Showing 27 results for Finite Element Simulation
Mohsen. Loh. Mousavi, M. Bakhshi. Jooybari, Kan . E. Mori, Mahmood. Farzin, S. Javad. Hosseinipour,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (12-2009)
In this study, pulsating hydroforming of tube in a box die is simulated using the three dimensional finite element method to investigate the mechanism of improvement of the corner filling. In addition, the results obtained from the simulation are compared with experimental observations, and the validity of the simulation results is verified. Based on a better understanding of the mechanism of improvement of the corner filling, a new pulsating pressure path is proposed to increase the corner filling. It has been shown that the proposed pulsating pressure path is more effective in increasing the corner filling of the box shape tube hydroforming process.
Mohammad Hossein Gozin, Mehrdad Aghaei,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (7-2014)
Experimental and numerical analysis of a single overload on the fatigue life of AISI 4140 CT specimens was studied. Fatigue tests were conducted on base line CT specimen under single overload ratios of 1.5 and 1.75. Numerical analyses were performed on 2D incorporating the stress intensity factor and the J-integral as driving force. Furthermore, ABAQUS commercial software was used to simulate elastic-plastic crack growth and crack closure. Overload-induced retardation effects on the crack growth rate are considered based on the crack closure concept. A novel model for considering pre-overload and post overload effect on the crack growth is introduced. This model is based on the effective stress intensity factor and the effective J value. Overload increases fatigue lives by factors of 1.24 and 1.5 for overload ratios of 1.5 and 1.75, respectively. Two dimensional FEM results are in good agreement with the experiment with a maximum error of 10% using stress the intensity factor based method and -6% using the J integral based method. Comparing present paper method with Harmain model indicates that this model requires fewer experiments and Harmain model requires less calculation.
Nowrouz Nouri, Hamid Reza Gharavian, Ali Valipour,
Volume 14, Issue 10 (1-2015)
Systems of recognition and location identification of underwater moving bodies which using acoustic waves are called sonar. Electroacoustic transducers have an important role in underwater communication systems such as Sonar. A set of electroacoustic transducers which is called sonar array, can be used for sending and receiving underwater sound. The most widely used transducer in these arrays are Tonpilz transducer. In this paper, a full simulation of Tonpilz transducer is given and the most important factors for evaluating transducer performance are checked experimentally and numerically. Also for validation of finite element model, the sample of transducer was designed and made. This transducer was tested in two methods, electrically and acoustically. Electrical behavior was tested by Impedance gain analyzer devise. Acoustic test was carried in the acoustic pool. Then the result of FEM compared with experimental results. With comparing FEM results and tested model, it is observed that the finite element model can predict electrical and acoustical behavior of Tonpilz transducer so well. Finally it is tried to improve frequency response of transducer with making changes in the structure. While the addition of damping factors can increase frequency bandwidth.
Khalili Khalili, Amir Ashrafi,
Volume 14, Issue 13 (3-2015)
In hydroforming process, applying hydraulic pressure to the inner surface of tube along with axial loads to two ends of tube simultaneously cause the tube to be formed to the die shape. Application of finite element simulation is common practice to predict the geometrical dimensions of the produced part and analysis of probable defects. For finite element simulation, precise mechanical properties of tube material are required. Obtaining these properties from a test similar to the tube hydroforming process is desirable. In this study hydraulic bulge test using T-shape die has been introduced to obtain the stress-strain curve of the tube material. Using hydroforming set-up, several experiments were carried out on C12200 copper samples. Geometrical parameters required to be used in analytical solutions have been identified and the stress-strain curve has been plotted. The results of the proposed experiment have been compared to the results of the tensile test. In addition, the effects of anisotropy on the obtained stress-strain curve of both tests have been determined. The stress-strain curve obtained has been used to plot the forming limit diagram. The bulge test mechanical properties and the forming limit diagram have been applied to simulate the tube bursting and prediction of the final part geometrical dimensions in T-shape tube hydroforming and these results have been compared to the part being experimentally produced by hydroforming. The results show that when stress-strain curve obtained by the proposed experiment is used, there is a good agreement between the simulated hydroformed part and the experimental part.
