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Showing 49 results for Image Processing

Volume 2, Issue 2 (10-2012)

Due to increasing global pressure on the environment caused by human interventions, the studies on interaction of traditional building and their components with nature has been increased. These studies attempt to identify natural building design and determine how to use them in the climatic design of today's architectural design. Building performance simulation enables the examination of the effectiveness of innovative energy efficiency measures and control strategies. Daylighting is an effective approach to allow architectural design and construction practice to have a more flexible design of building facade, and to enhance a more energy-efficient and greener building development. Energy savings resulting from daylighting not only would mean low electric-lighting and reduced-peak electrical demands, but also it means reduced cooling loads and the potential for smaller heating, ventilating and air-conditioning. The absorbed solar radiation acts to raise the surface temperatures and consequently the temperature of the adjacent air layers. This has a significant effect on the generated thermal conditions, which is, in turn, reflected on the thermal behavior of the surrounding habitable spaces. In tropical areas, especially in warm humid areas, the need for shade and air ventilation are most important factors used for the provision of thermal comfort. In climatical and morphological studies of dezful historical context, great appliance of shade and ventilation can be seen. Among the hundreds of ways to do this, one of them is using khavoon (brick work) that creates shadow on the inner and outer walls and increase visual richness of the environment. This paper attempts to understand patterns of the brick khavoon in the way they were used; and to evaluate their shadows. These patterns became 3D using schetchup software and their shadow have been prepared at different hours of day and different directions. The amount of shadow has been calculated and analyzed by the image processing, IMAGEJ software. It seems that such patterns, in different orientation, increase amount of shadow (2.5 - 4.5 times). Given the size of the hourly solar radiation on the walls in each direction, the best direction of using this patterns can be identified.

Volume 3, Issue 8 (4-2006)

There are several methods for calculating surface area of agricultural and food materials which have been used since long time ago. Along with the progress in computer science, image processing has been considered as a method that can be used to quantify the apparent characteristics of food and agricultural materials and to substitute human vision. In this research, a digital image processing method has been adopted for surface area calculation. the efficiency of this method was compared with the three customary methods, namely, using Area Measuring System (AMS), planimeter method, and gravimetric method. Three experiments were devised using different tgpes of samples. Results showed that under all circumstances, the image processing method was no less accurate than the other methods. Moreover, its accuracy was independent of the operator accuracy and skill. The AMS was considerably faster than the other methods. The image processing method stood in the third place after the planimeter method where the time difference between them was less than five seconds.

Volume 4, Issue 1 (6-2015)

The chemical-morphological relationships in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, was assessed through photography in light room. The image data were transferred to a laptop and analyzed by MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory) version R2009a. The designated algorithm of 7 features, including length, height, area, perimeter, equivalent diameter, major and minor axis length were extracted from the images. Afterward, chemical compositions of the fish (including crude protein, crude fat, moisture content, pH value and leakage), were determined. Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to correlate visual and chemical properties. Factors were assayed with linear, logarithmic, exponential and power method. Results showed that pH, leakage, protein and fat had a good correlation with fish length, and moisture with fish perimeter, in Quadratic equation (R2= 0.993, 0.991, 0.991, 0.989 and 0.992, respectively). In conclusion, this methodology can be applied for automated chemical analysis and on-line monitoring in fish farms.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2016)

Counting the population of insect pests is a key task for planning a successful integrated pest management program. Most image processing and machine vision techniques in the literature are very site-specific and cannot be easily re-usable because their performances are highly related to their ground truth data. In this article a new unsupervised image processing method is proposed which is general and easy to use for non-experts. In this method firstly a hypothesis framework is defined to distinguish pests from other particles in a captured image after texture, color and shape analyses. Then, the decision about each hypothesis is made by estimating a distribution function for sizes of particles which are presented in the image. Performance of the proposed method is evaluated on real captured images that belong to plants in green housesand farms with low and high densities of whiteflies. The obtained results show the greater ability of the proposed method in counting whiteflies on crop leaves compared to adaptive thresholding and K-means algorithms. Furthermore it is shown that better counting of the pest by proposed algorithm not only doesn't lead to extracting more false objects but also it decreases the rate of false detections compared to the results of the alternative algorithms.  

