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Showing 37 results for Entropy

Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2012)

Reproductive performance and life expectancy of the two-spotted spider mite (TSSM), Tetranychus urticae Koch were determined on seven eggplant cultivars (Isfahan, Dezful, Shend-Abad, Neishabour, Bandar-Abbas, Jahrom and Borazjan) at 25 ± 1°C, 60 ± 5% R.H. and a photoperiod of 16:8 (L:D) hours. The results revealed that the TSSM gross hatch rate varied from 59% on Bandar-Abbas to 83% on Dezful. The gross fecundity rate was 59.726, 31.430, 31.443, 14.461, 19.328, 16.035 and 20.560 eggs/female and the net fecundity rate was 25.804, 17.496, 15.139, 7.620, 5.931, 7.526 and 11.947 eggs/female on the above-mentioned cultivars, respectively. The highest and lowest value of the net fertility rate was 20.735 eggs/female on Isfahan and 3.495 eggs/female on Bandar-Abbas, respectively. Also, the gross fertility rate was the highest on Isfahan (47.994 eggs/female) and the lowest on Bandar-Abbas (11.390 eggs/female). The values of the mean eggs per day varied from 2.040 to 6.560 eggs/female, which was minimum on Neishabour and maximum on Isfahan. The life expectancy of one-day-old adults of the TSSM was estimated to be 7.550, 8.380, 5.820, 4.850, 5.440, 5.330 and 3.950 days on the above-mentioned cultivars, respectively. Comparison of the reproductive parameters of the TSSM on the examined cultivars revealed that Isfahan was the most susceptible cultivar and Neishabour was the most resistant cultivar to this pest. Using resistant host plants is one of the most important components of an integrated pest management program.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2012)

Nowadays the urban growth pattern of cities is growing dramatically; and current suburbs of cities will form the inseparable components of the main city in the near future. In all cities of world vertical and horizontal urban growth have been one of the most important factors noticed by urban managers and planners. Urban growth is a spatial - structural process that refers to the increased importance of towns and cities as a concentration of population within a particular economy and society. Increase in urban points as quantitative issue shows itself in the forms of increase in population of cities and development in built up area scale. The unorganized physical growth of cities is due to their physical discrete and separate development which is mostly in form of forming individual and separate parts. Hence, analysis of the current physical status, and prediction of the future development of cities due to its influence on the politics and management of city and human resources, is of great importance. Regarding the numerous factors affecting the inharmonic physical urban growth, the present article has investigated the rate of urban horizontal growth from two aspects of area and direction.The research method in this article is analytical- comparative and with respect to the evolution of the physical- spatial pattern of Tabriz metropolitan in the 1956-2006 period. Shannon’s Entropy model is utilized for evaluation of the rate of the urban horizontal growth diversity. In order to use this model first we draw the complete and detailed plan of Tabriz city in concentric buffers with width of one kilometer between years 1956-2006 using Auto Cad software and the physical gravity center of Tabriz city which is the same center of cultural- historical part has been considered as basis for buffering modulation, and Sectoral- Geographical model is used for specification of urban growth directions. . In the next phase center of city gravity has drawn in the form of circle with determined diameter and the center of this circle was considered as basis for modulation of geographical sectors and sectoral buffering in 12 geographic directions. The attained results of analyzing the research findings has shown that the sprawl growth and diversity of inharmonic development has occurred in Tabriz metropolitan. The maximum of this rate has happened on the year 1996 and directions of horizontal urban growth are completely coincided on the margins of main connection corridors of city.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2022)