Seyed Hadi Hosseini, Karen Abrinia, Ghader Faraji,
Volume 14, Issue 15 (3-2015)
In this paper, an upper bound analysis for novel backward extrusion has been presented. Initially deformation zone has been divided to four separated regions and an admissible velocity field for them has been suggested. Then total power in this process has been calculated for every region and extrusion force has been gained. Moreover investigation of relevance of extrusion force and process powers (friction, deformation, velocity discontinuity) with process parameters has been revealed better understanding in load estimation and process efficiency in this method. Finite element analysis by DEFORMTM3D has been done for validation of upper bound results. Upper bound analysis showed, increasing of initial billet diameter enhances extrusion force by nonlinear relation. In addition big billet size remodels novel backward extrusion to conventional backward extrusion and it proves lower requirement extrusion load in novel backward extrusion in comparison with conventional backward extrusion. Moreover Increasing of first region’s thickness in this process diminishes extrusion force by exponential relation and no considerable change in extrusion force can be seen in a particular thickness domain. Investigation of process parameters in power efficiency shows that bigger extruded part’s diameter creates critical condition in process efficiency because of high friction power. But increasing of thickness enhances power efficiency. Finally upper bound analysis results have a good agreement with FEM.
Sina Nazari Onlaghi, Ahmad Assempour,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (3-2015)
In the extrusion of sections with a multi-hole flat-faced die, the proper positioning of the die holes is of critical importance in avoiding the appearance of geometrical defects. In this paper, a methodology has been presented for radial positioning of the die holes in multi-hole extrusion process. A die with two non-symmetric T-shaped holes has been chosen as the computational example. A kinematically admissible velocity field at deformation zone has been obtained. The effects of dead metal zone formation have been considered in prediction of the velocity field. To measure the exit profile curvature a deviation function has been suggested. Using the proposed function, the velocity field has been used for prediction of the exit profile curvature and accordingly positioning of the die holes. It was found that a balanced metal flow at the exit of extrusion die could be achieved if the position of holes is near the centroid of the die area. In order to validate the results, finite element simulation has been used. The proposed methodology can be extended to dies with greater number of holes and more complex shapes. This methodology helps the die designer to have a better quality extrusion process.
Abdolhamid Gorji, Esmaeil Mohammadian, Mohammad Ali Mirzai,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (6-2015)
Forming media in metal forming processes is so important. Since the forming media in Ball deep-drawing process is discrete, it is quite flexible. In this paper, thickness distribution and required force for forming of conical part by ball deep-drawing and conventional deep-drawing processes using finite element simulation and experimental stages, were studied. In this research, sheets were used made St14 steel and brass wit 1mm thickness. The experimental results are in good agreement with simulation results. The results showed the sample formed by conventional deep-drawing process had more uniform thickness distribution than ball deep-drawing, but the maximum thinning in the parts of ball forming process was less than conventional deep-drawing process. Also it was observed that required force for ball deep drawing process is more than the conventional deep-drawing process. It was observed that with increasing radius of the input die, the force required to stretch the ball deep-drawing and ball processes is decreased, also with increasing radius of the input die is reduced thinning amount. It was noted that one of the advantages of ball deep drawing process than traditional deep drawing process is achieved a negative slope part.
Mehran Kadkhodayan, Mahmoud Shariati, Reza Naseri,
Volume 15, Issue 6 (8-2015)
Equal channel angular pressing is one of the most effective severe plastic deformation processes for fabrication of ultrafine grained or even nanostructured materials. Among the metallic biomaterials, commercially pure titanium exhibits the best mechanical properties, compared with other alloys. In this study, the effect of work-piece cross section on the mechanical properties of commercially pure titanium produced by this process has been investigated. The work-pieces in two types of cross section(square and circular) are pressed one pass in the square channel with angle 120° at room temperature and effects of cross section on the forming load, grain size, hardness, strength and toughness was studied. Finite element simulation by using the ABAQUS software has been performed for forecasting the forming load, equivalent plastic strain and investigation of effects of geometry parameters of die channel on these. The simulation results have shown good agreement with experimental results. Through analysis of results, it is found that by using the work-piece with circular cross section at equal channel angular pressing process, not only decreased the required pressing load, but also significantly improved the mechanical properties of the materials such as hardness and strength as compared to using the work-piece with square cross section.
