the connections. By imposing axial tension on column, lateral stiffness and strength is significantly reduced.
Comparing before mentioned mechanical characteristics of proposed connections with their equivalent monolithic assembly, satisfactory response under lateral monotonic loading is observed. Based upon results derived from this study, proposed connections may be used as semi rigid beam to column connections in precast concrete frames, instead of fully rigid connections.
Mohammad Ekrami, Hamed Ahmadi, Mohammad Bayat, Hadi Sabouri,
Volume 17, Issue 7 (9-2017)
In this paper, drop weight impact tests using projectiles with different nose shapes on GLARE 3 are examined experimentally. GLARE targets are made of two aluminum sheets and six composite layers by hand lay-up method. The composite layers are constructed using unidirectional E-glass fiber and cy219 resin with adding hy5161 as a hardener. The projectiles are manufactured in flat, hemispherical and conical 90̊ nose shapes and hardened. The projectiles collide to targets with initial impact energies of 40, 55 and 70 Joule. In this study, the effects of nose shape at the maximum impact force, the penetration, the energy absorption, and damage zone are examined. The results show that conical projectile in all three impact energies and hemispherical projectile at 55 and 70 Joule fully penetrate targets. Under impacts of the flat projectile, a shear plug is formed on the upper face of targets and a plastic deformation is created on the bottom face of targets in impact energies of 40 and 55 Joule. For hemispherical projectile at 40 Joule and for flat one at 70 Joule, the tensile stresses in the aluminum sheet located at the bottom face of target result in longitudinal crack. Moreover, results show that the maximum and minimum contact force and energy absorption are occurred in the projectile with flat and conical nose shapes, respectively.
Mahdi Ebrahimkhani, Gholamhossein Liaghat, Hamed Ahmadi,
Volume 17, Issue 12 (2-2018)
This paper details the experimental testing and numerical simulation of crushing performance of laminated composite tube under impact loading. Composite tube is modeled as multiple layers of shell elements and chamfered trigger is accounted for by sequentially reducing the length of the layers. The simulation is performed using a Continuum Damage Mechanic material model for representing the intralaminar behavior in which damage activates according to LaRC03-04 failure criteria and propagates according to a set of linear and bi-linear softening laws. Mesh objectivity is accounted for by incorporating crack band law and regularizing dissipated energy by element characteristic length. Interlaminar fractures are modeled using Tiebreak contact based on traction-separation law while a mesh-independent energy based method, utilizing cohesive zone length criterion, is implemented to effectively simulate the delamination. Most of the laminate properties, required for simulation, are obtained by standard tests. To validate the simulation results, impact tests are performed in drop tower machine. Specimens are made of cross-ply laminate using vacuum assisted resin transfer molding procedure and output data is filtered using channel frequency class 600. A good agreement is achieved between numerical and experimental data.
Hamidreza Saadatfard, Abbas Niknejad, Gholamhossein Liaghat, Shahab Hatami,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (3-2018)
In this article, indentation process of thin-walled metal sections with quadrangular cross-section was studied under the applied lateral compressive loading by a rigid cylindrical punch through numerical simulations by the ABAQUS. Based on numerical simulations and by changing one of the parameters and fixing the other parameters, effects of that parameter was investigated on total and specific absorbed energy by the structure. In other words, influences of various geometrical dimensions such as height, width and wall thickness of cross-section, punch diameter, loading rate and also, effects of material were investigated. In each part, physical justifications of the obtained results were presented, based on theoretical and engineering concepts. Comparison of the results showed that in the specimens with the same cross-sectional perimeter, but, with different aspect ratios, the highest ratio of height/width of the cross-section, results in the best energy absorber, in the studied domain. Furthermore, by changing the height and fixing the width of cross-section and the other parameters, when height of the cross-section was selected equal to punch diameter, the maximum value of total and specific absorbed energy was achieved. But, when cross-section width changed and height and the other characteristics remained constant, by reducing the width, energy absorption performance of the structure improved. In addition, numerical simulations showed that total and specific absorbed energy of quadrangular sections are dependent on the second and first power of wall thickness of the cross-section, respectively. Also, in same specimens, by increasing punch diameter, both TAE and SAE increased.
Hossein Taghipoor, Mohammad Damghani Noori,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (5-2018)
In this research, influence of foam filling technique in sandwich beams with expanded metal sheet as core by using lightweight rigid polyurethane foam is investigation. Relationships between the force and displacement at the midspan of the sandwich beams are obtained from the experiments. Three types of Steel lattice cores both bare and foam-filled were subjected to quasi-static. The performance of sandwich structures with expanded metal sheets as core were studied under transverse bending. In the following, by studying the orientation of the core layers to evaluation the impact parameters, including Specific Energy Absorption (SEA) as discussed testing purposes. the energy absorbing system can be used in the aerospace industry, shipbuilding, automotive, railway industry and elevators to absorb impact energy. experimental results showed that foam filling technique can significantly increase specific absorbed energy. Results of three point bending crushing tests showed that the SEA of foam-filled sandwich beam increased by 74 %, comparing to the hollow beam. Also, appropriate orientation of core in the sandwich beam caused to increase the specific energy absorption by 66.5%. Finally, appropriate geometric parameters and the best examples of criteria considered with respect to the objectives, are introduced.