Aims: The purpose of this study is to present a conceptual model related to the direct impact of built environment on the depression of urban residents and its indirect impact through social interactions and the ranking of influential elements.
Methods: A descriptive-analytical approach has been applied in this study and qualitative and quantitative methods have been used to achieve the goal of the study. The study has 3 main parts: In the first part, the concepts of research and the relationship between them have been investigated by searching the sources and and analyzing them to explain the direct and indirect effect of the built environment on depression. In the second part, using experts' questionnaire and Shannon entropy method, the significant coefficient of the elements and their ranking were determined. In the third part, the conceptual model of the study is presented based on the relationships between the concepts of the research.
Findings: Based on Shannon entropy method, Among the influential elements of the environment, green spaces and parks in residential areas have the highest significant coefficient and are ranked first in the impact on the depression of urban residents, followed by public spaces, noise pollution, environmental security and indoor environment quality, air pollution, pedestrian network, visual pollution and public transportation are among the 10 main elements. According to the conceptual model, factors affecting depression include micro scales (individual), meso scale (local community) and macro scale (fundamental) which the elements of the meso-scale environment interact with other micro- and macro-scale factors directly and indirectly affect the residents' depression.
Conclusion: According to the ranking of the influential elements of the environment and the high significant coefficient of green and public spaces, neighborhood green spaces and parks should be given more attention, and with the appropriate design of public spaces and suitable environments for pedestrians, create opportunities for social contact and the gathering of local residents in order to reduce the prevalence of depression in urban areas helped.

Volume 5, Issue 3 (9-2023)

Spatial court in the city, management, distribution and distribution of space services and urban possibilities, special attention e-mail. In the discussion of equality and equality, none of the urban groups and classes of residents have a tendency to oppose each other and they provide equal treatment for everyone, regardless of social and economic status, for access to general urban services. For this reason, this topic, as it prevents the accumulation of possibilities and urban services in one area, the polarization of the city space and social inequalities, it makes access to the possibilities in the city for everyone. In accordance with this, the present research is aimed at assessing the spatial justice in the distribution of services and urban possibilities in the palaces of eight Shahr, Tehran.
The research method is descriptive-analytical and based on library and documentation methods. The data used in this research are the data that have been extracted from urban areas. In order to analyze the information, in the first stage, using the entropy scale, balance (equality) or disequilibrium (inequality), each of the uses has been analyzed and then proceeded to rank the 13 palaces, regions. And the level of utilization of urban services and possibilities using the Cocoso model has been used for ranking the regions
Result and discussion
Since the globalization of cities and the urbanization of the world is the most prominent feature of the twenty-first century. Especially fortunately, the growth of urbanization in the majority of cities in the developing countries is more rapid. Various (housing, traffic, pollution, urban identity, commercial land, unsustainable land use, etc.) have been faced.
Land, as a limited, scarce and non-renewable commodity, in the face of rapid urban development and increasing collective demand, is transformed into an expensive and profitable commodity, as a result of which it is considered as a means of commerce for the purpose of securing profit and general welfare and improving the standard of living. Special groups are declared and cause many social, economic and environmental problems.
Based on these problems and difficulties of the current urbanization in this research with a radical and critical approach based on theories related to justice and spatial equality, after identifying and analyzing urban land use conditions, types and programs derived from them, the percentage of their realization. Reasons and forces influencing their realization or non-realization, as well as the space produced, the positive or negative spatial-spatial effects resulting from them. Perhaps the most important concern that prompted me to address this matter is the chaotic and confused situation in the suburbs of the three districts and the palaces of the third district of the eight city of Tehran in recent years.
The conditions are not improving, they are getting worse day by day. The situation of overcrowding and non-distribution of inappropriate uses, which have arisen due to major reasons, have led this region to a state of chaos. The urban land has been transformed into a bubble with the expansion of the stock market, the dimensions of which are getting bigger and bigger every day. Since the use of urban land is the core of urban planning, based on this assumption, it is possible to understand the root problems and spatial problems of the current urban area.
The results obtained indicate the imbalance in the distribution of spatial services and urban possibilities. Based on the results of the entropy method, cultural quality with a weight of 0.463 has won the first rank. Sports quality with a weight of 0.255 has won the second rank and green space quality with a weight of 0.153 has won the third rank. According to the Cocoso  model and according to the results, Kerman district has won the first rank, Fadak has won the second rank and Wahidiya has won the third rank. Therefore, the eastern region and its palaces, which are located in District 1 and part of District Two, are in a better condition than the western region, where the palaces of District Three are located.

Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2023)

Cities, as the most complex man-made structures, face a wide range of risks, both due to a wide range of hazards and due to their multiple vulnerabilities. Urban vulnerabilities are felt everywhere, from infrastructure and buildings to telecommunications, transportation and energy lines, and it should be kept in mind that reducing vulnerabilities on the scale of a city is not simply reinforcing buildings and single buildings. The disasters that have happened in recent years show that societies and individuals have become more and more vulnerable, and the risks and hazards have also increased. Risk is a combination of danger and vulnerability. However, reducing risk and vulnerability is often ignored until after accidents occur. Based on the predictions made, by 2030, about 6 billion people out of the 8.1 billion population of the planet will live in cities, and about two-thirds of them will live in metropolises.
The current research is applied and is descriptive-analytic in terms of implementation method. The statistical population of this research consists of experts and professors according to the subject, 30 people among them have been selected as the sample size using the personal estimation method. It was done in the 8th region by using some models (Topsis, Shannon Entropy) and finally GIS software was used to draw the maps. Statistical sources and documents were prepared for this purpose, and required maps were collected from related organizations and departments. In general, maps: 1. Map of municipal areas 2. Periodic development 3. Earthquake lines 4. Rivers, etc. were used in the analysis of this article. It should be noted that many of the maps were incomplete, and the authors completed and edited them. After editing the required maps, a new output was obtained, which was considered the final urban development map of Kermanshah metropolis.
This article is trying to explain and use the integration of physical, social and natural components by using quantitative models and also considering the necessary indexing (fundamental studies). Also, solutions that can be implemented (operational methods) have been considered. In this article, purposes such as providing the zoning of vulnerability and the risk map for facilitating the identification of the critical regions of the Kermanshah metropolis, etc., according to the data and results of this research and determining the favorite directions for the physical-spatial development of the Kermanshah metropolis in the future with consideration of the earthquake risk zone and compliance with Passive defense considerations are followed. The results of the research and the favorite directions for the physical-spatial development of Kermanshah metropolis in the future, taking into account the earthquake risk zone, are followed. This process is displayed in the TOPSIS model by using the opinions of the respondents and the physical and spatial development of the city. According to the principles of Passive defense and research objectives, the research method has become operational. The article is practical in terms of its purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of its application. To conduct this research, 4 economic, social, physical and natural components were chosen, along with their indicators.
Discussion and results
The process of periodical development can be defined as the physical expansion of settlements (both urban and rural) that are registered in approved urban development plans or managed under the political-administrative rule of a specific organization, such as the municipality, at different historical periods. Also, from the digitization of aerial and satellite images, etc., by identifying the trends and mentioning the time of physical expansion, their authority depends on the continuous growth (interlacing or joining) of each period of time in a circular or sectional manner to the period before it (none from special exceptions, such as municipal management of a specific town in its immediate territory). Considering the map of the physical development of the metropolis of Kermanshah, it can be acknowledged in the historical ages that the periodic development process of Kermanshah was intertwined with the urban defense system, and in a way, the physical growth of Kermanshah was also a product of the defense factor. Also, the cause of the imposed war and the migration of provincial war veterans, etc., have been among the factors in this unbridled growth. This unbridled population pressure is so evident that the informal settlements and the injection of residential settlements outside the pre-planned development plans have broken the scope of the plan, and these factors, together with economic poverty and a lack of strict monitoring, have made many of the topics of meaningful Vulnerability according to the 45 components and indicators to such an extent that a meaningful relationship between the socio-economic base, like many of Iran's cities have a physical-spatial structure, gave the City a shape in the form of a socio-economic base. The socio-economic base, special neighborhoods and areas were chosen for settlement and the horizontal and scattered development of the City due to these separations spread beyond the original borders (before 1330) and areas 7 and 5 are near and along the mountain. Taq Bostan, and regions 8 and 4 in the heights and Mahor hills of Koh Sefid and regions 3, 2, 6 and 1 in the Kermanshah plain and parallel to the river continued to expand. Undoubtedly, this process of physical development and growth is inevitable in opposition to the scattered fault lines on the surface. The City is located, and it should be considered and paid attention by city managers by creating multipurpose uses and increasing open and green spaces per capita, preventing desertification, emphasizing strengthening, etc., the balanced and horizontal growth of the City in development plans. In the present article, with basic studies and theoretical foundations related to the subject and the study area, the required database in the ArcGIS software environment was formed, and then the vulnerability of the areas was assessed according to the conditions of the study area. Finally, the vulnerability of Kermanshah metropolis according to the principles of Passive defense and quantitative and qualitative criteria using ArcGIS software and the TOPSIS model in the form of a vulnerable zone map and the periodic development of the City and City development directions based on the location of Passive defense.
Cities are moving towards becoming networked and systemic, and the systemic approach is manifested in the system of cities, which contains all the localities and regions of the urban system. Therefore, we should not forget that threats are a living and serious element that has always existed in all human activities and man-made infrastructures. What is taken from the article as results is certain: this is that the distinction between the base and the socio-economic position in the analysis of urban vulnerability has shown its real expression in the more vulnerable zones 5, 7 and 6 and the zones 8, 4, 1, 2 and 3 with less vulnerability, which have emerged from the heart of the metropolis of Kermanshah. Because informal settlements, hieratical, inefficient and worn-out urban neighborhoods are generally located in areas with high Vulnerability (except for the historical context of the City on the border of zones 8, 4, 3 and 2), skeletal, resistant, open-space buildings, etc. are located in areas with less vulnerability. In conclusion, what is evident is that the circular growth and development of the City until 1330 and after that, the linear growth of the City from Sarab Taq Bostan in the northern side to Sarab Qanbar in the southern side was dominant until 1350, and the City, from this date until now, has spread all over and the physical growth of the City has dominated on the western and eastern sides of the City by the construction of industrial towns and the creation of residential areas in these sides with the aim of development programs and helping development and construction. The aspects of physical-spatial development will face problems practically in some regions. This requires concentration and attention to the various faults in the north and south of the city, along with the Qarasu river, which apply principles and considerations of Passive defense in urban development, increasing per capita green uses, relief, etc., using resistant materials, preventing desertification, and creating new multipurpose uses.