Sajjad Khisheh, Hossein Amirabadi, Seyed Mohammad Hossein Seyedkashi,
Volume 15, Issue 12 (2-2016)
Friction drilling is a nontraditional hole-making process used to create and form the holes in thin sheets. The process involves penetration of a rotating conical tool into a sheet metal work piece and creation of a bushed hole in a single step. The tools are conical without having cutting edges, and the heat caused by friction between the tool and workpiece is used to soften the material, penetrate into the workpiece and make the bush. In this process, the temperature is high, and so that the deformation. The simulation by finite element analysis is a useful tool for understanding the material flow, stress, strain and length of bush. In this research, Abacus software was used to simulate the behavior of friction drilling. To verify the simulation results, the length of bushes created by tools with different diameters at different rotational speeds and federate were measured, and results were compared with experimental data. The aim of this study was to determine the process parameters to provide the bush with a uniform thickness, and study their effect on the shape of bush. Therefore, DOE was performed using a full factorial method and results were interpreted using ANOVA. Results showed that the tool diameter has the greatest effect (95%) on the length of bush during friction drilling, then feed rate (3%) and finally rotational speed (2%) has the smallest effect.
Ahmad Firouzian-Nejad, Saeed Ziaei-Rad, Masih Moor,
Volume 16, Issue 4 (6-2016)
In this paper, thermal and vibration response of cross-ply bi-stable composite laminated plates were studied using semi-analytical, finite element and experimental method. In order to evaluate the semi-analytical and finite element results, a bi-stable composite plate was manufactured using a special procedure. Next, geometrical characteristics and displacement of different paths on the plate were measured experimentally at room temperature. In semi-analytical approach, the two stable states and the first natural frequency of cross-ply laminates are calculated based on Rayleigh–Ritz approach combined with Hamilton’s principle. In this study, a modified shape function was introduced that allows the curvatures to vary in both longitudinal and transverse directions. Using the modified shape function, the displacement of the plate in its stable configuration and the first natural frequency of the plate can be more accurately predicted in compared to the Hyer’s shape functions. The obtained results from the proposed shape function are in good agreement with the finite element and experimental data. The proposed shape functions can also be used in dynamic and vibration analysis to determine the snap-through load of the cross-ply laminates.
Jaber Soleimani, Majid Elyasi, Morteza Hosseinzadeh,
Volume 16, Issue 9 (11-2016)
Nowadays, thin-walled tube bending (D/t≥20, D-tube diameter and t-tube thickness) in the critical bend ratio (R/D≤2, R bend radius) is a widely used manufacturing process in the aerospace industry, automotive, and other industries. During tube bending, considerable cross-sectional distortion and thickness variation occurs. The thickness increases at the intrados and reduces at the extrados. Also in some cases, when the bend die radius is small, wrinkling occurs at the intrados. In the industry, the mandrel is used to eliminate wrinkling and reduce cross-sectional distortion, which the choice of the mandrel depends on, tube material, bending angle, radius tube and bending radius. However, in the case of a close bend die radius, using the mandrel avoided. Because the mandrel, in addition to the cost of the process, the thinning of the wall increases at the extrados and this is undesirable in the manufacturing operation. So, in the present study regarding to development of tube hydroforming, internal fluid pressure is used instead of the mandrel. Therefore, the purpose of the feasibility study, observation and analysis of the formation of tube bending process, the tube rotary draw bending process with two of the mandrel and the internal fluid pressure is simulated by software ABAQUS.
Javad Shahbazi Karami, Gholamhasan Payghaneh, Davood Nourbakhsh, Kian Tafazoli Aghvami,
Volume 16, Issue 9 (11-2016)
Manufacturing in as short time as possible, with highest quality and at minimal cost, is one of the key factors in industry. As a result, researchers are seeking new methods and technologies to meet such requirements. Liquid impact forming is one of such methods which has received wide currency especially in automotive and aerospace industries. In this method, which is considered as one of tubular hydroforming processes, forming is achieved by using liquid pressure. In this paper, liquid impact forming process was investigated experimentally and numerically for a thin-walled aluminium tube. In experimental part, a die was designed and manufactured to transform the cross section of the aluminium tube into a polygon which at the end of the process changes the cylindrical shape of the tube to a profile almost similar to a trapezoid. Results showed that a die in the form of matrix molding is not suitable for this type of geometry in such a process while using another die which consisted of three parts resulted in a satisfactory forming. Simulation of this process was further implemented using finite element method and results relating to Von Mises stress distribution, displacement, strain energy, internal energy, thickness variation and the force required to implement the process were obtained. Displacement distribution in different regions indicated that no wrinkling occurred in the sample. Comparison between simulation and experimental results indicated that they were in good agreement.
