Showing 12 results for Layout
Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2016)
The purpose of the present study was to use the architectural patterns of Islamic schools in order to provide guidelines for physical environmental design of modern schools based on enhancing users’ learning. Schools, as the most important places to train human forces, play an important role in enhancing learning levels of people. Therefore, designing appropriate environments regarding students’ comprehensive development is a necessity. Spatial order and the relationship between spaces are important factors in providing physical and mental comfort for users. The spatial arrangements define communications, events and experiences within the space of interest. On the other hand, study of Islamic schools’ architecture can help the understanding of physical criteria affecting school design. The present study investigated the determining factors of physical arrangements in Islamic period schools and comparing them with modern schools, with the purpose of enhancing learning. The method of this study was quantitative-qualitative that has been conducted analytically and as survey. The sample of this study consisted of all art teachers and high school teachers of Zahedan province in the academic year of 2015-2016. In this study, Multistage Cluster Sampling method was used and the sample consisted of 310 subjects. The researchers extracted effective variables through library investigations and studying the samples of Islamic period schools in Iran. In the next stage, the obtained variables were analyzed and after confirming the reliability and validity of the questionnaire, it was used to assess the sample’s point of view. The obtained results were analyzed in SPSS software. The results indicate that the physical arrangements have positive effects on users’ learning. These criteria consist of walking in the environment, flexibility, open and roofed spaces, the relationship between inside and outside spaces, furniture, and space categories. Finally, the research findings have been formulated as the design principles of modern schools in order to enhance users’ learning. Considering each of the environmental criteria as design principles of modern schools based on enhancing leaning will be as follows: 1. Space categories: Putting together the spaces with similar performance Separating spaces with different functions to avoid noise pollution transmission 2. Hierarchy and movement in space: Designing appropriate dimensions for the classes by predicting the movement space around the benches Observing the communicative hierarchies of various spaces Converting movement and communicative routes to learning environments by predicting seating and study spaces to adjust corridors and stairs spaces 3. Designing flexible spaces: The possibility to change class space for various individual and group activities Dedicating flexible and independent space to educational and cultural activities Designing collective spaces as open plan and the possibility to divide spaces with light and movable walls Creating multipurpose spaces for rest, study, etc. Participation of users in changing the furniture and space arrangements 4. Open and roofed spaces Designing learning yards by providing the opportunity for empirical learning Crating differences in yard floor and resting spaces for small and large groups Combining open and green spaces between closed spaces in a scattered manner 5. The relationship between inside and outside spaces Designing semi-open spaces for group activities Providing good prospects towards the outdoor in the corridors, halls and classrooms Extending the closed spaces towards yard using terraces, semi-open corridors and using canopy walls Designing semi-open spaces for resting along with the green spaces 6. Furniture Designing furniture through providing easy mobility and verbal and visual communication
Volume 13, Issue 4 (1-2024)
Aims: The purpose of the current research is to analyze the configuration and spatial organization in the plan of historical schools of Islamic-Iranian architecture and compare it with new schools in terms of interconnectedness, depth (spatial influence), connection and accessibility.
Methods: The research method is descriptive-analytical with logical argumentation and deductive reasoning, as well as simulation with the use of Depth-map software. As case studies, Chaharbagh, Sadr Bazar and Sadr Khajo schools have been selected as historical educational buildings with a high arrangement and integration and uniform configuration, and Saadi and Setare Sobh schools with linear organization have been selected as contemporary educational buildings.
Findings: In Chaharbagh, Sadr Khajo and Sadr Bazar schools, they have the most spatial influence. The factor of difference in these schools is close to one which shows high spatial integration and the same configuration. We can also mention the connection between open space and education. The yard has the most access and is the heart of the configuration. After that, porches and cells have the least amount of access. In contemporary schools, the connection is less than in traditional schools. It can be seen in the combination of entrance, corridor and classroom spaces.
