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Showing 54 results for Measurement

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

This study investigated the construct validity and measurement invariance of the Teacher Emotion Questionnaire to introduce a valid and reliable instrument for assessing English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) teachers’ emotions inside the classroom. Second language (L2) teacher emotions have been largely neglected, despite the fact that Educational Psychology has long recognized and researched the role of teacher emotions in different aspects of teaching and learning. To bridge this gap, the current study had 208 Iranian EFL teachers in private language institutes fill out the Teacher Emotion Questionnaire (TEQ), which assessed six emotions teachers experience in their classroom, i.e., Joy, Pride, Love, Anger, Fatigue/Exhaustion, and Hopelessness. The preliminary analysis of the data showed that six items from the TEQ had a factor loading below the minimum recommended level of 0.3, meaning that they contributed to the total variance in the participants’ score less than expected. The collected data were then submitted to confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) for the purpose of construct validation and establishment of the factorial structure of the TEQ. The CFA results indicated that the hypothesized six-factor analysis had more favorable goodness-of-fit indices than both a one-factor structure and a two-factor structure (e.g., positive versus negative emotions). Multilevel CFA revealed that the tested six-factor structure of the TEQ was invariant across male and female EFL teachers. The implications for the use of TES in EFL teaching contexts are discussed, and some suggestions are proposed for further validation of the TEQ in language teaching contexts.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (5-2011)

Measuring government is among the major challenges faced by public policy makers in any country. The origin of measuring the government performance is the managerial paradigm of political system. Public policies are reflections of government management. For measuring policy outcomes, a measurement system must be designed. The public value model can be used for measuring policy outcomes. In this paper, a model for is proposed measuring public policy performance based public value model.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2013)

  Managerial researches emphasize an organizational contingency elements rule at improving the performance. Although, few theorical and empirical researches were implemented upon the influencing elements at organizational performance. This paper is an effort to fill gaps of corresponding issue. For this, exploration and searching the literature and expert interviews (DELPHI) resulted in formulation of 14 contingent elements which impact the military organization performance. Then, an importance- performance analysis technique based on experts needs and expectations was used to prioritize the elements performance. This technique also presents weakness and strength of influencing performance elements. In this paper, to improve the validity and practical aspects of importance- performance analysis technique, experts and personnel of mentioned organization were interviewed. Then, two quantitative and qualitative techniques multiple regression and DEMATEL final values as integration of implicit and explicit importance respectively are used to extract the importance rates. Finally, the performance rate extracted through interviews based on likert values as well as importance rate applied to build the importance- performance matrix in four quadrants which based on two axes (importance, performance) to analysis the feature of located elements in each quadrant.    

Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2022)

Objectives: Today, the expansion of urbanization is associated with the disappearance of human activities in the space between buildings. The purpose of this research is to understand the dimensions of the connection between buildings and the city and how it is captured by the dispositive, and finally to find a way to emancipate in the form of an immanent connection.
 Method: The research is done by a qualitative method. The research paradigm is emancipation, the strategy is discourse analysis and the tactics are data collection, coding, analysis, display, explanation, and profanation.
Result : The findings indicate that the building and the city connection factors are related to each other through a hidden network in the form of three scales: the large scale includes semantic factors, the medium scale social factors, and the small scale include formal and functional-behavioral aspects. Therefore, social institutions on a medium scale, will be captured by the dispositive after constituting as they have a specific form and function, and will lose their relationship with the large scale and exist officially in the form of a formal institution, which ultimately leads increasing control and power, and further disintegration.
Conclusion: To achieve an immanent connection between the building and the city, the official institution should be disabled to reconnect the semantic scale for redefining the social institution. Also, it should be profane from whatever dispositive has been placed on the concept of institution. This is realized by the presence of non-institution in the space between the buildings

Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2014)

In knowledge era having efficient and competent knowledge workers is one of the most critical issues in both human resource management and knowledge management which help facilitating different purposes such as selection, recruitment, promotion, learning, job description and finally better performance. At the first step the competencies of knowledge workers identified according to existing literature. Then we analyzed the sub competencies of each category. According to literature 6 knowledge worker competencies indices have been chosen which were ability, skill, knowledge-based activities, structure, work style, interesting and value. Data gathered by 2 level of questionnaire which the first level was choosing the knowledge worker competencies then the second one was assessing the competencies in 3 job positions. There were 32 personnel which participate in this survey. To be able to assess the knowledge worker competencies and analyzing the findings we used the fuzzy TOPSIS method. Contribution of this paper is considering both knowledge based jobs specifications and competencies. Also it is important that we propose a model with specific steps to capture competencies and make it practical in different human resource management functions through assessing knowledge workers condition and comparing it with ideal and finally presenting the best possible knowledge workers and some methods for improving other knowledge workers.  