Volume 11, Issue 5 (11-2009)

Sensors onboard meteorological satellites such as MODIS and AVHRR are able to collect information adequate in frequency but with low spatial resolution. The problem can be overcome, if one finds a way to increase the quality of the vegetation indices through searching in each individual pixel of the images, employing concurrent higher spatial resolution images. The objective of this study was to investigate the enhancement of MODIS NDVI products by using NDVI from the ASTER sensor onboard the same platform, as MODIS. The ASTER averaged NDVI values computed using only vegetated pixels were compared to unadjusted MODIS NDVI. Two approaches for the comparison are introduced in this work. In the first one, vegetated ASTER NDVI compared with MODIS NDVI (AMII Model), and in the second one the difference between vegetated ASTER NDVI and MODIS NDVI was modeled against a code representing percentage of vegetation cover (AMDI Model). It is found that the MODIS NDVI index always reads lower as compared to the vegetated ASTER NDVI. It was also found that the difference between vegetated ASTER NDVI and MODIS NDVI for vegetation covers of less than 20% was greater than 0.1 and for vegetation covers of more than 80% as low as 0.01. This could produce erroneous results when introducing uncorrected NDVI values into the climatological models especially in the arid and semi-arid climates where the vegetation covers are sparse. Both AMII and AMDI models produce NDVI values higher than those calculated from MODIS. These models were tested using 10 samples where a RMSE of about 0.028 for AMII and 0.018 for AMDI was found out. It is revealed that AMII model increases the NDVI values up to 87% for pixels containing less than 10% vegetation while 5% for pixels with more than 80% vegetation covers. These increases for AMDI model were 84% and 6%, respectively.

Volume 11, Issue 42 (2-2014)

The aim of this study was evaluation of sensory properties and color parameters cantaloupe pastille. Independent variables was pectin in range 0.2-0.5% and xanthan in 0-0.3%. Effect of pectin and xanthan on sensory properties evaluated by multivariate ANOVA. The results showed only total pectin levels on sensory properties was significant (Hotelling Trace, p £0.05). The percentile distribution showed that the sample containing 0.2 % pectin and xanthan 0.3 % had highest score of favor color and appearance acceptability. The sample containing 0.5% pectin and no xanthan had lowest score of flavor. The sample containing 0.5% pectin and xanthan 0.3 % had highest score adhesiveness. Effect of pectin and xanthan on color parameters (L*a*b*) was significant (p £0.05). The assessment of relationships between color parameters and color sensory evaluation with using PCA method indicated that maximum of a* and L* values cause to acceptance score were decreased.  

Volume 11, Issue 42 (2-2014)

Quality enhancement and shelf life extension of bread as main meal in Iran is one of the particular importance to people’s health and national economy. So that the purpose of this study were planned to investigation on the effects of emulsifiers (E471, DATEM and  SYTREM) in levels of 0, 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75 % and final fermentation time in 30, 45 and 60 minute on dough rheology (Amylogram and Farinogram) and quantitative and qualitative properties (texture, volume, porosity, crust color and overall acceptability) of composite bread. Porosity and crust color were estimated and analyzed by image J software. The results showed viscosity, dough development time, stability and valometervalue increased by increasing the amount of emulsifierswhereasgelatinationtemperaturewas decreased. AlsoDATEM and SYTREM were more effective as compared tocontrols inwaterabsorption.Experiments showed that the sample with 0.5% DATEM and 45 minutes final fermentation time had the lowest firmness and the highest overall acceptability. On the other hand DATEM, E471 and SYTREM and 30, 45 and 60 min the final fermentation time respectively had the pronounce effect on increasing volume and porosity of the bread samples.  Regarding to color estimation the L* value was increased by addition of emulsifiers especially DATEM to the bread formulation. However the highest L* value was observed in samples 45, 60 and 30 min final fermentation time respectively.  