Conclusion: The analysis of the plans and the outlines of the schools from the past to the present shows the changing factors have a great impact on the of difference and the distance from the case study one, which indicates change in organization, the reduction of spatial integration and uneven configuration.
Mahdi Fakoor, , ,
Volume 13, Issue 9 (12-2013)
Layout design of a complex system such as a satellite or an airplane is a difficult problem to solve. This problem is known as an NP-complete problem in terms of computational complexity. The main difficulties encountered in the layout design problem are formulation of the problem in mathematics and the solution strategy and practical approaches in engineering. This paper reviews the research work of the authors to automatic layout design process in satellite in last 10 years and the methods of layout design of satellite divides to three main categories that consist of practical method, human-computer interaction and three dimensional layout design and then studies methods of the current state of the art of 3D layout design
Volume 14, Issue 2 (7-2010)
Integrated circuits are the core components of any digital equipment, in the information technology era. Due to heavy money and time investment needed to establish the integrated circuit industry, the ease of copying the layout-designs on a fraction of original expenses, and the disability of existing copyright and industrial property regimes to protect the right holders, the industrial countries adopted a sui generis form of intellectual property right. This article is directed to discuss the conditions that layout-designs of integrated circuits should fulfill to be entitled for the intellectual property protection. Furthermore, the creator duties, which are required by Washington Treaty 1989 and TRIPs Agreement 1994, and some selected national jurisdictions to be eligible to exercise his rights will be studied in details.
Mahdi Fakoor, Marziye Taghinnezhad, Amir Reza Kosari,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (3-2015)
This research deals with configuration design and layout optimization of communication satellite. First, an approach is proposed to design the configuration of GEO satellite. Since propulsion subsystem in GEO satellite is the massive item, it has a significant impact on satellite configuration. Consequently, it is necessary to consider the propulsion subsystem influence on satellite configuration. Then layout design process of the satellite components which is one of the complex problems in engineering is performed. In this paper, in order to optimize the layout design of satellite components, the algorithm which consists of two stages, primary and detail layout, is proposed. In order to express geometric constraints mathematically, the Finite Circle Method (FCM) is used. For The mathematical expression of performance constraints, the distance constrains related to distance relationships between components have been developed. The hybrid optimization method is proposed to optimize layout design which is a combination of Simulated Annealing optimization and Quasi Newton methods. The optimization method validation is applied on simple test problem. Finally, the proposed algorithm for configuration and optimal layout design is implemented on communication satellite. The results show that product of inertial (objective function) are minimized and considered constrains of communication satellite are satisfied.
Volume 15, Issue 1 (3-2025)
Aims: Morphogenesis layout of the architectural space is one of the first and longest steps in the work process of architects to accomplish their tasks. It is thus that the designing procedure has taken a lot of time and effort up to now. The purpose of this study was to provide a new model for morphogenesis of architecture documents. It specifically created residential building plans by means of neural networks.
Methods: The computational approach of this model was a Latent Diffusion Model including three neural networks: a noise reduction network (UNET), an external variational auto encoder network (VAE), and a constraint encoder network (Clip). A fine-tuning mechanism was used to train this practical model. The method of conducting this study was based on computer simulation, using Python programming language.
Findings: The researchers used the criteria of Principal component analysis )PCA( and a support vector machine )SVM( while evaluating the findings quantitatively and qualitatively. Reading of samples indicated that the workflow and the proposed model of the research not only significantly improved in generating floor plans, compared to the current methods, but also the project plans, in many cases, were comparable with those of humans.