Volume 6, Issue 1 (12-2006)

Home Uterine Activity Monitoring (HUAM) has demonstrated to be of great value for preventing preterm labor in recent years. In this research, a low cost monitoring device for non-invasive monitoring of the uterine activity in pregnant women is presented. The new device has been designed based on an inductive Colpitz oscillator and vertical displacement of a ferrite core in a coil. The resulting frequency of the oscillator is proportional to the pressure in the external surface of the abdomen. This frequency is measured by the portable monitor. A low-power static random access memory (SRAM) provides long-term data storage. The proposed sensor for detecting uterine contractions has light weight, high stability and low cost. This sensor is very simple to manufacture and use for long-term ambulatory monitoring of the uterine activity. Furthermore, this sensor can be calibrated using software. Other features of the sensor are, resolution of 0.13 mmHg, repeatability close to 96% and input range from 0 to 95.32 mmHg.

Volume 7, Issue 1 (11-2008)

Measuring topography and flatness of nontransparent rough surfaces using a laser interferometer topography measuring (Zygo) machine is impossible. Due to high accuracy and short measuring time, capacitor probe is a good candidate for measuring topography and flatness of a rough surface. Measuring by a capacitor probe is an average area measuring method and it is suitable for measurment of machinment processes such as ion or blast figure correction, computer control polishing (CCP) and magnetorheological finishing (MRF) methods. The idea of a rough surface which directly can be used for corrective figuring is generated by measuring flatness and waviness of it through a capacitive probe. Among the area averaging methods, the surface capacitance method can be used to elaborate the idea of corrective figuring of a rough surface. Measuring flatness of a rough surface whose roughness (Ra) is in the range of out of flatness is another technical property of the presented method.
Hosaen. Amirabadi, Mohsen. Shakeri, Osamo. Horiuchi,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (10-2008)

Measuring topography and flatness of nontransparent rough surfaces using a laser interferometer topography measuring (Zygo) machine is impossible. Due to high accuracy and short measuring time, capacitor probe is a good candidate for measuring topography and flatness of a rough surface. Measuring by a capacitor probe is an average area measuring method and it is suitable for measurment of machinment processes such as ion or blast figure correction, computer control polishing (CCP) and magnetorheological finishing (MRF) methods. The idea of a rough surface which directly can be used for corrective figuring is generated by measuring flatness and waviness of it through a capacitive probe. Among the area averaging methods, the surface capacitance method can be used to elaborate the idea of corrective figuring of a rough surface. Measuring flatness of a rough surface whose roughness (Ra) is in the range of out of flatness is another technical property of the presented method. Keywords: Surface Metrology, Capacitance Measurement, Figure Correcting, Precision Machining.

Volume 8, Issue 4 (3-2019)

Organizational structure determines the scope of decisions, tasks, responsibilities, goals, perspectives and rewards for achieving results. In recent decades, due to environmental changes and dramatic technological advances, organizational structure has changed from mechanical to organic. The purpose of the restructuring is to facilitate the achievement of the organization's goals. Organizational type has an impact on performance measurement criteria and organizational performance is influenced by these factors. The purpose of this study is to examine organizational performance with the focus on financial and structural variables. This issue was first examined by combined research methodology. For this purpose, the required information for organizational performance and financial performance measurement was collected from the financial statements of the companies accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange. Required data for organizational structure and non-financial variables were evaluated through scrutiny. In this regard, 170 sample companies were selected and electronic questionnaire was sent to financial managers and 127 complete samples were received. The results showed that companies with organic structure emphasized on performance measurement and performance measurement in organic structures was causally causal And quite advanced. The findings also suggest that the impact of performance measurement criteria on organizational performance in mechanical structures is more organic, but in organic structures with improved performance or causal performance assessment, organizational performance is better.

