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Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Prepositions are linguistic elements that indicate the physical properties of referent and relatum and the geometry of the manner in which they interact with one another. Numerous studies have shown that prepositions in their abstract usages retain at least one of their spatial geometric features which is testimony to embodiment theory and it also suggests that understanding of abstract usages of prepositions can be better done by first studying the spatial usages of them. In this research we consider and analayse spatial geometry of different usages of Persain preposition /dᴂr/ applying Talmy's approach towards spatial structuring in language. Fourteen distinct usages were extracted from Hamshahri Corpus. The spatial geometry of each usage was analaysed and at least one image schema has been proposed for each usage. As a result of close study of various usages we observed that in all usages either the factor "enclosure" or "locus of control" or both are present in the geometry of  the preposition. In one instance we observed a tertiary reference object for locating the Figure in the scene. An investigation of one spatial geometry ascribed to the preposition /dᴂr/ led to suggesting a volumar schema for "way". Also in some usages the use of metonomy can be seen where part of the real Ground or an entity related to it appears as Ground in the sentence.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)

Topography, parent material, and climate are critical factors influencing pedogenesis and the clay mineralogy of soils. There is a paucity of data regarding the soils and sediments of the Jazmurian Watershed in south-central Iran. This study selected various landforms, including rock and mantled pediments, alluvial fans, piedmont plains, lowlands, and playa, characterized by igneous and sedimentary parent materials and situated within aquic, xeric, and aridic soil moisture regimes. The findings indicated that the most significant soil development occurred on rock and mantled pediments, as well as on older alluvial fan sediments, in contrast to the less developed soils found on younger alluvial fan deposits. The clay minerals identified through X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses included smectite, illite, chlorite, palygorskite, and kaolinite. The presence of palygorskite in the sedimentary soils was attributed to inheritance from the parent material, while in soils derived from igneous parent material, palygorskite was formed through pedogenic processes. Pedogenic features associated with calcium carbonate, such as coatings, infillings, and nodules, as well as clay coatings and infillings, were observed in both aridic and xeric soil moisture regimes. The occurrence of clay pedogenic features in the arid regions of the watershed may suggest a historical paleoclimate with greater moisture availability. Conversely, lenticular shapes, interlocked plates, and gypsum infillings were exclusively noted in the arid regions and lower elevations of the watershed, reflecting the current arid climate. The study established a strong correlation between soil formation and the factors of climate, parent material, and relief within the area.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (9-2025)

Based on a comprehensive review of existing literature and examining the specimens, including 11 types that were housed in the Coleoptera Section of the Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata, 154 species of tortoise beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae) from India are identified. This represents approximately 5.4% of the species diversity of the known tortoise beetles. Photographs of the examined specimens (including type specimens) are also provided. The details of the distribution of all the species across Indian states (including districts and micro-locations) and biogeographic zones are presented. Studying the distribution data of the species reveals that the Western Ghats harbours the highest number of tortoise beetle species (84), followed by the Northeast (58), Deccan Peninsula (51), Himalayas (49), Gangetic plains (34), Islands (12), and Semi-Arid regions (12).

Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2013)

Study area is located in West of Iran with relatively rough topography. Lithologic units in the region belong from Jurassic and Cretaccous till recent era. The study area of the Alvand mountain region is related to the tectonic zone of the Sanandaj-Sirjan region and the area dominant neo-tectonic regime appears to be compressional-extensional type. One of the identification tools to find out the existence of recent neotectonic activities is tectonic geomorphology evaluation. In this study, we tried to measure the required parameters using topographic maps with scales of 1:50000 utilizing AutoCAD software. In order to identifying the morphologic landform anomalies we use asymmetry factor, transverse topographic symmetry factor and mountain-front sinuosity index. The neotectonic activity of the study area investigated by considering geologic, seismic and remote sensing evidences and with establishing relationship between these evidences and morphologic landforms. Results indicated that tilting occurred around NW-SE axis. There is a remarkable correlation between active mountain front, fault and cleavage identified (from satellite images) and position of earthquake epicenters of study area. Hence all of these evidence indicating the activity of the study area from neotectonic and instability of sub watersheds point of view.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (1-2013)

The wide variety of ethnic groups and cultures in Iran has been a great advantage for this country, providing a rich substantial culture and a lively society. However, this variety and multiplicity has sometimes been used by the country's enemies as means for engendering the national identity and unity. Ferdowsi's Shahnameh, due to its richness and profundity, can play its traditional role of providing national identity and unity. In order to demonstrate the significant role of Shahnameh in providing Iranian groups with a single national identity, we considered the effect of Shahnameh on naming the geographical phenomena in Ghorveh with four towns and twelve rural areas. This research, registering geographical names and being impressed of Shahnameh, prevents this national unity from obliteration.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (12-2018)