Volume 8, Issue 1 (6-2018)

In recent decades, knowledge-based organizations (KBO) have played an important role in growth and economic development, especially in resistance economy by commercializing their scientific and technological achievements. This paper has identified the most important features of successful knowledge-based organizations in Iran. This article is a fundamental research in terms of purpose and utilizes mix method and content analysis based on papers found in the field of Iranian knowledge-based companies. At first features are identified and network analysis is done proportional to it. Then Shannon entropy is used to determine the impact coefficient of these features. The results show that 14 important features of these companies are as follows: qualified human resources, strong management, project and organizational capabilities, good business strategy, optimal management of financial resources, technical and production capabilities, marketing and sales capabilities, good technology strategy, receiving governmental timely incentives, receiving purposive incentives from funding agencies, appropriate networking, proper use of infrastructure, giving enough attention to the organization’s environment and focused activities .

Volume 12, Issue 1 (6-2008)

Difference in pixel size between multi-spectral and pan images, is one of the main effective factors on the spectral and spatial performance of image fusion methods. In this research, after producing simulated images with different pixel sizes of 8, 12, 16, 44 meters from IKONOS multi-spectral images and 4 meters from IKONOS pan image,by using four different fusion algorithms (i.e. Brovey, PCA, wavelet and combination of PCA and wavelet algorithms),all the simulated multi-spectral and pan derived images were fused.Correlation coefficient index and entropy were used to assess the spatial and spectral quality of the fused images, respectively. The results showed that the effect of increasing of multi-spectral images resolution difference compared with pan image on spectral and spatial quality of the fused images is related to the methods used for image fusion. Among the methods used for image fusion, Brovey transform and PCA-wavelet transform methods have the lowest and highest sensivity respectively, in respect to the variations of resolution difference. Also the relationship between spectral and spatial quality changes of the fused images with respect to the increasing of difference in pixel sizes of multi-spectral and pan images is non-linear.