Volume 9, Issue 2 (5-2024)

Aims: The primary objective of this study is to examine the relationship between alexithymia and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) among patients experiencing varying degrees of Chronic Pain (CP).
Method and Materials: This study utilized a descriptive causal-comparative approach. The participants were drawn from patients referred to pain and physiotherapy clinics in Tehran from 2022 to 2023. Out of 300 CP patients, 150 patients with high CP levels and an equal number with low CP levels were purposively chosen. The participants completed the Graded Chronic Pain Scale (GCPS), Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire (PAQ), and Post- traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist (PCL). Data analysis was performed using SPSS-24 software, employing multivariate analysis of variance.
Findings: The findings revealed a significant difference in the levels of alexithymia and PTSD between the two groups (P<0.001). Patients with high levels of CP demonstrated increased negative-difficulty identifying feelings (F=241.87), positive-difficulty identifying feelings (F=389.01), negative-difficulty describing feelings (F=190.61), positive-difficulty describing feelings (F=347.81), general-externally orientated thinking (F=376.28), re- experiencing (F=246.75), avoidance (F=100.74), negative alterations (F=378.01), hyper-arousal (F=388.46), and emotional numbness (F=388.47) compared to their counterparts(P<0.001).
Conclusion: These findings underscore the intricate relationship between CP, alexithymia, and PTSD. Therefore, the need for comprehensive assessment and management strategies addressing the interplay of these factors in patient care is highlighted.

Volume 9, Issue 3 (2-2020)

Evaluation and measuring performance causes smart system and motivatedindividuals to showthe right behavior, and this is a main part in designing and implementation of organizational policies. Evaluation performance describesproductivity activities and organizationplans. Identifying performance indicators to guide the organization toward long-term goals is vital in acomplexbusiness condition. In this study the limitations of performance metrics and strategies assessedby the Balanced Score card and Analytical Process Network and Game theory as means to increase the effectiveness. As the case of the study, Tehran Municipal Region 4 shows Quantification of factors affecting success of an organization using Paired comparison preferences and affiliations of these factors using Analytical Process Network.Adopting this model helps organizations regarding the issues discussed. In addition, with the approach of group games in game theory, any aspect of the Balanced Score Card considered as a player and value of each player's shapedcoalition was determined. Finally, with regard to the values obtained, the best strategy combination selected and suggested.

Volume 10, Issue 1 (4-2006)

This article deals with importance of the survey of research and scientific activities and the existing mechanisms in this regard and at the same time, provides a framework for innovation survey at national level. The first part of the article is a review and survey of the literature of technological changes. In this part, theoretical principles of technological changes are discussed. Also we will deal with measurement of research and development as the oldest indicator of research and scientific activities and, then, considering the flows and defect in the measurement of research and development, as well as, non-linear realities of modern economics, innovation survey is introduced as the latest mechanism for technological activities. In addition, current approaches for the survey of innovations at national level are introduced and, at the end of the first part, we will discuss different approaches to classify technology policies in this regard. In the second part of the article, an appropriate framework for innovation survey at national level is proposed through the use of field research. First of all, considering the potentials and capabilities of each of the current innovation surveys at national level, the appropriate approach is adopted. Then through the direct approach of technology policy classification, the status of innovative activities in Iran is determined. In the next section, we identify current innovation survey indicators at national level, which are deemed appropriate based on national requirements and the status of innovation activities in Iran. At the same time, we discuss the possibility of evaluatiny current indicators of innovation survey based on the situation of Iran. Finally, considering the results of the measurement research, we offer appropriate and possible indicators for innovation survey at national level.

Volume 10, Issue 3 (9-2021)

Seasonal variability of different parameters of the water column including chlorophyll-a, dissolved oxygen and turbidity in Noshahr region in Mazandaran province based on measurements using CTD device taken during different seasons of 1397 are investigated. According to the results, maximum chlorophyll-a during the spring in offshore area is below the mixed layer at the depth of 20 (m), during the summer with the lowest concentration among all the seasons is inside the mixed layer at the depth of 20 (m) in offshore area and during the fall and the winter the highest concentration of chlorophyll-a is observed near the coast. Maximum dissolved oxygen during the spring is located at the depth of about 20 (m), in the spring in the offshore is at the depth of 40 (m) and during the fall and winter is observed with maximum values near the surface and the lowest values near the bottom. Maximum turbidity is observed in all seasons near the shore at the depth of 5 m and the maximum values of the turbidity are found during the cold seasons. Zero values of the turbidity during the winter is observed inside the mixed layer, while during the fall and the summer is below the mixed layer and in the spring is found in the deep layer.