Volume 11, Issue 44 (2-2014)

In the recent years application of safe methods for flour bleaching instead of chemical agents, such as benzoyl peroxide, is concerned. The researchers showed that ultrasound exposure could be used to improve the oxidation process by aeration. In this study, at first the effect of sonication condition, amplitude (20,50,70% ) and  time (1,3,5 min) and then the effect of soy flour in three levels (4,8,12 %) on color(L* ,a,bvalues),porosity, staling and sensory properties of pan bread were investigated. Results showed that sonication could improve color, texture, overall acceptance and delayed staling of pan bread. Sonication with 70% amplitude in 5 min was the best treatment. Treatment containing 4% soy flour had the best porosity texture and sensory properties. In comparison between sonication and soy flour addition, sonication was the best treatment for improving color, texture and delay staling.  

Volume 12, Issue 47 (7-2015)

Reduction of bread loss and wheat consumption have particular importance in the national economy, has attracted many researcher’s mind. Thus in this study sorghum flour was used as a substitution for the part of wheat flour in bread making. On the other hand, the purposes of this study were investigation on the effects of steaming time (three levels of 0, 90 and 180 second) and baking time (three levels of 10, 15 and 20 minute), on moisture content, water activity, crust color, firmness and overall acceptability of composite bread (wheat- sorghum). Based on the result, the steaming and baking time were effective on staling rate and bread shelf life at P 
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Volume 13, Issue 10 (1-2014)

Chatter or self-excited violent relative dynamic motion between the cutting tool and the workpiece is an undesirable phenomenon in machining due to its destructive effects on the product surface quality, machining accuracy, cutting tool life and machine tool life. Because of these reason, there is a need for in-process detection methods to predict and avoid chatter vibration during machining processes. In this work, Chatter detection in turning process is performed based on analysis of feed marks in surface texture of work piece using image processing techniques. In order to validate the proposed vision based method an accelerometer was attached to the shank of cutting tool for measuring vibrations.

Volume 13, Issue 51 (7-2016)

The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality characteristics of bread produced by yeasts and  lactobacillus isolated from native Iranian sourdough. Initially for the preparation sourdough, fresh microbial cells with certain number of colonies, by centrifugation were isolated of initial culturing bacteria and yeasts. Then equivalent 10% weight flour ,microbial cells mixed with equal amounts of water and flour. After processing identical samples to assess the quality characteristics of bread used  of  sensory evaluation test, image processing and Texture analysis. The experiments in a completely randomized design and completely randomized block with three replications were performed. The results showed that the samples significant effect  on the quality characteristics. The results indicate that sourdough can be  increasing the porosity of the sample So that e treat with 42 percent  had the highest degree of porosity also sourdough delaying staling. According to the results from this study, treatment of Lactobacillus reuteri and Saccharomyces cerevisiae had  best Sensory evaluation, porosity and texture.

Volume 13, Issue 52 (4-2016)

  Quality and shelf life of bread as a main diet has the great importance on health and the national economy. So the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of water, melon water, oil, cow milk and soy milk as a glazing component of baguettes on the moisture content, specific volume, texture, crust color and overall acceptance of final product. In this study, Image J software was used for crust color measurement. Based on results, the samples have melon water, cow's milk and soy milk glaze had the highest moisture content. However, the samples containing water and water melon glaze had the highest specific volume. The results clearly showed that the samples were coating by water and melon water had the lowest firmness respectively in 2 and 72hr after baking. This indicates that melon water as a coating agent is better for preserving moisture and to retard the staling. In addition the highest amount of L* value and a* value and overall acceptance score in organoleptic evaluation were observed in the two samples coating by melon water and cow's milk. In general we can say that glazing is one of the techniques that are simple, low-cost addition to being a great role in maintaining and even improving the quantity and quality of bread. Also according to the results of this study, melon water, with its unique function as a new glaze in bakery industry is introduced.