Conclusion: The researchers used the criteria of PCA and SVM while evaluating the findings quantitatively and qualitatively. The researchers’ samples indicated that the workflow and the proposed model of the study significantly improved in generating floor plans, compared to the current methods. Besides, in many cases, the project plans were comparable with those of humans
Hamideh Delaram, Ali Dastfan, Mahmood Norouzi,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (4-2015)
In this paper, 3-D simulation of heat transfer in a power electronic device and its cooling system is performed. The device is a high voltage three-phase inverter manufactured by Semikron Company which its main application is in electric and hybrid vehicles. Cooling system is a forced-air plate-fin heat sink. Limitation factor of designing heat transfer is maximum temperature of the inverter’s chips, heat sources, called IGBT. Maximum temperature of IGBTs should be below 125 ᵒC in order to avoidance of both the thermal and the mechanical failures. One of the primary objectives is the reduction of the maximum temperature by designing layout of chips. Also, the heatsink geometry design is accomplished with the consideration of the maximum temperature and tradeoff between both the usage material volume and the heatsink efficiency. Geometries are the number of fins, the fin height, the fin thickness and the base thickness of the heatsink. The power dissipation is estimated using datasheet information and output waveforms obtained from simulation in MATLAB. A thermal model of the inverter and its cooling system are simulated by using finite-element method (FEM). The accuracy of the thermal model and power dissipation estimation are verified by Semisel software. The maximum temperature is significantly reduced about 20 ᵒC by designing layout precisely. Also, the heatsink efficiency is increased 10.35%, 16.67% and 27.51% with the increase of the material volume about 22.52%, 13.51% and 0% for the heat transfer coefficient, 50, 75 and 100 (W/m2.K) by good design of the heatsink geometry ,respectively.
Adel Ismaily, Mostafa Varmazyar, Mohsen Varmazyar,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (3-2018)
Optimization of the arrangement of turbines with the aim of producing the maximum power in a wind farm is inherently part of continuous and nonlinear problems. In the present study, for the linearization of the Wake constraint and the connection between turbine power and single Wake and discrete models. Also, the criterion of placing a turbine in another turbine has been applied indirectly and linearly. The proposed mathematical model compares to continuous nonlinear mathematical models, while maintaining the advantage of achieving exact optimum, has a lower runtime and higher stability. Comparison of the results of the present study with the results of previous studies suggests that metaheuristics algorithms may not be obtained in absolute optimal answer. In addition to the power output, environmental issues can also affect the arrangement of turbines. As an example, the maximum noise level is applied in the present model. In order to calculate the intensity of sound, Euclidean distance based on the spread of the hemisphere and the effects of atmospheric absorption has been used. According to the results, it can be said that under the conditions under consideration, the noise level can cause a significant reduction in the output power of the wind farm. Therefore, in selecting the field, attention should be paid to the distance to residential areas. In addition, the effect of cell count on the accuracy of the results was investigated. The results show that there is no clear relationship between optimal power and number of cells.
Milad Khodabandeh, Maryam Ghassabzadeh Saryazdi, Abdolreza Ohadi,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (5-2018)
The fixtures play a significant role in harnessing the metal sheets in the assembly stage. The high flexibility of the metal sheets and the initial deviation in the pressed sheets cause deviation in the final product. Using the optimal layout of the clamping points in the fixture can reduce the deviation effectively and raising the final product quality. On the other hand, the cost of construction is intensively influence by the number of clamps, rising the number of clamps causes the cost of construction to increase and reducing it cause the deviation in the final product to increase. Therefore, the number of clamps should be considered in the optimal design of the fixture. It is challenging to achieve optimal design for fixture due to the difficulty in predicting sheet behavior and computational constraints. In this paper the relationship between the initial deviation of sheet and the deviation of final product is investigated and a method is proposed by using ant colony algorithm and finite element method for optimizing the position of the clamping points to reducing the deviation of the product after assembly with considering the minimizing the number of clamping points. Finally the proposed method is applied to a simple square sheet with initial deviation and based on the cost function, the number of clamping points and their position are optimized. The results show that reducing the amount of sheet deviation in the fixture causes reduce the deviation of final product.