Volume 10, Issue 3 (7-2022)

Aims: Orthodontic pain is the most common reason why patients request for ceasing treatment. This study was intended to assess the psychometric properties of the Persian version of the SF-MPQ (P-SF-MPQ) after a translation and back-translation process.
Instrument & Methods: The items of the questionnaire were translated from English to Persian by an orthodontist and retranslated to English by another orthodontist. To determine the face validity and content validity, a questionnaire was prepared. The reliability of the research tool was evaluated by Cronbach’s alpha and intraclass correlation coefficient. In order to assess the construct validity, 200 patients were asked to fill out the P-SF-MPQ.
Findings: Two items of SF-MPQ were omitted from the final version according to their low CVR. The mean of the CVI, CVR, and Impact Coefficient was obtained as 0.798, 0.53, and 3.29, respectively. To evaluate internal consistency Cronbach’s alpha was calculated as 0.851. To evaluate the stability of the results The ICC for the whole questionnaire was 0.848, which was statistically significant (p<0.001). The KMO value was calculated as 0.90, which indicates the appropriate sample size for exploratory factor analysis (KMO>0.6). The value of Chi-square was calculated as 108.52 which indicates the desirability of the model (p<0.001). Factor analysis showed that items of the P-SF-MPQ can be organized into three factors: chronic pain, beating pain, and sharp pain.
Conclusion: The results showed that the Persian version of the revised McGill Pain Scale in orthodontic patients is valid and can be used to evaluate orthodontic pain in Iranian patients.

Volume 10, Issue 38 (1-2013)

In this research, different amounts of gum tragacanth (0.5%, 1%, 1.5% and 2% w/w) was added to wheat flour and its effects on bread quality parameters including moisture, specific volume, crumb firmness, color, water activity and bread staling during storage was evaluated. The results suggested that addition of gum tragacanth increased moisture but decreased crumb firmness, loaf volume and specific volume in all samples with reference to the control sample. Measurement of crust and crumb color showed that addition of gum tragacanth at all concentrations significantly decreased lightness of crust and crumb but increased red- and yellowness of both crust and crumb (p  
Mohammad Sedighi, Mehrdad Khandaei, Jalal Djoudaki,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (6-2011)

Residual stress measurement is one of the most interesting research areas in experimental mechanics. Residual stress is introduced to material due to plastic deformation of parts and can be one of the most effective parameters on design and operation of parts. ASTM E837-01 standard studies residual stress determination in parts by hole drilling method and represent calibration coefficients for flat sheets with constant stress profile. However, there is no certain standard on the residual stress measurement by Incremental Hole Drilling Method (IHDM) which is the subject of this study. IHDM can obtain stress profile by using two modified stress calibration coefficients. In this article, the stress calibration coefficients have been extracted for incremental hole drilling by using finite element analysis (FEA). FEA contains both biaxial tension test and pure shear test which a hole has been drilled step by step in the parts by removing elements and the strains changes were determined at three strain gauge positions on the surface. At last, the calibration coefficients are determined for each step and the accuracy of coefficients have been verified by a set of experimental test and a FE analysis. The experimental test contains four-point bending of an AA5056 flat aluminum sheet. The numerical analysis contains four-point bending of a flat sheet. In both cases, the stress profile can be determined easily by using analytical equations. Average analytical stress in each increment has been calculated and compared with the result of numerical incremental hole drilling method. The comparisons show that numerical and experimental results have no significant differences in first six steps but in the last four steps show an increasing errors due to the change in stress profile and hole geometry. Results presents that the calibration coefficients have suitable accuracy in stress profile determination.