Aims: Affected by natural and human phenomena, the spatial order forms the urban network. In a balanced urban system, due to hierarchical functions and activities in different cities, and fair provision of services to the existing population, there are hierarchical links between cities. The aim of this study was to investigate the urban network based on functional analysis and factors affecting the urban network deformation in Khorasan Razavi province.
Instruments and Methods: Using survey research method, the present descriptive-analytical study was conducted in 2015 among 118 experts of the provincial government, Road and Urban Development Office of Khorasan Razavi province, Governorate, Municipalities, University Jihad of Ferdowsi University, Geography professors of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, and mayors of Khorasan Razavi province; In this study, convenience sampling method was used. The research tool was researcher made questionnaire. Factors affecting spatial imbalance were evaluated through structural equation modeling and confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis, using SPSS 22 and Lisrel 8.52 software.
Findings: Economic, infrastructural, and political factors had the greatest effect on spatial imbalance with factor loading of 0.77, 0.75, and 0.75, respectively.
Conclusion:  Mashhad is at the highest and Bajgiran is at the lowest level in terms of development factors. Among the factors influencing the spatial imbalance, the changes in the country's division in the provincal level (change village to city), centralized system governance, the lack of attention to the role of the middle cities in division of labor (political factors), the focus of activities in metropolises, disproportionate allocation of credits at the provincial level, the focus of roles in Mashhad (economic factors), and the focus of superior educational and health-care services (infrastructural factors) have a more effective role.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2024)

Most of the common oil and gas fields are located in the Persian Gulf, which is one of the shallowest seas in the world. The region of West Asia and the Persian Gulf is experiencing countless geopolitical tensions. Historically, these common oil fields are a source of conflict and tension that has led to wars. Iran and Iraq have 15 common oil fields. The present study, entitled Analysis of the geopolitical consequences of the shared oil resources between Iran and Iraq, seeks to answer the question of what role the shared oil resources of Iran and Iraq play in the relations between the two countries. Also, descriptive-analytical method and Dimetal technique have been used to investigate the title of the research. The findings of the research show that variables such as regional competition, unilateral development of common oil fields, close economic cooperation, regional differences, Iran's economic growth and the reduction of the effect of sanctions, different business partners, differences in attracting foreign investment, Iran's inability to invest, geopolitical convergence in the Strait of Hormuz, joint ventures, instability in economic diplomacy, etc. in the region indicate high interaction and strong systemic connection with other variables. Based on the analysis, it seems that it is necessary for Iran to develop relations with Iraq with a detailed analysis of the current situation and according to Kargosha's predictions about the future, while trying to maintain its share and wealth in common reservoirs and foreign investment in the oil industry in order to transform potential threats into new opportunities and provide maximum benefits by creating cooperation.


Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2024)

The region of North Africa and the Middle East is considered one of the important geopolitical regions, which has been the focus of regional and extra-regional powers for a long time. Meanwhile, in the last days of 2010, Tunisia witnessed massive protests due to the self-immolation of a young man named Mohamed Bouazizi, which entered a new phase on January 14, 2011, when Ben Ali fled. During Ben Ali's time, Tunisia had very close relations with the United States of America and France, but after the popular protests of these countries, they demanded to accept the structural changes in this country. In the meantime, the Islamic Republic of Iran also opened relations with Tunisia after the revolution in this country due to historical, religious and cultural affinities. Therefore, we can witness the expansion of relations between the two countries in the regional and international arena. This article seeks to answer this question, what factors are effective in the geopolitical relations between Iran and Tunisia in the era after the Arab Spring? In the current research, the descriptive-analytical method and Dimetal technique were used. The findings of the research showed that variables such as trade development, diplomatic relations, holding cultural events, increasing the sensitivity of Arab countries towards Iran, strategic economic dialogues and agreements, Shiite associations and alliances in Tunisia, Shiism in Tunisia, cultural diplomacy. And... in the region, it has shown a high importance in the relations between the two countries after the Arab Spring. Therefore, in order to succeed in its relations with Tunisia, the Islamic Republic of Iran should make the most of its economic and Shiite factors.


Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2013)

Global warming is claimed to be the cause of climate change, which is often held responsible for water shortage.  Let geopedology represents the complex process of soil formation, out of which much can be learnt about paleoecology; soil formation being a dynamic interaction between the atmosphere, biosphere, lithosphere, and the hydrosphere. In a multidisciplinary sustainability-oriented study in northwestern Iran, geopedologic data were analyzed and cross-referenced with some historic and archaeological information to reconstruct paleoecologic conditions in several time periods, through which the changes both in climate since upper Pleistocene, and in landuse and their consequences in terms of land degradation could be concluded. The occurrence of a (sub-) surface layer of travertine, dated 27,000 y BP that is coated by a thin organic layer with traces of rancienite (mineral), dated 13,000 y BP, implies a humid environment, corresponding with the pluvial uppermost Würm. The geopedologic survey, supported by soil micromorphology, revealed that between 6,000 and 2,600 years ago the area was subject to cycles of erosion and sedimentation that have led to glacis formation. A type of climate that is characterized by the alternation of wet and dry periods is also supported by the occurrence of Petrocalcic and Argillic horizons in the soils. Cultivating rice, tobacco and cotton, which was practiced until over a century ago, also implies relatively wetter conditions. The study concludes that aridification has never been as degrading as it is today, due to the over-exploiting of the non-renewable fossil groundwater.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2019)

Introduction: As one of the oldest and the most dynamic branches of political geography, Electoral geography has experienced ups and downs more than other branches of political geography. The objective ontology of the phenomenon of vote and its spatial distribution have linked this branch to spatial approach so that a large proportion of works in the area of Electoral geography have been written based on this approach. With the fall of positivism, the researches of Electoral geography also decreased. On the other hand, domination of descriptive, case, and applied studies without a robust theoretical and philosophical basis on theoretical and basic writings, is the main deficiency of Electoral geography in International and Iranian level. The aim of the present theoretical-fundamental study was to explain the dominant theoretical approaches in Electoral geography.
Conclusion: The Electoral geography can be explored in five theoretical approaches. The first approach is the traditional approach that deals with the spatial patterns of voting in the form of a regional school and human-environment relations. The second one is a spatial-behavioral approach that examines the voting behavior according to the measurement and analysis of key spatial variables based on the spatial school. The third approach is a radical approach that base on radical geography school deals with the theoretical articulation and revealing mechanisms that form Electoral processes. The fourth approach is a location-based approach that focuses on the impact of geographic-historical context on electoral behavior on the basis of the humanistic geography school and structuration theory. And, the fifth approach is a critical approach that criticizes the current approaches to the study of electoral geography and the presesentation of alternative readerships of electoral geography based on schools such as feminism, post-structuralism, and post-modernism.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (1-2025)

Geopolitics is considered a tool for advancing foreign policy goals. Geopolitics is an effort to push the world towards a situation where political affairs and its perspectives are considered integrated and uniform. Therefore, foreign policy objectives should be evaluated in line with its geopolitical perspective, which will include material resources to ideological and semantic resources. In the meantime, Iran's interaction with the African continent and Ethiopia increased significantly in the 1960s-1970s, which was influenced by economic, political and strategic factors. This research was written with the aim of explaining and investigating the geopolitical factors influencing the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Ethiopia using descriptive-analytical method. The findings of the research showed that geographical, economic, cultural, political, security factors, the presence of regional and extra-regional powers are among the important factors that have pushed the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran towards Ethiopia. Because Ethiopia has long-standing historical and cultural ties with Iran, and from the economic point of view, due to its proximity to West Asia, it can be considered as Iran's gateway to Africa and to some extent free Iran from international isolation that it has not been able to so far. is to take advantage of this unique situation properly. As a result, it can be said that the Islamic Republic of Iran will be able to increase its influence in this country through the formulation of policies in the economic, cultural and political dimension

Volume 1, Issue 2 (1-2025)

Art in the form of visual arts, music, theater and cinema has become one of the most popular topics in human societies in the present age. Hence, the influence of art and artistic events in political, geographical and social relations is worth considering. The historical course of the word "art" also shows that the word "art" evokes a common meaning and concept in different geographical places and spaces. Hence, it can have a proper and direct relationship with geography. Iran's political relations with African countries, including Tunisia and other North African countries, have a long history due to common cultural and artistic features. Attending art festivals and creating memorandums of understanding in the fields of art, culture and education show the deep relations between Iran and Tunisia. The present study investigates the presence of theater artists in the events and festivals of Tunisia and the influence of cultural and artistic relations on the political and social relations of the two countries using a descriptive-analytical method and using library resources. What is clear is that Iran and Tunisia, as two Muslim countries, have a lot in common, and holding artistic and cultural festivals due to the peacefulness of such events also contributes to the enrichment of the relations between the two countries in the political and social arenas, and the country of Tunisia, the security of political relations and provide Iran's economy in North Africa and this will improve Iran's political relations with other countries in this region

