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Showing 3 results for Inverse Dynamics

Mehran Mahboubkhah, Mohammad Javad. Nategh, Siamak. E. Khadem,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (12-2009)

Considering frictional, inertial and machining forces, the authors have presented an enhanced analysis of a hexapod table as used in milling machines. The Newton-Euler analysis of hexapod’s components has been implemented by a simulation program developed by the authors in MATLAB environment and the results have been verified by those of others. The impact of various loads involved in machining operation carried out on a milling machine equipped with hexapod table has been presented in the paper. This provides a potential machine tool designer with guidelines on the importance of these loads and helps him give appropriate weights to them.
Mohammad Ghafoori Varzaneh, Fatemeh Yousefifar, Mohammad Mahdi Jalili,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (5-2014)

Inspired by the muscle arrangement of the octopus and skeleton of the snakes, a wire-driven serpentine robot arm has been simulated and constructed in this article. The robot links which are connected via flexible beam act as the snake backbone. Instead of using motors at each joint, four sets of wire are employed as octopus muscles to drive the robot arm. For the spatial inverse kinematics, after determining the generalized coordinates of the system, governing algebraic equations of the system including constraint equations of the joints and cables and favorable movements have been determined. For displacement analysis, these equations have been solved using the Newton-Raphson method. Using this method robot workspace has also been determined. For the inverse dynamics of the robot, cables tension force has been considered as external forces. Using Embedding technique with specified constraint matrix, mass matrix and acceleration vectors that are determined from inverse kinematics, cables tension force and torque of motors are specified. To validate the snake robot model, a prototype has been built and programmed for some circular and arcuate routs. Travelled pass by end effector have been obtained. Comparing the results with the desired path, accuracy of the designed robot has been investigated.
Behnam Miripour Fard, Pegah Abdollahzadeh,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (4-2016)

Stratospheric airships have introduced interesting solutions for challenges in aerospace industries. Buoyant and propulsion forces produced by airships makes them to be capable of long-time flight and efficient operation. In spite of many progresses, there are still many challenges in this interesting field of study. In this paper, first the dynamic model of fully-actuated stratospheric airship with 6-DOF expressed by the generalized coordinates, then desired values of the airship attitude, linear and angular velocities obtained according to desired path and using pseudo inversion of the kinematics and dynamics equations. In view of the unknown inertial parameters first in adaptive inverse dynamic control, inertial parameters estimated online by using linearization parameters and gradient update law. Next control law and nonlinear dynamic equation is deduced by designing control algorithm based on passivity, and according to that, adaptive and robust control based on passivity applied for controlling airship. The stability of the closed loop control system is proved by using the Lyapunov stability theory. Finally, comparison between the results of the all methods are shown.

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