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Showing 2 results for Flapping Wing

Saeed Karimian, Abbas Ebrahimi,
Volume 14, Issue 9 (12-2014)

A new complete system model of a flapping wing has been derived which consists of all effective parameters. Flapping mechanism can deliver maneuverability as well as low speed flight capability in MAVs. Here a validated aeroelastic model is being developed based on the wing torsional deformation assumption. Based on the proposed model complete parameter study could be performed and consequently the optimization requirements can be extracted. Experimental results of a static test stand have been used for validation. Performance indices, composed of force generated, power consumption and efficiency are depicted in terms of stiffness and kinematic properties. The average behavior is being referred. It is revealed that by changing frequency and speed, the optimum values for stiffness and amplitude are independent. Therefore using suitable kinematics one can utilize specified constant stiffness to optimize the flapping robot flight.
Amir Hossein Zaree, Mohammad Hassan Javareshkian,
Volume 15, Issue 10 (1-2016)

In first part of this study the methods of direct and indirect entering the effect of induced velocity in blade element theory to achieve lift force in hover flight of Drosophila flapping insect are investigated. Then a new algorithm for Induced velocity correction based on Rankin-Froude jet theory and direct method is presented. The results of previous and new methods to aerodynamic simulation of this insect in hovering flight with combined flapping and pitching angles were compared with published experimental results. The results of this comparison indicate that one of the models based on the indirect method as the best way to predict the experimental results. In second part of this work, the sensitivity of the instantaneous and mean force, produced by insect modeled wing, is examined with change in six wing important motion parameters. This parameters Includes: flapping frequency, phase difference between flapping and pitching angle, flapping and pitching amplitudes and flapping and pitching variations with respect to time in flapping cycle. The results show that with increasing frequency and flapping amplitude lift increasingly increases. Also, range of phase difference percent between flapping and pitching angle that lead to maximum lift of the wings is introduced. Results also show that with tending variation of flapping angle in cycle to sinusoidal trend, the lift force increases.

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