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Showing 6 results for Finite Elements

Volume 12, Issue 2 (6-2012)

Sensible vibration of steel beams in long spans is undesirable issue in the buildings. These beams may be vibrated during people passage, although the strength calculations of this beams to be performed, accurately and drift control index based on buildings codes to be considered. Iranian Steel Buildings Code has offered a formula for controlling of vibration of beams in building frames with pin connections in serviceability phase. However, this code has not presented criteria for beams include fixed connections. Since these beams have the considerable portion of building frames, their vibration control needs special attentions. The presented equations for determination of beams frequency are complicated and have been not used for control of buildings floor vibration. In this paper, the mentioned formula in forenamed codes has been discussed. The dynamic analysis, finite element method (FEM) and artificial neural networks (ANN) techniques have been adopted to constitute the frequency equations of the fix ends and cantilever steel beams. Comparison of resulted frequency from presented equations and ANN showed that the error is low. Furthermore, it is suggested that use proposed equations for determination of frequency of moment connection beams.

Volume 15, Issue 5 (9-2015)

In the design or analysis of structures for seismic loads, the effects of forces acting simultaneously in a member must be considered. The most common case is the interaction of bending moments and axial load in columns. The usual response spectrum method provides the maximum values of individual responses, but the critical combination of these responses may not involve any of these maxima. In this Paper, the response-spectrum-based procedure for predicting the envelope that bounds two or more responses in a linear structure is implemented. It is shown that, for an assumed orientation of the principal axes along which the ground motion components are uncorrelated, this envelope is an ellipsoid. For the case when the orientation of the principal axes is unknown, a ‘‘supreme’’ envelope is derived, which corresponds to the most critical orientation of the axes. The response envelope can be superimposed on the capacity curve to determine the adequacy of a given design. In the commercial softwares such as SAP and ETABS seismic designs of structures are based on rectangular spectrums that they are usually over estimated ones. Therefore, implementation of such accurate envelope instead of rectangular one is felt in design softwares. In the design or analysis of structures for seismic loads, the effects of forces acting simultaneously in a member must be considered. The most common case is the interaction of bending moments and axial load in columns. The usual response spectrum method provides the maximum values of individual responses, but the critical combination of these responses may not involve any of these maxima. In this Paper, the response-spectrum-based procedure for predicting the envelope that bounds two or more responses in a linear structure is implemented. It is shown that, for an assumed orientation of the principal axes along which the ground motion components are uncorrelated, this envelope is an ellipsoid. For the case when the orientation of the principal axes is unknown, a ‘‘supreme’’ envelope is derived, which corresponds to the most critical orientation of the axes. The response envelope can be superimposed on the capacity curve to determine the adequacy of a given design. In the commercial softwares such as SAP and ETABS seismic designs of structures are based on rectangular spectrums that they are usually over estimated ones. Therefore, implementation of such accurate envelope instead of rectangular one is felt in design softwares. It is shown that, for an assumed orientation of the principal axes along which the ground motion components are uncorrelated, this envelope is an ellipsoid. For the case when the orientation of the principal axes is unknown, a ‘‘supreme’’ envelope is derived, which corresponds to the most critical orientation of the axes. The response envelope can be superimposed on the capacity curve to determine the adequacy of a given design. In the commercial softwares such as SAP and ETABS seismic designs of structures are based on rectangular spectrums that they are usually over estimated ones. Therefore, implementation of such accurate envelope instead of rectangular one is felt in design softwares.

Volume 16, Issue 1 (3-2016)