Farhad Hadian Fard, Amir Omidvar, Mohammad Naserian,
Volume 18, Issue 5 (9-2018)
In a thermoelectric air-handling unit, a number of thermoelectric modules with forced convection heat sinks are used. In this research, it is tried to investigate the effect of module arrangement and air flow pattern on thermal performance of the system. For this purpose, the thermal performance of an air-handling unit including four thermoelectric modules with three different heat sinks layouts; parallel, series with unidirectional flow and series with counter flow were compared. The entropy analysis has been used to study the thermal performance and pressure drop imposed on the system. In addition, the effect of the electric current applied to the modules and the hot and cold air flows on the coefficient of performance of the system has been studied for three different layouts. Results indicated that, heat sinks layout and air flow pattern through the fins have significant effects on the thermal performance of a thermoelectric air-handling unit. The coefficient of performance for cooling and heating in the series arrangement are 1.4 and 1.1 times of those in parallel arrangement, respectively. The results of the entropy analysis showed that although the pressure drop imposed on the system in the layout of the series is greater than the parallel arrangement, this cannot reduce the advantage of using the series layout.
I. Veisi Khanghahi, M. Fakoor, M. Shahryari,
Volume 19, Issue 8 (8-2019)
In this paper, in order to minimize the required power of satellite thermal control subsystem, considering known geometric model and the orbital parameters and conditions, the optimal layout design of the satellite subsystems will be performed based on thermal and attitude control constraints. Since all of the satellite subsystems can act only in a certain temperature range, here, by considering the thermal dissipations of each subsystem and incoming thermal loads to each satellite faces in different orbital conditions, by optimally layout of components and sub-systems of the satellite, we will arrive to appropriate configuration plan. The constraints of the thermal subsystem should be satisfied by considering the temperature distribution within the satellite as far as possible. Finally, given that the main purpose of this layout is to provide thermal power, in addition to satisfication of the power budget system constraint, the power of the thermal control subsystem has been reduced by 66%. The superiority of this method is that by following the resulting layout, we obtain a model that needs a thermal control subsystem with less complexity and limited power. Consequently, in addition to decreasing the mass of the satellite, reliability will also be increased. Considering the importance of satellite stability, the layout algorithm and optimization are defined in such a way that the attitude control requirements are observed with the thermal requirements in this layout.
Volume 21, Issue 3 (5-2021)
This paper presents the results of an experimental study on the effect of the pattern of reinforcement placement in reinforced soil on the bearing capacity of a strip foundation. A steel box filled with sand with the dimensions of 100×25×30 cm (Length, widths, and height) was used as the test base. The strip footing was simulated by a steel plate with dimensions of 25×7.5×2 cm. The sand used in this study was a poorly graded sand (SP) according to the unified soil classification system. A woven type geotextile was used as reinforcement. The effect of the reinforcement’s placement pattern on the bearing capacity of the foundation was investigated with nine different layouts including single, double, and three-layered reinforcement layouts. All the specimens prepared with a similar initial unit weight and void ratio. The tests conducted using a displacement-controlled loading device. The loading was applied with a rate of 1 mm/second. All the tests repeated at least three times to assure the accuracy and the repeatability of the results. The results of these tests indicated that the bearing capacity of the foundation increases as the length of the reinforcement increases but up to a certain limit and then remains constant. Although increasing the number of reinforcements layer increased the bearing capacity of the foundation, however, the effectiveness of the geotextile in the improvement of the bearing capacity decreased. Placement of the reinforcements in a discrete pattern improves the effectiveness of the reinforcement on the bearing capacity improvement. In multi-layer reinforcement layouts, using discrete strips of reinforcements in each elevation without overlapping with upper- and lower-layers of reinforcements, resulted the maximum efficiency of reinforcements influence in the improvement of the bearing capacity of the foundation. In the recent case, for a specific cross-sectional area of the reinforcement, the bearing capacity of the foundation could be increased by 20% using 17% less reinforcement. The results of this study indicate that the layout of the reinforcement pattern is a very important factor in the bearing capacity of foundations on reinforced soil. With a proper placement of reinforcements, the maximum bearing capacity of the foundation could be achieved with a minimum amount of reinforcement material.