Volume 13, Issue 56 (10-2015)

Osmotic dehydration is one of the drying methods that have been considered in recent years. Water and solute transfer through process can be determined by the percentage of water loss (WL) and solid gain (SG). In this study, image processing technique has been used to analyse osmotic dehydration of potato and determining the amount of water loss that is the main parameter in this process. Experiments performed for two different solutions (15 wt% salt and mixture of 35 wt% sucrose and 10 wt% salt) and three temperature levels at 35, 45 and 55 ° C. Water loss estimated from changes in samples volume; Sample’s volumes determined using image processing of pictures from different sides of samples at the start of process and at the end of it. Experimental results obtained from the osmotic dehydration of potatoes can be summarized as: the amount of water loss increased with increasing temperature; using a mixture of salt and sucrose as osmotic medium gets more water loss comparing use of salt as an osmotic agent in solution. The overall results of the image processing indicate that the approach used in this study can be reached acceptable data; While the pace of work is much more than the conventional methods.  

Volume 13, Issue 57 (0-0)

In this study the effect of different amounts of gelatin (1, 2, and 3 g) and sodium caseinate (1, 2, and 3 g) on sensory characteristics, image processing and texture of chocolate mousse was investigated and the relationship between sensory parameters - device was determined using principal components analysis method. Results showed that the gelatin had a great impact on the sensory characteristics. Results of texture analyzer showed that hardness, adhesiveness, gumminess and chewiness was being greatly affected by gelatin and these parameters increased with increasing gelatin but springiness was more dependent on the sodium caseinate. Entropy, fractal dimension, bubble size and porosity decreased with increasing gelatin. The amount of spherical bubbles also showed no significant difference. Results of principal components analysis showed that some textural characteristics (hardness, gumminess and chewiness) had close relationship.  

Volume 14, Issue 2 (3-2012)

To determine the droplet characteristics of agricultural spray nozzles through Water Sensitive Paper (WSP), the non-circular and overlapped spots appearing on the water sensitive paper surfaces are eliminated. In the conventional approach, the procedure is done according to the subjective self determined estimation of the operator. The objective of this study was to develop a practical alternative to the conventional approach to Spot Elimination (SE) from WSP surfaces. Droplet samples were taken through application of seven different spray nozzles. Papers were placed within and outside the domain of spraying area and scanned at 600 pixels per inch resolution following their collection. The diameter and roundness values of each spot on multiple WSP samples were determined through image processing software. The overlapped spots and the non-circular ones were manually eliminated by the operator. Spot Roundness (SR) ranged from 0.051 to 6.283 and from 0.130 to 6.283 prior to, and following SE, respectively. Results indicated a linear relationship between minimum SR value and volume median diameter of the droplets. Regression analysis revealed the optimal SR variation interval to be between 0.765 and 2.356 for SE. Characteristics of the spots remaining out of this range were compatible with the characteristics of the droplets conventional SE (when the spots subjectively eliminated). When the volumetric diameters (DV) in the conventional SE approach were compared with the optimum SR variation interval (for 10, 50 and 90 percent ratios) their absolute relative error ratios and confidence intervals at 95% level of significance level found as 2.8%±1.4, 1.8%±0.9, and 3.8%±1.5, respectively.

