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Showing 2 results for Gas Turbine Combustor

Fathollah Ommi, Zoheir Saboohi,
Volume 16, Issue 10 (1-2017)

The design of combustor has long been the most challenging portion in the design process of a gas turbine. This paper focused on the conceptual design methodology for aircraft combustors. The necessity of this work arose from an urgent need for a comprehensive model that can quickly provide data in the initial phases (conceptual design and preliminary design) of the design process. The proposed methodology integrated the performance and the design of combustors. To accomplish this, a computer code has been developed based on the design procedures. The design model could provide the combustor geometry and the combustor performance. Based on the available inputs data in the initial phases of the design process, a chemical reactor network (CRN) approach is selected to model the combustion with a detailed chemistry. In this way, three different chemical mechanisms are studied for Jet-A aviation fuel. Furthermore, the droplet evaporation for liquid fuel and the non-uniformity in the fuel-air mixture are modelled. The results of a developed design tool are compared with data of an annular engine’s combustor. The results have good agreement with the actual geometry and outputs of engine test rig emissions.
Morteza Habibi, Fathollah Ommi, Zoheir Saboohi,
Volume 18, Issue 6 (10-2018)

Now a days gas turbines are widely used in the transportation and energy industry. According to Combustion of fossil fuels in these engine, environmental concerns have increased due to production of nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide. Various methods have been offered to reduce the emission of pollutants. One of these methods is adding steam or water to the combustion chamber to reduce the flame temperature. Different methods can be applied to add steam to the combustion chamber, in this study, the steam is added to the diffuser and premixed with air into the combustion chamber. Steam addition influences the combustion process inside the combustion chamber, which should be considered during the combustion chamber design process. Therefore, a model for the conceptual design of the chamber geometry and the effect of adding steam on it will be presented. For this purpose, the data from an actual combustion chamber will be used to compare results of geometry design by using this model and to study the influence of steam on the chamber geometry. To investigate the combustion chamber performance, the chemical reactor network method for combustion modeling will be used. First, with this procedure an annular conventional combustion chamber will be modeled without steam addition and the results of this method will be compared with the actual data of this combustor. Then the effect of adding steam on the performance will be investigated. The study will show adding steam is an effective way to reduce the flame temperature and emission of pollutants.

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