Volume 1, Issue 2 (1-2025)

After the Cold War, the People's Republic of China emerged as a major economic power in the world. Today, this country has been able to spread its influence, especially economically, to all parts of the world. One of the strategic points where this country is in strategic competition with Europe and America is the African continent. This study attempts to present the causes and contexts of China's influence in Africa. Therefore, considering the fact that many studies have been conducted on China's actions and influence in Africa so far; in order to establish a theoretical consensus among the researches, this study tries to explain the strategic and important reasons for China's influence in Africa in a theoretical framework. Therefore, the philosophy of interpretive research has been chosen to achieve the appropriate model in this field with a qualitative approach and content analysis techniques. It should be noted that among the 298 articles containing China's geopolitical goals and interests, 8 articles were extracted according to the KASP rubric scoring system. The final result indicates that one of the most important geopolitical interests in Africa are economic goals pursued according to the soft principles and ideological cultural structure of China.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (1-2025)

In recent decades, Africa is increasingly recognized as an important geopolitical player in the national and international arena. Therefore, the traditional and emerging powers pay a lot of attention to this continent. Many of them are revising their strategies in dealing with this continent. The importance of Africa in the third millennium is known to world powers. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to investigate and analyze the role played by Africa in the geopolitical relations of the contemporary and future world. In order to achieve this goal, a descriptive-analytical method has been used. The findings of the research showed that Africa's relations with peripheral and core governments in the economic dimension include (agricultural institutions, digital economy, rapid economic growth, energy security, oil and gas resources, minerals) and in the political dimension including (immigration) South to North, drug trafficking, wildlife, great power competition, democracy and increasing violent extremism and Islamist terrorism. Finally, it should be stated that the growing global importance of Africa has been largely interpreted through geopolitical competition in the international arena.

Volume 1, Issue 3 (12-2019)

Introduction: Place is the center of geography and identity is the manifestation of culture in place. Regarding the belonging to different places, people have different actions, approaches, and tendencies. As a political event, parliamentary election plays an important role in the representation of voters’ place identities. Affected by its location, Iran, throughout history, has had a wide variety of place identities; parliament election plays a key role in revealing the diversity of identities and, consequently, the diversity of spatial pattern of voting. The present research, which has a descriptive-analytical nature, relies on the hypothesis that place identities, resulted from the diversity of dialect and the feeling of rejection due to the distance dimension, have affected the spatial pattern of voting in the form of heterogeneity of votes, dissipation of votes, and spatial conflicting relationships in Meymand district and Firoozabad constituency. To collect the data, library research method (using books and journals) and field study (questionnaire) were used.
Copnclusion: Spatial conflicts and distances from the central core of the Meymand district led to the heterogeneity of votes, the dissipation of votes, and the dispersion of votes; this spatial pattern of voting is accompanied by reducing the Maymand's influence on the overall results of the constituency.


Volume 1, Issue 3 (12-2019)

It is notable that the legal and geopolitical aspects are considered as critical dimensions of spatial planning because they are the political aspects of spatial planning. The width the Persian Gulf and human structures as artificial islands, legal and geopolitical dimension and political nature. In this paper, we analyze the legal and geopolitical consequences of the UAE's artificial islands. This research is objective, fundamental and in terms of nature and method, descriptive-analytical and content analysis. To this end, the maritime laws of the UAE and other international documents have been investigated. In this way, we categorize the consequences of the construction of UAE artificial islands into three sub-topics: Environmental legal issues, borderline delineation, and coastal advancement toward the sea. There are no legal prohibitions on the construction of artificial islands by the UAE. Therefore, the erosion and sedimentation of the UAE’s coastal environment may make the country a displacement of maritime boundary lines. However, it is not acceptable due to several reasons, e.g., multilateralism of the international treaties, confliction with international laws such as the Convention of 1969, incompatibility with international norms, special conditions of the Gulf, the UAE's destructive and unilateral performance, and the impact of human factors. Therefore, the UAE needs to assess the environmental impact of the construction of artificial islands and bring awareness to the countries of the region. Additionally, they need to cooperate with neighboring countries to protect the sea environment. It should be mentioned that the construction of artificial islands has several geopolitical consequences such as possibility of military usage of these structures by third countries, destabilizing regional security due to the presence of foreign troops, promotion of Iran phobia, the intensification of the territorial and territorial divisions of Iran with the UAE, and the involvement of third countries.