Volume 13, Issue 1 (4-2013)

Ventricular Fibrillation (VF) is the major cause of triggering sudden cardiac death (SCD). Efficient prediction of ventricular fibrillation is very important for clinical purpose, as this is the most serious cardiac rhythm disturbance and can be life threatening. A reliable predictor of an imminent episode of VF, could be incorporated in an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) would be capable of delivering preventive therapy. The aim of this study is to investigate the possibility of predicting VF from surface electrocardiogram (ECG) signal by beat to beat tracing of the signal and using a dynamic thresholding method. As VF arises from the lower pumping chambers of the heart (ventricles), it is expected to find some changes in the ventricular activity part of the ECG signal before its occurrence. In this paper, we focused on the T-wave of ECG signal which shows the repolarization of ventricles and tried to present an online predictor by finding an entropy-based pattern in T-waves of ECG signal that can effectively maps the irregularity of this wave before VF. We have also used an Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) method to reduce the high frequency noises of T-waves before predictive index extraction in each beat. We found that proposed predictive pattern can be considered as a useful index for probability occurrence of VF. It reached the sensitivity of 89% and specificity of 95% in online VF prediction method. Presented method is simple, computationally fast and has high prediction quality and hence is well suited for real time implementation.  

Volume 13, Issue 4 (9-2010)

Researchers that have analyzed the digital divide complain about the lack of a standard set of indicators, which appropriately measure the digital divide between countries, Their statistics can be collected by the majority of countries and serve as a basis and a standard for internationally comparable information society statistics. In this article, a framework of these indicators, which are called “core indicators of digital divide”, is presented that can narrow the ICT data and statistics divide through formulating standards and synchronizing ICT statistics throughout the world. To extract the core indicators, we are encountering the limitations of the nonexistence of data for some indicators in the majority of countries. Such a limitation does not allow us to apply the statistical methods to extracting the core indicators of digital divide. To overcome this problem, the information and the knowledge of 45 digital divide models were employed as experts' opinions to extract the core indicators. To do so, the entropy method was used and the importance of these models was considered. Finally, comparing the previous global core indicators of digital divide and the proposed ones, it was revealed that the global core indicators ignored three important dimensions: e-learning e-government, and networked world enablers.
Mahdi Fakoor, Parviz Mohammadzadeh, Mahdi Bajellan,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (6-2014)

This paper is focused upon the development of an efficient multi limit-state reliability analysis method based on extended cross-entropy. In order to achieve a reliable state in the modern critical structural designs, it is necessary to utilize an efficient reliability analysis method to estimate the probability of failure. Reliability analysis of such designs is faced with several challenges, such as rarity of the probability of failure and multiplicity of limit-state functions. To address these issues, in this research an importance sampling (IS)-based method is developed which uses cross-entropy (CE) method to reduce sampling variance, and leads to a fast and accurate reliability analysis method. The main advantage of this method is the ability to perform reliability estimation (especially for rare events) without the most probable failure point (MPP) calculation. The proposed method is demonstrated on several test problems and the results are compared together. Results obtained show that method introduced in this paper provides an effective way of improving reliability analysis of multi limit-state functions. In addition, using the proposed method, prevents the mistake of over-designing while retains usability of the method.
Alireza Aghaei, Hoessin Khorasanizadeh, Ghanbar Ali Sheikhzadeh,
Volume 14, Issue 9 (12-2014)

