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Showing 7 results for Ldl

Volume 9, Issue 3 (9-2023)

The present investigation was carried out to study the fauna of aquatic beetles of Koundinya wildlife sanctuary (India). A total of forty two species belonging to four families was recorded. The highest number of species was found in the family Dytiscidae followed by Hydrophilidae, Gyrinidae and Noteridae. All the species are recorded for the first time from the wildlife sanctuary and 9 species are new from the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Volume 9, Issue 4 (12-2023)

Range extension of the square-headed wasp, Vechtia rugosa (F. Smith, 1858), which is primarily the Southeast Asian species, towards India is presented. A key to species and subspecies of the genus Vechtia Pate, 1944 is also provided with illustrations of V. rugosa rugosa (F. Smith, 1858). The known distribution of the Vechtia species in Southeastern Asia is also discussed.

Volume 12, Issue 1 (1-2005)

The aim of this study was to obtain an insight into the influence of an interval progressive (pyramidal) aerobic training on serum lipid and lipoprotein profiles in San-Shou athletes. 13 national levels male San Shou player were (23.23 ± 2 years and 66.27±2.75kg,171.8 ± 2.8 cm in high and 22.42± 0.51 BMI) were voluntarily participated in this study. Blood samples (10ml) were taken from an arm vein before and after training program. All blood samples were prepared for glucose TC, TG, HDL-C LDL-c VLDL-C and some other blood factors and atherogenic indexes measurement. The results of this study show that there were a sig-nificant decrease in serum TG , VLDL-C concentrations and TC/HDL-C and LDL/HDL-C ratios and a significant increase in serum HDL-C levels after an interval progressive (py-ramidal)aerobic training for 14 weeks. The present date indicate that this training program was able to changes lipid and lipoprotein metabolism toward an cardiovascular indexes im-provement independent to any significant changes in TC and LDL-C levels.

Volume 12, Issue 5 (10-2010)

Probiotic products highly affect the health of consumers by reducing the risk of heart attacks and improving the desirable microflora in the intestinal tract. In this study the effect of yogurt (500g/d for 3 wk) enriched with either Bifidobacterium bifidum or Lactobacillus acidophilus on the level of cholesterol, Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) and High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) of serum and as well on the intestinal microflora were investigated in 24 healthy volunteers. Statistical analysis indicated that lower levels of cholesterol and HDL were found after consumption of either one of bio-yogurts as compared to the control states (P<0.05), whereas changes of LDL were not significant. Also, in comparison with control periods the results of microbial counts indicated that the number of fecal coliforms excreted during the consumption of either one of the yogurt types were not noticeable, while the number of Bifidobacterium bifidum and Lactobacillus acidophilus increased significantly (P<0.05).

Volume 14, Issue 3 (5-2007)

The purpose of this study was to examine serum selenium (Se), lipoproteins and testosterone responses to a single session of circuit resistance exercise. Fourteen male college students volunteered in the present study. Blood samples were taken at 30minutes before, immediately after 25 and 60minutes of single session of circuit resistance exercise (10 exercise, 20s for each exercise, and at 60%1RM). A significant increase in serum selenium and a decrease in testosterone, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-C), and low density lipoprotein were found during recovery period. The present data indicate that a single session of circuit resistance exercise was able to change serum Se, lipoproteins and testosterone levels. An acute increased Se and decreased testosterone might indicate an energy deficiency following a circuit resistance exercise.
Amin Deyranlou, Hamid Niazmand, Mahmood-Reza Sadeghi,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (7-2014)

Lipid core plaques are the major cause of the vascular stenosis and heart attacks. Accumulation of Low-Density Lipoproteins (LDLs) across the atherosclerotic lesions, leads to the hardening of the arterial wall and causes cross sectional narrowing of the artery. Among different arterial wall models, Multilayer model gives accurate LDL concentration across the layers. In this study LDL accumulation in the four-layer carotid artery is investigated numerically. Navier-Stokes equations along with Darcy’s model for the porous regions and the convection-diffusion mass transport equation are employed. Blood considered as a Newtonian fluid and the artery’s wall is assumed to be a porous rigid medium. Due to the negligible pulsatile effect of the flow on the LDL concentration, equations are solved in the steady state condition. In this paper LDL concentration across the layers is considered under normal blood pressure to examine effects of the LDL’s size and the hypertension on the LDL accumulation. Furthermore, a comparison between normal endothelium and the leaky junction is performed. Results indicate that the normal endothelium plays a crucial role in prevention LDL accumulation in the arterial wall.
Azam Torabi, Mina Alafzadeh, Ebrahim Shirani, Mahdi Nili Ahmadabadi,
Volume 15, Issue 11 (1-2016)

The purpose of this paper is to investigate theLow-Density Lipoproteins (LDL) mass transfer in vessel walls using the Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM). High Schmidt number of LDL leads to numerical instability of LBM.In order to solve this problem, LBM and finite volume method (FVM) are combined.In this hybrid method, the blood velocity field is solved by LBM using the single relaxation time, SRT, model and FVM has been used for LDL concentration equation. LBM is able to simulate flow and mass transfer for the Schmidt number, Sc, up to 3000 only if the time consuming multi relaxation time is used. However, the purposed hybrid method suggested in this article can be used to solve the problem for Sc as high as 107. Good agreement between our results obtained from the hybrid simulation and the available results in the literature and noticeable decrease in CPU time compared with when the LBM is used for both flow and mass transfer, indicates the ability of the hybrid method.Finally, the hybrid methodis used to simulate the mass transfer of LDL particles and investigate the effective factors for increasing the surface concentration, such as the size of LDL particles, wall suction velocity, wall shear stress, Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids behavior and change of concentration boundary layer with various Schmidt number.

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