Volume 11, Issue 3 (7-2009)

A project was established to develop a procedure for the selection, design, installation, test and evaluation of mass-flow rate measurement systems for root crop harvesting and to assess the consistency and precision of the weighing systems incorporated into crop feed arrangements in both laboratory and field studies. Studies were conducted to evaluate conveyor belt weighing systems using an experimental apparatus and a commercial potato harvester. Two weighing systems were evaluated: (a) cantilever transducers fitted to the conveyor belt mechanism and (b) a load cell system supporting the total weight of the conveyor and crop. The results of laboratory studies with sugar beet/potatoes showed that the standard cantilever transducers gave the smallest percentage of standard deviation from the mean experimental error ranging from 1.43 kg (connected to one idler roller) to 2.61 kg(connected to three idler rollers) with an appropriate value equal to 0.54 kg (connected to two idler rollers). The load cell supporting system also gave the smallest percentage of standard deviation from the mean experimental error ranging from 1.56 kg (continuous side feeding) to 2.25 kg (side feeding from right side) with an appropriate value equal to 0.84 kg (steady state side feeding). Experiments were conducted in the laboratory and field to assess the effects of belt inclination and extraneous vibration, transferred from the tractor to the harvester, on the measurements of crop mass. The results of field studies with potatoes using the cantilever transducers showed that the most precise system performance was obtained when using the 125 mm idler wheels with standard deviation of the mean experimental error of the sample yield equal to 0.99 kg. The results of barn studies with potatoes using the load cell supporting system showed that there was a good linear relationship between the measured and weighed mass of the potato samples with standard deviation of the mean experimental error equal to 0.34 kg.

Volume 11, Issue 20 (12-2007)

This article while describing the problem and methodology of research and also reviewing briefely its theoretical basis, explains the proposed MISSQM1 moldel based on Genetic Algorithm and its major characteristics. These characteristeristics are: 1) Assurace of choice possivitity and near to optimum prioritizing of the quality measurement indexes of information systems services, 2) Providing the cooperation possibility of experts and professors in the process of defining the indexes, 3) Helping menagers to take the best or near the best decision about investing in the development of the quality of information systems services, proved by the use of analytical hierarchy process and genetic algorithm. The scientific use of the present research in the development of theoreticel basis of information systems is discussed and some suggestions are given for future researches.

Volume 11, Issue 20 (12-2007)

As the business environment continues to shift into more knowledge-based services, companies who are recognizing the true importance of intellectual capital are going to be more successful. So, in contemporary organizations, one of the most important decisions made by mangers is intellectual capital management and measurement. Also intellectual capital measurement relies heavily on concise and parsimonious indicators. In this regard choosing the appropriate indicators among too many existing indicators is not so easy and needs some criteria. It also needs some tools such as GSS to facilitate the criteria definition and to weighting. managers after defining the criteria based on the context of the organization by can select the appropriate indicators based on these criteria. This paper reports on an empirical study which introduces a GSS framework for selecting intellectual capital measurement indicators implemented in an automobile manufacturer in Iran in three phases: 1. Investigating the criteria for the evaluation of intellectual capital measurement indicators based on fuzzy AHP approach. 2. 2.Ranking intellectual capital measurement indicators based on the criteria, and 3. Defining some rules to select the intellectual capital measurement indicators in an automobile manufacturer in Iran. indicators in an automobile manufacturer in Iran.

Volume 12, Issue 3 (7-2010)

Water is one of the most vital constituents in plants. In this research, for an estimation of leaf moisture content, the variation of capacitance was employed. The variations were measured via designed and manufactured capacitive sensors. The objective of the research was to estimate leaf moisture content by measuring its capacitance for five agronomic crops. Experiments for measuring leaf capacitance were performed on maize, sorghum, capsular bean, white bean and sunflower at two frequencies of: 100 kHz and 1 MHz. The results showed that in all cases the best fitted curve for variations of the capacitance in relation to leaf moisture percentage was in the form of an exponential function namely: y= aebx (where y is capacitance, x is leaf moisture content, a is the linear coefficient, and b is the exponential coefficient). Parameters a and b for different plants of each crop and each frequency were not significantly different at 1% probability level. However, these coefficients were significantly different among different crops. Coefficients of determination were higher at 100 kHz than at 1 MHz. It was also observed that the higher the leaf moisture the more the data points scattered around the best-fit line, although the scattering was more uniform at 1 MHz.

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