In this study, the effects of magnetic field on the flow field, heat transfer and entropy generation of Cu-water nanofluid mixed convection in a trapezoidal enclosure have been investigated, numerically. The side walls of the cavity are insulated, the top lid is cold and moving toward right or left and bottom wall is hot and the side walls angle from the horizon is 45˚. The results showed that with imposing the magnetic field and enhancing it, the nanofluid convection and the strength of flow decrease and the flow tends toward natural convection and finally toward pure conduction. For this reason, for all of the considered Reynolds numbers and volume fractions, by increasing the Hartmann number the average Nusselt number decreases. Furthermore, for any case with constant Reynolds and Hartmann numbers by increasing the volume fraction of nanoparticles the maximum stream function decreases. For all of the studied cases, entropy generation due to friction is negligible and the total entropy generation is mainly due to irreversibility associated with heat transfer and variation of the total entropy generation with Hartmann number is similar to that of the average Nusselt number. With change in lid movement direction at Reynolds number of 30 the average Nusselt number and total entropy generation are changed, but at Reynolds number of 1000 it has a negligible effect.
Jamal Zamani, Ehsan Etemadi, Morteza Jafarzadeh,
Volume 14, Issue 13 (3-2015)

This paper presented a theoretical model to investigate steady plastic shock wave on FCC metals. The method included shear flow stress according to effective parameters and based on microstructure and dynamics of dislocation method. The aim of this paper was to achieve final relation between shear stress and plastic stretch with presenting constitutive equations for shock loading. Then, Shear flow stress to effective plastic strain was plotted with solving final relation between shear flow stress and plastic stretch. Presented constitutive equations were based on loading under one dimensional strain and were validated just for shock loadings. The main innovation of this investigation included using from energy constitutive law with considering entropy generation rate. Entropy generation rate expressed as dislocation generation, dislocation annihilation and dislocation glide. Also, the effect of shock velocity, total stretch and input stress according to plastic stretch were investigated. Furthermore, shock structure was investigated according to different input stresses. Maximum input stress was 25 GPa. Relations and diagrams were verified with published experimental works on Al 6061 alloy. Good agreement was found between presented model and experimental works.

Volume 15, Issue 2 (6-2015)

In order to study the effects of subsidies targeted plan on Iran agricultural sector, a regional agricultural sector model is made. For this purpose, Iran is divided into 9 equal radar regions agro-climatologically. Then agricultural sector is modeled within 14 commodity groups and 23 production activities using positive mathematical programming (PMP) method and applying generalized maximum entropy (GME) approach. The results indicate that making subsidies targeted by increasing prices of inputs (irrigation water, fertility, pesticide and machinery), escalating energy prices for poultry and dairy farms and raising transportation cost, leads to decrease total surplus of agricultural sector, decrease in many crop and livestock activity levels in different regions, increase in prices, decrease in consumption and exports and increase in imports of some agricultural products. According to the results, if subsidies targeted policy is mixed with support payments to producers, dependent on amount of support payment, the social surplus of agricultural sector may decrease or increase. A support payment equal to 25 percent of production costs can compensate losses of producers due to targeted subsidies, transmit loss of social welfare to zero and decrease volatility of economic variables such as activity levels, price and quantity of consumption of commodity groups.  

Volume 15, Issue 3 (11-2011)

Introduction of an Optimized Model for Fixed Assets Classification in the Balance Sheet (Case Study: Alimentary Production Corporations in Tehran Stock Exchange) Mohammad Ali Aghaei1, Malihe Moradi2 1- Associated Professor, Department of Accounting, Faculty of Management & Economy, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran 2- M.A. Student in Accounting, Department of Accounting, Faculty of Management & Economy, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran. Received: 23 /5/2010 Accept: 9/3/2011 This research is an attempt to suggest a new financial statement analysis method. In this method, the value of accounting information in balance sheet is measured by information theory. Henry Thiel (1969), applying the information theory in accounting; offered a new thought in financial statement analysis. He measured the value of financial statement information by using entropy. Entropy is a logarithmic measure of the rate of transfer of information in a particular message or language. In this research, we attempted to measure the value of information in alimentary corporations’ balance sheet by using entropy and suggested a new method for optimizing fixed assets classification, which increases the information value of those balance sheets. The results showed that if firms present fixed assets information by detail in the balance sheet, the entropy of information will increase and the high value of transmitted information will improve decision making by users of financial statements.
Hojat Khozeymeh Nezhad, Hamid Niazmand,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (5-2015)

