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Showing 2 results for Gtn Model

Mir Emad Hosseini, Seyed Jamal Hosseinipour, Mohammad Bakhshi Jooybari,
Volume 15, Issue 11 (1-2016)

A Forming Limit Diagram (FLD) is a graph which depicts the major strains versus values of the minor strains at the onset of localized necking. Experimental determination of a FLD is usually very time consuming and requires special equipment. Many analytical and numerical models have been developed to overcome these difficulties. The Gurson- Tvergaard- Needlemann (GTN) damage model is a micromechanical model for ductile fracture. This model describes the damage evolution in the microstructure with physical equations, so that crack initiation due to mechanical loading can be predicted. In this work by using the GTN damage model, a failure criterion based on void evolution was examined. The aim is to derive constitutive equations from Gurson's plastic potential function in order to predict the plastic deformation and failure of sheet metals. These equations have been solved by analytical approach. The Forming Limit Diagrams of some alloys which studied in the literatures have been predicted using MATLAB software. The results of analytical approach have been compared with experimental and numerical results of some other researchers and showed good agreement. The effects of GTN model parameters including 〖 f〗_0 〖,f〗_C 〖,f〗_N,f_f , as well as anisotropy coefficient and strain hardening exponent on the FLD and the growth procedure of void volume fraction have been investigated analytically.
H. Gholipour, F.r. Biglari ,
Volume 20, Issue 8 (8-2020)

The present study is devoted to experimental and numerical investigation of in-situ tensile tests to recognize the mechanisms of ductile fracture under different stress states. The GTN model, which is a micromechanical based damage model, has used for numerical simulations. The parameters related to this model for St12 steel were identified by response surface method (RSM) through minimizing the difference between numerical and experimental results of the tensile test on a standard specimen. The void related parameters of GTN model were determined 0.00107, 0.00716, 0.01, and 0.15 for ff, fc, fN, f0, respectively. After calibrating the damage model for the studied material, the tensile tests were carried out on the in-situ specimens with different geometries. The fractographic analysis was performed to identify the ductile fracture under a wide range of stress states and two failure mechanisms were observed. The calibrated damage model was applied to FE simulations of in-situ tensile specimens for numerical study of the experimentally observed fracture phenomenon. The extracted numerical results showed a good agreement with experimental observations comparing load-displacement plots with a margin of error within 5%. The location of fracture initiation, crack growth orientation, and the displacement at fracture zone in numerical studies also showed close correspondence with experiments.

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