Among four basic load-bearing mechanisms of reinforced concrete structural elements, namely, axial, flexure, shear and torsion, only the latter is truly a three-dimensional problem. Consequently, studies of pure torsion serve to verify three-dimensional modeling as a pre-requisite for general solutions of combined loads. To our best knowledge, however, few studies have been conducted on torsional behavior of concrete beams which most of them are experimental investigations or simplified analytical models based on early and modified version of Compression Field Theory (M-CFT). Previous researchers focused on the torsional behavior of plain and reinforced concrete beams as well as FRP strengthened RC beams. However, the focus of this study is to find a rational set of constitutive laws of materials to simulate a three-dimensional reinforced concrete element. From the viewpoint of constitutive modeling of RC elements, there are two approaches; discrete crack and continuum level models. The major disadvantage that adheres to discrete crack models is the fact that these models focus on a local crack behavior and seeking to detect the crack paths, requiring a high computational cost. By contrast, continuum level models taking advantage of the spatially averaged macroscopic models to predict the structural behavior of the entire member (i.e. columns, beams etc.). In this method, the control volume of simulation is a finite domain between two primary transverse cracks which contains several secondary bond cracks, leading to relatively low computational cost along with acceptable accuracy. Furthermore, there are two major approaches for simulation of RC elements in continuum level; smeared cracks models and the models based on classical theory of plasticity. Smeared cracks models originally have been developed as a solution for 2D problems. Nevertheless, most of plasticity based models originally have been developed for 3D problems. The downside of plasticity based models however, is the uncertainty in calibration of material constant because most of these models are phenomenological models, not a physical consistent rule. Taking advantage of classical theory of plasticity along with damage mechanics, Lubliner et. al. (1989), proposed an isotropic Damage Plasticity Model for simulating the plain concrete. However, variety of researchs have been conducted on reinforced concrete members based on damage plasticity model. This model, includes material parameters such as dilation angle, yield surface factors etc,. which should be calibrated for each problem. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of each parameter on the numerical response of the beam. Hence, solid RC beams under pure torsion have been simulated using nonlinear finite elements. Concrete material is simulated using isotropic plastic-damage model integrated in ABAQUS software. The constitutive laws of materials is modified using present methods to take into account for anisotropic behaviour of RC elements under torsion. The torque – twist curves, crack patterns and detected failure modes obtained from the proposed nonlinear finite element analysis are in good agreement with experimental results.
Shahram Yareiee, Mohammad-Reza Sayyed Noorani, Ahmad Ghanbari,
Volume 16, Issue 6 (8-2016)

Ultrasonic Phased Arrays are an emerging technology in nondestructive testing and evaluation. Some important factors affecting on the performance of these probes include, positioning elements in probe, number of elements, distance between two elements, elements length, and time delays to excite probe elements. The type of linear phased array probes is a prevailing type in which elements placed side by side and longitudinally. In this paper based on analyzing the existent laws in design and performance of the phased array probes related to the propagation of ultrasonic waves, an improved dimensional design for ultrasonic linear phased array probes, as well as improvement of the sequence of time delays to excite the probe elements are done. In order to evaluate the performance of the probe with improved design in comparison with a similar ordinary probe, an ultrasonic phased array test is simulated using FEM-based ABAQUS software. By numerical simulations, the performance of the probe with improved design versus the ordinary probe for propagating the guided waves in a thin square aluminum plate is compared. In first part, the attenuation coefficient of the received signals of reflected wave is evaluated, and in second part, the performance of the probes for radial scanning is compared. Results of both simulations confirm that the performance of the probe with improved design is much better than the similar ordinary one. Specially, the probe with improved design propagates the ultrasonic waves with the maximum head wave energy, and steers them with higher accuracy towards a determined direction.
Hassan Ali Jahangiry, Ali Jahangiri,
Volume 16, Issue 12 (2-2017)

Topology optimization of the heat transfer quality in two-dimensional heat conduction problem at enclosure as one of the typical thermo-physical problems has always been quite important. In this paper a level set-based topological optimization procedure of two-dimensional heat conduction problem include point and speared thermal on computational domain load using finite elements method is developed. In level-set method, all structural boundaries are parameterized by a level of dynamic implicit scalar function of higher order. Changes of this function can easily model the detachment and attachment of dynamic boundaries in topology procedures. The same shape functions of finite elements analysis are employed to approximate the unknown temperatures and geometry modeling of the design domain. The objective function is to minimize thermal power capacity and sensitivity analysis on some heat conduction problems is investigated to deal with the topology optimization using level-set method with the finite elements scheme. Finally, topology optimization results of 3 heat conduction problems under both include point and spread thermal load cases are presented to demonstrate the validity of the proposed method. The proposed method lead to a significant reduction of the computational cost and time and it can be applied to a wide range of topology optimization problems arising from the heat transfer.
Mohammad Sajjad Khodayari, Rahman Seifi,
Volume 23, Issue 4 (3-2023)

Thick-walled cylindrical vessels are specially used in oil, chemical, nuclear and military industries in order to withstand internal pressure. The presence of the compressive residual stress in the walls increases the bursting pressure and fatigue life. Autofrettage processes and radial interference in multilayer cylinders are among the conventional methods of creating residual stresses in the pressure vessels. In order to achieve higher strength and fatigue life, the combination of these processes is also considered. J integral method is a suitable criterion for evaluating the crack parameters in elastic and elastoplastic strain fields. In this research, distribution of the J integral along the semi-elliptical crack front on the inner surface of the interferenced two-layered cylinder with closed end has been studied. Inner layer was autofrettaged. Burst pressure was determined based on the fracture toughness criterion (JΙC). Also, the effects of the autofrettage percent, radial interference; depth, angle and aspect ratio of the crack on the J integral and burst pressure variations have been investigated. The inner and outer layers of the cylinder were made of 7075-T6 aluminum alloy. The periodic nonlinear hardening behavior of this alloy has been predicted using Chabooche model. The validity of the results and their accuracy were examined

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