Zahra Matin Ghahfarokhi, Mahdi Moghimi Zand, Mehdi Salmani Tehrani,
Volume 16, Issue 9 (11-2016)
This paper deals with studying and developing a proper constitutive model for liver tissue. For this purpose, deformation of liver in uniaxial compression, for two different strain rates, is analytically and numerically studied, based on both hyperelastic and hyperviscoelastic constitutive models. Both of the models are based on a polynomial-form energy function. The stress-strain curves, for uniaxial compression, obtained from these models, have been fitted to the existing experimental data to determine the model coefficients. Moreover the models are examined in uniaxial tension and pure shear loadings. ABAQUS commercial software, in which both of the models are available, has been used for numerical simulations. Then, to evaluate the computational analyses, analytical and numerical results have been compared with each other and also with the existing experimental data. The results show that the presented analytical solution and FE simulation are very close together and also both are accurate enough, compared with the experimental data and an acceptable stability is observed. Furthermore the effect of friction coefficient between the sample and the compressing plate in uniaxial compression test has been investigated. FE simulation results show that the stress will increase with increasing friction coefficient. This implies that friction coefficient must be carefully selected to accurately describe the tissue’s response. Compared with previously published researches on other tissues, the constitutive models adopted here to predict liver behavior is mathematically more complex due to non-zero material constants. Analytical solution of these constitutive models is, in fact, the main challenge and innovation of this paper.
Mehdi Zohoor, Abolfazl Kazeminasab, Mohammad Shahabizadeh,
Volume 16, Issue 10 (1-2017)
In this paper, the effect of extrusion die profile on the dimensional tolerance of a cross section of a part in a forward extrusion process was studied. In these experimental and numerical investigations, some parameters such as extrusion speed, metal flow, extrusion temperature and extrusion force were considered as process variables. The specimen was aluminium alloy 2014 with a variable wall thickness. The variable wall thickness causes the metal flow rate to be changed along the die orifice. As a result, the die which is used to produce this part must be suitable to control the flow rate of metal. In this study, two different dies were used to produce this part. In first die, to control the metal flow, variable bearing length method is used. In the second die, in addition to the bearing length method, a feeder is used in the narrow channels. From the experimental and numerical results, it was found that the first die is not good enough for manufacturing of this part. Because, the first die was not able to control uniform metal flow rate through the die orifice during the extrusion process. This drawback causes the die cavity to remain empty at the sharp corners which results a low quality and low dimensional accuracy in the product, especially in narrow channels. The numerical analysis results have shown that, the second die performance was much better than the first one. It was able to control uniform metal flow rate which causes high quality products.
Hassan Ghaforian Nosrati, S.m.h. Seyedkashi, Mahdi Gerdooei,
Volume 16, Issue 10 (1-2017)
Bulging with elastomer tool has been used in the production of integrated hollow parts as one of flexible forming methods. Nowadays, most industries such as Aerospace and military are using flexible die forming methods due to their flexibility, high quality and lower cost. In this research, finite element simulation has been implemented by ABAQUS software to investigate the behavior of stainless steel 304 tube bulging process using elastomer tool. By comparing the geometry of deformed tubes in experimental tests and simulation results, the FEM model was verified. The aim of this study is to determine the process factors and their effects on the average thickness and depth of bulged tube. In this regard, design of experiment (DOE) was performed using a full factorial method and the results were interpreted using analysis of variance (ANOVA). Also a regression model was presented to predict these responses. Results showed that among the studied factors, friction (between tube and rubber), rubber height, punch displacement and tube axial feeding have significant effects on the process. Finally, the optimal values for significant factors were presented.
Saeed Saberi, Mostafa Ghayour, Hamidreza Mirdamadi,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (3-2017)
Bistable and multistable plates are types of smart composite structures that have two or more static equilibrium. In this paper, a bistable hybrid composite plate with an external metal layer is studied. The difference between these plates and conventional bistable composite plates and bistable hybrid composite plate with an inner layer of metal is the deformation of them. In other words, unlike the conventional bistable composite plates, in both stable state, transverse curvatures that they have the same size and sign and but twisted curvature is the considerable. The analytical method for studying the behavior of the plate is Rayleigh- Ritz method and minimization of potential energy and finite element used. In order to increase the accuracy of the Rayleigh – Ritz method, out of the plane displacement using is guessed Legendre polynomial. At the frist, states of equilibrium and stable states are determined. To understand better the difference between a bistable hybrid plate with an external metal layer and a CFRP bistable composite plate, a comparison between deform at room temperature, curvature and out of plane displacement are done. In the next part, the moment required to snap through between stable states is achieved. Also, the effect of metal layer thickness on out of plane displacement and stability boundary is investigated. Comparing the results of the proposed shape function and Hyer shape function compared to experimental results and the results of finite element analysis show that the results of the proposed shape function is more accurate.