In this paper, a numerical study has been performed to investigate the effect of geometrical parameters of a viscous micro-pump on the flow rate and entropy generation. The present research has been carried out for three geometrical parameters of micro-pump including eccentricity (), sizes (S) of rotors and also their distance from each other (L) in the range of 0.1 to 0.9, 1.5 to 3.5 and 0.85 to 4.5, respectively. The results show that with increasing , the micro-pump flow rate also increases. On size variation effects, it is observed that decreasing the downstream rotor diameter, while keeping constant the upstream rotor diameter, the flow rate decreases exponentially. By increasing L, a steep increase in flow rate is initially observed, which becomes almost constant, when rotors are sufficiently far apart. With regard to entropy analysis, the effect of above geometrical parameters has been investigated on the entropy generation. The parameter RS indicating the ratio of the gradient of the entropy production rate to the related flow rate is introduced as a tool for entropy analysis. Also in this paper, for obtaining the maximum flow rate at the minimum frictional dissipation, optimal geometrical parameters are extracted. In this regard, the values of L=2, ε=0.5, S_1=1.5 and S_2=2.5 are selected as the optimum geometrical parameters of viscous micro-pump.
Amir Omidvar, Mohsen Ghazikhani, Seyed Mohammad Reza Modarres Razavi,
Volume 15, Issue 5 (7-2015)

In this paper, numerical investigation was carried out for the sake of identifying optimum geometry for variable geometry ejector using in solar refrigeration system as the prerequisites to experimental tests. Variable geometry was made by using a movable primary nozzle and movable spindle in it. Vacuum tube collector was postulated as heat source and R600a used as working fluid. Condenser temperature based on Middle East area temperature and evaporator based on operative condition in HVAC system selected. Generator, condenser and evaporator operating temperatures have severe effects on the optimum geometry of ejector. Therefore, for maximum entrain ratio it is necessary to identify optimum geometry to cope with variations in operating condition. The results showed that using a variable geometry ejector is a requirement for cooling during the day. The following fluid structure was compared by entropy generation during mixing and shock phenomena. The results showed there is optimum back pressure to minimize fluid exit entropy. It coincides with critical back pressure. It was found that depending on back pressure maximum entropy generation happen by two reasons, mixing and shock phenomena.
Mehrdad Nori Khajavi, Mohammad Reza Bavir, Ebrahim Farrokhi,
Volume 15, Issue 7 (9-2015)

In statistics, Entropy is a measure of disorder of time series. Entropy is used in physiologic for signal analysis. In physiologic science, Entropy is used for performance analysis of body organs such as heart and brain. Epileptic patients have been diagnosed by this technique. In this paper for the first time, Entropy is used to determine the health condition of mechanical systems. A special kind of Entropy, namely Permutation Entropy is used for this purpose.To perform the experiment an apparatus consisting of a motor coupled with a shaft has been designed and manufactured. Vibration signals from supporting bearing of this system in different shaft states namely healthy shaft, and shafts with 3, 5 and 7 mm crack were gathered with a vibration data analyzer. The vibration were taken from sensors mounted on bearing supports of the shaft. Shaft was subjected to a constant bending moment. The vibration signals were preprocessed by permutation Entropy method. Nine different features were extracted from the Entropy signals which are fed to an Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS). The designed ANFIS was capable of classifying different shaft states with an overall %96 percision.
Kamel Milani Shirvan, Mojtaba Mamourian,
Volume 15, Issue 8 (10-2015)