Volume 14, Issue 4 (7-2012)

Development of an autonomous weeding machine requires a vision system capable of detecting and locating the position of the crop. It is important for the vision system to be able to recognize the accurate position of the crop stem to be protected during weeding. Several shape features of corn plants and common weed species in the location were extracted by means of morphological operations. Effective features in the classification of corn and weeds were analyzed using stepwise discriminant analysis. Among the seven features used in the analysis, four were sufficient to classify the two target groups of weeds and corn. These shape features were fed to artificial neural networks to discriminate between the weeds and the main crop. 180 images consisting of corn plants and four species of common weeds were collected from normal conditions of the field. Results showed that this technique was able to distinguish corn plants with an accuracy of 100% while at most 4% of the weeds were incorrectly classified as corn. In the final stage, the position of the main crop was also approximated and its accuracy was measured with respect to the real position of the crop. The position of the crop is necessary for the weeding machine to root up all of the plants except the main crop. It was concluded that the high accuracy of this method is due to the significant difference between corn and weeds in the critical period of weeding in the region.
Mehdi Soleymani, Mahmoud Hamidizadeh, Sirous Sayahi, Hassan Moradzadeh, Mohsen Rahmani,
Volume 14, Issue 14 (3-2015)

Control of seismic shake table in order to track the predefined earthquake profile is a key concern in design of seismic shake tables. This paper proposes a vision-based real time displacement measurement system using image processing techniques to control a laboratory-scale seismic shake table. The shake table is controlled via a fuzzy-supervisory controller, an inner PID loop and a Fuzzy outer one, whose feedback is provided by the vision-based measurement system. To minimize tracking errors, the fuzzy controller uses displacement and acceleration responses as its feedbacks. For this purpose, a camera and an image processing application are utilized to measure the motions directly in real time. Results are sent to a host PC through a network as the controller feedback. Proposed system performance is compared with an alternative system which utilizes a linear encoder as displacement sensor and controller feedback. Test results prove effectiveness of the proposed fuzzy system in cutting back the tracking errors. In addition, the vision-based system uses a very low cost camera to measure the displacement directly. It has appropriate accuracy, works in real time, and doesn't need any contact with the table, comparing to the encoder version.

Volume 14, Issue 62 (4-2017)

Volume 16, Issue 86 (4-2019)


Noughl (sugar coated almond or walnut) is a traditional confectionary sugar-based product which is also produced by addition of spices and dried damask rose in recent years. In spite of its popularity, noughl suffers from dehydration in a short time after being exited from the package. Thereupon, the aim of the present study was to investigate the additives' impact (cinnamon, damask rose and saffron) on physico-mechanical properties (moisture content, texture, surface area, color and aw) of noughls and also the trend of moisture loss during storage. The results indicated that the most moisture loss took place at the first 3 days after opening the package. Based on the rheological tests, the highest and the lowest breakage energy belonged to damask rose (35.48 and cinnamon (9.1 noughls, respectively. Besides, it was found that storing for 14 days led to increase of vanilla noughl firmness for more than three times. Moreover, mean value of water activity of noughls was lower than 0.56. Comparison of mean value of the color total difference (ΔE*) at 0 and 21st days declared that cinnamon and vanilla noughls had the highest and the lowest color alteration, respectively. According to image processing analyses, suitable indicators to show color changes during time were a* and L* channels for cinnamon and damask rose noughls and b* and L* channels for saffron and vanilla noughls.

Volume 16, Issue 94 (12-2019)

In this project, low-fat composite (wheat-millet) cup cake was produced. Fenugreek seed gum (0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and 1%)  was used as a fat  replacer in levels of  0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 %. specific gravity and  consistency of batter and moisture, specific volume, porosity, firmness (2 hours and 1 week after baking), crust color and sensory properties of chiffon cake were measured. The sample containing 0.25%  Fenugreek seed gum had the lowest specific gravity and firmness and the highest  specific volume, porosity, L* value and overall acceptability score. Also, the result showed the technological and sensory properties of sample containing 0.25% Fenugreek seed gum was similar to control. Moisture and a* value were increased and b* value was decreased by increasing Fenugreek seed gum. Finally, the removal of 50% of oil in chiffon cake formulation was performed successfully.

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