Mehdi Eynbeygui, Javad Shahbazi Karami, Jamal Arghavani,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (6-2017)
Additive manufacturing methods and/or 3D printing have become increasingly popular with a particular emphasis on methods used for metallic materials. Selective Laser Melting (SLM) process is one of the additive manufacturing methods for production of metallic parts. The method was developed in particular to process metal parts that need to be more than 99 percent dense. In this method, according to a predefined pattern, the top surface of the powder layer is scanned by the laser and a local (selective) melt pool is produced in the place of the laser spot which results in a fully dense layer after solidification. In this study, a semi-coupled thermo-mechanical simulation of SLM process is carried out in ABAQUS finite element software. In order to simulate the moving heat flux and update material properties from the powder to the dense solid, the ability of the software for employing user-defined subroutines is employed. Investigation of the residual stress distribution and distortion of a part built using SLM process are the main objectives of this simulation. Results which are presented for two different mechanical boundary conditions show that when the bottom face of the layer is clamped, the top face of the built layer deforms in a concave shape, while the lateral faces of the layer have simply-supported boundary conditions and the bottom face of the layer is free, the part is warped.
Mojtaba Mehrabi, Mehdi Mohammadimehr, Mohammad Reza Fatehi, Ali Ghorbanpour Arani,
Volume 17, Issue 8 (10-2017)
In the present paper, thermal analysis of used spiral bevel gears in main gearbox of helicopter- belong to Iran Aircraft Manufacturing- is investigated. Firstly, with introducing the geometry properties of gears, basic lubrication and thermal analyses are considered based on standards of gear design such as AGMA. Then, in order to create the finite element model, initial and boundary conditions with considering the oil viscosity and calculating the friction coefficient, convection and heat conduction coefficients are determined based on experimental and analytical models in spiral bevel gear. It is noted that, the goal of finite element model is considered to reduce the complex calculation errors and increase the speed of problem solving. Effects of various parameters such as increasing the FLASH temperature and influences of initial temperature on it, contact stresses and heat fluxes, comparison of different mineral oils on the decreasing of temperature and fatigue life are examined. The obtained results of present work show that the FLASH temperature of main gearbox is linear function of initial temperature, so that FLASH temperature increases 56 centigrade in comparison of initial temperature. Also, it is demonstrated that the presence of various mineral oils in this system lead to reduce the solid-solid surface contact and friction coefficient. Moreover, these lubricants cause the cooling in the gearbox and enhancing more temperature, thus the employing these lubricants lead to exceed the system temperature to 90 centigrade.
Sina Sabbaghi Farshi, Amir Rasti, Mohammad Hossein Sadeghi, Javad Hashemi Khosrowshahi,
Volume 17, Issue 10 (1-2018)
Reza Abdi Behnagh, Hadi Abdollahi,
Volume 17, Issue 10 (1-2018)
The poor formability of Mg results in crack and failure in workpiece material during rolling process and limits its applications in different industries. Numerical modeling of the process can guarantee that the required product properties are met with a minimum production cost. The numerical modeling of the rolling processes requires the coupling of several models including different physical phenomena such as the deformation of the workpiece with its thermo-metallurgical evolution and the thermal evolution of the rolls with its mechanical deformation. On the other hand, in finite element modeling of the rolling process, the meshes of the workpiece are often highly distorted. The high distortion in meshes decreases the confidence in the predicted results. Many formulations based on the viscoelasticity behavior of workpiece material are encountered in the literature to model the rolling process, each with their pros and cons. This present work introduces the Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL) formulation, in which the workpiece is divided into three regions (unrolled, in rolling deformation, rolled) to simulate material flow during the process. The comparison of the results with the literature shows that the temperature and strain fields are well predicted by the proposed model. All of the simulations have been done in the two-dimensional mode with ABAQUS/Explicit software.