In this paper the mixed convection and entropy generation in a square cavity filled with Al2O3-water nanofluid with the presence of a constant axial magnetic field, is analyzed. The upper and bottom walls are adiabatic. Discretization of the governing equations were achieved through a finite volume method and solved with SIMPLE algorithm. In this research the effects of the Rayleigh number (103- 106), Hartmann number (0 - 100) and also inclination angle (0 - 90°) are investigated. When the cavity is rotated, it is observed that the mean Nusselt number and total entropy generation increase when the Rayleigh number increases in cavity. In square cavity, regardless of the Ha number, by increasing of the inclination angel, the mean Nusselt number and entropy generation rate, increase until inclination angel 30°, then decreases. Also when the magnetic field is rotated, it is observed that the mean Nusselt number decrease when the Hartmann number increases. The mean Nusselt number when the cavity rotates with specific inclination angel is less than state that the cavity rotates with specific magnetic field. For finding optimum condition of heat transfer, Artificial Neural networks (ANN) were used. The results from optimization show that as the Rayleigh number increases, the optimum angel decreases. Whatever the Rayleigh number more increases, the decrement in optimum angel more intenses. Also in low the Rayleigh number, as the Hartmann number increases, the optimum angel decreases firstly then increases. In high Rayleigh number, as the Hartmann number increases, the optimum angel increases too.
Habib Aminfar, Mohammad Nasiri, Marzieh Khezerloo,
Volume 15, Issue 9 (11-2015)

In this study, generated entropy of mixed convection of Al2O3–water nano fluids in a vertical channel with sinusoidal walls under a constant and uniform magnetic field was numerically investigated. The effects of various parameters such as volume fraction of nanoparticles, amplitude of sine wave, Reynolds, Grashof and Hartman numbers were studied. This study was carried out by assuming the laminar, steady state and incompressible flow. Also, the thermo physical properties of nanoparticles were assumed constant. The Boussinesq approximation was used to calculate the variations of the density caused by buoyancy force and the finite volume method and two phase mixture model were used to simulate the flow. The results showed that the entropy generation due to heat transfer and viscous effects increase by adding nanoparticles to the base fluid. Also, the results showed that the entropy generation due to heat transfer increases by increasing the Grashof number and decreasing the Reynolds number, while a reverse trend is observed for entropy generation due to viscous effects. By increasing the Hartman number, the entropy generation due to heat transfer increases at first and then decreases and entropy generation due to viscous effects reduces. For all studied intensities of magnetic fields, the entropy generation decreases using corrugated channels.
Hojjat Khozeymeh-Nezhad, Hamid Niazmand,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (5-2016)

In present paper, a numerical study is performed for analysis of effects of geometrical and operational parameters of viscous micropump with the approach to Entropy Generation Minimization by Lattice Boltzmann Method. In study of effect of change in the geometric parameter L and operational parameters ∆P*, it was found that in all ∆P*s, two range of L=1.2 - 1.6 and L=4.4 - 4.8 at EGM viewpoint and two range of L=1.1 - 1.6 and L=4.4 - 4.9 at the minimum power of rotors viewpoint are introduced as optimum ranges. Due to the full overlap of optimum ranges at the EGM viewpoint with the minimum power of rotors viewpoint, the same range mentioned in the EGM viewpoint is selected as the optimal range. Results of the effect of change in the geometric parameter L and operational parameters Re showed that in all Res, two range of L=1.1 - 1.5 and L=4.5 - 4.9 at the EGM viewpoint and two range of L=1.2 - 1.6 and L=4.4 - 4.8 at the minimum power of rotors viewpoint are introduced as optimum ranges. Therefore, the common range of these viewpoint namely L=1.2 - 1.5 and L=4.5 - 4.8 can be selected as the most optimal range. Regarding the effect of change in the geometric parameter ε and operational parameters Re and ∆P* is determined in all Res and ∆P*s, the range of ε = 0.1 – 0.5 is selected as optimum range in the EGM viewpoint and the minimum power of rotors viewpoint.

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