Volume 1, Issue 3 (9-2023)

Following years of contamination, rivers may experience sig­nificant levels of heavy metal pollution. Our research aims to pinpoint hazardous areas in these rivers. In our specific case, we focus on the floodplains of the Meuse River contaminated with zinc (Zn). Elevated zinc concentrations can lead to various health issues, including anemia, rashes, vomiting, and stomach cramping. However, due to limited sample data on zinc con­centrations in the Meuse River, it becomes imperative to gen­erate missing data in unidentified regions. This study employs universal Kriging in spatial data mining to investigate and pre­dict unknown zinc pollutants. The semivariogram serves as a valuable tool for illustrating the variability pattern of zinc. To predict concentrations in unknown regions, the model captured is interpolated using the Kriging method. Employing regression with geographic weighting allows us to observe how stimu­lus-response relationships change spatially. Various semivario­gram models, such as Matern, exponential, and linear, are uti­lized in our work. Additionally, we introduce Universal Kriging and geographically weighted regression. Experimental findings indicate that: (i) the Matern model, determined by calculating the minimum error sum of squares, is the most suitable theoret­ical semivariogram model; and (ii) the accuracy of predictions is visually demonstrated by projecting results onto a real map.

Volume 1, Issue 4 (12-2019)

The spatial arrangement of the elements of the spatial organization will lead to sustainable development, if it considers three main components of the environment, economic growth, and social development, with emphasis on human-centeredness. In order to identify imbalances and balances in spatial distribution, it is very important to use appropriate methods that have the ability to combine various indicators into the spatial organization. The purpose of this study was to determine the strategic factors affecting the political management of the Arak township spaces through library and field studies in the first stage and, secondly, the ranking of these factors based on their importance and their impact through the Analytical hierarchy process for the proper management of geographical spaces of the Arak Township.
This study is a descriptive approach based on nature and is applied developmental based on the goal. The research method is descriptive-analytic and library, internet, and interviewing materials are used for gathering information. Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) technique have been used for weighing the factors.
Conclusion: After determining the importance of each of the factors, The existence of suitable business development Potentials with cargo and passenger terminals and the international exhibition site in Arak, Unstable exploitation and overcapacity of natural and environmental resources, existence of target markets, especially in neighboring countries, market failure and unpredictability of some agricultural production support policies were recognized as the most important internal and external factors of the township.


Volume 1, Issue 4 (12-2019)

defending territorial integrity. Therefore any external factor which wants to violate any principles for any excuse, “nationalism” is the guarantor of national independence and integrity as a political thought or governmental ideology. There is a relationship between “Territorializing of territory” and “nationalistic” action-reaction. Usually, this relationship represents itself in two situations: in the first situation countries use “nationalistic” motivational components in order to defend territorial sovereignty (against invading other countries). In second situation they (governments) use these powerful senses in order to do expansionist aims in the form of “Territorializing” and “extending territory” in their outside competition and quarrels against other competitive or enemy states over territory. Seas and generally water zones are paid attention by political actors (governments and states) because of their geographical values (military, political, security, economical, etc). As a result “creating-extending territory” which is a geopolitical principle, is because of these geographical values.
Nationalism as a powerful force is one of the ways which is used by states in order to keep, use, and gain geographical values (geographical sources of power in land and water zones) in order to “extend or create territory”. The research is based on descriptive analytics. Data gathering of the research is done by referring to valuable resources and by the documentary method.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (12-2019)

Knowledge is power (quoted from Ferdowsi), knowledge is really the ability. Science, economics and power affect each other. The interactive influences of science and technology, economy and power, are vital and widespread. The power of science, social contexts, economics context has revolutionized political thought and military power and crosses the natural boundaries and transformed the weight of the country's geopolitical.
Identifying the relationship between knowledge, economic situation and power has always been particularly importance. Studies show that in the term of economy, power, science and technology of each country are placed in a different position, and according to this position, their goals and policies are variable. In this regard, this study aimed to analyze the links between science and technology, economy and power of countries and tries to identify the relationship between the complements of science and technology, economy and power.
The research method of this paper is descriptive-analytic and data collecting method including the use of statistical resources and the study population included 37 countries which in a period of 9 years 2010 to 2018 in the form of three components were compared and evaluated.
The results indicate that there is a positive correlation between the indices of science and technology of countries and economic power, and there is a direct relation between economic power and political power of countries. In addition, countries that have a good position in terms of science and technology have a favorable position in terms of power.

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